Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

@T Risket Again, I apologize. I shoulda copied and refreshed before posting. In the future, please, don't feel shy about letting me know.

I'd say for now, hold onto the post? There were a few people, I believe, headed towards the university.
@Nevix I don't think either of us will object.
And realized I somehow missed a post. Whoops. Tried to edit to acknowledge it. Sorry about that.
@Nevix@Revenant Writer Oops. Mention might help here.
(Removed) Again, can seek out picture references if it'd help. And quality's not the greatest, do apologize. Got rusty.

Preliminary sheet so far, though.
Decided to post for Professor Dupree. Sorry for the delay. Candle appears to have been offline for several days, thus explaining their absence.
The hand on his shoulder seemed to break the professor from his trance. He glanced at it, cleared his throat, and chose to first address his fellow professor. "As a witness to the man's last actions-" Something that would be burned forever in Professor Dupree's mind. "-I will confirm there was only one person up there." And apparently his name was Dr. Atkins. The name was familiar but Professor Dupree had little time to spare for social interactions, and it took quite a bit to incline him to do so. "If it's all the same, Arthur, I do not wish to give details of his last moments with these students present." Their words had little to add to the account - he would later confirm that, as far as he was able to tell, the man had jumped and willingly. He would also give what few phrases he had been able to pick out from the chilly morning sky of what Dr. Atkins had been screaming about before his abrupt suicide. They were not many, and what he did pick out suggested the man had been on his way to candidacy for a more personal visit to the asylum.

The brain seemed to be losing its shape on the sidewalk, and the parietal lobe (was that it? Professor Dupree could never quite recall) slumped to the sidewalk with a wet noise Professor Dupree could never quite imitate. He shifted. Time to recompose.

"As for you two," he began, looking to the two students - Sean O'Reiley, he did not recognize, and the other student did not attend any of his lectures. "I must advise you to go to any classes you may have. Dr. Steiner can call the hospital and police. Your assistance has been appreciated." Not particularly. Perhaps it was still the shock, but he was still trying to keep the crowd from gawking at the victim - at the man splattered on the sidewalk before them, and the two students crossing into the mess of gore and blood had less helped than gaped at the sight of the dead man. Not even died right away, the muscles of the body still twitching and moving and only ceasing when these two had arrived.

He raised his voice. "If you do not have any particular business with this building, I must advise you leave before the police and ambulance arrive." That was addressed to the rest of the crowd. "They will need the space." And the man would need his dignity. The eventual report of this incident would join the wall, for sure. The details were simply too strange to go ignored.

But, for now, Professor Dupree would try to remain a shield from the horrors of death, and a shield from the prying curiosity of people.
I see no evidence of a posting order. That said do recall three characters have not been introduced yet: @Candle's, @Naltorix's, @Kaiachi's. Keep that in mind if posting again.
@Revenant Writer Can't argue with that. And ah, gotcha. From what I did see, sounds like a good idea (and also means we don't need to spend a few hours crafting alien cultures which, won't lie, is an upside).

Here's hoping it won't XD

Ah, that's understandable. And admittedly Red's taking a chunk of time - he was made shortly after I started a new job, and the rp died before I could draw him, plus no real rping for five months - so I appreciate the patience. His bio will hopefully get expanded upon once we're ready to roll, and looking forward to the pilot's!

Oh, I, uh, guess I should've warned for the blood a bit better. Sorry. Bad habit of sometimes assuming I've made my point obvious and then turns out I haven't.
It is, yeah. If it really would help you visualize the character better, I'll try to track down an unscarred version - albeit tomorrow or Monday.
@Revenant Writer Only saw the first episode before bro took back the DVD set, sadly. I do have a general knowledge of the series and movie, however. I assume relevant?

Welp. Then again, I suppose those controls were locked for a reason, and probably done in such a way it would otherwise take a lot of time to unlock them anyhow. Don't care if rip-off, sounds neat!

Ah, yeah. I try to draw all my characters, unfortunately learned in the anime style. Mostly only grab others' works when I simply don't have the time to sit down and draw out the character. While normally I'd concede and set the sketchbook aside, this one will be difficult for...well, you know what, let me grab his backstory, currently unedited.

While obviously does need tweaking due to what's been agreed upon, I decided to try to see if I could find anyone who comes remotely close to how I picture this guy in my head. These three all come the closest in light of his injury, took about half an hour on Google, and still none I would say would be an accurate representation of our navigator. If you have any suggestions or are not in need of true accuracy, I'll concede.
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