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I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general.

I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.

I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any.

One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.

Most Recent Posts

Fia Blackfire

Well, now Fia understood why these items were of great concern to Carnatia, but also why the spellsword might have wanted to bring them along. Though Gray Flame might not have known the specifics, it seemed he had valid concern to the contrary. With a desire to end herself attempting to invade her mind, Fia steeled her resolve. This gnawing at her countenance was not going to break through. Similarly to the skull, the dagger also attempted to sway her mind more towards murderous intents. To harm oneself and to harm others, such a heinous enchantment to inflict on someone. If the wielder of these items were expected to endure such internal torment to use them, that was cruel punishment. Part of Fia wondered if the Sarkaz were immune to such effects, and these were more of a fail safe to prevent enemy faction use.

Fia held the skull in her hands. Despite being made of crystal, the skull was actually hollow. It was though this was the actual skull of a living being which happened to be made of a material other than bone. If the dagger was meant to rest within the insert at the forehead, how was the blood absorbed? That aside, Fia put both items back onto the bench. She noticed what appeared to be notes near where she picked up the cursed items. She gather up the pages gingerly and slowly left the table, trying to gauge just how far the effect range was.

Once Fia was clear of the crystallized item’s influence, Fia started to skim the notes. She wasn’t looking for anything in particular, but perhaps there might be some insight into what they discovered experimenting with them. Perhaps it might also have a clue on how it was contained. Depending on what she could find, maybe she could imitate their methods. Of course as soon as Fia started to look through them, a majority of them were in ancient elvish. Before Fia went to Vesemir and Gray with the notes, she decided to look through all of the pages anyway. Maybe she could infer some some information from any diagrams.
Fia Blackfire

“Come now, Sir Gray Flame. Her manner of speech is perfectly fine.” said Fia. She wrapped herself with her arms as she continued, “Being addressed as a lady is such a loving compliment. Please, my dear, you may continue to call me as such.” The focus quickly returned to the matter of the skull and the obsidian dagger. Fia had noticed them on the table as she circled the chamber. But at the time, they looked more decorative than otherwise. A dagger made of glass was not a new concept. Obsidian was naturally sharp. As for the skull, even with the attached chain, it would be unwieldy to use as any sort of jewelry.

Fia listened as Carnatia explained what the illusory elf said to her about the crystalline skull. Fia rested her arms on top of each other. She raised the top most arm up to her chin. That was kind of fascinating. Some part was their origins. Sarkaz. If elves were thought to once be angels, somehow it made sense to the sorceress for there to be some sort of antithesis to them. Not quite as fascinating as the djinn, but even those creatures of legend were more known about.

“I honestly don’t see what the problem would be, darling. I assumed the concern was over how bulky it was.” said Fia. She turned to look through the doorway into the next chamber, again. The skull just sat there without any care, oblivious to the discussion involving it. “I don’t know what activates it or its range. I can see your concern if it’s passive, darling. I wouldn’t want to bring harm to any of you lovelies.”

Fia turned to Carnatia shortly after Vesemir and Gray Flame spoke about the object. Like Carnatia, they seemed to think it would be of some benefit to bring it along. At least Vesemir was on board. Carnatia still remained cautious about it but otherwise hopeful. And Gray. He didn’t seem to have an opinion one way or the other. If anything he seemed to lean opposed. However, with the arrival of Engelbert, all opinions seemed to have swayed towards the latter.

“Well, I might be able to trap it within a void. But that would make it more cumbersome to carry than it already is.” said Fia, “I won’t know for sure whether that would be necessary without actually checking out the skull. Maybe if I get it to work, I would have a better understanding. I’m going to see what that skull has that has my dear Carnatia spooked.”

Fia took a couple steps back, twisting on her heel to move towards the chamber when Roxas approached. The healing elf waited until Fia left the conversation to bring up the strung artifact she gazed at before. Fia paused her steps for a moment.

“Oh? Now that’s an interesting idea.” said Fia. She started back towards the chamber, urging Roxas to come with her. It was an affinity for ice that was keeping Roxas from utilizing the bow to its full potential. That, and maybe some other sentimental reasons. But it was the affinity to frost magic that Fia latched onto. “Hmm, You know, darling, I haven’t considered using a bow before. I’ve always had my magic. And when that fails, I usually have my rapier.”

