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I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general.

I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.

I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any.

One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.

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Solomon Sparrow

Location:Rascade, Kindeance Royal Capital

Solomon only stared at Henri as his fist flew inches from him. Solomon knew that his sudden appearance could garner a reaction, but the state his hand was in was not that of any human he knew. Was this man an artificer of some kind? The idea of personal augmentation with magical devices was not unheard of, but it was generally impractical. Actually, there was more to Henri than just his hand. This was the first time he had seen him so close. It was slight, but the sheen of his skin and the lines along his cheeks looked very inorganic. This was more than the work of an artificer, if not a being following orders, than Henri was a soul combined with the body of a golem. Solomon could not prove it, but Henri showed some of the signs. Solomon had spent some time studying the possibility as one method for immortality. Solomon ultimately decided against furthering his research into it, thinking it would make him too disconnected.

Solomon’s eyes drifted back to the others as he continued his greeting to Matilda and Cedar with a new awareness of Henri. Solomon could appreciate another looking into ways of extending their life, and thought nothing more of it. He was a personable fellow, and even acquired seeds and a barrel for Cedar. Matilda didn’t seem too enthused about it one way or the other. Her face was focused, and she seemed eager to get going. Cedar, on the other hand, looked at the group with both wide eyed marvel and caution. He lightened up once the seeds and barrel were presented. Cedar wandered away just out of sight probably to try out his new seeds. Solomon chuckled. The desires of druids was not one Solomon was well antiquated with.

“So, my factitious friend, what seeds have you gifted him?” asked Solomon. Even had Henri answered, it was clear by the bears excitement that something wonderful must of grown. The sound of slurping juice and fruits cracking open was not discreet. Part of the woodwork that made the stable and fence creaked as the vines gripped along them for stability. Solomon wandered over just in time to see Cedar bite into a green vegetable. Looking at the multitude along the ground, it appeared to be a cucumber. The adjacent wall was covered in passion fruit. For a test grow, he had enough harvest to feed a family trough the season. Cedar seemed engrossed as he plucked another cucumber. Solomon wandered back to the group, leaving Cedar to enjoy himself. His large body must demand plenty of food.

“The seeds were acceptable from what I could see.” said Solomon. Not long after making his comment, Cedar came into view again. He had the barrel on his shoulder, his head moving back and forth, air quickly coming and going through his large nostrils. He was smelling for something. “If you are looking for a well, it is at the other end of the stables.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location:Rascade, Kindeance Royal Capital

“Legend only in the stories, I’m sure. Though I suppose the stories cultivate from the seeds of truth. You may rest assured. My care will never fail you.” said Solomon softly. Solomon had heard of Yvonne’s exploits, and has witnessed the aftermath of her carnage first hand. Stories existed about Solomon and his either various miracles or crimes against nature depending on who is asked. Solomon anticipated stories about Yvonne’s ferocity and thoroughness would soon be written.

Perhaps Solomon being quick to switch plans there was not the best move. Though his role in either plan hardly changed, Matilda’s body language was slight, but it gave Solomon an impression of intrigue or perhaps annoyance. The similarities of the plans highlighted a potential rivalry between Matilda and Jazdia. Solomon did learn of the independence Jazdia had on the matter at least. Matilda agreed to Jazdia’s modification of the plan with some reservation. In the meantime, the oriental figure that Solomon had not seen since leaving the king’s chambers had returned. With what the samurai decided to prepare himself with, he certainly didn’t attempt subtly. He was dressed in fine armor of questionable design. Not a design of function, but of form. He must not be from the lands of Kadeance, nor Meche for that matter. Armed to the teeth, the figure must be expecting battle to come in the near future. Chounan was his name, and his rank within the adventurer’s guild didn’t matter. At least to Solomon.

Further introductions had to wait as people were still coming and going where it seemed to grate on Matilda. Solomon remained quiet for the time being not wanting to stir up any more hostilities for now. All things considered, first impressions were not impressive, but hopefully once things got underway, everyone would warm to each other. Yvonne switched teams and Henri departed else where. Beyond that, it was time to go. Jazdia took her two companions and Solomon stayed with Matilda. Onward to the stables. Enough time had been wasted.

