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I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general.

I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.

I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any.

One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.

Most Recent Posts

Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

So, father Delving knew the baron on a personal level. Now Silas was here for reasons still clouded in uncertainty. Coupled with the knowledge of the conflict involving Aaron, it was too convenient. Just how much was Silas aware of the situation?

“I am sorry for your loss.” said Solomon. He hardly moved from where he stood. For the moment, he kept his undead allies at bay, urging their silence. The admiral sounded sincere with his grief. So far, no need for any swift action, but caution was still had. “There was an incident involving a well known mage known as Asevor. You might have heard of him. Most of what you see here can be associated with him. It’s been dealt with. There shouldn’t be any further risk of harm to the village or its people.”

Solomon gestured to the ruins of the keep as he spoke, pointing out damage obviously caused by magic such as the acidic scaring across the furnishing, and the blast marks along the walls. “We’ve done all we can to help those affected until relief arrives from the neighboring town. Excuse me for my curiosity though, might I ask what brings you here?”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

“Be wary, someone approaches.” said Solomon to the others. He placed the final newly contained pathogen back into his pack, shards of broken glass now neatly piled near by. He had significantly less than he started, losing much to cross contamination, and the rest to the alcohol. At least now with his pack in order, he knew how much he would need to regather when given the chance. Just as he stashed the pack beneath his robes, Chounan appeared, having also noticed the new comers. If Chounan was present here through, that probably meant whoever was approaching was not just some concern citizens come to aid after the storm.

When the voice called out, Solomon finally turned around to face the remains of the door. There standing just outside the keep standing in debris lade puddles of water was admiral Silas and five others. Curiously, one of them was dressed like a maid. Solomon didn’t think Silas the type to have his house personnel travel with him.

“No, I do not believe it to be coincidence, either.” said Solomon. He looked around the ruined dining hall, and towards his allies. Despite the up until recently high spirits, they were still equal parts injured and exhausted. He then looked back at the admiral. “We are not the keepers of this house, enter as you may. As for the Baron, I’m afraid he was lost in the devastation that overtook the village.”

Solomon watched the admiral and his party with caution. He had an inkling that the people arriving were of some importance, but he did not expect the admiral, especially this far inland. For what reason would he be here? A liaison for the king seemed highly unlikely. On assignment from House Delving seemed more likely. Solomon had hope that wasn’t the case, though. The group’s last encounter with anyone from House Delving had left a sour note, and Solomon didn’t want to anticipate how much deeper the conspiracy reached. For now, it was probably best to not stir up any trouble. Silas could be innocent, but should he not be, now was not a good time to start another fight.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

The afterlife, the great beyond, heaven, hell, what lay ahead once someone had taken their final breath remained unknown. Even the elves, rumored to have descended from angels, could not answer. Or at least the few he asked dare not answer. It mattered not. For the removal of agency towards a person’s willingness to pass on to such a place was what Solomon strove to fight against. It was a cause Solomon felt so deeply about, he extended his vision to others, patrons seeking to live beyond the fragile mortal limitations given at birth. He especially wished to share that chance, that future, to those whose choice was made for them unjustly.

Solomon’s wishes even extended to his adversaries. At first it was a means of himself taking control over the lives of others. Distinctly those former militia men of Meche who took the life of his family. Resentment would still swell inside Solomon towards the evil of greed, murder, and exploitation. However, Solomon would hide it, and though forgiveness was difficult, with even former enemies willing to hold onto the world they knew, there was the common ground. A second chance many would never get to see.

Adversary, ally, or accidental casualty, one thing still tied them all together. While Solomon offered a chance to return to the world anew, whatever the afterlife was, whatever was out there ruling over the heavens had their own grasp upon the spirits of the dead. Some times, emanations of that false world would also reach towards the spirits of the recently passed and offer their own sanctuary. Ragnar was of one such case. Ancestors of battles past called forth to him. Yet despite the call, there was still uncertainty. The fact Ragnar was entertaining the idea brought forth a tension between Solomon and Ragnar’s ancestors.

