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I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general.

I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.

I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any.

One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.

Most Recent Posts

Solomon Sparrow

Location: Rascade, Kindeance

Solomon wandered next to the lying corpse upon the ground. He looked down on the Gerralt. Beyond just the physical pain he was forced to endure in silence, he was also in emotional turmoil. Everything was taken from him, and now he was crudely resurrected to experience it again. He was to fully know the consequences his departure had brought. This would have killed lesser men, and here Gerralt lay, his psyche broken. Solomon knelt down, slowly until he was almost face to face with the animated corpse.

“No more hostility. This is your bed. This is only a fraction of the anguish you have dealt yourself. Never you mind what comes next. You are the king’s prisoner, and you will comply.”

Solomon stood back up, and faced the others. He stepped around Gerralt’s body to where the apothecary was leaning against the table. Blood had soaked his tunic around his shoulder, the pencil lay across the room, being tossed after Gerralt’s sudden attack.

“Let me see. I should mend this before you get an infection.” said Solomon. He reached beneath is cloak and removed his satchel. With fresh bandages and a bottle of antiseptic, Solomon cleaned Roland up, and wrapped the wound. Thankfully, it wasn’t too deep, but would be tender for a little while as it healed. In the mean time, the others went to take care of Gerralt. He remained motionless on the ground, with only the most minimal evidence he was animated to begin with.

“I can see myself back to my room.” said Solomon, as he was stowing his supplies away. “I have gathered what I need. I am appreciative of the opportunity. Solomon opened the heavy door and ascended the stairs. The night was aging, and morning was only a couple hours away. Solomon had a few more reservations he had to go through before meeting the King.


Come morning, Solomon was chatting with Petra. She was equal parts intrigued and appalled by the events that occurred just hours before. She even went so far as to chastise him as a hypocrite. Solomon took it in stride, explained his reasons once more and left it at that. Solomon’s goals were not going to be an easy one. Though he would do everything in his power to prevent needless harm or suffering, sometimes the end justifies the means. Had he been successful, Solomon would have intended Gerralt join him and his allies within the new world where true resurrection and immortality could exist. Instead, Kindeance law had other plans.

Solomon went with the others farther back towards the west wing. He didn’t think they would be led to the sight of Gerralt, and was partially relieved when they passed by the hall that split off down a path leading to the basement. He still did not want Cedar to see what had happened there, for Cedar’s sake. Instead, they went farther into another secluded part of the castle. Solomon supposed that their involvement with the prince’s return is still meant to be kept from the people of Rascade. Which made sense, his absence was never meant to be know, so his rescuers would have to go on into obscurity in the eyes of the public.

He couldn’t say he was surprised the King wasn’t present. If not being celebrating his reunion with his son, he was at least involved with furthering his plan of Kindeance security. He could tell from the distance of his tailing shadows that the prince was also nowhere near the west wing. Solomon closed his eyes, with a slight smile as he listened to the rest of the chamberlain’s instruction. A horse would certainly speed up his travels. And the reward within the boxes were sure not to be small either. Any common man with the skill and opportunity to embark this quest would be happy with the reward.

“I thank you.” said Solomon, “It was both an honor and enlightening to have been requested to aide the king. If I may, I’ll take my leave. There is a matter I wish to check up on.” Solomon turned and left the room. A banquet tonight sounded nice, but there was another event coming, soon to be announced. He needed to be present in one form or another for its conclusion.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Rascade, Kindeance

Solomon kept his eyes on Roland the entire journey through the castle corridors, gates, and rooms. They walked in silence, not because of how late in the night it was, but because of the weight of the yet to be revealed request. At least, that is what Solomon assumed. To be called for at night, surely when the other’s would have fallen asleep by now, the matter must have been severe. Not urgent, but certainly not something one would reveal lightly.

Once the silence was finally broken, Roland mentioned the Black Serpent Guild. Solomon recognized the name. The altercation had not only drawn Henri away from his group, but had left him missing, presumed dead. The fighting ring, the multiple houses involved, slavery, arms dealing. The group was far reaching and notoriously devious. Though they had fallen, they had certainly left not shortage of trouble behind.

Roland stopped in front of a heavy door. Upon opening it, Solomon could see the extent of the King and his men. Solomon knew that the king was holding the body of one of his would be assassins somewhere, but the extent to also restore the corpse of the black serpent guild was equal parts impressive and concerning. Despite the grisly scene and the mixture of chemicals in the air, Solomon felt himself at home. This was a lab, and one Solomon would find great use of.