Cedar seemed anxious as they walked a more indirect path towards the stables. The main roads might have brought too much attention to Cedar given his appearance and size. Solomon was not in a position to comfort or even say anything to Cedar as they walked along the alley ways. The reason for it was as soon as the group had left the palace gates, Solomon was once again lagging behind the group. However once all eyes were away from him, his form darkened and he sunk into the ground, blending into the shadows. Even as they took the side roads, it still might be suspicious if several odd figures were spotted traveling together through the city.

Solomon took a more direct route towards the stables, occasionally crossing paths with that of Matilda and Cedar. Upon reaching the stable, he still remained hidden among the shadows and nooks created by the overhanging beams and tools. The stable hand was no where to be seen, but several horses stood around, stamping, or nibbling on the oats the hung oaks near each stall. Henri was already there, however, sitting on a barrel staring intently at the piece of paper. Solomon recognized the paper, and wondered why Henri was so focused on studying it. He stopped pondering it when Matilda and Cedar came back into view.

Now that everyone was at the stable, Solomon materialized out of the shadows, walking into view from around a wall behind Henri, “I see we all made it here without incident. From here I follow your lead, Guard Matilda.”

Location: Kindeance Palace, Rascade, Kindeance Royal Capital

Intriguing. It wasn’t hard to see the king was conflicted by the on going. In a way, one would think the world should know the prince had gone missing. At least in that way, more eyes would be out looking for him. But then the pressure of war would increase exponentially. Solomon had seen enough of the struggles between Kindeance and Meche to know that war would lead to ruin on either or both sides. Solomon understood the balancing act the king was forced into.

Once the meeting was over, the group of now investigators were released from the confines of the king’s chambers. With the knowledge of what was expected of them, everyone was in thought about how to proceed. Like his entrance into the chambers before, Solomon was one of the last to leave. He paused to give note that the elf woman had stayed behind. The king seemed receptive of her at least, so he paid it no mind as the doors shut behind him. It did not matter what they wished to discuss. Solomon had learned two bits of information that was important to him. He was more or less restricted to the discretion of the guard, Matilda. Solomon had no issue with it, as it did provide more freedoms from the court itself. The second was that they had managed to kill some of the assassins. If Solomon could have access to their corpses, then just maybe he could accelerate the investigation. Though, that might fall into one of those few conditions needed authorization if the corpses are stored somewhere within the castle.

For now, he awaited what plan Matilda had in store. They had mentioned the forest in which the prince was abducted had been isolated in order to preserve any clue that might have been left behind. Though, the forest animals might not have bothered to listen to those demands. The statuesque person had wandered, and the oriental knight requested to visit the blacksmith. It was a time to prepare. Though the road was laid to start investigating, only moments ago was the news broke for what that was. Shortly after having these thoughts, the elf woman returned. And Matilda intended to leave. It seemed the forest was the most urgent matter, and Solomon agreed to some degree. A corpse well preserved would last well enough, but the nature of the crime scene would not.

While the group was still separated, it seemed though the statuesque man, and the oriental knight had not returned. Solomon trusted that they knew where to go. Some history must of existed between several of his now colleagues. Not a lot of words were exchanged between arriving at the castle until now, but he spotted several of them giving each other knowing looks. In any case, it probably meant that Matilda need not wait for them. So, Solomon intended to follow along.

It seemed that the two of opposite statures were getting along, introducing themselves, and talking about their lives. Unsurprisingly, the more druid-like of the two was more gentle, and cared for nature, comparing it to the fierce disposition of the little one. At least now, Solomon knew of their names. Cedar the bear, and Yvonne of the collapsed House Rosenving. Solomon stayed close, not all too interested in joining the conversation. However, that wasn’t to say he wasn’t interested in what was being said. In the short time they had known each other, they were already bantering. At least of sorts. Both of them were confident in their skills. Which Solomon wouldn’t put past Yvonne. He was familiar with her work, and just how dangerous the girl could be.

