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"No need, this team is made up of decoys of some sort - The real objective is the Torture and Interrogation Division's HQ. See how they're not moving? They've been paralyzed before you even shot them, or they might be puppets; Suna has those. As it is, keep watch on them while I go."

Before Hikari could respond, the veteran Jonin left, leaping through the rooftops in the direction of Torture and Interrogation HQ.

...They weren't puppets. Hikari was sure of that, her Byakugan would have perceived that. It was possible they'd been paralyzed even before she shot them, however, but...for what purpose had their enemy purposely sabotaged themselves? It did not make sense. Either they had been subjugated by an irresponsible Konoha shinobi who had just left them unattended, or there was a third party at play here.

Satoshi's deduction about them being decoys made sense though, and she wished she could take a look at the T&I HQ. Unfortunately, that building was outside the scope of her Byakugan radius unless she switched to telescopic vision, but that would mean she could not keep an eye on the five shinobis she had incapacitated. She supposed she should just leave it to Satoshi...

It was then Hikari noticed two of her academy students, Shinya and Lin, were heading towards where the five shinobis were. She had noticed them in the range of her Byakugan vision, but she hadn't thought they were heading there.

She sighed as she put away her bow and arrows before using Body Flicker to where they were.

Hikari landed in front of Shinya and Lin, between the two of them and the five Suna shinobis.

"Shinya, Lin, I am unsure whether you are here due to coincidence or you noticed something was amiss. If it's the latter, then well done. However, please vacate the premises and return home. Do not speak of this to anybody else. I trust I do not have to reiterate the importance of secrecy?"


Sinya watched as Lin suddenly tumbled into the ground. Despite his antics, Shinya was well aware that Lin was among the more skilful ones in their class, therefore, his sudden tumble into the ground must mean that there was something unexpected ahead. As such, rather than hurrying to help Lin—fall from this height was pretty harmless—Shinya opted to stop and took stock of his surroundings.

Not that far from them were five suspicious shinobis. From what Shinya could made out, all five had been incapacitated by arrows. Still...there was this nagging sense that something more was going on, the insects inside him were growing restless. Still...they were incapacitated, so perhaps it was safe to approach?

“Are you seeing this? What’s up with these, losers?” Lin suddenly shouted as he approached the five incapacitated shinobis.

Shinya lightly shook his head out of exasperation.

'Good grief, approaching without giving a second thought...' he thought.

Well, since Lin had already approached, he supposed he might as well follow. He jumped through the branches before landing beside Lin.

He took a closer look at the five shinobis. It was then, he realized that it was not the arrow that had them paralyzed. To be sure, they would not be walking any time soon—if ever—with these arrows, but they had been already paralyzed before the arrows hit them. In fact, the cause of the paralysis was clear to Shinya now. This was why his insects stirred. There were familiar traces of chakra around. These shinobis were incapacitated by one of his clan's techniques, or rather, a similar technique utilizing insects. was weird. If it was incapacitated by someone of his clan, why leave them alone? They were still alive, protocol after live capture of hostile forces were to have them under observation until they could be put in confinement.

A burst of chakra surprised Shinya, and he immediately prepared for ambush. Before long, however, he realized it was one of his academy teachers, Hikari. Shinya immediately felt relief. This was a complicated situation and now someone with more authority was here, he could defer to her.

"Shinya, Lin, I am unsure whether you are here due to coincidence or you noticed something was amiss. If it's the latter, then well done. However, please vacate the premises and return home. Do not speak of this to anybody else. I trust I do not have to reiterate the importance of secrecy?" Hikari said.

Shinya nodded, "Of course, Sensei. We will do as you ask. Before that, however, I feel the need to inform you that these people had been paralyzed through one of my clan's jutsu or something of similar nature."

Mure Numachi

I like it. Suwanpugōto feels very Lovecraftian horror. From the backstory I guess he's part of the class Hikari would be in if she didn't graduate early, so they probably have talked at one point or another.

Also, is he supposed to be a jonin teacher? I guess this opens up a spot for @Vertigo (?)

I'm just of the school of thought that though Kakashi is a good person, he's a really not a very good teacher unless he's forced to be. He's an unideal instructor to use as an example for the masses, evidenced in no small part by the fact that all three of his students ended up having to abandon him as a teacher to actually get anywhere notable.

Funnily enough, out of Asuma, Kurenai, and Kakashi...Kakashi is probably the best teacher out of them? He got sasuke to be on Lee's level of speed in a month, while teaching him chidori on top of it. Sakura was also implied to have been trained on genjutsu by Kakashi to the point she dispelled a genjutsu that had many veteran ninja falling asleep to during the Suna invasion. And Naruto...well Jiraiya got Naruto to do a bigger rasengan in 3 years, Kakashi had a few days (weeks?) and had Naruto making rasenshuriken, something Minato couldn't do.