“Go then, join your ancestors. Though the passage of time between the battles I offer could be immense, it would be like no time passed for you. For that we are similar. However, beyond offering a chance to fight new champions born among and still live across the Earth, I do not have much else to offer.” Solomon stood just outside the keep during this interaction. An observer might have seen him only pause. Solomon fully expected Ragnar to embrace his new destiny among the battle with his ancestors, so once Solomon finished his comment, he continued on towards the village, not returning to the keep for a short while.

After lastly speaking with the lingering spirit of Asevor, Solomon remained where he was, looking back towards the village. His eyes closed as the air around his person became heavy. Those who had accepted his contract would be bound to Solomon’ and the large tome of the dead in which all his power originated. For the first time in casting his spells, the tome itself stirred. Solomon held his hands out to his sides and book was magically unbuckled, the steel plates protecting the covers fell to the ground, and various magical seals became visible before fading. The book hovered in front of Solomon, the darkened pages opened. Though the glimpse would be brief, various magical inscriptions could be seen on each page, splashes of blood, ghostly imprints, and some completely blackened with ink. Thin black strands manifest from around him, flowing into the pages, new lines of inscriptions appearing across the pages, along with new signatures, blots, or ghostly aberrations covering the newly printed words. As soon as the last of the names were imprinted, the book clasped shut, returning to it’s place upon Solomon’s back, the safeguards and protections returning. With a sigh, Solomon took a step forward.

At the keep, Petra stood within the door of the stairwell. Her spectral arms were crossed as she watched the others. Since retrieving the prince, and dealing with his awe and questions of what she was, she wanted to distance herself from the others now that the fighting was done. Though she was interested to see what kind of magic Asevor was building, it was having to deal with everyone else that bothered her. For her, seeing everyone joking as they were, even the more mature appearing of them, Jazdia, she found it remarkable they were able to accomplish what they had done already. The vampire was passive. The samurai was useless. The bear created a storm he himself couldn’t manage. She questioned who would hire this lot for such an ‘important’ mission as rescuing the crown heir. Even Solomon was useless as well, having to rely on her and the other dead he selfishly enslaved.

Petra turned her head to see what Jazdia was up to. The elf had separated from the others to explore the upper floors of the keep. It made no difference to Petra. She moved out of the way of the door so the elf could clamber up the stairs. Petra let her arms drop once she noticed that Solomon’s shadow peaking through the remains of the doorway back into the keep.

Solomon returned. He could see that everyone was recovered enough to move about. Cedar had awakened, free of many of his bandages, having healed himself of the worse of it. The prince remained near the injured orc. Chounan and Yvonne had procured food and drink, though the former was not able to be found among the others. When Solomon returned Jazdia was already ascending the stairwell antechamber, and Cedar was introducing himself. Solomon was able to catch bits of the conversation. Spirits seemed to be much higher now, and that was a good thing.

“I am Solomon Sparrow.” he said as he joined the rest of the group, “I’ve come back from, er, paying my respects to those lost. I apologize for my hasty retreat from the room you were imprisoned. I had to find the key bearer. I am pleased to see that your information has helped me greatly in that endeavor. Pleasure to make introductions.” Solomon walked towards the table where Asevor’s belongings sat, retrieving his own pack off the ground and placing it near. He began removing various tools, and shards of glass. Luckily, the containers containing more potent contaminants were in more durable containers. Though their glass linings were shattered, there wasn’t much risk of exposure. He started cleaning out the pack, and rehousing his mixtures using the various empty containers he could find. He took a pause and looked back up at the prince.

“In case you wanted to know, the person whom retrieved you is named Petra. These two are Danielle and Vengel. Neither they, nor I expect you to remember who is who though.” Two shadowy forms of a humanoid figure emerged from around Solomon. They were the only two to survive all of Asevor’s purge undead spells throughout Fanghorn. Both were nondescript outside of recognizing a humanoid shape.