Fia entered into the chamber, but walked past the workbench where the skull rested instead stopping in front of the bow. The bow still stood in splendor, not tarnished once from the hundreds of years since it was lost handled. Fia stopped here because she wanted Roxas to consider the bow again. Besides the fact Roxas was the only one to show interest in it and would probably know how to use it, the bow had a heavy history tied to it that Fia would think a shame to leave abandoned in lands that might not be explored again in over another millennium.

“Tell you what. We can bring it along with us anyway. With its history, something special might occur for just having it with us.” said Fia. She gestured to the bow while keeping eye contact with Roxas. “But to learn archery, why don’t we help each other, deary? You might teach me to use a bow passably, but you will always be leagues more skilled than I. How about in exchange, I help you expand your elemental prowess to include frost? You already have an aptitude for magic. Your barrier was nigh impenetrable, and your healing was beautifully done. I think it could do us both some good to share our expertise.”

There was a short pause of a few seconds. Fia turned and took a step away, “I’ll let you think about it. I’ll be over by the work station when you have an answer, dear. There is that skull Carnatia is curious about, and she has made me wanting to investigate it as well.” Fia took a few strides towards the table where the skull and dagger rested. She attempted to get close enough to reach out and hold. She was curious on what sort of effects it had just handling it if at all. Perhaps also figure out some of the more logistical issues such as encumbrance and weight.
Fia Blackfire

Fia followed the others into the next room. While it did have aspects that indicated it was equipped to be a workshop, the cases around, and the singular desk made it look more like it was a personal office. One in which guests would be welcomes with displays of ones treasures to sell ones accomplishments. Fia was fascinated by the image of Theriadore as it addressed the group. Fia could tell that the words were empty and very generalized. Whatever magic was at play was obviously programmed to respond generally to different stimulation within the room. Still, the lifelike image of the elf long dead was impressive.

Despite the room being over a millennia years old, the place was really clean. Though dust had settled on much of the flat surfaces, there wasn’t near enough given how much time had passed. It was a little odd compared to the scene outside of the building where ruins of a once bustling city still echoed the torments and atrocities that took place way back when. One thing for sure, this room had artifacts that the rest of the world had not scene in several life times, even those among elves.

Vesemir was out in the library admiring his new found treasure. It must have been the item he was after that had him request the change in direction in their expedition. He seemed quite eager to get it as well. He was first in and first out before many of the other’s had a chance to look into the room. Fia was only half listening as Carnatia, Gray Flame, and Vesemir discussed the history of the relic. But the words did not escape her. A scroll of sorts. One that has power that could remove the lingering shadows within the city. Maybe. Fia kept it in the back of her mind. If it could quell the repeating history within the phantoms outside, Fia would bring it up then.

Fia drifted near the door the illusory elf mentioned to keep out postmortem. She didn’t get any closer than where Vesemir or the others came, but the request to keep out did interest her. If this room contained such valuables, perhaps there was others the elf would have rather kept private. The sort of artifacts and knowledge that should not be exposed to the world. Or the man was really into some perverted materials and wanted to keep his dignity far longer after his time.

Fia caught Roxas approaching the bow through her peripheral vision and turned to check it out with her. Fia ended up just behind the savior elf as the illusion finished speaking and Roxas was examining the bow. When Roxas put it down, Fia spoke up, “You don’t want it, dear? You looked wonderful drawing it. I’m sure someone like you could make good use of it.” Fia knew that given the last interaction involving another deceased’s property her comments would be rebuffed. Yet, Fia was honest in her comment. The way Roxas held the bow looked natural.

“I’m being honest, dear. I think a weapon like that would work wonderfully in your hands.” said Fia to Roxas as the elven healer walked away. Fia wasn’t going to push. Instead, she looked at the bow now replaced within its display. She shrugged and left the chamber as well to see what everyone else was up to. It was not long after that Carnatia also left the chamber. The spell sword approached both Fia and Gray Flame with another inquiry. One that wasn’t involving the expedition or the history of the archaeologist's scroll.

