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I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general.

I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.

I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any.

One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.

Most Recent Posts

Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

Athena turned to look at Evan more appropriately as he lay on the grass. He posed another question involving her fire. If he wanted to learn how to conjure it for himself, Athena had no idea how to teach him. Much of how just just realized on her own she could do it, she wasn’t sure how she could convey such a method to others.

“No one has asked before, and I wouldn’t know where to begin.” Athena said. Watching as Evan lay in the grass, and the warmth of the fire, Athena felt tired. Her arm in pain, she wasn’t sure if she could properly rest. As though Louise could tell, she came over after the fire started growing. Offering herself as a pillow. Athena was hesitant but ultimately decided to lie down anyway. She winced as she initially used her bad arm to lower herself, but recovered to the other until she was also flat against the ground.
Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

Athena watched as Louise started to make a fire of her own. It was small and would likely burn out quickly in a few short minutes, but the light and warmth was welcome. Athena could tell Evan meant well with his words, but if he didn't know what medicine was, Athena didn't feel comfortable about Evan doing any sort of procedure. Some of what he said made sense regardless, but in his explanations he didn’t sound confident in what he was saying. It was though he knew what to do in theory but not so much in practice. Athena could not get over the idea of using ice, even finely controlled ice, would be a good idea.

“No no. I think I can hold out until someone more qualified can help. There is a doctor among us right? I know Lord Thernous has some healing abilities as well.” said Athena, "The bleeding has almost stopped, and my arm isn't broken."
Solomon Sparrow & Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

Athena stared at Evan as he spoke about his own power. He looked human, but maybe there was more to him that pointed otherwise. Still, being able to control ice on instinct was such a marvelous feat on its own. Athena could see there was a lot of potential in that power. He still looked young, so there was room for him to grow and develop it into a formidable threat, offensively and defensively.

“I, uh, you know medicine?” Athena asked as Evan sat down next to her. She wasn’t too sure, but Evan looked more injured than initially let on. Still he offered to lend some aid towards Athena’s arm. Beyond the pain, the yokai didn’t actually look at the damage it had sustained. Clear bands were indented into her skin from where the leather was torn from the sleeve into the wounds cut in by her shield. It looked worse than if felt. It was like an oddly tingled pain, almost numb.

Before Athena answered Evan’s offer, Louise spoke up, still working with the medicine kit the wind knight had on hand. Athena looked at her arm again. Any blood that was there was a mixed in with the dirt, and the leather looked to minimize how much blood she was actually losing. A majority of it had dried, where light would only glisten around the wound itself. Athena looked back up at Louise, “It’s mostly my arm. It doesn’t look to be bleeding terribly.”

Underground in the basement lab, the fire was continuously growing. Heat was building and the smoke filling every nook and cranny it could across the ceiling. All the while, Bartholomew was continuing his assault. A clean hit, the enraged bear seemed to lose a lot of momentum, charging forwards towards the exit.

“Trying to flee are we? I’m not done yet. Ha haa!” said Bartholomew as he lifted his axe up once again, holding it close across his chest. He walked through the burning liquids, past Rose as she lay tossed aside from Ted’s grapple. He walked past Lily attempting to put out that very fire. Though he lacked eyes, one could tell Bartholomew remained focused on his foe. “Is that all you have? I’ve fought men with more spirit than that.” Bartholomew’s axe rose high ready for another downward swing.

Solomon watched the fire swell, and Rose’s answer to controlling it. In all honesty, he wasn’t surprised by her solution. In fact, it reminded the old doctor of the trick Cedar employed at Fanghorn. Still, with Bartholomew and Ted engaged by the flaming cabinets, it was going to be risky. Black energy started to condense in his palm when suddenly Ted appeared just in front of Solomon, fallen to the ground. The energy Solomon was concentrating dissipated as Solomon gave up on the summon. He saw Lily tossed aside, and the fire looked to only be getting worse.