Meanwhile, I haven't seen any of Kurenai's team displaying anything that seems like was learned from her. I get they're not genjutsu users but come on, would be cool if they'd have a scene of them dispelling genjutsu and going, ''s nothing compared to Kurenai's'. While Asuma, uh...why none of team 10 had a knife with chakra conducting metal like Asuma is kinda weird. Considering after he died, Shikamaru used the knife and do stuff like pinning people by stabbing their shadow with the knife while having his chakra on it.

I rather like some of the fanon interpretation that the Jonin teacher is less a technical teacher but more mentor for shinobi life. So more taking them on mission, imparting the 'will of fire' and all that, with some extra training on the side. But yeah, the bell test is definitely more ideological. IIRC it's supposed to be passed down from Tobirama to Hiruzen to Jiraiya to Minato to Kakashi.
Wouldn’t mind some two cents from y’all I’m that case. The one thing I’m settled on is making a Caitif but here’s my different ideas;

First one is a 80s cover band rocker type guy, really leaning into the stereotype and having a bit of a more casual attitude to keeping up the masquerade, shrugging off any big accusations of his undead hood to his rockstar image. He’d be a bit famous to locals but not a real big shot.

Second idea is a more techie type, not sure about daytime occupation but in his mortal life he would spend hours on the computer writing on cryptic forums and investigating sightings. Now that he’s in the other side of the investigation he doesn’t know what to do with himself.

A third one that I haven’t put as much thought into but could be fun; a used car salesman. He’s got the gift of gab and the know how to back it up. Like I said, less developed but might be fun to flesh out

Well, we don't have a tecchie yet. But to my understanding we're supposed to be ~100 years old kindred, so I'm not sure how the mortal backstory would work in 1920s. But hey, looks interesting. The 80 rocker guy also fits the group well, because like, as of now the only that really belongs in a club is Elizabeth. Ian and Enzo are either too old or too young
@RandomguyWhen you write Shinya's reply, you should mention that he senses bug jutsu chakra from the paralyzed ninja.

You mean that the paralysis is caused by bug jutsu? Are the bugs still there and just paralyzing them or are they sucking enough to the point the ninjas can die?

Shinya watched as Lin continued to rant, not giving Shinya a chance to properly finish his sentence. Finally, however, something Shinya said finally stopped Lin, before he laughed, “You - incapacitate… me? Bug Boy!” He then gave Shinya a pat on the back.

Shinya did not understand what was so comedic about his statement. It was not meant as a joke. Shinya WAS ready to have his insects devour Lin's chakra. Perhaps the other boy did not think he could do it? How foolish, not taking a threat seriously because of overconfidence is illogical.

“Hey, you’re pretty funny. You know what, follow me! I buried something cool in the woods!”

Lin then took off to the rooftop, motioning for Shinya to join him.

...For what purpose? Shinya almost asked. After all, they were academy students not on their off day. Their assigned role was to learn how to be a shinobi and after school, they should rest or do further self-study to prepare for the next training. Seeing something 'Cool' would be beyond the purview of their tasks. In short, like many things, Lin did, it was not logical, however...Shinya was aware that as humans, emotions were part of the natural order of things. Yes, perhaps attempting to be completely logical as a human, was, in fact, illogical.

Besides, maybe...just maybe doing things like these was what Shinya had been missing out on. Granted, he had no idea what people typically considered to be 'cool' let alone someone like Lin. For Shinya, rare or exotic insects would be cool, but he doubted that was what Lin meant.

Well...regardless...Shinya jumped and joined Lin on the roof.

He nodded, "Very well, show me this 'cool thing'. But since I'm taking time out of my day to follow along, this has better be the 'greatest cool'."


Hikari saw her shot penetrating the knee of one of the Suna shinobis. Without missing a beat, she shot some more arrows at the rest of the intruders, repeating the feat.

As she saw the Suna shinobis simply standing stoically with arrows sticking out of their knees, however, she frowned.

'No cry of one is giving out any orders...not even any attempts to look for an enemy? What are they playing at?' Hikari thought.

It was then she noticed a certain someone heading towards her direction. Satoshi Shimura, a well-regarded Jonin who was a veteran of the 3rd Shinobi World War, famous for his space-time ninjutsu. Hikari was currently invisible through her Hiding with the Camouflage Jutsu, but she was not surprised that the seasoned shinobi detected her.

"They're not after the students or the civilian population of Konoha; they want our prisoner," Satoshi said as he landed beside her.

