Full Name:
Colette Ables
31 Years
ID Number:
FP-2001-CA is a white female. She measures in at a height of 5 feet 8 inches tall and at a weight of 121 pounds. Hair color is dark brown. Hair length reaches center back when straight. Preferred hair style seems to be braids. Eye color is green. Subject is a normally developed female in her early thirties with no out of the ordinary traits, artificial implants, or tattoos. She has a pair of gold stud ear piercings. FP-2001-CA is dressed in assigned female attire.
Subject FP-2001-CA was born on May 14, [VOID] located in Marseille, France. Subject is an only child, the outcome from an affair that occurred between a single woman and a wealthy business man from the United States on an overseas trip.
Subject moved to the United States to attend university after having failed the Baccalauréat in her final year in France. Subject was married to [VOID] Ables during her final year at university. All relevant family was informed that the subject’s disappearance was due to death in a car fire.
Subject’s anomalous powers became known shortly after her graduation. The subject was accosted on her route home, and was inexplicably found within a locked kitchen storeroom. Facility B personnel responded to potential anomaly.
Subject FP-2001-CA is capable of creating portals that allow passage through solid objects. These portals act like a door from one side of a solid object to the other. The exit point is directly opposite from wherever the subject is projecting the portal. The diameter of the portal can range anywhere from one to five feet. When attempting to open a portal on any object with a surface area of less than one foot, the portal collapses on itself and releases a harmless pressure wave. All objects in which a portal was manifest remain intact once the portal closes as if it was never there. The portal always manifests as a perfect circle.
There does not appear to be a limit as to how thick an object or surface can be when creating the portal. However, distance and density do seem to have an affect on the subject’s mental and physical fortitude when casting. Should the distance be too far in between entry points, the subject can exhaust herself to the point of unconsciousness. Should the subject become incapacitated at any time while maintaining a portal, it will close. So far, the thinnest material a portal was able to manifest was a sheet of industry poster paper. Subject does not need to make contact with a surface in order to open a portal, however she needs to be in close proximity. The portal wanes starting at around fourteen feet from the opening, and closing completely at sixteen feet. Finally, the subject is only capable of opening one portal at a time.
The structure of the solid object has some influence on whether a portal can be created upon it. Woven materials can support a portal. However, should the weaves unravel, or be loosely woven the portal will collapse releasing a harmless pressure wave. This does not matter should there be a stable surface for the portal to manifest on either side. The interior of the object can be a filled with air pockets or be a tank of water as long as it is structurally solid enough to considered one piece. This includes lose sheets of metal stacked on top of each other. However, should space between the solids exist and their separation is distinguished enough to be considered two separate pieces, then a portal will only travel through one layer. This can be achieved by use little contact between pieces as possible. A portal was incapable of passing through two sheets of metal with only a one-inch gap between them, fastened with brackets at the corners. Lastly, regardless of any corners, angles, or roughness of the material, a portal will be able to manifest with the geometric area of a perfect circle.
Subject FP-2001-CA is capable of creating two distinct portals. The first allows one to simply look through it like a window. Matter of any sort is incapable of passing through these. Window portals allow the subject to create them through thicker material will less mental and physical strain. These portals are distinct by a blue haze that overlaps the opening. These are known as haze portals.
The second portal allows the complete passage of any and all matter put through. Normal atmosphere balance will take place should the air pressure be different between the two locations. With the exception of gaseous and most liquids, solids that pass through the portals put strain on the subject’s mental and physical fortitude. While less than that of opening the portal, prolonged strain can cause the portal to close prematurely. Exact dimension and density limits are unknown. Should the portal collapse as an object is passing through it will be cleanly cut at the point of insertion. The incision will be extremely hot to the touch. These are known as full portals.
If the exit portal is open upon an uneven, or distorted surface, objects that pass through it shall also become distorted as well. However, this distortion is only temporary and the object will return to its normal shape as it exits with no lasting damage. The exception is when a living organism passes through the portal. The distortion can cause varying levels of pain upon passing through even though no lasting physical harm or trauma is inflicted. As long as both ends of the portal are on relatively flat surfaces, then the passage of living organisms is harmless. The subject herself is also capable of passing through her own portals.
- Writing desk
- Rolling writing chair with back support
- Keyboard and monitor with advanced word processor (Internet disabled)
- Weighted blanket
- Bookshelf with a variety of fiction and nonfiction books.
- Bedside table
- Bedside lamp
- 5000+ piece puzzle collection, including 3D puzzle structures
- Shelving unit
- Fake potted planters
Researcher Notes:
NOTE: Subject has a peanut allergy
Subject was initially cooperative, but has become less so as she became aware of her permanent residence. Several escape attempts have been made now she is more aware of her power. Since then, she has resigned herself to her fate, and is civil with us most of the time. She has requested various amenities that have been granting as civility continues. Mostly cooperative with tests, and has not attempted another escape since.
- Researcher Boyle
Subject is mostly kind and willing to cooperate despite her desire to leave being expressed. She has requested on multiple occasions that she wants to speak with her husband, but these have been denied.
