Avatar of RBYDark


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1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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Most Recent Posts

Thanks. Ended up failing though, sadly.
Wanted to write while I still had a muse - what kind of check would I make to see if Amanda is familiar with John's story?
Amanda blesses her luck as she manages to arrive at the house on time - apparently though there are others who took interest in the advertisement. Probably not for the same reason, as she knows a fair sum had been promised to those who came to help. The conversation after everyone is present is brief: Amanda only gives her name and occupation. Right now, anything else is superfluous. She wonders why the room seems maybe a bit dusty and unused - he seems to live alone, to be sure, but so does she and her home feels quite lived-in.

The key catches her notice, as does John Smith's sudden reaction. It seems odd, and the time it takes for the juice to arrive is time to ponder over it. She of course listens to his story, and is instantly irritated that he's not sure of the name. It will be a pain to look up later from the address alone. But she tries to figure out if she might recognize his story at all.

When Andrew asks if anyone wished to accompany him, she coughs politely to get his attention before saying, "It may interest you to know I happen to work there. I'll come along - may be able to get a bit further with my help." She wouldn't mind going to the sanatorium later; it might be difficult, but maybe she could coax an answer out of the husband and wife, if either were in a fit enough state to talk. Surely the rest of them could do the other work.

These plans are abruptly forgotten as the officer decides to arrest the man who was offering them money. Amanda can only gape, tightening her hold on the glass before she can drop it by accident. Though words do come eventually.

"Oh, this will make an interesting piece instead..."
Holy crap dude, that's amazing.
Sofie immediately charged into the so-called John Smith, slamming him against the Cabinet and turning him around so she could handcuff him

I'll try to get something up in a bit but wow.
I've played too many necrophiles to not be concerned about that statement.
Alright, thanks. Decided to add it into my sheet since I imagine this OOC will get more confusing in the future if I need to track that down.
Solo and Chewie. 'Nuff said.
When Amanda wakes up, paralyzed on the spot, most of the dream's vivid details and agonies have faded to a general aura of fear. Her back's kind of stiff but that's the worst she can complain about right now physically. She's pretty sure something happened to it in the dream but the details are hazy. Well, it was just a nightmare. And a glance to her clock indicates she'd best hurry if she wants to meet Mr. Smith in time.

As she gets out of bed to wash the sweat from her face, she manages to avoid slipping on the pile of paper that has fallen off her desk from last night. She's usually not so messy, but she didn't know how long the meeting and investigation with Mr. Smith would go, so she thought it would be wise to stay up late to get some other articles written in advance, so she could hand them in today without need for further work. It was probably why she had that nightmare, she decides: she stayed up too late. The candle she was using last night is barely more than half an inch tall, and its holder is coated in tallow.

Cleaning takes a bit longer than she'd like, but the address is not far thankfully, and it'd be wise, she thinks, to show up clean and late than filthy and late. Dressing takes less time, as she skips over her normal heavy makeup and is out the door without breakfast. It makes up for the time spent cleaning up.

Traffic conditions seem light outside and she considers trying to hail one of those taxis recently introduced, but she does not have a lot of money as is. She'll just have to accept being late by a few minutes, and walks as quickly as a woman of her appearance is able to.

This whole situation is less than ideal, and she's still quite haunted by the phantom of her nightmare, but it's too late to try to contact the man to call the meeting off and, frankly, it seems like one of the best leads for a story that she'll ever find. If nothing else, there are tabloids that will pay extra for tales of 'true' hauntings and the newspaper she does work for may enjoy a classy article on a historical house in the area.

She's fairly certain no one's written anything up on it. A few of her coworkers, she recalls, seemed confused by the ad while it was being printed.
Edit completed.

I'm working on a post, honest, just that I owe a post elsewhere too where I'm the only one holding up the rp.
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