Hikari dropped her invisibility and gave Satoshi a nod of acknowledgement.

Prisoner...Hikari was not supposed to know about that as a mere Tokubetsu Jonin not in Intelligence or Torture and Interrogation. But...she had a feeling that the man would only be annoyed were Hikari to play coy, so instead she opted for a more neutral, "I'm not technically supposed to know about the prisoner, Satoshi-san."

She continued, "In any case...I've incapacitated the intruders. Though their lack of reaction to my arrows worries me that they are still planning something. If you would, please head over there and apprehend them," Hikari pointed to where the intruders were located.

"I will keep an eye out from here in case they have backups. Would that be agreeable?" she added, deferring to the more experienced Jonin.

I haven't really thought about it! I'm just making things up as I go along, haha. In my mind, the roles are still there but the people are different. You can contribute your ideas if you want, the lore can be a group effort.

Gotcha. All right, one more question. Just for the sake of uniformity, are we using the localized terminology (technique instead of jutsu, master instead of sensei, Mr. instead of -san and so on or...?

Yessss!! - I love this idea! Pelt the children with arrows. I thought the bell test was the practical test.

They should be glad it's pelted arrows, unlike the suna infiltrators, they don't have to say, 'I used to be a shinobi like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.

Anyway, I think in canon, they passed the academy tests and then were given the secret tests to be on a genin team with the teachers. Fanon often send those that fail to the 'genin corps' while afaik in canon failed ones were supposed to be sent back to the academy (at least that's what Kakashi said).

Question of the Day: Can you describe an AU member of the Akastuki? (Keep it short, haha.)

Well that depend on what Akatsuki do in this AU. But I like the idea of an Akatsuki member who just want to live his life, but can't because unique bloodline/talent/what not so his original village were working him hard/get married for eugenic. So the guy just up and left and join the Akatsuki so people would leave him alone (cause generally people don't take organization full of S-rank ninja) he does some work for the Akatsuki, because hey, you need money for your hobbies, but is probably pretty conflicted once the Akatsuki start doing stuff that would paint a bigger target on their back.

BTW. Speaking of, what exactly are the AU of this setting. Can you give a general rundown? Are the Hokage still the canon Hokages? Who founded Konoha, who's the current Hokage, how'd the wars happened and so on. Because I was about to refer some stuff before going, 'Oh shit, I don't know if this is canon to this setting or not' haha

I can decide what the practical exam is or do you guys wanna think it up together?

I'm guessing you mean the bell test equivalent, not the academy test? Because I had the impression that academy tests are just exams, some sparring/shuriken/what have you for practical, and then the ninjutsu portion. For the bell test equivalent, Hikari would probably bring them to a training ground, and tell them to 'survive' for 30 minutes as she pelted them with blunted arrows. They start with 100 points each and each time they got pelted by the arrows, they lost 10 points. They will pass if they have at least 70 points. the trick is, she never said it cannot be cumulative points, but they need to point that out themselves. So as long as their remaining points put together is 70, they'll pass.

Oh and @Letter Bee how old is Satoshi? I'm trying to figure out how polite Hikari would be when playing up her Hyuga Princess persona when talking to him.

Posted @anothered since you're leaving to me, I'm having Hikari intercept.

Question of the Day:

What would be your character's cheating method for the Chunin Written Exam?

Shinya and Hikari would just do what the Hyuga and Aburame do in canon. Shinya would use his bugs. While Hikari would just use Byakugan. Kinda boring but let's be real, that's just the most optimal way for them to cheat. Though Hikari would probably pretend to think by placing her hands on the side of her face and massaging her temples to hide the veins that would indicate she's using the Byakugan

Shinya watched as Lin brandished a kunai around. This was...problematic. Minor altercations as before were one thing, but this was a potential unwarranted attack on fellow members of the leaf. Leaving this alone would not do, it would be a waste of resources at worst and possible incapacitation of potential fighters at best. Shinya concentrated and willed his chakra to give the signal to the parasitic insects nesting within him. Killing would not be warranted just yet. Incapacitation was the intention. A hundred or so of the insects should suffice to incapacitate by draining Lin's chakra. He raised his arms, the parasitic insects already buzzing inside the sleeves of his coat, and—

“You guys are too easy," Shinya saw Lin remark as he put away the kunai, the threatening look on his face disappearing.

...Shinya willed the parasitic insects back to his own body. He could feel the insects were agitated, they had been called upon from their slumber in this cool air to feed, only for Shinya to rescind the order. Shinya sighed, as he poured extra chakra into the nest as compensation to mollify the insects. It was a jest in poor taste on Lin's part, but a jest did not warrant incapacitation. He then walked away from the scene, wondering if it would be in the purview of his role as a fellow student to report Lin for behaviour that would disturb harmony and unity, and thus not conducive to the wellbeing of the whole group.

