Avatar of Randomness


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I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general.

I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.

I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any.

One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.

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Osric Griswall

Well, the day went from bad to worse. Perhaps it should have been an omen that once the monotonous surroundings had finally shifted into the woods, so would their endeavors. From a simple mission on locating the whereabouts and condition of Paladin Thomas, now they got a lot of news all at once. None of it good. From engaging with soldiers to the shaky testimony of a man caught in the middle of numerous affairs, it all culminated to the discovery of some of those poor saps that were with Thomas. Despite the warnings the peasant, Dromele, the scene was more tragic than one could have expected.

A gruesome way to end, the burned at the stake and left for the wildlife to pick clean. Already parts of their uncovered bodies, the head, hands, were picked clean, the bone dyed red and charred black left exposed. Osric did not blame any of the churches men their anguish. Carmen especially broke his normally calm demeanor as he cut down a colleague, resting him on the ground.

“Ah, give me a sec, and I can probably build a makeshift shovel myself. At least then we can have a second with Rezello’s and help ya dig.” said Osric as he readjusted his pack. He felt bad for Carmen and Mirielle. Those two were probably the closest to those deceased even if that only happened to be because of their order. “I don’t think I can add any more to what has been said. But I’m sorry they ended up this way. I can understand losing someone important. At such a horrid way at that.”

Osric bowed his head as reverently as he knew how. He didn’t want to say anything else. He didn’t know what else to say more likely. And it wasn’t really his place to talk about revenge. Backing away and turning, Osric then began to look around. He found a sturdy branch, and pulled out a knife. He whittled down a piece of it and then left to look for a flat rock or something else to build a makeshift shovel. It didn’t take him long, and the flat stone shovel was quite crude, but should last long enough to at least dig a couple graves for those men.

When Osric returned, he could see that tensions were rising. He could hear some of the conversation from the tree line, but now that he could see everyone clearly again, he wandered over puzzled. “Hey now. What makes you all believe he knows anything beyond what he just told us? If he actually knew anything, you’d think those soldiers would have been hanging him in the middle of nowhere? Let up and leave him be. We should be thankful he knew of this place to begin with.” It seemed that Carmen was of similar mindset, or was at least at his whits end when it came to the speculations. Still, he let the peasant go. With sound advice from some of the others, Dromele was no longer under the employ of the party. Not that he had any obligation to begin with. Osric sighed and he stabbed his stone shovel into a pit of soft dirt.

“Well, I’d say our first impression among the locals has been less than stellar. In less than an hour we managed to get on the bad sides of two different groups of people. The sooner we can find this Thomas person, the better. Now then.” said Osric as he looked at the row of bodies. No matter how many times he looked, his expression showed a hint of sorrow. He learned early on when he started to take up mercenary work that some people are truly sadistic and callous. It was one thing to kill or even make an example of one’s enemies. But to some people, that wasn’t enough. They got some sort of sick pleasure out of inflicting suffering. Though he grew more accustomed to the sight, it didn’t make him like it any less.

“Ideally, we would, Ludwig. If this is how these folks were left, I don’t want to think about what could happen to that Thomas fella. If he wasn’t among these folks, then it’s safe to say he got away. Lets hope that he did for a good long while.” said Osric. He walked back to his shovel and pulled it up of of the dirt. He held the end of the shovel near his shoulder and tapped it a couple times. He kept quiet about how close they were to the border. So as it stood, there looked to be equal chance the people they were looking for were either captured or managed to escape. Just not escape to the borders of Westernant. “For now, lets just give them as best service and burial we can here. We can put a mark on our map. When you Order folk get the chance, you could come back and give them a proper burial once we locate Thomas.”
Osric Griswall

Well now, everyone was making quick work with the soldiers. Despite the varying degrees of harm inflicted upon those uniformed me, they were being dealt with minimal risk of fatality. At least, up until one of the men turned tail and ran. It wasn’t hard to spot, the soldier was wailing as he fled, calling out to those who were probably still in the town. Osric frowned. They already knew that there was some occupation taking place. Otherwise, the punishment for the crime the peasant was accused of committing would have been unnecessarily petty. Still though, while the group outnumbered the current lot, there was no telling how many others there would be. As it is, the gun shots alone might have alerted them and would be on their way regardless. Still, it would be better to stop the man. Just in case.

Osric quickly rose his rife, his cheek resting near the stock of his weapon. His eye focused down the sights with a clear line of sight. His finger slowly pressed upon the trigger then suddenly Ludwig appeared within view. That same trick again, this time the charismatic man carried with him not Rezello, but one of those dressed in red. In spectacular fashion, the fleeing man ran head first into the head of his comrade. The crack of their skulls colliding even audible from Osric’s position. He lowered his rifle and chucked.