“Lileh, Rose. You’d best get out of there. It’s getting much too dangerous, and we are losing our exits.” said Solomon taking a better look on how the situation was progressing. At the moment he heard Veronica call for him. Something must have happened. Did she or Varya fail in some way to take out Widernia? Solomon looked at the wall that separated the two sections of the lab, and then back at the bear sisters, “I’m serious, get out of there now!”

Solomon turned pitch black even in the bright light of the fire and his body clipped into the wall as though it never existed. Shortly thereafter his form reappeared again outside of the prison cells. What he saw was just as horrifying as the fight with Ted, but in its own different ways. Cedar was barely awake, strapped to a table, looking drained in more ways than one. Varya was in a cell next to him, looking a bit electrified. And then right in front was Veronica and Widernia. Blood soaked the redheaded mage’s top, and pooled around her back. Veronica was on top of her supplying air. Solomon stooped closer, lowering himself to the ground at Veronica’s height, his bones cracking.

“I see. Let me have a look.” said Solomon earnestly. It didn’t take much for Solomon to realize that Veronica was trying to save the redheaded mage. He had little reason to question her decision either. Solomon didn’t give Veronica much time to move as he started looking over Widernia’s condition. The gash across her chest seemed freshly patched in some way, almost like someone tried to peel the skin with a scalpel and stopped part way through. Noticing the partially used bottle of the healing potion provided by Yvonne answered as to why, “That potion. That’ll be the reason she lives. She’s lost a lot of blood. Any more and she might... Well, it’s still too early to tell.”

Solomon examined the injuries that remained, The major bleeding seemed to have slowed significantly. He noticed how hard Widernia was breathing. Short labored breathes. Even her skin was looking very pale almost blue. Solomon worked quickly to pull out a satchel and a roll of instruments. He felt around the mage’s chest, keeping his ear close listening. Once he was satisfied with the result, he removed some instruments and pierced the redhead’s chest. Blood and liquid exited the tube, followed by a little air. It should be enough for Widernia to resume normal breathing. Solomon then started quick patchwork of the remaining injury, stopping the bleeding, and covering the injury from further contamination.

“That would work for now, at least until we can get her out of here.” said Solomon. He looked up at the prison cells containing Cedar and Varya. He recognized the runes around the lock. If Solomon had more time, he could decipher and eventually overturn the magic they sealed, but time was quickly running out.

“Are you awake? You will be fine.” Solomon attempted to see whether Widernia was cohesive. He looked to Veronica, then back down to his patient, “We need you to unlock the cells. We’ll get you out of here to safety after that’s done.”
Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

The night was quiet, the air cool, and the environment bloody. Athena’s head hurt and her body was sore. However, she was feeling more nimble as she got her muscles to move again. For now, the pain she was suffering from most was her arm. Taking the full brunt of Jonas’ light spear had done a number on her. Perhaps she should have considered herself lucky that she still had an arm.

Athena sat in the grass as Louise went to check on Evan. Despite collapsing, he didn’t seem terribly injured. Given the amount of power he displayed, perhaps he had just overworked himself in a short amount of time. Athena couldn’t blame him. Jonas and his false honor felt too powerful without giving it all they had. Yet, in typical Evan fashion, he posed a question. Perhaps not the best time to ask, but it was a distraction.

“Uh hmm. I really couldn’t tell you.” said Athena. She never really thought about it before. When she awakened twenty odd years ago, she just sort of understood that she had these capabilities new to her person. For one, she awoke from her slumber in a completely different form. Creating fire was just something she discovered she could do as she grew into her new identity. She really couldn’t say why is was purple either.

“Ever since I rediscovered myself, I’ve always been able to just do it.”
Solomon Sparrow & Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

Well then, it sounded like Veronica was able to do something with the magic caster. A scream followed by bolts of lightning peaked through the other room Veronica disappeared into. With Varya also in that room, they had the advantage. Veronica has displayed enough tact and skill to be able to handle a mage. And hopefully whatever stunned Varya would have faded so he could lend his aid. That must mean the enraged bear was left to Solomon and the bear girls.