“Skull?” asked Fia as she turned to face Carnatia. Fia’s eyes looked past the spell sword back into the chamber to see what was being spoken about, “Oh. That. Is it not merely a decorative paper weight? What concerns you about it, darling? Aside from wanting to transport it.”
Fia Blackfire

A beautiful red and black hummingbird occasionally shimmering in the light of the crystals and fire hovered within the sturdy barrier. It occasionally darted from side to side as it tried to look outwards at the others and how they were going to handle the situation. This hummingbird, Fia, watched as Carnatia went in for one final strike against the machine before whatever consequence Gray Flame warned about took place. Even as the spellsword sent for her attack, the golem made no indication of shutting down. It was risky going for it now, but Carnatia prevailed, forcing the machine to act early.

Though Fia expected a sort of explosion assuming the gathering mana wouldn’t have an outlet, it turned out the golem’s crystal was still sturdy enough to fire a fractured beam of devastating energy. Several beams hit the barrier, the floor, ceiling, and even back into it’s own head. Those outside the barrier had shields or armor to protect them, and the beams were not focused enough to burn through. A fact Engelbert took advantage of as he stomped the head of the construct. As it finally died down, Fia walked out of the barrier moments before it was cast down again in the appearance of the beautiful woman she was.

“You don’t have to worry too much about the fire, dearies.” said Fia as she approached the burning bookcase. Her magically levitating glass orb glowed red as embers danced inside Fia’s palm. A heat that couldn’t compare to the fire of the burning library, nor that of the molten internals of the golem warmed her hand through her glove. She held out her arm, palm down. A column of fire poured out of her hand onto the ground. The flame then traveled across the stone floor connecting to the blazing bookcase. In perfect control over the fire, the entire blaze died down all at once similar to cutting a lantern off its source of oil. Even the trail of fire she created to connect to the blaze faded, leaving only the smoking remains of the wood and parchment. However, since the shinobi’s fire was of a different sort, whatever fire that ate away at the golem remained. “If you care about those books, hopefully you can recover some of them, darling.”

Fia returned the orb into her shoulder bag. She sighed and shooks her arms and body trying to loosen up. The slight purple tinge that surrounded her frame faded, leaving Fia without her magical armor. She looked towards Carnatia and Roxas and wandered close. Roxas was working her magic on the noblewoman, healing the injury from her head on assault. The soft glow of Roxas’ healing was soothing just to watch.

“That was daring, darling. I’m so glad you were not seriously hurt.”
Fia Blackfire

Each joint slowed as the surrounding temperature fluctuated between the freezing rime and the molten heat of the liquefied internals of the golem. Even so, the ice was holding, the golem making obvious efforts to use its limbs, the ice straining or cracking, but not breaking, yet. Forced to lean on the near bookcase for stability, the golem continued routing mana. Fia wasn’t too bothered to find a purpose, as she moved from joint to joint to further immobilizing the ancient construct.

The stream of ice halted as the crystal within the golem’s head shattered, even if partly. The clatter of stone against stone echoed across the floor, yet the golem persisted through the injury. Despite the damage the construct sustained, it was still operational, if otherwise immobile. Fia’s eyes gazed to the fire where she instinctively kept her distance. The orb that glowed off white and blue changed to that of red as Fia started to channel her magic once again. Then the color faded, and the orb stopped glowing.

With a barrier now erect within view, and Vesemir retreating into it, Fia got a sense that something was wrong. It certainly wasn’t helped by Gray Flame’s shout as well. Whatever they suspected was going to come, perhaps thread armor would not be enough protection. Instead of channeling magic into her orb, she focused on herself. In moments, Fia was no longer there replaced with a humming bird. Like a dart, Fia flew around the golem along a leftward path and into Roxas’ barrier. Thread armor alone probably wouldn’t. But barrier that looked as sturdy as Roxas’ in addition in case her view was wrong might be enough.
Fia Blackfire

Fia barely moved as the golem was charging forward. She saw it pivot as it ran her direction. Fia had something prepared for when it got close, but she also had clear view of everyone else reacting to the construct as it ran by. Each martial fighter still on the ground leapt into action. Everyone was a road block in one form or another. Engelbert attempted to stall it. Gray Flame used his arrows. Rezello swooped in at its back, bringing the golem to its knees. Fia stood still as the golem caught itself barely a few meters in front of her. Her hair rustled as the slight breeze from the falling mechanism crashed. And then to finish it off, Nanashi arrived, driving the golem into the ground with his one attack. Furthermore, the eccentric man of few words managed to make the stone bleed. Fia was impressed.

