Solomon Sparrow
Location: River Crossing, Kindeance
The dilemma was not looking to resolve soon. Despite being that much closer to rescuing the prince, the conflicting direction from the hunter and the seer was troubling. Whether it was a trick to throw off the seer, or even if the lords were working together and the prince was moved after Reinhold had left, there were plenty of unknowns. Still, there were two choices, and each had valid reasons to be true. Given Kaito’s previous comment, Veronica’s plan to commit to one village was sound. Even if the enemy had knowledge of their approach, it would be difficult to stop them with their combined expertise. On the other hand, Matilda’s worry that should they choose wrong, the prince would be in that much more danger. The possibility of the abductors simply killing the prince in desperation was that much higher. Pondering on it more, even if they did choose right, that desperation could act sooner.
A slight breeze blew across the field over the meeting, the calm cool air doing little to settle the rising tension. Solomon turned his body so that he better faced Matilda, “My shadows can travel as far and as long as I need them. The only hurdle that would exist is the time it would take them to travel. We are close so they can travel there and back within the quarter hour.” Shadows were fast, and though they could not speak, could easily communicate with Solomon. A viable ally to have and has served Solomon well when it came to looking for the lost. At the least they could keep eyes on one village and could provide any information that might change the view point of the current plan. As it stood currently, Solomon agreed with much of what Jazdia said. Though caution should be taken if going that route, there was not much reason if at all for the lord to refuse Matilda and her entourage. He kept his opinion quiet, yet also prepared to call forth his shadows.