Avatar of RBYDark


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1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

Jeremiah Dupree

Physical state: Exhausted
Mental state: Sane

Professor Dupree couldn't help but frown as he nodded in agreement with Dr. Steiner. The words were harsh, but Dr. Steiner had never been a soft man. Dupree supposed he was fortunate that he had been given adequate alibi and would no longer need to deal with Officer Lexington's investigation - actually, now that he thought on it...

"For what it's worth, Dr. Steiner, and my apologies for dragging your thoughts back to yesterday - the police seem to agree with you. That it was unlikely Dr. Atkins simply jumped." After all, Dr. Steiner had said Dr. Atkins was not particularly...suicidal. He wasn't sure yet how to tell Dr. Steiner about the apparent break-in of the deceased man's office, assuming Officer Lexington hadn't already shared that much. Nor could he reconcile what he had witnessed with what evidence was found at the scene - or lack thereof. He almost wished he had not been so quick to shoo the bystanders away but, then again, he doubted many would have remained once the police had arrived. No one to explain how Dr. Howard Atkins had gotten up on that rooftop, and if anyone had understood his bizarre ramblings. The end of the world, he had caught that much. Not that it differed much from typical doomsayers who had sworn that God himself would descend from the sky and strike down this wicked society at the turn of the century. Merely the source was different.

The wait had been dragged out as long as they were able, and the gates soon swung open, the weight creating an audible squeak from the otherwise oiled hinges. Professor Dupree looked over the large brick building, ivy vine trails trimmed neatly away from the windows and doors and left otherwise unchecked to creep along the brightly-scrubbed bricks like blackening veins.

Truly, the home of the insane belonged in Arkham.

The inside was much less remarkable - Professor Dupree noted how the dark coating of the wooden flooring seemed to, in fact, thin as the students and professors trailed water in from the half-melting snow and ice outside. The heavy wooden door creaked as it opened, clearly less cared for than the wrought gate, and shuddered as it closed behind the group.

The second they entered the reception room to find the doctor who would serve as their guide, pandemonium struck. Professor Dupree wished he could say he had been attentive, intervening to stop the poor sick man before any harm could befall the man or the group and managed to pick an important thread of the tapestry known to them all as Arkham, but, no, he had froze, still-exhausted brain struggling to process what was going on in the midst of the chaos and screaming that reminded him far too much of his nightmare. A man in white - briefly his brain superimposed splashes of blood and feathers clinging and staining the white - instead pulled the patient off one of the students, a young man who seemed familiar but Dupree was sure he was not in any of his lectures. Thus did the patient leave, unconscious and treated and his circumstances now requiring translation through a man taught that all human actions were based around a drive for sex or death.

Praise be to psychology.

The man in white introduced himself - Dr. Martin Gabrowski. Jeremiah thought back to a Father Martin who had occasionally visited his boarding school as a youth. He had eventually immolated himself, when faced with the guilt of his crimes, Jeremiah heard years later. Too little too late.
With that bit of strangeness tucked into the corner of his mind, Dupree again found himself nodding to Dr. Steiner. "Indeed. Any other day, I think I'd be looking forward to this. As much as one could in the name of anthropology, at least." An attempt to mitigate the apparent callousness of the statement, more the students' benefit than Dr. Steiner's. Their brand of knowledge had always come from the study of other human beings. Several students, he knew, hadn't come along on this trip for the expressed reason that it seemed 'cruel' to treat humans like animals in a cage for study.

Dupree nodded and quietly wondered why the hell they were in an anthropology course. Where had knowledge of other cultures come from, asking politely for letters?

With the trip formally begun and their guide leading the way into the jungles of bars and barriers to meet the natives, Dupree allowed himself to slow a little and, through the decreased pace, catch up with the student who had been grabbed by the insane man. "I should hope you are alright?" He knew this face, he was so sure he did.
Similar apologies for my lack of postage. On an upside, I did get the job and should begin logging on for tutoring people next week, since I completed all the associated paperwork. Also, volunteering with cats. If anyone's looking for an adorable adult black cat...

But I will do my best to post tomorrow.
Hi sorry to say im gonna have to pull out of this RP,Sorry for being a disappointment.

...I was gonna reply to the PM, but I think it'll be ok if I reply to it here instead.

"Thank you for taking this so diplomatically. I know it can be difficult learning to write more, so if you feel like it's difficult, you are free to PM me for ideas/collabs/what-have-you. I do want this to be a good time for all."