“Well, I suppose that is one way to do it. Quite effectively at that.” Osric said smiling. He glanced down at the sergeant, ready to raise his gun again should the man have taken that opportunity to struggle again. Even if the material was weaker than traditional materials, at that size, Lynx’s drones would have weighed enough to keep the man subdued. A task Lynx kept it at.

“Well, that was exciting.” said Osric. “Perhaps we can stop this farce, and figure out where we go from here? Hmm… Judging by your expression, that’s probably not going to happen.”
Osric Griswall

Well now. After another couple week of monotonous travel, it wasn’t quite the same as the first grueling leg of their journey before the borders of Tetragor. At least then there was a more comfortable ride in the carriage. Riding horses was not an issue to Osric, but compared to the more table seats of the wagon, there was a clear winner. The barren plains and stiff weather didn’t help either. Even going for hours, the scare change in scenery made it feel like they made zero progress.

Luckily before the party suffered too much from highway hypnosis, the next location peaked the horizon. The edges of the forest stood out among the barren plains as a welcome change of scenery. The new environment even came with an event, something to take their minds off the nothingness of the once proud land. Six men, five of whom were of some faction. Playing judge and executioner, they strung up the sixth. A poor looking man begging for his life, claiming to know the information about Carmen’s lost paladin friend. To be honest, the man was probably desperate to live. But to be executed for the crimes the soldiers claimed was absurd.

Osric pulled his rifle from the straps on his back, holding it in both of his hands, muzzle down. In the sight of three other gunman, this probably wasn’t intimidating in the slightest, but that wasn’t the point. Osric needed it ready in case things escalated. And by the tone the sergeant was spouting his nonsense, it seemed very likely. Then in a flash Mirielle dashed forward, and Ludwig disappeared with Rezello. A drone of ice manifest and tackled the sergeant just as Carnatia’s negotiations failed. This was a mighty shit storm, and to be frank, Osric wasn’t sure who would take the blame for pulling the trigger first. Osric sighed, it didn’t matter too much in the end. With this few soldiers, he didn’t really need to involve himself at all. At least he could save some ammunition this way.

Four were attacking the musketeers. After firing their shots, it was very unlikely they would be able to fire another. Besides, the four of them were capable with training or experience to back up their abilities. With the drone pinning down the sergeant, Osric shouldered his rifle, aiming down to the last man standing. Carnatia was already moving to engage him. Taking a deep breath, Osric took a shot at the soldier’s weapon arm, attempting to form him to drop it. With the barrel still smoking, he pulled on the small lever on the rifle. A quick click and grind, the barrel was now pointed at the sergeant. Unlike the musketeers of that leader in red, Osric didn’t need to waste too much time preparing to fire again. The drone looked to have a weapon already trained on the sergeant. But just in case, it couldn’t hurt to have some backup in case the sergeant had something up his sleeve.

“Don’t even try it.” said Osric, awaiting what the sergeant might do to escape his current predicament with the drone. There was no guarantee that thing would be successful. At least with another threat with his rifle, Osric might make the man reconsider retaliation.
Osric Griswall

Osric watched as Amaris and Ludvig was locked into a short lived, but oddly entertaining moment of embarrassment and confusion. Amaris at first seemed at a loss for what to say, but she was able to at lest respond. For someone capable of gruesome bloodshed, it was humorous to watch. He sipped his coffee as Amaris changed the subject, bring the personal matter to a more shallow one. Another compliment to the sausage rolls. A one off comment from the barkeep to keep things simple and raving for the food it was. Maybe it was because they were on the road so long, having something fresher made was a welcome change.

Osric downed his coffee as everyone else was finishing up their meals. Wooden flatware quickly emptying as forks scrapped up the last morsels. There was plenty of daylight out, and much to be done to finalize their venture into Tretagor the following morning. Osric would double check his supplies later. There was no telling what he could scavenge in the wilds should he be under prepared. Bullets were easy. Black powder would be a different story.