Solomon turned his attention away from the conversing individuals when the elf woman spoke up. She had a different yet similar plan in mind. The forest was still going to be investigated, but she wanted to separate the party to investigate something else. Her choice of words was odd, but for secrecy, he understood.

“You have no objections from me. Though it seemed to me that the King’s guard was to be leading the, hmm, appraisal. If this is what you spoke to the king privately about, I won’t question it further.” Solomon finally spoke up now that everyone’s attention was focused back to each other. “I suppose for the matter of introductions and ease, I am Doctor Solomon Sparrow. You may all refer to me as simply Solomon as our elf friend has done.”

Location: King's Private Quarters, Rascade, Kindeance Royal Capital


Solomon waited patiently within the common room with the others awaiting their audience with the king of Kindeance. Solomon scarcely visited the royal capital. Though it was not short of the needy, and had plenty of information for him to peruse, it being the home of the authority that ruled over all of Kindeance was unappealing to the ancient doctor. He had no ill intent towards the court, but thought they might thrive in the political world, their knowledge of what lay between its borders lacked. Then there were he people who lived there. Save for the royal family itself the citizens would never know the struggles the kingdom was facing. Especially with Meche. They were both closest, and farthest away from the struggles of the outer lands, and they wound's know either. Solomon closed his eyes in thought. Solomon’s reason for being here, in the heart of the kingdom, probably had something to do with the escalating conflict with the neighboring nation.

Solomon hadn’t made a habit of announcing his location, so it was a bit of a surprise when the king’s messengers showed to the cabin he was staying at the remote village of a mere thirty people. Not only did they find him, they named him. Much effort was made to make the encounter confidential. If it were not for the kings seal on the letter, nothing about the messengers would have revealed they were sent from the royal court. Solomon knew it wasn’t his medicinal practice the king was seeking. No, this was something more grave. To seek the aide of necromancy, who could the court have lost to have gone through the endeavor of locating Solomon? This is the question that intrigued Solomon enough to entertain the thought of lending his aide. The letter was vague with only a penned request for his presence. Solomon obliged, and he told the messengers as such. Secrecy was of the upmost importance, and Solomon was one of the few he knew remaining that could keep a secret even beyond the grave.

Solomon looked up through his hood as it cast a shadow over his face though sunlight filtered in between the curtains. He was not alone. The king had sent for many others to partake in this mission of the unknown. His gaze slowly moved from person to person. They were what he’d expect of the king. There were obvious those skilled with martial prowess, and those with arcane arts. The only one to catch his attention was that of the bear. The king looked to have cast a wide net for different proficiencies, if he thought that even the magic of a druid would be of benefit.

When the chamberlain entered the room, directing the occupants out to finally meet with the king, Solomon was the last to leave, and likewise the last to enter the King’s chambers. He stayed near the back, able to hear the king and see his anguish just fine from where he was. Lifting his head from his bow, Solomon could see the smile was not genuine. Whatever the situation was must have been grave indeed. Though the bear all but confirmed that it at least involved Meche, his home.

The prince was missing, taken from under the protective watch of castle guard and fortifications. Whatever air of nobility the king had remaining faded with the final plea to find his son. A plea that was matched only by that of the bear. The emotion of their voices were lost by the curtness of the others. To them, it was time. The longer they waited, longer the opportunity those who absconded with the prince could dispose of him. Solomon wasn’t as worried about the time. If the goal of the assassins was to insight war, they would not have bothered taking the prince. He was alive, for now. In case of the worst, at least Solomon could be of use. However, it was assassins who infiltrated the stone walls of the castle, and the king still breathed. A bargaining chip to exchange his life for his son’s? In either case, the motivations of this group lied in mystery.