Solomon meandered towards the table on which lay the body of a man once torn apart, put back together. The man sewing the abdomen was focused on his work, not reacting to Solomon’s presence. Solomon’s gaze drifted from the middle aged corpse’s abdomen where the apprentice was working up to the open chest cavity, the heart and lungs destroyed beyond function, but still recognizable. His eyes then landed on his face. The man’s eyes were open, but his face showed a clear sign of terror and pain. Time may have removed the shine of his eyes, but there was no hiding the recent history they witnessed.

“Tell me. What have you endured.” whispered Solomon softly. Roland hesitated, but otherwise approached Solomon’s side from behind. He pinched his nose as the intensity of the smell increased. Solomon head hovered over the corpse’s face, his eyes closed, but his hood concealing his own head completely. As Roland spoke, Solomon did not respond. Solomon stood almost completely still, unsettlingly so. Another in the room also came beside Solomon and the corpse.

"We will need you to wake him up." said the apothecary animatedly.

"And talk. We will need him to be alive so folks can hear him screeching when the horses pull him apart." continued the larger figure . He was more demanding compared to the apothecary's request. Solomon slowly straighten up, at least as much as he could given his age.

“Tell me, why do you believe I can do something like that?” he asked. The question sounded genuine. Roland’s eye’s widened, and the larger armored figure appeared further irritated.

“Surely the rumors are not entirely false.” said Roland after a little of a stammer, “His highness wouldn’t have requested you specifically if you couldn’t. Look at the woman who arrived with you and your group. I’ve never seen anything like it before. A half ghost. Who would have known such a creature could exist?”

“Who indeed.” Solomon chuckled, despite the setting and seriousness of the other persons working inside the laboratory mortuary. “Very well, I will see what I can do. You should know, my well built friend, using my methods means he will talk, but he will not screech. There is no pain among the deceased.”

The well built person was even more incredulous upon hearing the news. From the armor attire, helm and the ring of keys and manacles, Solomon could tell he wasn’t paying about being the jailer. “Unacceptable. We won’t get the people’s attention if we just quarter a dead body.”

“He is a dead body.”

“That’s not the point. We need the people to believe he is alive and that he is being punished for his crimes.”

“Being killed once isn’t enough?”

“King Fredricus has a plan. We need this to work. I need him to scream.” the jailer raised a fist. If it wasn’t for the apprentice working, they might have slammed it down on the corpse. They were adamant about this. Solomon could see his drive wasn’t sadism, but loyalty. It looked as though the king did have a plan, and he needed to flow flawlessly. This jailer was keenly invested in this operation. It wasn’t just them either. The others had various looks on their faces, expecting this outcome. Solomon took another look at the corpse, though Roland and the jailer could see his mouth move beneath his mask, no words escaped it.

For Solomon, he was making a few further inquiries with the body. Free of restraint, but still unmoving, it gave all of it’s memories willingly. He was Gerralt, a leader of the Black Serpent Guild. The pain and suffering this man helped facilitate was staggering. The fodder he provided ruthless fighters for the entertainment of the few. And the suffering he put those he had trafficked for measly profits. He caught glimpses of Jormungandr, and how she was isolated for weeks at a time, left to beg for this man’s touch. A thought touched his mind. Perhaps, there was a way to give everyone what they wanted. This was an opportunity he might not see for a long time.

“Well?” spoke the jailer. Solomon’s demeanor changed. Though it was hard to see given his cloak, hood and mask, there was something different. It was as if the room felt noticably darker, and Solomon’s presence more sinister. He turned to face the jailer properly.

“I might have a way. I recommend you stand back.” Solomon then turned to face the apprentice who was just finishing up, “that includes you.”

Solomon looked at the body again, holding his hand out over his chest. This was an opportunity, and for a first time experiment, this was probably the most exceptional person to preform. Solomon thought at least Cedar was not here to witness this. He would be all kinds of against this. It was a pleasant thought, given the unpleasant circumstance. It could even be considered mad, but his theories needed to be proven.

