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Carnatia de Valmont

Carnatia strode into the Glory Hall, briefly observing the guests that had been gathered there. With the exception of the familiar knight with black hair who had been a fellow hired adventurer in the 'Land of Twilight Expedition,' she was famous for, Carnatia had not met the rest of the occupants in the room.

Giving a nod to Sten, Carnatia took her seat as she continued to take stock of her companions for the search and rescue mission on behalf of the Synodus.

Some, such as Osric Griswall the famed gun for hire and Mirielle, a veteran inquisitor she knew by reputation. But the rest were more of an unknown, albeit with their own peculiarities. Such as the man with streaks of platinum blonde, or the girl who looked to be too young to be here—then again, she was about that young when she started adventuring after being exiled, so she did not have room to speak—and perhaps the most bizarre of them all, a girl wearing what appeared to be an oversized mushroom head.

Before long, the Archbishop arrived with the final member of their group in tow, who appeared like Mirielle, was also a member of the Church. As the two took their seats, the Archbishop gave a small speech before uttering a prayer.

"...Amen," Carnatia uttered as per the proper responsorial to the prayer. She wasn't particularly pious, at least not more than the average Westernant citizens. But in this hall, she was a guest of the Church, and especially as a noble representing Westernant, therefore proper etiquette needed to be observed.

The party then commenced, with the Archbishop making some more small talks. A peculiar thing that Carnatia noted was how the wine served came from one of the members of the group, introduced as Amanita Mycellia. She had been curious of the wine. It felt somewhat similar to a particular type of wine manufactured in some parts of Westernant called the Sauternes. Sauternes was a type of dessert wine, or sweet wine, with gold colour. What was unique of Sauternes was that it was made not from mere grapes, but grapes that had undergone what was referred to as 'noble rot', which was an euphemism to say that the grapes had been infected by a particular fungi. The fungi shrivelled the grape and gave its own characteristic, which end up concentrating the sugars, acidity, and flavours, resulting in rich, syrupy juice, full of honeyed and floral aromas.

The wine served here was like that, but not quite. The quality was not bad. The ageing aside, Carnatia could tell the grape wine used were not the premium horticulture specimen such as Sémillon, Sauvignon Blanc, or Furmint that was ideal for noble rot and instead were using cheaper, more common, variety. But it was somehow still passable for her palate, which was saying something. If she were to infer, then it must be the fungi that were special rather than the grape.

An interesting approach from Amanita, to be sure. It was quite novel, to her knowledge, as the conventional wisdom was to disregard the fungi quality and be more peculiar with the grapes. Amanita did the opposite.

A novel wine manufacturer certainly wasn't someone she expected to join her in this mission, but then again, neither were the rest of the group.

When Carnatia received the mandate from Casterdiar to join the expedition to find Paladin Thomas and his entourage as Pontificials, she certainly did not imagine these would be the fellows who would join her on the mission, the two members of the Church aside. While Pontificials were technically mercenaries, the word had...specific implications for the type of people who were hired as Pontificials. Typically they were the virtuous type. Not that Carnatia claimed to be a paragon of virtues, but she, at least could reasonably claim that she looked the part. It was not even that Carnatia condemned the manner of clothing by which these people chose to comport themselves, but pragmatically speaking—especially in a war-torn land like Tretagor—it would be easier to interact with the locale if they could lean into the reputation of Pontificial. Instead, with this group, Carnatia feared that the locale would treat them with suspicion wariness instead.

Which would not be ideal to their objective. Since the first step to bringing back home Paladin Thomas Sanders and his group was finding out what exactly happened, she imagined information gathering from the locale would be paramount.

She hoped that either of the Church members would be able to coax said information. Carnatia was no stranger to diplomacy, but in the end, she was a known figure from Westernant, and considering the history between Tretagor and Westernant, Carnatia doubted that the people of Sielse would be open to sharing information and whatnot with her. If anything they would probably be more suspicious of her,

...Not that it was unwarranted in this case. After all, she was representing Westernant as sort of a...propaganda piece, or rather, a justification piece would be more apt. Without being involved in resolving the incident, it would be hard for Westernant to portray themselves as the 'good guys' when they used this incident with the Paladin and his group to declare that Tretagor can no longer be trusted to keep order in Sielse and thus Westernant would be sending in a 'peacekeeping troops' to restore order in a 'humanitarian mission'. Annexation of the province, was, of course, the goal.