Solomon’s gaze turned to the bear and Bartholomew. The twins had the marvelous idea of sending a jar of alcohol careening towards the battle involving conscious fire. As soon as the glass shattered, and liquid chemical doused the bear, it took barely a second for the sparks of Bartholomew’s head to ignite. A wave of heat and embers washed over the two fighters.

“Ha ha ha! Fire!” shouted Bartholomew as he was also splashed by some of the burning fuel. Streaks of fire trailed down his chest plate, furthering his appearance of a flaming entity. Bartholomew leapt back, carrying the momentum of the Bear’s swat to keep him out of the path of the charging beast. Swinging his axe up and over onto his shoulder, Bartholomew continued laughing heartily. Bartholomew followed the bear, position his axe for a downward swing.

“I guess you’re not a fan.”

Solomon watched as the bear and the armor both in their own ways crashed into the cabinet of chemicals. Though the necromancer hadn’t a clue about what exactly was stored on those shelves, he knew enough about various concoctions to assume a few of them were flammable. If not flammable, some might as well be toxic to inhale dispersed into the air.

“Girls, stay back. I don’t know what’s to happen, but the situation has gotten potentially more dire.” Solomon knew he really couldn’t control the bear sisters, but a warning he called out anyway. He backup from his spot near the cabinets. Alone he wouldn’t be able to handle any resulting fire or chemical contamination. He paused to think if any of his currently unseen allies could.

Outside, the cool air was starting to silence as the rest of the party secured the battlefield. Many of them were badly hurt, evidence of the team’s infancy. Among those down was Athena. Thankfully not forgotten, Louise had approached calling out sweet words. Athena’s chest still rose and fell as breath passed through her lips. Unfortunately, Louise words alone were not enough to wake the unconscious nekomata.
Athena Voltspear

Location: Stritzel Estate, Kindeance

Athena stayed true to her charge while Yvonne and Louise did the same at either flank. She slowed her run as Delving kept his focus on her. Her hand gripped the shield’s handle tightly as she anticipated the attack from his ever glowing spear overhead. Still, she moved forward almost taunting him. Where she went wasn’t any matter of Delving’s. Defiantly, she continued forward.

When the spear came down, Athena stopped and braced herself as best she could against the colossal weapon of light. The moment it started descending was all the clue she needed to prepare. Still, the shear size and power behind the spear was more than the smaller nekomata could handle. The spear hit the shield, but right on impact, the shield was half buried into the earth.

“Haaangh ahh!” Athena cried out. She crumpled into the ground as the shield pulled her down with it. Leather straps dug into her arm, tearing through leather and skin. Athena’s shoulder popped out of the socket, and her elbow was similarly dislocated. Wrenching pops of bone fracturing was only drowned out by the rumble of the light spear hitting the ground.

As the giant spear of light struck the ground, Athena was thrown with the mounds of dirt and sod. Her mangled arm slipped out of the shield’s straps which now lay implanted into the topsoil. Athena's spear also flew off in another direction, spinning several times like a twirlers wand before landing at an angle, spearhead piercing the ground. Athena’s armor helped against further abrasions, but offered nothing for the bruises and blunt force trauma. She lay unconscious as Delving’s counter attacks diminished in effectiveness.

Even as the light from Delving’s power faded, Athena lay on her back, her limbs splayed, her left arm bent incorrectly. A cool breeze blew across her face, brushing some of her hair over her covered eyes. Though labored, Athena was still breathing steadily. The pain would eventually rouse her.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Stritzel Estate, Kindeance

Well, that was unfortunate. Not only was it not possible to avoid fighting the bear, but that he was actively seeking out one of their party members. Thankfully, Varya’s display of agility allowed him to essentially dance around the raging beast avoid most if not all of its deadly looking claw swipes. Of all the intelligent bears Solomon knew, which was a surprising amount at this point, this one was the most aggressive and the least apprehensive to using his strength. Even as Varya used he weapons, the bear looked as determined as ever to catching his prey.