The lanterns within the roomed dimmed, and even the smell of herbs and chemicals subsided, replaced with that of the smell of death. Black energy with silver wisps seeped from between the pages of the large tome, fastened near Solomon’s lower back. The belts unfastened, magical auras became visible and dissipated, the two metal plates fell to the floor with a short clatter. It drifted in front of Solomon’s face, angled towards the ceiling, it’s pages fluttering as though they were blown by the wind. The pages kept turning until it reached on near the very back of the book, a singular inscription placed in the center of both pages.

While the energy still flowed from the book to Solomon, and then to the corpse of Gerralt, stray tendrils began to spread out in all directions centered from the two small inscriptions within the book. While it was hard to make out, with enough focus, these stray tendrils appeared to take the form of hands. Those of black seemingly reached out towards the ceiling, while those of silver reached down towards the floor. As the spell commenced, these tendrils reached wildly, gripping at the air until one seemingly snagged something. Since beginning his cast, Solomon spoke audibly, though still barely more than a whisper.

“Rise again. Your death I suspend. Your time among the lived has yet to end.” The vaguely hand shaped tendrils pulled back towards the book, and a new flush of energy poured from the book down into the body like a liquid. Tendrils rose out of the body, and turned back diving back into the pool with vigor. It almost looked as though the magic was sewing something in place. Muscles began to twitch, and Gerralt’s wide open eyes shifted back and forth. His heart even beat once, and his lung inflated with air. Gerralt’s head turned slowly to face Solomon’s, the look of horror remaining. His face actually contorted more, revealing further anguish. Visibly, the man’s lungs inflated as much as they could in their damaged state, and he released a pain riddled howl.

“Cease your screams, ignore your pain.” commanded Solomon. Though Gerralt’s face remained in a state of agony, his scream stopped instantly. With his spell finished, the book closed, drifting back to it’s place belted to Solomon’s person, the other safeguards levitating and resealing the book under their protections. He held out his hand, stopping the others from approaching.

“I’m not quite done.” said Solomon, not turning his head. He kept his eyes on the newly raised Gerralt. Normally the dead raised wouldn’t feel pain. Even those special he had summoned were incapable of it. Solomon himself couldn’t feel pain either, not that any of his allies would know. But here, Solomon violated the space among the afterlife. He had in a way resurrected the soul of Gerralt into the body of a dead man. Were it not for the damage that could not be repaired, there might have been a chance the pain he experienced would be minuscule. Solomon needed to know just how successful such a blasphemous alteration of his raise dead spell was in its purpose.

After an uncomfortably long time of watching Solomon’s unmoving figure and the frozen anguish of Gerralt’s features, Solomon stepped back. He motioned for the other’s to approach if they wished. Some were curious, the apothecary among them, while other were horrified. No doubt they also heard the stories, and knew of a potential chance, but to see it actually happen. It was hard for some of them to believe that any forces within nature even allowed this. For Solomon, he had gotten some answers. Some promising, others less so. It was a start, but there was still much to learn, much to figure out. In time, Solomon’s hoped his next attempt would yield better results.

“Gerralt. Compose yourself, speak the truth, and continue to ignore your pain. You will obey what is asked by those appointed by the king." commanded Solomon. Finally, Gerralt’s face relaxed, but the shaking of his eyes could not hide how much pain he was enduring. His chest was exposed, and his body was in stitches. If it were not for his now undead state, he surely would have gone into shock if not having perished a second time.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

“Just some minor squabble about morality.” said Solomon as he led Yvonne up the stairs. “As Cedar says, nothing too serious.” Solomon chuckled. He found the vacant room and held the door for his injured ally. After she went in, Solomon followed, closing the door behind him. After making sure he had all he needed, he was ready to get to work.

“Now, we just need to remove your garment and take a look.” Behind the closed door, Solomon did what he needed to. After several minutes, he was done. The wounds properly cleaned and the bandages changed. Hopefully this meant no further itching. At least not until they reached Rascade.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

“And with this invigorating discussion still underway, I think I will steal away Yvonne now.” said Solomon, he stood up, offering his seat to Jazdia, right next to the still warm pot of tea. Just as Solomon was going to say something more, Matilda and the prince had entered. The conversation seemed to have ended there.

“Perhaps something a little less charged. If at least for the youngling in Guard Captain Matilda’s care.” said Solomon. Though his words spoke about the prince, the way he said it put more weight towards Matilda. The way he said it seemed to be more for the attitude of Matilda. He wasn’t sure how she’d react to the idea Fred would act so callously towards those he pleaded help from. It wasn’t the most pleasant light to paint him in.