“Young man,” Solomon stepped forward, no longer standing behind the rest of the group. His voice was raspy, a clear sign of his age. Yet, his words were still clear, lacking the shakiness one would expect. He faced Henri as he spoke. “I am sure the time is precious, yet as we are to work together, it might be wise to not step on the words of your comrade. The king is unlikely to hide information from us in this matter. We should be receiving that information once we get underway.” Solomon then turned to face the king, “For the sake of secrecy, beyond your guard, I expect we are to receive no support from the kingdom. Likewise, I trust we will have liberty to investigate how we see fit without much limitation. If that is correct, I have no other concerns or questions at this point.”

Location: Feydellia, Feydellia Palace

Interaction:@Crimson Flame, @Yasha

Vyvien stood puzzled. From the small chattering the fairies were having with each other, it was clear that no one had anything definitive. This was made especially evident with Prince Sky jumping to conclusions. Then again, she couldn’t really blame him for being irrational. His own parents were turned into stone along with every other guest to the palace. A garden of lifelike statues might be serene in any other setting, but here, in the music-less hall, it was morbid. And with no knowledge of how it happened, it was difficult to say when it would happen again. Either way, something had to be done.

“A cure for petrification?” repeated Vyvien. She closed her eyes in thought. Vyvien had multiple ways with dealing with stone, but that usually involved either dissolving it away, or asking an earth fairy to deal with it. Neither would help with the marble trapped fairies. Well, maybe an earth fairy could do something about it. For the other question though.

“Don’t don’t have anything handy for petrification. I’m not sure where I would begin for that one. But I can help identify the magic. I mean hopefully I can. I never needed a tool like it before, but I think I can make something for it. I’ll just need to visit a workshop, if you have one near by. I could probably bind some crystal and calibrate it to. Oh, I’ll need different magic aspects to calibrate it. But once that’s done, it might be able to detect lingering magical energy and identify it. Maybe it should be done by percent, luminosity, number of streamers? Maybe maybe…” Vyvien prattled on about how she would invent a magic detector slash magic identifier. Vyvien was too lost in her own schematics that she failed to see that Prince Sky had left her to introduce himself to another of the late comers. After a bit of time, Vyvien caught herself.

“Sorry sorry. Please stop me if I go on too long. Sometimes when I get an idea going, I won’t stop talking about it.” There was a feeling of tense emotion in the air. She looked to where Prince Sky had wandered. Now the tension made sense. Vyvien fluttered over to Sky and the dark fairy. She landed on the ground, at either side of the two. One had the sparkle of endearment, and the other had the glare of a viper.

“Wait wait. You think the dark fairies had something to do with it? Isn’t it a bit odd that you’re… But, you’re okay talking with… Nothing? Well, alright then.” Vyvien turned to the dark fairy, “I’m Vyvien. We must have just missed each other initially. I think we’re just all in shock about what happened, But I’m glad you’re here to help. With more of us working on it, we’ll figure out what happened in no time. Right, Prince Sky?”

Vyvien flew up into the air. A ring of different runes appeared behind her back, in which one disappeared, and a screwdriver magically manifesting within her hand. “I’ll get to working on that magic identifier thingy. It might help us find some clues.”

Makes sense to me, wanted to double check.

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Location: Feydellia, Feydellia Palace

Vyvien flew directly towards the palace. As she flew over the streets bustling with fairies of all colors she could see not many of them noticed the vibrant lights in the sky spelling out a call for help. Vyvien concluded that if this many people enjoying the festivities didn’t notice the sign, then it was probably a good thing she did. At the very least someone would come to respond. There probably was not enough time to stop and point out the call for help to the others. Too many of them were enjoying their merriment, and Vyvien didn’t know the circumstances for the help. She didn’t want to start a panic.

As she neared the vibrantly pink palace, her mind raced with different scenarios of what could have happened. It could not have been a small thing. An incident involving only a couple party goers wouldn’t call for a kingdom call for aide. Unless it involved the royal family. In that case, wouldn’t they have a private team of security or doctors on hand? Whatever happened must have involved more fairies than the ballroom attendants could address.