“Please, keep watch around the keep. We may freed the prince and eliminated the captors, but I fear there may be more at play. At the very least, a watch cannot hurt.” said Solomon. One of the shadows immediately shrunk down in size, no long visible to anyone. The second lingered. “Yes, if that is where Chounan is, then supplement his field of view.” the other shadow disappeared similarly to the first.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

Solomon could see everyone was starting to recover. Though it would take some time before anyone was back to peak fighting condition, at least everything that was life threatening was handled. The harm everyone sustained was immense, so they were not out of the woods yet. Now was time to relax, regain their bearings, while also planning for what comes next.

Solomon had some interest in the reagents found among Asevor’s possessions, but there was another matter that had come to mind. Solomon had never expected the battle to escalate the way it had, and it left many other wounded and worse. He lowered his head, so that he could no longer see his comrades and their minor activities. He placed the empty salve container on the lopsided table and turned towards the stairwell where the body of the former lord of the keep lay face planted into the base of the wall, blackened with char beyond recognition. He wasn’t an innocent man, but from Solomon’s moment wandering the second floor, there appeared to be compelling reason to his treason.

“Just remember to not to exert yourself.” said Solomon as Chounan left in search of food. The advice was similarly directed towards the others. Until Cedar was able to recover, their condition was left to time. Given Cedar’s condition as well, time was probably all they had at the moment.

“In the meantime, I have a commitment of grave importance…” this time Solomon spoke softly, mostly to himself, though anyone paying attention to the old necromancer would hear him. He made his way around debris, crushing the dead and dried vines that lay across the floor towards the stairwell Kaito had just descended. He keeled near Von Kruber’s remains.

Out of sight of everyone else, Solomon’s mouth opened and closed beneath his mask. One would have to be upon his face to even grasp a hint of air escaping his lips. Though no one but the dead could hear, Solomon offered the still lingering spirit of the former lord a deal. His words were kind, though harsh as he repeated the events since their arrival at Fanghorn, and Von Kruber’s involvement with the destruction of his town. Solomon offered the man a second chance, though such a time would be centuries to come, Solomon laid to the man his proposal.

Whether the baron accepted or not did not matter. Solomon would stand and leave the keep. He would offer similar deals to Ragnar and a chance to pursue the fight once again. Towards the mages of Asevor’s command, his knights, and to the villagers lost to the fires, waters, or hail that occurred. They need not accept immediately if they wished. Likewise, he would not resent any whose spirit longed for the world beyond. Solomon offered those lingering the chance for a life anew in a future Solomon was determined to acquire.

Lastly, Solomon wandered through the ruins of the palisade, where the crater lay below Asevor’s last attempt to escape. Even though his body no longer existed, his spirit should have lingered. Like the others, Solomon offered him a chance to live again, to practice his magics, a chance to one day be free of the fears that led him to his paranoia. Solomon would not know if it would be the wizard’s arrogance to refuse, or his desperate wish to go on to accept. Either way, the offer was there, but for Asevor specifically, how long it would last depend on him. For this spirit was difficult to communicate with, as his anchors to the world would be fading.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

Solomon only offered a slight glance in Jazdia’s direction, watching as both she and Yvonne were patching each other up. He sighed as he turned back to face the dirtied bear. He had no where enough water to properly clean Cedar off, so he had to make due with the rain soaked rags and curtains that laid around the area. He made sure to act gentle, trying not to disturb the bear too much as his massive chest rose and fell with some labored but otherwise welcomed breaths of still air.

Solomon set the bears limbs as correctly as he could, though he struggled with awkward size and weight of them. He tied splints around his legs which were obviously broken if not severely fractured. Although the wind kept the bear dancing against his will, it helped to support the bear’s weight minimizing the damage on his bones. It was difficult to tell how much damage Cedar sustained during his dance, his hair was tough, matted with mud, and soaked with rain. It wasn’t much, but Solomon was sure he at least kept Cedar from further harm in his current condition. At least he would be asleep more comfortably without the pressure to his extremities causing further discomfort.