“Mister Baker, is there a free room available where I can attend to my energetic patient? Treating her here would be less than ideal for her privacy and modesty.” asked Solomon. Baker indiacted there was a space, mentioning a room up stairs. Solomon nodded and thanked him. It was just what he’d need.

“Miss Yvonne, if you would follow me, I can change your bandages. At least so they are not so irritating.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

Solomon continued looking forward when Cedar had entered the establishment. He didn’t really have to confirm it was him, his heavy steps, and Barker’s greeting was enough. Yet, even with Yvonne barging in shortly thereafter, Solomon continued to wait. Petra turned her head, but the sudden entrance, but Solomon remained in contemplation. They had the prince, now but there was more going on behind the scenes. He finally relaxed again, his eyes shifting as he heard Cedar’s grievances and Yvonne’s brashness. Perhaps the exhaustion was finally getting to everyone. It didn’t help to see that the alcohol was catching up with the Yvonne.

Solomon turned slightly in his chair so his back was not quite to either Cedar or Yvonne. “Perhaps this is a sign we needed the rest. If guard captain Matilda were more accepting, I’d highly recommend both she and the youngling come inside and stretch their legs. We still have several hours of travel ahead of us. Some food and exercise would do them both good. Also, Yvonne, in a bit I would like to change out your bandages now that you are up and walking.” Now that Jazdia was back, much cleaning and looking much healthier, perhaps Baker would be willing to lend the room again for Yvonne's benefit. At least, if she was cooperative in her inebriated state.

Solomon sat back in his chair proper, not wanting to ignore Baker, “My apologies. Your question. I personally would like to continue my research, but I doubt I will be able to just walk away. I cannot say, but I feel this endeavor has yet several more stages to play out. We might have custody of the VIP, as you say, for now. But there are forces still out there no doubt plotting the means to redirect the path ahead.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

Solomon didn’t mind Baker inviting himself into the group, in one way or another he provided good help. He took in the once slaved caster girl, provided the compass which helped in communication, and was kind enough to spare some of the medical supplies stored within. He also appeared to be good friends with jazdia, whom Baker said would be returning shortly. He was impressed that he had no reaction to Petra, and she herself didn’t care. She remained sitting in the chair Jazdia had vacated staring into the fire.

“Hmm, yes. To say the operation went off without a hitch would be a lie. Being able to think about it now, it was clear to see how many wrong turns we inadvertently took. For Jazdia, it is probably what has happened most recently. We did not leave without loss. How and why may have left her with negative emotion. It does not help since yesterday we have been constantly moving with nary time enough for a proper rest. This is the first we have been given the chance to fully relax.” said Solomon. He tried to tell of their adventures without disrespecting both honor, and giving away too much information, while still speaking the truth. Jazdia and to an extent Solomon trusted Baker, but he still felt it best to keep the particulars vague.

Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

“Take care now. Your skin will be fragile after such burns” said Solomon softly enough as Jazdia left as to not inform the others in the room. He spoke just loud enough that Jazdia may have heard him as she disappeared behind the counter through the door. Solomon had no intention of treating her in the dining room, instead recommending a proper room with a door. Still though, it was a good sign that Jazdia was able to take up her own care. He wondered how Yvonne fared in that matter. She remained by the carriage, which felt odd. But should she be resting, it would be best not to disturb her.

After the tea had arrived, the door into the inn opened once again. Petra waltzed in paying no mind to the other patrons along the other table, marching straight to the fireplace. In front of her she held several rolls of bandages and a labeled bottle of a clear liquid. When she reached Solomon, she looked at the empty chair near the building fire.

“Where is the elf?” she asked, placing the items down onto the table. The bottle fell over and rolled into the tea tray. She then took Jazdia’s chair, her body leaning over her knees letting Petra’s spectral upper half to almost appear to be leaning back.

“She is taking care of her wounds. Baker was kind enough to offer up some of his supplies.” said Solomon.

“Then I got all of this for nothing?” Petra asked insistently.

“No, I was in need of these anyway.” replied Solomon, he grabbed the items and put them away into his pack hidden beneath his robe. “I hope there wasn’t any trouble retrieving these.”

“No. the shop keep was too drunk to make any sense of it. If you’re asking, the biggest hurdle was getting in. Shop keep was too inebriated to unlock the door.”