None of this was in the official mandate Carnatia was given, of course, for plausible deniability, but the writing was clear on the wall to Carnatia. Though to be honest, Carnatia was of the opinion that none of that concerned her. She was a noble of Westernant, and thus when a noble was given a mandate from the King, it was their duty to fulfil the mandate. The mandate was to help with the search and rescue mission of the missing Order of the Golden Sun's personnel. And that was what she would do. Political ramifications that came about after was...frankly, the domain of Tretagor's and Westernant's officials, not hers.

Prompted by Carmen introducing himself, Carnatia followed suit, pinching the tip of her skirt for a curtsy, "A pleasure to make your acquaintance Sir Carmen, while addressing the rest of the group, she continued, "I am Baroness Carnatia de Valmont, here to represent Westernant in the Kingdom's support for the Church and the Order of the Golden Sun. I look forward to work with all of you."


While looking around, Claudia found some diaries of the monks living there. The monks were living a peaceful life when a wizard of some kind came to the temple, looking for the artifact hidden inside. The wizard killed all inhabitants and used the temple as a base of operations. However, because the temple was quite old, Claudia wouldn’t be sure if the wizard was still there.

Obviously, from the perspective of Robert, the player, the wizard would be relevant. If not in this dungeon in other dungeons or future expansions that in lore would be related to this dungeon. There is no way that the developer would just put it as part of the lore of a dungeon the player can explore if it wasn't relevant. Of course, that was knowledge Cladia would have no access to. From her perspective Endoroth is real life instead of a game designed by a developer, therefore it was perfectly reasonable that a wizard would have massacred a temple before both being forgotten to obscurity.

And so, rather than speaking out of the possibility that the boss was a caster or the wizard might came into play at some point, Claudia opted not to say anything and continued exploring the dungeon without tapping into meta-knowledge.

Eventually, the party found what appeared to be the boss' room where a being of eldritch appearance lay in wait, a rank, putrid smell emanating from it.

'Ugh...I get this is a type of flex for their virtual reality technology, but do they have to replicate such a pungent smell so meticulously?'

For a moment, the smell elicited a thought from Robert, the player, as he momentarily broke character.

He sighed.

'Wait, no. That's now what Claudia would be thinking when confronted by this thing...all right, back to character...'

"Judging from this repugnant smell, as well as the undead that roamed this place, I think it is safe to assume this creature is an undead of some kind. In that case..." Claudia said, before pointing his sword at the undead.

A pillar of light fell into the undead, marking it with divine scorn. The signature ability of the paladin class, Divine Smite, that gave additional radiant damage—typically effective against undead—from the party against the designated enemy.

Anyway, which option do you choose? GMPC or no GMPC?

Either is fine with me, though I guess if I have to choose, GMPC

Carnatia, as discussed on Discord

*Texts in orange is the added part to reflect the previous 'Into the Land of Twilight' campaign and this new campaign

Cadmus nodded in satisfaction after they were dismissed. All the answers he had gathered thus far seemed reasonable. At the very least Cadmus could rest easy that this did not seem to be a desperate vainglorious half-cocked operation not unlike what was attempted by the Orlesian Warden during the Corypheus debacle. But at the same time, they also did not see it necessary to be overly conservative in their attempts such as avoiding politics. Actually, this was, exactly the sort of middle ground Cadmus had been arguing for. Taking the fight directly to the darkspawn eschewing the outdated part of the Warden's doctrines, but doing so with caution. All in all, Cadmus would say that this was an operation he could get behind on and support.

As ordered, Cadmus went ahead and started packing for the trip. He brought his usual kit. His mage staff and dagger, crossbow and bolts, a couple of spare clothes, and of course, his Ritewine. He also packed in the standard first injury kits as well as some health salve and mana potions, for good measure. They weren't ordered to prepare for any specific things, and so Cadmus decided it was best to treat this as a routine mission. And so, having been Warden for a while, he finished packing for the usual deep road trips early, with enough time of writing and submitting his input for the demonstration of the new magical research on weakening the Blight’s grip on plant life he saw earlier on the day.

As night came, Cadmus arrived at the designated meeting place, before loading his belongings into the cart. The Tevinter warden then hopped onto the cart and start making himself comfortable. Turning to the rest of his compatriots, he spoke, "Weather looks good for the trip, what with the clear moon in the sky. Doesn't look like it will rain, at least. In any case, as we are to work together, I do believe it is prudent to do as the High Constable suggested and get to know each other a little, no? Pragmatically, it also make sense for us to learn a bit about our skillset so we can effectively work together. Since I'm the one who brought it up, I will start. I'm Cadmus Laenas, originally from Tevinter. I was recruited to the wardens about four years ago by a family friend, before that I was a member of the Tevinter Magisterium, so in the off-chance we need some diplomacy on this mission, I will be happy to contribute what I can. As for battle...well, I am a mage. I have access to healing spells, but my specialty is...well, blood magic."