Shinya was ready to go home. Curl up under the sheet and get a good sleep. Unfortunately, Lin seemed to have a different idea, as the boy ran up to Shinya.

“Hah! What’s my problem he said. Did you see that?” Shinya's unwanted companion of his walk home said. Lin then continued, “You going home or what?”

Shinya turned to Lin and answered, "Yes, I am walking back to the Aburame Compound. I assume your destination is in the same general direction? In regards to your question...I did see that, yes. However, I have to say that I could not perceive any merit from said actions. Why? Because doing so accomplishes nothing but risking enmity against you at best and retaliation at worst. If I am to be honest, were you to 'drop the joke' a few seconds later, I would have incapacitated you."


'Yes. Most definitely a problematic issue down the line, and a red flag for his psych evaluation,' Hikari thought as she saw Lin take out a kunai.

Everyone except Mu appeared to be ready to retaliate as well. Kasumi and Shinya in particular were already flaring their chakra to defend themselves. Good reactions in the face of a real perceived threat. Rean, meanwhile was more passive but had his hands on a kunai, and threw bravado instead of preparing to strike. Somewhat naive, but still understandable. The problem was Mu. He perceived the threat to be real enough, but instead of responding his too shaken instead. Like, Lin, this could also prove problematic down the line though on the other side of the spectrum.

In any case, all the students down there seemed to take Lin's threat seriously. To Hikari's eyes, however, it was clear that Lin had no real intention to strike. Despite his status as a troublemaker, below that rambunctiousness, lay a calculating intelligence. Lin Way was a student who displayed a good aptitude for deception. This very act of convincing the rest of the students was a testament to that. Hikari, however, was not an Academy Student. The Hyuga clan members, in particular, were well-trained to read minute body language to take advantage of their long-range vision that could see through walls as scouts. As such, Hikari was sure that this was but a poor jest on Lin's part. Perhaps once he refined his ability in a few years he would stand a chance to fool Hikari, but as of now? His intention was clear to Hikari's eyes. A deduction that was proven correct seconds later once Lin dropped the threat.

Still, that manner of jest was problematic and something that Hikari should report. At the very least, his Jonin Instructor should be informed. Therefore—

Hikari's train of thought was interrupted as she noticed an anomaly at the edge of her vision. On the outskirts of Konoha, suspicious groups of people were in hiding. With the way they were dressed and how they moved, they were clearly not a civilian. Peering through their clothes, Hikari could see they were carrying equipment typical to be carried by Suna shinobis...How had they got past the sensory and barrier corps? It was fortunate that the academy was located close enough to the edge of the village that Hikari managed to get a glimpse of them—and that she possessed excellent use of the Byakugan that the only one that surpassed her Byakugan range was her father. They were just at the edge of her 360-degree radius vision, at around 794 metres from where she was. Were Hikari a little bit further away from them, she would not have noticed.

"There are intruders at the outskirts of the village, 794 metres away from here, to the northeast. Please inform the Hokage Tower. I am moving to intercept," Hikari said to her colleagues as she stood up. Without waiting for a response, she approached the windows, opened them and disappeared, using the Body Flicker Technique to race through the rooftops. Hikari stopped once she reached a tall enough building that could serve as a vantage point where the intruders were in the range of her bow. She would have used her Divine Wind Arrow technique, but doing so would reveal immediately that it was her they were facing. Besides, at this stage, Konoha would not want escalation and her accidentally killing them. Therefore, the less lethal and conspicuous pick was bows and arrows. Hikari unfurled the scroll containing her bow and arrows as she brought the weapons out. Just in case they had sensors, Hikari suppressed her chakra and weaved the signs for the Hiding with the Camouflage Technique, as she started to turn invisible.

Hikari pulled on the bowstrings, imbuing the arrow with her wind chakra. Non-lethal shot. Incapacitate. Those were the two prerequisites for this shot she was about to make and so...From 500 metres away, the intruders would suddenly find themselves being shot at with high-speed arrows, all aimed at their knees.

I find it rather funny that Shinya managed to interpret Kasumi's words as attempting to cheer Mu up, when she really wasn't even pretending that was the case. Just trying to help him disengage by accepting his offer. Then again, Shinya's lacking social skills are as good a reason as any for him to make this misinterpretation. lol

Shinya: Are you not of these 'tsunderes'?
Kasumi: No, I just actually don't give a shit
Shinya: Oh.

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