“He was probably closed for the night, I do hope you compensated him for the trouble.”

Petra sighed, her head looking back towards the ceiling. “Yes, I left coin on the counter. Might be his only clue about what happened anyway.”

“That’s good. Thank you for doing that for me.” said Solomon. Solomon decided to wait by the fire place for Jazdia to return. He could see how exhausted Nina was becoming as the night waned on, and didn’t feel like adding more to her sudden evening workload. Besides, she seemed to be having a good time chatting with the siblings at the other table.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

“Is that right? Well then, I hope Baker does not mind.” Said Solomon. “Then I will have supplies enough on hand as needed.” Baker walked out of the inn nearly the same time as they entered. The interior of the inn was warm, homey even. The server girl, Nina was waiting on the couple that entered earlier. Jazdia went to the fire place, setting it up to burn.

Once Nina was away from the other table, Solomon called her over.

“Could I have a roll of bandages, some clean water, and cloth?” Solomon requested.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

“Two hours should be plenty of time.” said Solomon. The night was still young and people were still about finalizing their day. A two hour break felt warranted even thought some of them might of rejected the idea. The Prince’s safety was important, but so was his and everyone else’s comfort. Enduring so much bouncing from the horses for the rest of the trip would not do without a substantial break. Solomon made a small sidestep and faced the carriage once again.

“Petra. Would you procure me some more bandages? Some antiseptics as well if you can find them.” Asked Solomon. Petra crossed her arm, leaning on one leg, a stance if displeasure.

“I am not your courier.” She said exasperated. After a bit she turned and walked away. She waved her right hand up and down loosely as she did so. “Fine.”

“My thanks.” Solomon returned. His attention back with Jazdia, Solomon extended his own hand towards the entrance of the inn. “Shall we?”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

Solomon mostly kept to himself the entire ride back, engaging in some small talk with Yvonne, mainly about the lengths Cedar went to ensure reinforcements would have a difficult time arriving at Fanghorn. There was plenty of evidence of the damage he caused, much of the remnants looking like those from the keep where August had given the planets a head start.

Travel to Hdur was left mainly in silence. Long ago, the shadows from Pesti had arrived and Solomon spent the remainder of the time compiling the information they had. The mercenary group left Pesti, found Silas, and then went on their way. The lord was too busy dealing with the worries of his people. Many were frightened by the explosion, though thankfully nothing else came up from it. He suspected that news of Fanghorn’s demise would soon reach them and then similarly another envoy sent to the king, suspecting a terrorist attack. At least the party had a head start to inform the king of the events that actually transpired.

As time passed, the shadows cast by the sun slowly covered the path, casting the party in shade. Eventually even the distinct shadows blended as the sunlight disappeared entirely, leaving only the moon and stars to light the sky. With Hdur fast approaching, perhaps it was time for a break. After several hours, surely the riders would be stiff.

Sure enough, they stopped by the inn where they had first reconvened since Kindeance. Solomon dismounted the horse, letting it lap up water from a near trough. Solomon noticed that neither Silas or his men were present. Perhaps they continued forward rather than stop. Cedar went to the inn, and Jazdia seemed content waiting outside. It looks as though a proper break was in order. Petra landed near the cart, staying close to it to avoid as few eyes as possible. It was a good choice given moments later a couple had entered the inn. Curious was their nonreaction to Baker conversing with Cedar.

They were half way home now, and beyond the moment Kirsten met up with Jazdia, there hasn’t been any disturbances or note worthy obstacles. Still though, Solomon was wary. If Silas was to do something, his opportunities were quickly decreasing. Now that the cover of darkness blanketed most of the town, Solomon had each of his shadows accompany his colleagues without revealing themselves and without disturbance. One already was with the prince since Fanghorn. The others went to Yvonne, Cedar, Kaito, Matilda, and Jazdia. Capable Solomon’s allies were, and unlikely something were to happen, but at least now they had another level of sentry. A last resort of sorts to seek help.

With that done, Solomon gave some greeting to Petra, then wandered near Jazdia, “Are not not famished?” he asked, noticing how Jazdia seemed to shy away from Baker’s invitation, “I would recommend a warm meal and water. You’re still recovering and need as much energy as you can get. While we are here, perhaps I can also change your bandages. The inn would offer considerable privacy.

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