Osric Griswall
Well, the day went from bad to worse. Perhaps it should have been an omen that once the monotonous surroundings had finally shifted into the woods, so would their endeavors. From a simple mission on locating the whereabouts and condition of Paladin Thomas, now they got a lot of news all at once. None of it good. From engaging with soldiers to the shaky testimony of a man caught in the middle of numerous affairs, it all culminated to the discovery of some of those poor saps that were with Thomas. Despite the warnings the peasant, Dromele, the scene was more tragic than one could have expected.
A gruesome way to end, the burned at the stake and left for the wildlife to pick clean. Already parts of their uncovered bodies, the head, hands, were picked clean, the bone dyed red and charred black left exposed. Osric did not blame any of the churches men their anguish. Carmen especially broke his normally calm demeanor as he cut down a colleague, resting him on the ground.
“Ah, give me a sec, and I can probably build a makeshift shovel myself. At least then we can have a second with Rezello’s and help ya dig.” said Osric as he readjusted his pack. He felt bad for Carmen and Mirielle. Those two were probably the closest to those deceased even if that only happened to be because of their order. “I don’t think I can add any more to what has been said. But I’m sorry they ended up this way. I can understand losing someone important. At such a horrid way at that.”
Osric bowed his head as reverently as he knew how. He didn’t want to say anything else. He didn’t know what else to say more likely. And it wasn’t really his place to talk about revenge. Backing away and turning, Osric then began to look around. He found a sturdy branch, and pulled out a knife. He whittled down a piece of it and then left to look for a flat rock or something else to build a makeshift shovel. It didn’t take him long, and the flat stone shovel was quite crude, but should last long enough to at least dig a couple graves for those men.
When Osric returned, he could see that tensions were rising. He could hear some of the conversation from the tree line, but now that he could see everyone clearly again, he wandered over puzzled. “Hey now. What makes you all believe he knows anything beyond what he just told us? If he actually knew anything, you’d think those soldiers would have been hanging him in the middle of nowhere? Let up and leave him be. We should be thankful he knew of this place to begin with.” It seemed that Carmen was of similar mindset, or was at least at his whits end when it came to the speculations. Still, he let the peasant go. With sound advice from some of the others, Dromele was no longer under the employ of the party. Not that he had any obligation to begin with. Osric sighed and he stabbed his stone shovel into a pit of soft dirt.
“Well, I’d say our first impression among the locals has been less than stellar. In less than an hour we managed to get on the bad sides of two different groups of people. The sooner we can find this Thomas person, the better. Now then.” said Osric as he looked at the row of bodies. No matter how many times he looked, his expression showed a hint of sorrow. He learned early on when he started to take up mercenary work that some people are truly sadistic and callous. It was one thing to kill or even make an example of one’s enemies. But to some people, that wasn’t enough. They got some sort of sick pleasure out of inflicting suffering. Though he grew more accustomed to the sight, it didn’t make him like it any less.
“Ideally, we would, Ludwig. If this is how these folks were left, I don’t want to think about what could happen to that Thomas fella. If he wasn’t among these folks, then it’s safe to say he got away. Lets hope that he did for a good long while.” said Osric. He walked back to his shovel and pulled it up of of the dirt. He held the end of the shovel near his shoulder and tapped it a couple times. He kept quiet about how close they were to the border. So as it stood, there looked to be equal chance the people they were looking for were either captured or managed to escape. Just not escape to the borders of Westernant. “For now, lets just give them as best service and burial we can here. We can put a mark on our map. When you Order folk get the chance, you could come back and give them a proper burial once we locate Thomas.”