Solomon stood back up, as it were only time could heal the bear. Or until Cedar recovered enough to use his healing magic. For now, he should be able to sleep soundly and regain his strength. Looking at Cedar though, Solomon felt a twinge guilt. He kept his distance, directing those bound to him rather than participate in the battle itself. Meanwhile, Cedar was commanding a torrential downpour which quickly took control out of Cedar’s hands. Solomon bowed his head, realizing that sometimes, that is the name of the game.

Solomon turned to see how the other’s were fairing. Reinhold was now breathing steadily, and Guard captain Matilda leaned against the near wall, silently observing the others. Veronica nearby mostly unharmed watched over them. Chounan was sitting nearby as well, yet his posture indicated he would be ready to engage as necessary. His unwavering devotion to his creed was evident. Still, it was obvious that he was working against injury of his own. Solomon walked over to him, stepping over the various acid corroded and water soaked debris scattered across the floor, though the edges of his garb dragged through the puddles of water.

“It appears you may have over exerted your arms.” said Solomon, as he examined the former samurai’s appendage. He looked at his hand that still held the salve container. Most of it was gone save for a few globs at the edges of the container. Solomon dipped his fingers into the contained, scraping up as much of the remainder as he could before applying it to Chounan. The salve would burn over the minor cuts and scrapes, but the pain relief of his muscles would outweigh the temporary discomfort.

“This will help with the tenderness, but you only need to rest your arms and relax.”

Solomon then gave a look to Veronica. It was a knowing glance. She didn’t need much if any extra care, she done her part masterfully, showing great skill in her own right in the battle. Solomon turned to see how Yvonne and Jazdia were doing. Considering her close Jazida was to both the acid fog and her own fiery explosion the extent of the burns across her torso was to be expected. He only got a glimpse before during the fight, but now that she sat mostly undressed, it was clear to see how much she had to endure to keep the pressure on Asevor. There was also Yvonne, and how her side was burned as well, the links of her chain mail fused together restricting movement. It probably also caused her pain if she attempted to move against the newly reformed metal touching her skin. Yet despite these injuries, the two seemed to be in higher spirits, which was nice to see. They might be familiar with the ins and outs of conflict, battle, and sustained their share of harm through their career, it was pleasant to see them in good moral.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

Solomon continued to speak, but briefly with the dead within the keep’s ground floor. Many did not know of what he was speaking of, either playing dumb, or genuine ignorance. It didn’t matter too much though, as soon the shadows and their speed found the deceased mages in question. Solomon stood as straight as his old bones would allow, audible cracks announced to the world the condition of his age. Solomon laid his hands together, concentrating upon the dead his shadows located. Black energy laced with silvery wisps began to flow from the closed pages of the large tome near at his back. The coiled around his torso and arms, condensing between his palms. Then it dripped from his hands towards the ground, sinking into the soil below out of sight as the energy crept through all matter of cracks and crevices to seek out the mages.

While Solomon was more vulnerable in this state, especially since there was some distance between him and his target, he let Petra keep watch. She turned to face the necromancer she was bound to with disdain, but otherwise, kept a closer watch to the storm outside. It was lessening, or to better say, it was focusing more towards the sky. Though the hail still devastated the fragile infrastructure of the village remains. Petra witnessed the concentration of attacks from her force rays, Jazdia’s arrows, and the storm itself perpetuated by Cedar unwillingly.

Then the keep shook. Dust and debris raining down from above, timber cracking, and any glass shattering. The tall bean stalk swayed over the garrison, losing most of the leaves that grew around. It would have surely been blown over had a majority of its base had not been secured the keep itself. Similarly, it might have been its roots and vines that might have held it together. Despite the devastation that expanded outside, the silence from such cataclysm was just as deafening. No rain nor hail spoke and the wind ceased for just that moment. Then the silence was broken. Stone chips clattered over the ground and across the wooden surfaces of the remaining furniture. Water droplets dripped down from the floors above. Just as the explosion ceased, the weather began to clear. Petra stepped back from the doorway as the spectral image of Asevor’s mage floated in.