“My dear Gray. Can’t you see? Our artificial friend here is having a heat stroke. The poor boy cannot even speak properly.” said Fia. She started to walk around the machine, closer to the bookshelves. As she moved, the icy fragment she had prepared started to dissolve into a condensed cloud of shifting particles. At the same time, the orb wandered near that hand, the particles starting to orbit the magical glass artifact. “Perhaps I can ice those wounds of yours. You don’t seem to be in good shape.”

The icy collection of particles was released as a stream. Fia targeted the joints of the machine directly. With its knee as busted as it was, she had a better chance of landing her focused attack. She went for the already iced leg, rapidly building ice around the joints as exothermic magic seeped into any crevices the joint might have. The temperature might not mean anything to the construct, but to have several layers of solid ice fill in each gap and crevice around the joint, it would add continuous resistance making bending the limb that much harder if not impossible.
Fia Blackfire

Fia’s comment was more optimistic than probable as she watched the mechanical armor power up. It wasn’t very long since she and a few of the others exited combat, and now it looked like some other magical being was engaging them. With heavy steps, the golem was steadily approaching the group. Engelbert stepped forward to intercept, and Tillius looked to be ready to intervene himself. While everyone else repositioned themselves, Fia hardly moved. She was already behind everyone. With such capable soldiers and/or ex-soldiers in the front line, Fia considered herself well protected.

However, just in case, Fia right hand was moved to rest just before her face. Holding her thumb and index finger together, she brought her hand down in front of her resting it before her abdomen. As she made this gesture, hundreds of threads barely perceptible began to weave around her figure, intertwining into a covering made of magic. Though her hand stopped at her stomach, the threads continued to weave down to her feet. With the spell finished, Fia was covered entirely in a mystical armor that barely glimmered in the crystal light.

“Well, it has the power, is awake, and is angered. Clearly, time had no concession to the elves of old.” said Fia. As she was speaking, she slowly walked to her side so that she was less in direct in the golem’s current path. Her hand drifted to her shoulder bag. She slipped her hand under the flap. From underneath, the fabric rustled as the glass ball contained inside once again was exposed to the air outside. Floating slowly, the starburst orb eventually came to rest near her right forearm, following it as she moved her arm back in front of her.

Fia lifted her left arm. At the same time, the starburst within her glass sphere started to glow a dark orange. Perhaps if she created a pitfall of sorts? Fia’s gaze quickly went over to Tillius and Engelbert, and the infrastructure. She thought better not risk a collapse. Instead, the sphere glowed light blue with off white highlight. “Carefully, darlings. I’m going to immobilize it.” said Fia. The glass sphere transferred sides from her right to her left, as her right hand seemingly threw a crystal shard of magic at the floor beneath the golem. Much like her pillar of light from before, this one would spawn a column of ice. The ice would attempt to envelope anything above it like an animal frozen within a glacier. She then prepared another. A small bit of concentrated mana forming over her right palm, readying to cast another spell of ice.
Fia Blackfire

Fia kept pace with Carnatia as they continued on their venture. Though the phantoms remained present, they didn’t attempt another mindjack. It was an odd sort of peace. The ruins were silent, but malevolent entities still remained in the shadows just outside the reach of the lantern’s light. Whatever kept the road in pristine condition before seemed to be doing the same to the ruins. Even after so long, thin walls and trampled fences remained in the sorry state they were left since the events the phantom enlightened Fia to. In a way, it was disturbing to see such ancient evidence of long lost history continue to tell its tale.

Fia turned her head to Carnatia as they walked. “I have to speak with him, huh? Given how little he has said through your persistence, I might have better luck waking the ent again.” Fia sighed. They continued their journey in relative silence. Despite the respite Vesemir mentioned, they seemed to be on guard in case the phantoms attempted to envelope them again. Knowing the last time Fia fell into their influence, Fia was especially careful to not stare at any of the shifting shadows.