Osric listened in to Carmen as he answered some of the coming questions. He quickly sniffed the air and coughed before he spoke, “I get the church is more forgiving and welcoming than most. But if any of the stories I’ve heard about Tetragor is true, then I’m not hesitating to put down anyone who raises a blade against us. It’s my job to help you guys get there quickly safely. It’s already going to be a quarter of a year by the time we get there. And already if no refuges have made it out here since then, I’m going to have to be on my guard. We might not have the time or luxury to play therapist.”
Osric Griswall

Now that most everyone was at the tavern, the barkeep and his kitchen would certainly be busy for the next little while. Everyone was gathered around tables and making small talk. Amaris, Mirielle, and Amanita were the last to arrive. Two girls sitting at the table, five feet apart because, well... It was obvious the Mirielle wanted to be close to keep an eye on the sarkaz girl, but also to signify that she was doing so out of obligation exclusively. Being honest with himself, if it were not for Mirielle’s vigilance around Amaris, Osric would have forgotten that she was the very woman that massacred an entire town. At least his uneasy feelings after initially meeting Amaris had gone, leaving him even more ready to continue this journey with her.

“You know, Ludvig, that was probably the most heart felt confession I’ve heard in a long time. And I’ve been on the road for a long time. Meeting all sorts of folks with all sorts of tales. But I’m sure you have similar.” said Osric. He took a bit out of the sausage roll and sipped his coffee. The kitchen was working fast, but it looked like Carnatia’s order was still going to be a bit of time. There wasn’t a rush at least, so the conversation was nice.

“Amanita has the right idea. Lets add to the story. We’ve not reach Tetragor yet, and we are already turning heads. We’re going to be a forced to be reckoned with by the end of this.”
Osric Griswall

The trip was long, but not quite grueling. With their colorful cast of characters, there was at least something going on. Rezello would occasionally be preoccupied with his thoughts, sometimes mumbling to himself, and then there was the silent war between Mirielle and Amaris. And then just being around Amanita gave the wagon a nice earthy scent. Lynx took it upon herself to steward the trip, boasting of her liniage within a merchant’s family. Between her and Carnatia, there was enough high class blood among them to balance Osric’s presence as the gun for hire. It was odd that the client this time wasn’t either of them. Rubbing elbows with nobility wasn’t a new concept. Some companions he used to travel with were current or former nobility. Perhaps what made it odd this time is Carnatia and to an extent Lynx didn’t appear to have abandoned that life style.

After almost a month of travel, they arrived at Dragon Maw. Being so close to Tretagor, one wouldn’t define it as a tourist town. Yet even so, it was clearly receiving a lot of business. Development was high, and the population bustling. As the last stop before Tretagor, it would definitely be a good time to get any lingering reservations out of the way. Osric dismounted and twisted his back to help loosen his spine. Then he joined the others as they discussed what to do. It was a rare moment of down time, even if just for the evening. Work truly began in the morning, and Osric agreed with the other’s that a warm meal was warranted.

Osric joined the others at the t was hard to pass up Lynx’s offer to cover the meal, saving whatever personal budgets they might have had. Osric wouldn’t turn that down. So as everyone else made their way after Ludvig, Osric too walked with them. What made it better though was the show between the barkeep and his companions. They walked into the middle of it, but already it seemed the keep woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Whatever it was Ludvig ordered, an omelet if the barkeeps response after his joke by the sounds of it. And then Carnatia following with the order of her own. A difference of night and day. Humorous. At least the kitchen staff heard her and were willing to accommodate her requests.

When the mood quieted down, Osric also sat himself down at the bar. “I think I’ll pass on the pig scraps and pickled cabbage. I’ll have some of that coffee, if there’s any left. And a sausage roll sounds like a hearty enough breakfast, so I’ll have that. Here’s hoping Carnatia’s meal doesn’t take up the too much of the Ktichen’s time to whip up.”
Osric Griswall

“Well then. I guess this was as good a start as any as far as ice breakers go.” said Osric, “myself included. I admit I have some apprehensions on how the mission is going to go. But at least we have some good company. If nothing else, I need to make more of a connection to Amanita. This wine is delicious. If it weren’t for our early start, I’d pour myself another glass.” Osric finished whatever food and drink he had left before picking up his rifle he left leaning against his chair. He turned and sat back down preparing to finish his inspection.

“At the very least, it feels more like a merc group. With everyone wary of each other, but the end goal keeping us together. I don’t know, with how reverent the church is an all, this makes it feel a little more down to earth. It has a certain charm to it, and brings some comfort. I’m sure Ludvig could agree if he were here. How about you, Rezello? This feel like those carefree camaraderie from missions in your past?”
Osric Griswall

“Well, I can’t say you’ve made a good first impression with that.” said Osric. He didn’t seen Ludvig leave his chair, but her did catch the lightning fast response Amaris had when he suddenly appeared behind and reaching towards her. He chuckled at what had happened. It looked close, but it didn’t appear that the chain caught the charismatic man. It would be bad form if either party had already offended their own team before the adventure began.