Knowing the typical reactions from Southerners, Cadmus then hurriedly added, "However, I am properly trained and I can assure you that you are in no danger of coming face-to-face with an abomination. As you know, the wardens do not forbid blood magic, and we do that for a reason, warden mages who practice blood magic know how to do it safely and passed down the knowledge to newer recruits, and even before that I am properly trained in the Tevinter Circle of Magi, so rest assured that the only magic I cast will be at our enemies."

As the fight ended, Claudia turned to the ranger, remarking, "I let it be earlier since we were in the middle of a fight, but I do not think your remarks regarding Goibnu was fair. We all had to start somewhere, you too were at one point, a—to borrow your vernacular—noob. It was not as if he did anything particularly egregious, rebuking him in such a manner was uncalled for."

Robert, the player, honestly did not particularly care to speak up. He did think the ranger perhaps was too harsh in calling out Goibniu, but dealing with toxic comments, were, regrettably was just how things were in online games since age immemorial. It did not make it right, but that was simply how things were. The way he saw it, if one wanted to play online game, the fact was they had to deal with some toxic comments.

Claudia, the character, however, was someone who would absolutely speak in defence of Goibnu. Not only because of her moral code but doing small noble deeds where she could, was her way of 'coping' with the fact she now had to serve an evil god.

Claudia continued, turning to Goibnu "That being was true that your response was delayed. I understand you wish to study the traps and such, but a rule of thumb when exploring a dungeon was to ensure the are was secure before we start looking around. Sod do keep that in mind"

"I'll just be a moment behind you. Do you ever wonder why they set traps in certain places like here?"
"Or what was the cause of the... undeath? Or perhaps that the trap was the cause of the undeath but leads to whom or how it was set up."

A lore question, was it? Robert was well-read on the lore, though admittedly he hadn't had the chance to read up on some of the newer dungeons due to his schedule, which included this particular dungeon. But it was just as well. After all, Claudia would not know the history of this dungeon either because out-of-game knowledge did not exist in game. Still, there were a couple of inferences that she could reasonably draw.

Answering the question, he replied, "Well, I can't answer for this particular place, but from my experience in other dungeons..."

And by that, he meant by being one of those guys who read the notes/lore scraps scattered in dungeons.

"...Sometimes the traps were from before the place was taken over by undead, left behind perhaps not to keep intruders out but the undead in. More often, however, the traps were laid down by the undead. They are, after all, miserable existence whose souls wander the world restlessly due to the influence of dark magic, either from beings such as liches or simply because of the accumulated 'dark energy' that permeated a place because of great tragedies. Undead, a being ruled by grief and grudges, therefore, tended to lay down traps and such so people entering the area in search of riches would die and thus join them in their miserable state. There is also the possibility that these undead were created by higher-ranking undead, those who usually became undead voluntarily, like the aforementioned lich or other practitioner of dark magic such as necromancers. In that scenario, the traps were probably laid down to protect the creator of the undead who lies in wait deep in the sanctum of the area."

"In my experience, with keen eyes one could usually discern the story behind places such as this, and speaking of...I believe I would take this chance to look around" she finished.

Claudia then started looking around the area for loot and, as she had alluded to, scraps of lore about the dungeon that the developer usually places here and there throughout a dungeon.

Claudia watched as the skeleton got out of their bed, picked up the spears lying nearby, as they started aiming them at the party. As one who found necromancer abhorrent, one might think that as a character, Claudia was someone who would also abhor undead. But it was not so, not most undead at least. Lich, or other types of undead who came to be due to one's own volition, yes, but most of the undead who—according to the lore of Endoroth—were but lost souls who were condemned to wander after their death due to circumstances outside their control such as dark magic were victims that did not deserve scorn but pity and mercy.

Of course, said pity and mercy were best shown by killing them, so they might finally find rest.

And so, Claudia's face softened for a moment as an acknowledgement of the plight of the undead, before a more resolute expression took its place.

He then cast Spirit Guardians as an opening move, as translucent angelic spirits start to flit about around Claudia in a 15-foot radius. Those in the party would see that they received a buff to their defence, whereas the skeletons that entered its radius would start taking radiant damage.