It was only a bit, but the group had arrived at the municipal building. Everything seemed to be smooth sailing once they were inside. Everything was eerily preserved and quiet. No surprises there. Fia looked down the hall leading to the archives. She really didn’t expect to see anything, but she was curious to see whether it lead to another staircase. Perhaps another underground area. Fia followed the group north and soon they were within the library.

While everyone observed the armored construct near the door by the hall, Fia wandered closer to a bookcase, carefully examining their conditions. After so many years, Fia expected the books to have deteriorated to the point of being unreadable, if in tact at all. Maybe like the road and building, the books survived the test of time.

Fia looked up at the ceiling as the crystal lamps reflected the lantern’s light, illuminating the room entirely. She blinked her eyes a little as light pushed back the darkness they waded throughout the night. Her gaze followed the handle down to Vesemir and then to the few others talking about the golem. Fia wandered close as Gray Flame asked a question involving golems. Fia looked at the armored figure, the crystalline eye inside the helm. Motionless as it was, it was imposing.

“I have experience with them as well. Not exactly first hand, if I’m being honest.” said Fia, “I know this sweet kid who travels with one. It looks nothing like this though. It's pretty strong despite how it looks. If this one is as impressive as it looks compared to his, then we should be careful not to anger it, darlings.”
Fia Blackfire

Fia sighed as she watched the two soldiers lets out their last breath, a faint fog escaping their lips. Frozen in place, what remained of the soldiers were two sculptures of ice, blackened flesh beneath, their expressions preserved, at least only for the moment. Fia guided her orb back into her palm, magic no longer being channeled through it, and carefully stashed it into her bag. She turned to see that everyone else, including Rezello had easily dispatched their challengers. Thankfully, there didn’t seem to be much harm among them. The same couldn’t be said for the soldiers. Alone, the scene was gruesome, but compared to what Fia had seen, this was nothing.

Fia’s eyes shifted as the setting shifted. The fires faded. The blood and corpses did as well. The light the group had been making their way towards brightened, as the cool evening air washed over Fia. Whatever that realm was illusory or not, it seemed she had escaped. Gray Flame and Carnatia were close, and near the lantern Engelbert. It was like she had not moved at all since entering that nightmare. Fia shifted into a more rested stance as Vesemir appeared, checking on her. It was then Fia realized how faint she was feeling. She shook her head.

“I hope you will enlighten us to what exactly that was, and why it hasn’t been dealt with when we get out of here, darling.” said Fia. She said this to no one in particular, but her posture had her facing Gray Flame and Vesemir’s general direction. Fia saw the shadows still around them, but this time those visions they shared before seemed at bay. Getting to the vault, or at least at a place where the phantom influence wouldn’t get another attempt was more important. Fia kept up with everyone as the group reformed ready to move forward.

Fia jogged a little to catch up with Carnatia. Between her, the lantern, and Gray Flame, the light flame shared between them held something familiar. “That light. What is it? How are you radiating it?”
Fia Blackfire

Fia’s left hand glided across her hair as it rested on her shoulder, brushing it back so that it draped behind her. Her head followed the motion guiding the strands to be out of the way. Fia let out a short but audible sigh. The two soldiers were struggling to keep their balance now. The bits of loose teeth they probably had after their tumble wouldn’t have helped either.

Fia held out her right hand, the orb resting just above her palm. The starburst within began to shift into the pale blue and off white color as Fia stared down at the struggling men. She didn’t have any sort of expression of her face, just letting her magic come together. She moved her hand in front of her and the orb glowed just slightly before two streams of centralized ice beamed out, one towards each individual soldier before her. This ice was concentrated. If the earlier cone was cold before, this ice was penetratingly frigid.

“Even if this isn’t real, I hope this brings some peace to you, darlings.” said Fia to herself. She said those words intended for the elves who suffered in the display of carnage. Fia hoped her spell would be enough to end those soldiers. She wanted to give them just a taste of what Fia witnessed in this nightmarish realm.
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