As Vyvien continued pondering what would await her as she rushed towards the open palace doors, she failed to look properly ahead of herself. Notcing a figure standing by the door too late, Vyvien attempted to slow down, but still ultimately crashed into what Vyvien initially thought was perhaps a greeter. Vyvien grabbed hold of a smooth, yet cold and hard surface as she danced around with a perfectly life-like statue of some fairy with her hand cupped by her mouth. Vyvien regained control of her flight and slowed herself to a stop. At the same time, she made sure that the statue she was dancing with was left standing, her feet firmly planted against the floor. Holding her hands up in front of her, Vyvien sighed with relief that the statue wasn’t at risk of falling.

Now that her tango was finished, Vyvien gave the statue a quick look over. Whoever made it was very skilled, the statue was very lifelike. As she backed up she noticed that several other fairies their movements perfectly frozen in time. Their colors had faded into a photograph of masonry. The room was oddly quiet compared to the melodies and chatter of the streets just beyond the palace gates.

“Sorry Sorry for barging in like that. I saw the help sign and thought something terrible might have happened. I came as soon as I could and…” she stopped talking as something soft landed on her head. It bounced off and fell to the polished floor below. It was pastry. Vyvien looked up to see someone standing atop one of the chandeliers that hung high above the ballroom floor. It swayed under his weight as he gazed over the room. Vyvien then saw that several others had either arrived or were already here. Something still felt amiss. Based on the expressions everyone had, Vyvien got the impression that these were not any ordinary statues.

“Were these fairies turned into stone?” Vyvien spoke softly. She gasped. She turned back to the one she had almost almost knocked over when she displaced it from the palace entrance. One of the others, a beautiful fairy in a muted blue-grey dress, appeared attached to her. The silvered fairy’s demeanor only reinforced the sinking feeling Vyvien had about the scene. To suddenly be petrified was a horrifying though. Vyvien wasn’t sure how to go about saving them. Regardless, Vyvien was ready to lend whatever aide she could towards that cause. It would be devastating if whoever or whatever caused this were to strike again.

Vyvien noticed that Prince Sky was speaking with some of the others who had arrived before she did. She joined the small group. The prince seemed determined. He had an air of certainty about him, perhaps having an idea of who or what was behind the earthly transformation of his subjects. Now that she thought about it, it was probably him who sent the message in the sky.

“Hi hi. I’m Vyvien. I saw the lights calling for help. How can I help?” Vyvien was the last to arrive from what she could tell. The air was starting to feel a little tense. It was clear no one had a clear idea of what happened. That is except for the prince who was was convinced of something. There was still a lot of uncertainty. “I’m not sure sure of what I can do to help, yet. But I’m at your disposal.”

Location: Feydellia, unoccupied plaza


“Gotta hurry hurry.” Vyvien was zipping about around an open area just outside of the palace of Feydellia. The area wasn’t set up to be a part of the festivities, and that was be design. The location was perfect for what Vyvien had planned. A cobbled plaza while surrounded by neatly trimmed trees and shrubbery had a clear view of the sky with no obstructions overhead. Slowly descending towards the center of the plaza was a large box, several times the size of the fairy zipping about it. It looked large enough to hold an entire court of fairies inside comfortably. Larger balloons were slowly losing air which controlled the decent until the box rested softly upon the cobbled ground.

She was unlatching different parts of the box, wrenching others, opening up sections, while others fell off. All the while she was doing this, one of her friends was off to the side watching her work on whatever contraption Vyvien decided to bring this time.

“The fireworks don’t start for another couple hours, you know?” spoke up Tyrone. Vyvien’s fire wielding friend was dressed in a stark orange suit with a red undershirt. He had sleek black hair with an orange cowlick and bright red wings that faded to yellow at the edges. Tyrone was creating sparks from his fingers like those of a roman candle, occupying himself not wanting to get in Vyvien’s way while she was setting up. “You can slow down a little. Rain should be back with some snacks. It won’t do you any good to burn yourself out now. Relax a little and enjoy the festival.”

