Carnatia de Valmont
Carnatia strode into the Glory Hall, briefly observing the guests that had been gathered there. With the exception of the familiar knight with black hair who had been a fellow hired adventurer in the 'Land of Twilight Expedition,' she was famous for, Carnatia had not met the rest of the occupants in the room.
Giving a nod to Sten, Carnatia took her seat as she continued to take stock of her companions for the search and rescue mission on behalf of the Synodus.
Some, such as Osric Griswall the famed gun for hire and Mirielle, a veteran inquisitor she knew by reputation. But the rest were more of an unknown, albeit with their own peculiarities. Such as the man with streaks of platinum blonde, or the girl who looked to be too young to be here—then again, she was about that young when she started adventuring after being exiled, so she did not have room to speak—and perhaps the most bizarre of them all, a girl wearing what appeared to be an oversized mushroom head.
Before long, the Archbishop arrived with the final member of their group in tow, who appeared like Mirielle, was also a member of the Church. As the two took their seats, the Archbishop gave a small speech before uttering a prayer.
"...Amen," Carnatia uttered as per the proper responsorial to the prayer. She wasn't particularly pious, at least not more than the average Westernant citizens. But in this hall, she was a guest of the Church, and especially as a noble representing Westernant, therefore proper etiquette needed to be observed.
The party then commenced, with the Archbishop making some more small talks. A peculiar thing that Carnatia noted was how the wine served came from one of the members of the group, introduced as Amanita Mycellia. She had been curious of the wine. It felt somewhat similar to a particular type of wine manufactured in some parts of Westernant called the Sauternes. Sauternes was a type of dessert wine, or sweet wine, with gold colour. What was unique of Sauternes was that it was made not from mere grapes, but grapes that had undergone what was referred to as 'noble rot', which was an euphemism to say that the grapes had been infected by a particular fungi. The fungi shrivelled the grape and gave its own characteristic, which end up concentrating the sugars, acidity, and flavours, resulting in rich, syrupy juice, full of honeyed and floral aromas.
The wine served here was like that, but not quite. The quality was not bad. The ageing aside, Carnatia could tell the grape wine used were not the premium horticulture specimen such as Sémillon, Sauvignon Blanc, or Furmint that was ideal for noble rot and instead were using cheaper, more common, variety. But it was somehow still passable for her palate, which was saying something. If she were to infer, then it must be the fungi that were special rather than the grape.
An interesting approach from Amanita, to be sure. It was quite novel, to her knowledge, as the conventional wisdom was to disregard the fungi quality and be more peculiar with the grapes. Amanita did the opposite.
A novel wine manufacturer certainly wasn't someone she expected to join her in this mission, but then again, neither were the rest of the group.
When Carnatia received the mandate from Casterdiar to join the expedition to find Paladin Thomas and his entourage as Pontificials, she certainly did not imagine these would be the fellows who would join her on the mission, the two members of the Church aside. While Pontificials were technically mercenaries, the word had...specific implications for the type of people who were hired as Pontificials. Typically they were the virtuous type. Not that Carnatia claimed to be a paragon of virtues, but she, at least could reasonably claim that she looked the part. It was not even that Carnatia condemned the manner of clothing by which these people chose to comport themselves, but pragmatically speaking—especially in a war-torn land like Tretagor—it would be easier to interact with the locale if they could lean into the reputation of Pontificial. Instead, with this group, Carnatia feared that the locale would treat them with suspicion wariness instead.
Which would not be ideal to their objective. Since the first step to bringing back home Paladin Thomas Sanders and his group was finding out what exactly happened, she imagined information gathering from the locale would be paramount.
She hoped that either of the Church members would be able to coax said information. Carnatia was no stranger to diplomacy, but in the end, she was a known figure from Westernant, and considering the history between Tretagor and Westernant, Carnatia doubted that the people of Sielse would be open to sharing information and whatnot with her. If anything they would probably be more suspicious of her,
...Not that it was unwarranted in this case. After all, she was representing Westernant as sort of a...propaganda piece, or rather, a justification piece would be more apt. Without being involved in resolving the incident, it would be hard for Westernant to portray themselves as the 'good guys' when they used this incident with the Paladin and his group to declare that Tretagor can no longer be trusted to keep order in Sielse and thus Westernant would be sending in a 'peacekeeping troops' to restore order in a 'humanitarian mission'. Annexation of the province, was, of course, the goal.
None of this was in the official mandate Carnatia was given, of course, for plausible deniability, but the writing was clear on the wall to Carnatia. Though to be honest, Carnatia was of the opinion that none of that concerned her. She was a noble of Westernant, and thus when a noble was given a mandate from the King, it was their duty to fulfil the mandate. The mandate was to help with the search and rescue mission of the missing Order of the Golden Sun's personnel. And that was what she would do. Political ramifications that came about after was...frankly, the domain of Tretagor's and Westernant's officials, not hers.
Prompted by Carmen introducing himself, Carnatia followed suit, pinching the tip of her skirt for a curtsy, "A pleasure to make your acquaintance Sir Carmen, while addressing the rest of the group, she continued, "I am Baroness Carnatia de Valmont, here to represent Westernant in the Kingdom's support for the Church and the Order of the Golden Sun. I look forward to work with all of you."