Full Name:
Emily David
9 Years
ID Number:
FP-1991-ED is a Caucasian female. Height is measured to be 47 inches tall (3.9 feet) and weight to be 53 pounds. Hair color is light brown. Eye color is dark brown. Hair is wavy and length reaches her upper back. No discernible body features. 8mm diameter round burn scars located on each upper arm, and left thigh. FP-1991-ED is dressed in female attire.
Subject FP-1991-ED was born on December 17, [VOID] located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Subject FP-1991-ED had two older siblings, both male. First sibling moved away before subject’s birth. Second sibling died suddenly without cause during infancy. Subject’s father is unknown, subject’s mother living with various partners.
Subject FP-1991-ED removed from household after reports of physical abuse from mother and current partner in April, [VOID]. Subject was moved to foster care. Anomalous abilities are thought to have manifested during the transition. Anomalous Containment Staff became aware of FP-1991-ED at that time due to reports from foster parents.
Subject FP-1991-ED is aware of the anomalous behavior when active, and appears to know how to make the behavior active. Subject refers to the active state as day dreaming.
FP-1991-ED is capable of intangible travel through solid objects under specific circumstances. When intangible, FP-1991-ED is capable of traveling through space as it existed in a previous point in time. Evidence that subject has not appeared during previous encounters indicates subject is still tied to the present. Subject FP-1991-ED is aware of both time periods when the anomalous behavior is active.
When subject FP-1991-ED is in the intangible temporal state the subject is capable of the following:
1) Witnessing events and objects as they had appeared in a previous time period via sight, sound, smell, and texture.
2) Able to communicate via speech.
3) Pass through various states of matter if said matter was not present at the time period traveled.
4) Subject can levitate if at the time period traveled had a means for elevation.
5) Unable to interact with either past nor present environments.
Subject FP-1991-ED must choose a vague time period usually based on memory. Subject can travel to a specific time period upon given specifications of when that would be. The subjects latitudinal, and longitudinal coordinates do not change. Any environment will appear exactly as it did at the time period traveled regardless if there is space for a person to be present. This includes traveling to a time where the coordinates would land Subject FP-1991-ED inside of a wall, pit, or living organism. If the subject becomes stuck in the environment, the subject is unable to move and must end the anomalous behavior to resume motor functions and try again.
Subject FP-1991-ED still requires oxygen, calories, and hydration in order to preform the anomalous behavior. If the subject's body is within an environment that prevents intake of oxygen for too long a period of time, the subject will fall unconscious due to asphyxiation. Should the subject fall unconscious, the anomalous behavior will end. The subject will not displace the existing environment should the subject return to the present with her body still passing through another object occupying the same space [see addendum 1]. There is exception when it comes to existing within gaseous matter. Gaseous matter is instead shifted to allow subject FP-1991-ED to return without consequence.
- Dresser
- Desk
- Small bookcase
- Collection of 19 children’s books of a 2-3 grade reading level
- Snacks
- Simple toys: Doll, Blocks, stuffed animal
- Rechargeable table mounted night light
- Coloring book and relevant art supplies
Emily David
9 Years
ID Number:
FP-1991-ED is a Caucasian female. Height is measured to be 47 inches tall (3.9 feet) and weight to be 53 pounds. Hair color is light brown. Eye color is dark brown. Hair is wavy and length reaches her upper back. No discernible body features. 8mm diameter round burn scars located on each upper arm, and left thigh. FP-1991-ED is dressed in female attire.
Subject FP-1991-ED was born on December 17, [VOID] located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Subject FP-1991-ED had two older siblings, both male. First sibling moved away before subject’s birth. Second sibling died suddenly without cause during infancy. Subject’s father is unknown, subject’s mother living with various partners.
Subject FP-1991-ED removed from household after reports of physical abuse from mother and current partner in April, [VOID]. Subject was moved to foster care. Anomalous abilities are thought to have manifested during the transition. Anomalous Containment Staff became aware of FP-1991-ED at that time due to reports from foster parents.
Subject FP-1991-ED is aware of the anomalous behavior when active, and appears to know how to make the behavior active. Subject refers to the active state as day dreaming.
FP-1991-ED is capable of intangible travel through solid objects under specific circumstances. When intangible, FP-1991-ED is capable of traveling through space as it existed in a previous point in time. Evidence that subject has not appeared during previous encounters indicates subject is still tied to the present. Subject FP-1991-ED is aware of both time periods when the anomalous behavior is active.
When subject FP-1991-ED is in the intangible temporal state the subject is capable of the following:
1) Witnessing events and objects as they had appeared in a previous time period via sight, sound, smell, and texture.
2) Able to communicate via speech.
3) Pass through various states of matter if said matter was not present at the time period traveled.
4) Subject can levitate if at the time period traveled had a means for elevation.
5) Unable to interact with either past nor present environments.
Subject FP-1991-ED must choose a vague time period usually based on memory. Subject can travel to a specific time period upon given specifications of when that would be. The subjects latitudinal, and longitudinal coordinates do not change. Any environment will appear exactly as it did at the time period traveled regardless if there is space for a person to be present. This includes traveling to a time where the coordinates would land Subject FP-1991-ED inside of a wall, pit, or living organism. If the subject becomes stuck in the environment, the subject is unable to move and must end the anomalous behavior to resume motor functions and try again.
Subject FP-1991-ED still requires oxygen, calories, and hydration in order to preform the anomalous behavior. If the subject's body is within an environment that prevents intake of oxygen for too long a period of time, the subject will fall unconscious due to asphyxiation. Should the subject fall unconscious, the anomalous behavior will end. The subject will not displace the existing environment should the subject return to the present with her body still passing through another object occupying the same space [see addendum 1]. There is exception when it comes to existing within gaseous matter. Gaseous matter is instead shifted to allow subject FP-1991-ED to return without consequence.
- Dresser
- Desk
- Small bookcase
- Collection of 19 children’s books of a 2-3 grade reading level
- Snacks
- Simple toys: Doll, Blocks, stuffed animal
- Rechargeable table mounted night light
- Coloring book and relevant art supplies
I drafted this last night, but it looks like someone else had similar background ideas.