“You don’t understand.” Said Vyvien as she hurried to deflate the balloons and assemble the various knobs and supports. “I promised a fireworks show like none ever seen. Imagine moving pictures made of fire. It’ll be spectacular. I can’t mess up now. I need to make sure everything is perfect. And to do that, I need to make sure that every inch of the frame correct. If even one of the launching tubes is misaligned, the whole thing could explode.”

“Right.” said Tyrone nervously. At least if something were to go wrong, no one would be around to get hurt he thought. He stopped creating embers as he noticed another fairy flying towards them. She had long hair that looked like the fog of rain in the distance. Deep blue wings with white highlight, and a long flowing blue-green dress. Gracefully, she landed next to the handrail Tyrone was sitting on. Her hair settled, resting over her shoulder, and flowing down covering her left eye. Her dress had a slit up the side of her leg reaching her hip, and skirt flared out by the bottom. In her hands she held a white tray piled with different foods and treats ranging from pink cupcakes to skewered meats. The display of mouthwatering and still fresh. Tyrone immediately started to dig into the tray, grabbing a bit of food in each hand. Rain only giggled as she gazed over to Vyvien who was still busy trying down ropes, and bracing up launch tubing.

“Vyvien, dear. Lovely, come have some treats. I brought over a bunch for us to enjoy.” said Rain. When Vyvien didn’t immediately cease her endeavors and join her friends, Rain placed the tray down onto Tyrone’s lap and flew over towards the firework device. Strafing only slightly to the side, Rain held out her arms and waited. In no time, Vyvien flew right up into her outstretched arms like a fish caught in a net. Rain grasped her hard to slow Vyvien’s flight, relaxing more into an embrace. Vyvien attempted to protest, but there was something about Rain’s voice and demeanor that convinced Vyvien that is was perhaps time for a break.

“Sorry sorry, guys. This is the first time I’ve been given the chance to present something at the festival, and I don’t want to blow it.” said Vyvien as she started to dig into one of the pink cupcakes. The thick cone of frosting spreading all over her lips.

“We understand Vy. But you’re going to make a mistake if you keep rushing like that.” Said Tyrone, his mouth full with a filled pastry, fruit filling dribbling down his chin which he used his sleeve to clean up. “We've worked on this thing for months now. I’m sure it’ll run great.”

“I agree. Vyvien, dear, we have the utmost faith in your abilities. The fireworks will be lovely. I’m sure everyone will be impressed.” concurred Rain. Vyvien smiled as the three spent the next several minutes enjoying the freshly prepared snacks. The night was young, and there was still time. Music lingered from the festival and lights danced above the rooftops. Satisfied, Vyvien took to the air once again. She hovered just above where her friends were seated.

“Okay okay. There is only a little more to do. I only need to tighten some of the fuses down, and to fill the last tank with some pressurized air. Once that’s done, we can go to the festival proper and have some real fun.” A ring a runes suddenly appeared behind her back. Various symbols with a faint blue glow like some kind of language. One of the runes glowed brighter and then faded from the circle, leaving a gap between its neighbors. A wrench like tool then appeared within her hands. With a smile, Vyvien turned around, but before she could start zipping around again, something had caught her eye. Her friends noticed her hesitation.

“What is it, dear?” Rain flew up next to her friend looking at her with some concern. Tyrone followed shortly after. Vyvien pointed towards the palace. Several lights floated above the marvelous architecture. Unlike those lighting the festivities around the city, these were a call for help. They stood out among the others, spelling the word help. There was trouble at the palace.

“That’s never happened before. I think someone is in trouble.” said Vyvien. “I’m going to see what’s happening. If something has gone wrong, maybe I can help.” she started to fly towards the palace before quickly stopping and turning back. She flew face to face with Rain, but only briefly, handing her the tool Vyvien had been holding. “Do you think you can finish up?”

“Vyvien, wait.” before Rain could finish her sentence, Vyvien had already dashed away. She was fast. Tyrone and Rain knew they would have no hope in catching up with her. Tyrone took a glance at the large maze of parts that rested in the center of the plaza.

“Well, I guess we’re finishing up, then?” said Tyrone.

Rain sighed.
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