“Alright girls, that bear is easily three times your size. It might be best if you stay here. Find another solution.” said Solomon. He looked around the corner again. Varya was holding around the tables, and Wideria wasn’t in view yet. This should be enough time.

“Stand back.” said Solomon. His glove hand glowed an odd black energy, almost like it was absorbing light than emitting it. Solomon turned to face the larger laboratory as the energy began to snake from the large tome at his back into his hand. Wisps of silver swirled into the darkness. Then the magical energy trailed from his hand into the ground a little ways in front of Solomon. “I call for your aid. Bartholomew of vengeful retribution. Heed my command and come forth.”

The ground from which the energy lingered began to crumble as a mound formed from below the tiles. Dirt cleared revealing a metallic surface that continued to rise out of the earth. Further pieces of metal was uncovered. The various pieces started to assemble themselves, as a suit of armor rose from the earth. Dull steel, with tattered insignia bearing familiar colors of Kindeance. Even without a body, the armor stood tall under its own power. A burst of heat localized around the figure emanated as a flash of fire erupted from where the head should have been. An imposing figure, the undead armor stood tall, large pauldrons, and thick greaves, the armor did not appear light in any capacity. A ball of bright white fire replaced the head, and though it lacked eyes, it seemed easy to tell where the entity was looking.

“Solomon!” the large fellow bellowed, “Again so soon? What have you been getting yourself into?”

“Bartholomew. Now isn’t the time. There is a rather unique bear that I need you to subdue.” said Solomon. The flaming armor turned his head, at least one could assume it did so. Even without a mouth, it managed to click its tongue.

“Not the druidic one? Say no more.” Bartholomew’s voice was full of eagerness and anticipation. One could tell the animated armor was excited for the opportunity to face battle once again. It knelt down, plunging its gauntlet into the mound it had just emerged from. In one movement, the armor lifted his elbow, his grip around a metal handle. As the armor stood up again, a large double headed bearded axe erupted from the soil. He carried the momentum of the weapon up, allowing it to land with an audible clang over his shoulder. “First you send me against a bear of a man. Now it’s an actual bear. Have at thee.”

Bartholomew took his axe in both hands and charged right for the enraged bear. Should the bear continued to be hyper focused to face Varya, Bartholomew was poised to attack the hulking beast while it was distracted. Heavy steps, yet large strides ensured that it was only a few steps before the armor would engage.

Solomon nodded his head as the flaming armor departed. “We shall see what the mage decides.” said Solomon, “based on what happens next, we can decide our next course of action.”
Athena Voltspear

Location: Stritzel Estate, Kindeance

Athena managed to stab at Delving’s shoulder. It wasn’t enough to stop, nor cripple the war hero, but it was still progress. The Delving patriarch backed off in a flash, almost taking Athena’s spear with him. Her arm jerked forward as the spear was forcefully ejected from the freshly made wound. She kept her grip on the weapon, so she didn’t lose it, allowing her to reset her stance. Despite the number difference, Jonas was worthy of the stories she heard about him from before her time as a yokai.

“Fighting dirty?” said Athena in some awe at the statement. The nobleman was able to keep everyone down, forcing a battle between physical prowess against one with both strength and magical influence. If he wanted a noble duel in these conditions, he was out of his mind. Yvonne went forward, and Louise also joined the battle. Athena followed after them. She needed to keep the pressure on along with her colleagues. If he was going to complain about dirty fighting, they might as well lean into his conception of such. Delving was fast, and had displayed a lot of skill. However, he was still a single man, which should mean his ability to react was limited.