Solomon let his hands fall, as he turned his entire body to face to newly raised undead. There was some confusion on it’s face, but Solomon didn’t need his understanding, nor his voice. The ghostly raised mage had one job, and that was to unlock the door to the box, halt the timer if possible, and then simply dissipate afterward free to fall to whatever afterlife awaited him.

“Petra, you will escort the prince down once the prince is freed. No more, no less.”

With both Petra and the ghost away to the upper floors, Solomon knelt down next to the hunter, Reinhold. He was badly hurt, fading in and out of unconsciousness. He reached under his robes, sifting through the cloth until his hand revealed a leather pouch and roll. Broken shards of glass could be heard. A shame that he didn’t take better precaution when he worked Violet’s harsh screams. Luckily, the medicines he needed were not among the mixed chemicals in glass vials. Neither were his pain relieving salves. However, but the end of his treatments, he was going to need to replenish. Perhaps he could get Cedar to help him grow the herbs he needed.

Solomon started bandaging the worst of Reinhold’s wounds and cleaning out the dirt and grim. He was mostly finished when Cedar crawled in. He looked terrible, even though Solomon knew not much of the care for a bear. Even so, Solomon was going to try. Applying pain relief and accessing the extent of the damage was going to be hard with all the fur, though.

“Jazdia, Yvonne. In my pouch there is one last container of some pain salve, medicated ointment to promote healing, and some bandages. Take the canteen and clean your wounds with the water. Patch what you can, and where you cannot, I will tend to you. Allow me to see what I can do for Cedar first.” Solomon shuffled over the his bear friend. He was covered in mud, and was obviously exhausted. Asevor as well as the storm had done a number on him. Solomon wanted to at least make sure he was stable. He had to endure more than most in this conflict.

“Jazdia. I will not accept your nonchalant behavior. Please take care of yourself, keep yourself rested. There is no further need to exert. Stay here. Petra should be escorting the prince down shortly.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

Solomon took pause, occasional shifting his eyes to look at the timer. While it was true that the timer moved considerably when he passed through, it had barely made any progress since then. He was sure there were a plethora of reasons why or how the timer worked, but Solomon didn’t need nor care to contemplate it further. Kaito was already out there, presumably searching for the persons he described. However, Solomon realized he was of no use any more within the box. He got all the information he could from both observing the runes along the walls and from speaking with the prince.

“I am not of much use to you in here, it seems.” said Solomon, relaying the facts towards the prince. “I will have to depart. We need a key bearer, and I’m afraid my comrade might not be able to succeed alone. You’ve given us enough insight to find a means of your release. Hold tight, it should not be much longer.”

Solomon’s form darkened as his figure resembled ethereal smoke more than a person. Collapsing and snaking out through the exposed crack in the box, Solomon left the prince alone. Rather than meet up with Kaito outside the box, should he still even be there, Solomon phased through the stone and timber bones that held the keep together until he was outside its walls. The storm was still blowing strong, with no sign of letting up any time soon. No one alive, either enemy or dead, seemed to be around. Anyone alive should be seeking shelter.

“A mage in purple, or underling of Asevor. If you should find him, living or non, call me forth.” said Solomon, though in his spectral form, no one alive would ever hear him, let along through the noise the falling rain and billowing winds were making. The two shadows who were otherwise lingering within the dining hall of the keep flew through the walls towards the remains of the bramble roots outside the palisade where the mages of the keep attempted to control the magical growths. Petra remained where she was, concentrating on the coordination with Jazdia.