"I would just like to add, should you find any traps mechanical in nature. Would you allow me to inspect them first? I expect the ranger among us to detect some, if not most before they're activated. In a sense it should be mentioned that I have an interest in studying devices, or matters of the natural philosophies. Eer.., I believe the modern way of saying it would be I like to 'research' the 'sciences' whenever possible."

"Certainly. Far be it for me to deprive you of the chance to further your studies and perfect your art."

Claudia frowned as she saw the Death Knight raising up the dead as his allies. As Robert, he would absolutely have 0 problem with it, for one, it was a game, second, he actually liked playing summoners from time to time, and he definitely had a great time playing a necromancer in another game.

But he was not Robert Holden at this moment. He was Claudia, the fallen paladin, who had to harden her heart to do evil deeds in exchange for saving her fief and its people. But even while doing the bidding of an old god, her distaste of evil, in this particular moment, necromancy, that disturbed the spirit of the dead, remained. And so, without prompting, acting the role of Claudia, Robert's face scrunched up, the distaste clear in his face.

Then a moment later, he schooled his expression, turning it to a neutral one.

For the character Claudia Solaria von Gatriel knew that distaste at such a notion for the current her was nothing but hypocrisy. After all, she had perpetrated far greater evil for the old go, saying nothing of the evil those in her guild perpetrated, some of which was only possible with her assistance.

Robert then turned his attention to the Automaton summoned by Goibnu. In a reverse of the previous summon, Robert did not really care for automatons and artificers in a fantasy setting, to him, it ruined the 'ambience'. But Claudia was different she appreciated artificers and what they brought, their inventions allowing even those who lacked magic to have a semblance of what magic users might do, a way to better their lives. In particular, the automaton was something she saw great promise in. If in the future automaton army would became the norm, that would lesser lives would be lost, for the human soldiers would be replaced by constructs such as automatons.

And so, Claudia let out a small smile, before giving a nod of appreciation.

As the discussion turned to a matter of splitting up the party, Claudia spoke in agreement to Elian, "Indeed. There is an old adage that I think would apply here, never split the party. I also agree that we should take our time and make sure we've explored this floor in full. There might be worthwhile treasures or such."

As Cadmus listened to Revanelas explaining the true scope of their operation in the Deep Roads, he could feel a good deal of his concern alleviated. It appeared that the wardens were planning something with posterity in mind. And a good part of it lined up with what Cadmus had thought should be the next step. Solidify an alliance with the dwarves, find the dwelling of the old gods before cautiously looking for a way to safely take care of them, and attempt to do something about the taint in their blood. All of which were things that Revanelas had outlined.

There was, of course, the matter of the Order now declaring the Sidereal Magister officially as a threat. There had been a lot of rumours and speculation regarding the sidereal magisters among the wardens, but it had been a secret that the brass were content to keep among themselves. Now that Revanelas had officially declared them to be a threat on the level of archdemons, it would appear that a huge chunk of the rumours, especially the terrifying ones were true. Not that Cadmus was surprised, considering the threat that Corypheus posed.

Still, there were some things he was curious about, and thus, when he was given the chance to ask questions, Cadmus spoke up, "I am curious about a number of things. Chief among them, may I ask what exactly is the reason to keep this a secret from the rest of the wardens? I would think giving a holistic outline of what the wardens are seeking to achieve is paramount for the success of our operations. I understand some of it is to be kept from the rest to not incite panic, but...say, for instance, on the matter of forging a closer alliance with the dwarf, is there a particular reason this is to be kept secret from the rest of the wardens? After all, it wouldn't do for some foolhardy warden to cause some sort of diplomatic incident in the worst-case scenario. Second, if it is to be kept secret what exactly are we allowed to say, if any, to the rest of the wardens? Third, I would like to know what our stance is regarding reports of intelligent Darkspawn that were rumoured to have appeared post-Fifth Blight. Supposedly, it was the work of one of the Sidereal Magister, if we encounter any during our expedition to the Deeproads, is elimination our standing order?"

While Cadmus would have to see for himself first, intelligent Darkspawn would imply a chance of negotiation. It was not as if Cadmus was eager to negotiate with a Darkspawn, but if they could come to some sort of an accord, that might be the most efficacious way to 'end the conflict' with Darkspawns. After all, even if they wanted to, Cadmus doubted they had the capability to completely eradicate all Darkspawns at this point, given their numbers. Besides, some sort of ordered Darkspawn society might be preferable to unadulterated chaos, as it would be easier to keep watch for. The entire adage of keeping your friends closer and enemies closer would apply here.

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