Athena kept her shield forward, and her spear poised. She started running forward. Even without her fire, or ability to transform, she knew her way around her tools. Maybe that would be enough to either take advantage of a window, or create a window for the others.
Athena Voltspear

Location: Stritzel Estate, Kindeance

Athena’s spear was knocked away, but in the end, she was okay with it. It meant that her allies were able to continue with their respective attacks as well. Ice hitting the adversarial noble from one direction, a transparent wolf from another. It all culminated into a devastating looking blast from Jazdia off in the distance. However, despite the advantage, Jonas was not willing to back down.

A bright light burst before Athena, illuminating the fields and manor like a beacon. Athena raised her shield to cover her eyes. When her sight finally adjusted to the change in luminosity, she discovered that the source of the light was Delving himself. It didn’t matter to Athena, though she and most of her comrades were bathed in the light, it didn’t feel like it was causing any harm. At least in her initial assessment. Only when she readied her spear did she find her fire gone. Any attempt to place it back failed as well. She reasoned that his multitude of cleansing effects is what allowed Delving to boldly face the party.

With speeds faster than Athena could react, Delving’s partizan flew past her position, a sharp but very short lived blast of wind trailing it. Athena watched as in an instant, Jazdia was pierced by the glowing weapon. In the same instant, Delving had conjured a replacement. If the battle didn’t look good before, it looked worse now. Raising her spear, Athena dashed forward. Shield in front, Athena looked to coordinate with the others moving forward. It would be good if he couldn’t throw out another one of those partizans.
Solomon Sparrow & Athena Voltspear

Location: Stritzel Estate, Kindeance

Solomon waited with the others as the men left the small barrack towards the manor itself. The group was quiet, holding still. When the footsteps faded, some tension was released. Thankfully, waiting patiently worked as none of the guards went to inspect the barred door. As the group gathered in the antechamber, Solomon looked down each of the halls. No one was seen, coming or going. At least of yet. The hall the men walked down lead to the manor, so that meant the other lead to the laboratory.

Solomon looked into the barrack, where a single man lay sleeping inside. Veronica asked for the knockout chemical again. Normally, Solomon wouldn’t want to do so, but since the man was already asleep. To not risk waking him and having to deal with him flailing about should they try to retrain him, Solomon walked closer to the sleeping man. From inside his coat he removed the clothes he used before. They weren’t as strong in scent, the chemical quickly evaporating. Instead he retrieved the bottle once again. Since the guard was already asleep, he didn’t need to waste any on another cloth. Solomon gingerly held the bottle close to the man’s nose. He quickly recoiled as the guard snorted as the vapors hit. It was hard to tell if enough time had passed for it to take effect, but the man’s breathing was slow and methodical. Hopefully that was enough.

Solomon put the bottle away, and straightened up best he could. With a soft nod, he turned to the others, “That should do it.” He left the room, and followed Veronica down to left most hall towards the laboratory.

Above ground, Athena looked back to see Yvonne was taking care of herself. She was very upset, and Athena wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. At least she was up and walking now, and that was definitely a good thing. Athena’s eyes then turned to see what was happening on the other side of her bulwark. The smoke cleared and there was Delving, enchanted partizan spearheading Athena’s tower shield with full force. She felt the impact, digging her feet deeper into the soil.

Athena stood bewildered. She wasn’t arrogant enough to think her shield impossible to penetrate, but only after one hit? Much like the white gradient that outlined the borders of her barrier, another outline surrounded shaft of Delving’s partizan. The shield itself had a noticeable indent from the hit as well. Before she reacted, Delving was already in the midst of another attack. Similar to his first hit, the second cut through the barrier as though it wasn’t even there. At the same time, Athena released her spell. With the barrier disappearing all together, Athena repositioned her shield to block his attack. It pierced the magic, but it was stopped by the physical shield itself.

When the hit didn’t come, Athena took the opportunity to stand proper, and hold her spear forward. The spear tip glowed with purple flames as she took a couple steps, aligning the tip of her spear to strike the stumbled Delving. Her spear went forward around the lowered shield directly at Delving.
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