Solomon reentered the keep, returning to a physical form, resting upon the ruined seat laid closest to the shattered remains of Asevor’s armed men. Though Solomon could no longer raise them, their secrets once held in death was left for Solomon to coerce. He asked those men of how many knew of the box, how many knew of the key, and whether they could name any. From the perspective of an outsider, it would appear as Solomon was sitting still, staring at the remains of a torn apart lifeless corpse. But to Solomon, the dead could speak volumes. With the bodies either Kaito or his shadows could find, he might quickly narrow the key bearing candidate entrusted by Asevor.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

So it appears Asevor erred more towards his convenience than to that of his paranoia. Still though, it didn’t leave Solomon with many options he could do from within the box. The mage in purple was probably one of Asevor’s underlings, but he could not recall a man with one eye. Solomon considered leaving the box again, potentially shortening their time to seek answers from another avenue. His first though was Asevor, the only man he knew who could open the box. Then there were his mages. They had left to deal with Cedar’s brambles and the following fire. He doubted if any survived, but even if they had not.

For the thirty or so seconds he contemplated what to do, he heard a voice, barely audible. It was Kaito, or at least sounded like his illusion casting friend. Solomon moved closer to the forced opening at the corner of the room like box.

“Unless you are also have talent in rune crafting, I’m afraid there isn’t much you could do. The box is very durable.” said Solomon. He spoke as closely to the crack as possible so that he words could come through. Despite the thin walls, there was a considerable amount of soundproofing. Another measure to help conceal the prince within, no doubt. Solomon stayed by the crack a little longer, he had more to say. “Time isn’t desperately short, but we don’t have much to linger. The prince is in here. If you can locate any of the mages sent to fight the bramble growth or any of their bodies, bring them here. Perhaps then I might be able to wring out a key bearer. The should be dressed in purple. At the very least, find any under Asevor’s charge. None from within the keep, though. They have passed on and will not be of much help.”

Solomon turned back to the prince, “lets hope that Asevor entrusted more than one other mage a key.”

As the wind penetrated the lower levels of the keep as Asevor continued his attempted escape, Petra scowled again as the paranoid mage continued his ascent, shrugging off every ray of ice she had released. Her physical body was flipping through a couple of the pages, locating another spell when Jazdia shouted towards Cedar, and then directed instruction to Petra. Petra looked down then up at the injured elf. At some point Jazdia started for the stairs.

Petra attempted a protest, but everyone was too far away, and the storm and raining hail made it difficult to speak without shouting, and Petra just lost interest at that point. Follow the elf’s lead. That was the instruction along with everything else. Petra considered ruining the stable to retrieve the magic device. At least then it would be the storm’s fault for those death inside. It didn’t matter. A spell not requiring her book, Petra’s spectral hand was laid out palm up as an exact replica of it separated from her body. With a flick of the wrist, the singular hand with no attachments flew through the storm, cutting through the wind as though it didn’t exist towards the stable.

Petra looked down at the book, held in her physical arms raised above the physical head. She rested another hand on the exposed spell book, her fingers curling as pure arcane energy pooled between her palm and the page. Her arm lifting off the page, several mostly transparent distortions of space erupted from the page. Seven beams of pure kinetic energy given magical form flew out of the keep, turning sharply towards Asevor’s direction. In clear weather, these rays were barely perceptible, but nigh unnoticeable through the fog, rain, and hail. Each of the seven rays flew past Asevor before turning sharply circling him in a wide orbit. One at a time, the rays would deviate striking Asevor’s barrier the opposite direction he was attempting to travel. Each ray was like being hit with a wall, so the plan was to at least halt his movement before he got too far away.

At the sables, barely holding together through the strong winds and heavy rains, a magical hand cut off by the wrist appeared. In one swift motion, it attempted to grab the magic device from Yvonne. Should it be successful, the hand would fly towards Cedar’s location, and by one means or another, thrust it into his possession, even if it was uncomfortable.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

Petra launched a ray of ice towards Asevor as he attempted to leave the keep. Though the force broke the last one, Asevor all but ignored Petra in his escape. Unfortunately, the ray remained true despite the wind. Asevor, on the other hand, was ripped into the hurricane, though his protective shield probably saved him from the violent winds. At least from the winds directly, it would be hard to fly against such powerful gale. Her ray of ice struck the frame of the entrance, encasing it and parts of the wall in ice

Like Jazdia, Petra approached the entrance of the keep, landing to better brace herself against the wind’s vacuuming effect. She had five rays remaining and one by one she released them, flying true to Asevor’s general position. The wind was working to slam Asevor into the wall, and that was fine by Petra. At least he would be contained to a small area. As each ray flew through the storm, the wind seemed to have no effect, but the rain froze as it passed, leading to small bits of ice to crackle on the ground, melting quickly in the pooled waters.