However, Osric’s thoughts quarreled when it turned out that this Amaris person was, in fact, the same Amaris that annihilated that border town. However, the news of it being a slaver city was new to Osric. All he knew about it was the carnage and merciless nature of the incident. Not that there were any ulterior motives for justice. After learning the church had managed to secure the sarkaz he left it at their word. It would be a lie that this new information didn’t spoil some of the reassurance he had when he heard of Amaris’ participation. While he wasn’t there personally, he was in the area, and the stories told about it was gruesome. It was hard to take her at her word. Osric did his best to hide this fault in confidence, turning to the table to pour himself another glass of the mushroom wine.

Osric turned to see that Ludvig had left, “well. I have to say that is quite the story. I’m not sure I can say much about it. Here’s to working well together.” Osric lifted his glass slightly in his meager one sided toast. Even if this girl was the sarkaz that destroyed that town, her attitude even when she defended herself was very cordial. He found no reason to be anything but worthy of her trust in return.
Osric Griswall

“Well, lets not forget each other so soon. It would be good to keep an eye on each other during the mission.” said Osric. He took a sip of the mushroom wine. It was sweet. Compared to some of the other questionable ingredients used in cooking, this was one that didn’t deter his taste towards it. Besides, he liked mushrooms.

“From what I can tell, we’re going to be on the road for a while. And while I might not have been there myself, I’ve heard my fair share about Tretagor. Especially since arriving in Westernant a bit ago.” Osric downed the cup of wine, leaving the glass on the table. Osric noticed as someone else caught Ludvig’s attention. That or he was deep in his own thoughts and walked over to a chair and sat down. He settled into his seat and pulled out his rifle, giving it another quick inspection. He didn’t care about politics, so he didn’t invest himself in the conversation with the noble woman and the inquisitor.

Shortly after, the archbishop returned with another. A nun? Initially she looked like one, but it quickly became apparent she was not. Furthermore, her behavior and her appearance didn’t seem to go hand in hand. For one she was as reverend as the clergy. For another, her vestments were adorned with spikes, iron by the looks of it. A lot sharper than one would expect a woman of faith. Then was her introduction. The way she worded it, she seemed to be of some rapport. Osric took a moment to see if he could remember anyone by the name Amaris. One came to mind, but he tossed the idea out. The way this girl was speaking and acting, she couldn’t have been behind the massacre that took place almost ten years ago.

Regardless, Osric stood from his chair and cleared his throat, “Hello there. My name is Osric, gun for hire. Having another set of hands brings me that much more comfort. There is safety in numbers.”
Osric Griswall

“I guess with the abundance of anarchy that floods Tretagor these days, few are willing to let their citizens cross the border freely.” said Osric. He took a sip of the wine. It didn’t really matter the source, it was good and that all he needed. “Then again, I don’t suppose I’d have much reason to go there willingly were that not the case. Unless I was hired. Much like now, heh.”

Osric took a bite out of some flavored bread and a cut of meat, savoring the meal. He listened to Carmen complain about the state of the mission and the process it took just to get to this point. He guessed right, at least partially. He knew that resources were deliberately limited because there was no effort made towards the rescue by any of the people in charge of the church. What was new was the reasons behind that decision. But Tretagor seemed to be a sore subject to the point of almost pretending it didn’t exist. At least for some there was enough of a push back to form the party they had now. Odds are once they cross the border, they’d be cut off as much as Paladin Thomas was. They would be on their own.

Osric turned to face Ludvig, looking at his face and features, trying to remember if he knew him. Though with the way he’d dress, it was hard to tell if someone would work under him in nice clothing. Or he just dressed up nice because of the church, which Osric now realized didn’t. He was at least clean even if his clothes looked like they were working a fire for the last five hours. Then he paused his thoughts. While he did work as a blacksmith for most of his life, he had almost entirely stepped away from a smithy for the last couple decades. Was his name still known among the smithing community? Besides his firearm, he didn’t think he smithing skills had earned him much renown.

“Hmm, it’s hard to say. If you’ve stepped outside Helvetia, then maybe. I’ve been outside its borders long before I started accepting apprentices at my smithy.” said Osric. Might as well confirm it. It’s not like him being a smith was a secret, nor was it like he never stepped foot inside one since leaving. “At that time, my specialty was wide. If it needed a fire and hammer, I worked on it. Heck, I worked on a fair number of custom jewelry pieces. Most of my former apprentices didn’t stick around long enough to learn the other half of the business. I was lucky that a couple stayed long enough to take over my old smithy when I left. So forgive me if I don’t remember you.”
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