- Researcher Matthew
Colette Ables
31 Years
ID Number:
FP-2001-CA is a white female. She measures in at a height of 5 feet 8 inches tall and at a weight of 121 pounds. Hair color is dark brown. Hair length reaches center back when straight. Preferred hair style seems to be braids. Eye color is green. Subject is a normally developed female in her early thirties with no out of the ordinary traits, artificial implants, or tattoos. She has a pair of gold stud ear piercings. FP-2001-CA is dressed in assigned female attire.
Subject FP-2001-CA was born on May 14, [VOID] located in Marseille, France. Subject is an only child, the outcome from an affair that occurred between a single woman and a wealthy business man from the United States on an overseas trip.
Subject moved to the United States to attend university after having failed the Baccalauréat in her final year in France. Subject was married to [VOID] Ables during her final year at university. All relevant family was informed that the subject’s disappearance was due to death in a car fire.
Subject’s anomalous powers became known shortly after her graduation. The subject was accosted on her route home, and was inexplicably found within a locked kitchen storeroom. Facility B personnel responded to potential anomaly.
Subject FP-2001-CA is capable of creating portals that allow passage through solid objects. These portals act like a door from one side of a solid object to the other. The exit point is directly opposite from wherever the subject is projecting the portal. The diameter of the portal can range anywhere from one to five feet. When attempting to open a portal on any object with a surface area of less than one foot, the portal collapses on itself and releases a harmless pressure wave. All objects in which a portal was manifest remain intact once the portal closes as if it was never there. The portal always manifests as a perfect circle.
There does not appear to be a limit as to how thick an object or surface can be when creating the portal. However, distance and density do seem to have an affect on the subject’s mental and physical fortitude when casting. Should the distance be too far in between entry points, the subject can exhaust herself to the point of unconsciousness. Should the subject become incapacitated at any time while maintaining a portal, it will close. So far, the thinnest material a portal was able to manifest was a sheet of industry poster paper. Subject does not need to make contact with a surface in order to open a portal, however she needs to be in close proximity. The portal wanes starting at around fourteen feet from the opening, and closing completely at sixteen feet. Finally, the subject is only capable of opening one portal at a time.
The structure of the solid object has some influence on whether a portal can be created upon it. Woven materials can support a portal. However, should the weaves unravel, or be loosely woven the portal will collapse releasing a harmless pressure wave. This does not matter should there be a stable surface for the portal to manifest on either side. The interior of the object can be a filled with air pockets or be a tank of water as long as it is structurally solid enough to considered one piece. This includes lose sheets of metal stacked on top of each other. However, should space between the solids exist and their separation is distinguished enough to be considered two separate pieces, then a portal will only travel through one layer. This can be achieved by use little contact between pieces as possible. A portal was incapable of passing through two sheets of metal with only a one-inch gap between them, fastened with brackets at the corners. Lastly, regardless of any corners, angles, or roughness of the material, a portal will be able to manifest with the geometric area of a perfect circle.
Subject FP-2001-CA is capable of creating two distinct portals. The first allows one to simply look through it like a window. Matter of any sort is incapable of passing through these. Window portals allow the subject to create them through thicker material will less mental and physical strain. These portals are distinct by a blue haze that overlaps the opening. These are known as haze portals.
The second portal allows the complete passage of any and all matter put through. Normal atmosphere balance will take place should the air pressure be different between the two locations. With the exception of gaseous and most liquids, solids that pass through the portals put strain on the subject’s mental and physical fortitude. While less than that of opening the portal, prolonged strain can cause the portal to close prematurely. Exact dimension and density limits are unknown. Should the portal collapse as an object is passing through it will be cleanly cut at the point of insertion. The incision will be extremely hot to the touch. These are known as full portals.
If the exit portal is open upon an uneven, or distorted surface, objects that pass through it shall also become distorted as well. However, this distortion is only temporary and the object will return to its normal shape as it exits with no lasting damage. The exception is when a living organism passes through the portal. The distortion can cause varying levels of pain upon passing through even though no lasting physical harm or trauma is inflicted. As long as both ends of the portal are on relatively flat surfaces, then the passage of living organisms is harmless. The subject herself is also capable of passing through her own portals.
- Writing desk
- Rolling writing chair with back support
- Keyboard and monitor with advanced word processor (Internet disabled)
- Weighted blanket
- Bookshelf with a variety of fiction and nonfiction books.
- Bedside table
- Bedside lamp
- 5000+ piece puzzle collection, including 3D puzzle structures
- Shelving unit
- Fake potted planters
Researcher Notes:
NOTE: Subject has a peanut allergy
Subject was initially cooperative, but has become less so as she became aware of her permanent residence. Several escape attempts have been made now she is more aware of her power. Since then, she has resigned herself to her fate, and is civil with us most of the time. She has requested various amenities that have been granting as civility continues. Mostly cooperative with tests, and has not attempted another escape since.
- Researcher Boyle
Subject is mostly kind and willing to cooperate despite her desire to leave being expressed. She has requested on multiple occasions that she wants to speak with her husband, but these have been denied.
- Researcher Matthew