Back inside the keep among the higher floors, Solomon frowned as he listened to the prince. He knew is part that the key would be a rune, but had some hope that it could be something else. While Solomon learned to read some runes, or even interact with a few, he knew nothing about crafting them.

“I trust that is everything, then? Is there anything else you might be neglecting to mention?” asked Solomon. He wanted to be sure he got all the information he could get. As it were, Solomon was ill equipped to open the box outside of widening the forced opening. Ideally, Solomon would rescue the prince of his prison without outright bowing it up or otherwise accelerating the timer. The situation was tricky. Asevor seemed too arrogant to always be on constant watch over the box, yet he with how paranoid the stories portrayed him, it was unlikely he would let anyone else besides himself have access to a key.

“When the maid had come, had she come alone or had wizard in purple opened it? Are there any instances where said wizard was not present? Even to just use this slot on the door? From the time before you were first placed within the box until now. Please do not leave out any details.” The slot was an idea. It was too narrow for a normal person to pass through, but Solomon got to thinking. Incorporeal form only affected him and his belongings. Normally this spell wouldn’t work with another. It was risky, but if the prince were among his possessions, perhaps he could stretch the magic a little beyond its function. Perhaps that would be best used as a last chance attempt, an idea that Solomon was not in favor of. Another would be to try and peak at what the failsafe below the floor would be. But that would certainly increase the timer again. And severing the connection would probably trigger a fail safe to the fail safe to prevent tampering. It was starting to feel impossible without Asevor to open the container.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

Petra was amused, though the sour expression on her face might have told differently. She pointed at the base of Asevor’s person, one of the rays of frost quickly separating from the rest that was orbiting her body. The beam hit the bottom of Asevor’s annoying and seemingly impenetrable barrier. Frost began to spread from where the ice spike landed covering the various debris on the floor in solid water. Similarly, the ice grew up over the barrier until it reached a height equal to Asevor’s waist. The affected area was surrounded in a thin layer of mist as the temperature suddenly dropped around the layer of frost. Petra had released the ray partially in response to Asevor’s comment, and partially on reflex from the wayward arrow exploding. As a result, her ray launched shortly after Jazdia fired her readied arrow.

Solomon took note of the arrangement of runes, committing as much as he could to memory. While some did line up with what he studied several decades ago, the structure was very complex. It would take him longer still to figure out a means of bypassing the mechanism. The door was especially guarded, but it did have a keyhole of sorts.

“Yes, we are here for your rescue.” said Solomon without turning. “Antigone is not among us. We have only learned of Asevor’s involvement recently. He is still a part of the ongoing situation, I’m afraid.” Solomon was bothered by the flickering of the illusion, perhaps letting a steady stream of water would better illuminate what he was working with. As it were, there was less than an inch of water in the room, so the threat of drowning was less of a concern than the fail safes Asevor had enchanted. However, his arrival had rushed the red timer, and he wanted to minimize how often he would have to penetrate borders of the box.

“I imagine you’ve attempted escape, yes? Or at least tried to learn as much of your captors as possible? Is there anything you can tell me of the wizard you mentioned? Such as how you’ve been fed, clothed, or cleansed. Perhaps a word or a spell you’ve caught glimpse of, be it sight or sound. It could narrow down my efforts if so.” Solomon turned his head sideways to get a side glance at the prince’s expression, though the hood made it hard for either of them to get a full view.
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