This offer still stands but, if you are determined to go, I hope you have fun in other rps at least.
Well, finally hammered out a semblance of a post!
Jeremiah Dupree

Physical state: Exhausted
Mental state: Sane

"Nn-hwuh?" That was the initial none-too-dignified response of one Jeremiah Dupree, as Dr. Steiner's words roused him back from his state of fatigue. He then cleared his throat. "Yes, yes I am - I believe, however, we may be short by a few people?" He did another recount - as he had noted earlier, a few students who had expressed interest at the beginning of the semester now seemed to be running late, or had invented reasons to be excused from the field trip. At least one, however, had approached Dupree on his way to the sanitarium, ignoring the bags under his eyes to say that Dr. Atkins had been one of her teachers, and she'd just really prefer to stay safe at the dorms today to mourn. Dupree had let her go on her way. The trip was by no means compulsory, and he wasn't exactly feeling well himself.

It had started after August had left. The visit had gone well enough - Dupree had watched with bated breath when August approached the wall of articles and photographs with nary a word, clearly trying to make sense of the wall Dupree prized so much, trying to see the connections Dupree saw. He supposed he couldn't blame the other man - at one point, Dupree had seen the value in marking off the connections with twine, but there were so many that it soon obscured the articles themselves. It wasn't as if Dupree couldn't recognize the connections with a look; mental strings replaced the physical ones, and shadowy order replaced visible chaos. The device August pulled out was confusing for a few moments before he got a good chance to examine it and realized - August had managed to get ahold of one of those 35-mm cameras. Except this one was far smaller than any camera Dupree had seen before in his life. He wordlessly nodded off on it and then hastily excused himself to the kitchen of his apartment to prepare a kettle of tea.

From the kitchen, watching August photograph his precious wall, Jeremiah couldn't help but feel a knot settle in his stomach and the short hairs on his arms and the back of his neck raise up. August, far from thinking him crazy, almost seemed impressed by the wall. It had been no easy task assembling it. But some, small part of him that occasionally hissed accusations of paranoia and stalking when he laid down at night now muttered that August was clearly quite the actor. If August had ulterior motives for recording his wall...

The kettle then shrieked into the quietness of the apartment, and Dupree busied himself pouring a cup for himself and August. Dupree had years to learn the difference between coincidences and evidence of connections. His meeting with August, while perhaps an effect of the universal truth underpinning life, had hardly been contrived by the man, and he stood no great benefit photographing Dupree's work. It wasn't as if he could capitalize on it, and if a tenured professor could not see Dupree locked away for insanity, August would likely have less luck.

He and August did end up chatting over their cup of tea, mostly on how to proceed - Dupree mentioned that he would be spending most of the day tomorrow conducting a 'field study' at Arkham Sanitarium unless the doctors chose to cancel it on account of Dr. Atkins' suicide, but it might not hurt checking the university's library for any records of Faye Desdemona, if August so wished. The library was trying out a system that had been discussed elsewhere, keeping copies of articles in a reduced format for easier storage, so some records might not be available. Dupree, after the field study was complete for the day, could do his part by tracking down Faye's professors and asking them if they remained in contact with her. August had his own ideas, and clearly little time to spare, and so he offered Dupree a business card with a name, telephone number, and hotel room number. He didn't even wait for Dupree to send him off - a tad rude, though, then again, Dupree supposed he couldn't hold it against him. Not too much.

Yet, even as the cigarette smoke dispersed and Jeremiah began washing the tea cups, he realized he could still feel the short hairs on his arms and the back of his neck standing on end, and the knot in his stomach remained.

He checked at his door, his apartment windows, behind any closed doors. He was, as he expected, truly alone.

So why did it feel like he was being spied upon?

Sleep didn't come easily. Tea did not help, books did not help, hiding the bird mask in his closet did not help. Jeremiah thought to the glimpse of professor names he had seen in Faye Desdemona's file and attempted to call - the line rang dead. It was well past the witching hour when Jeremiah finally fell asleep, not in his bed but against the polished wood of his kitchen table. He slept - and descended into anarchy.

Mortar shells whizzed overhead as clouds of yellow sank down beside him, ripping tears from his tired eyes and scraping at raw skin nerves. He gasped, unwillingly inhaling the air that smelt like horseradish, and flung his arm up to the edge of the ditch. His briefcase caught on the barbed wire lining the hole, and yet it gave him adequate leverage to pull himself up through the cloud and onto the surface. He almost wished to jump back into the ditch as he was greeted by the sight of a young man, bleeding out before him. He felt very vulnerable, briefcase held out before him as an ineffectual shield as he surveyed the miles of barbed wire, the crudely bent metal plates, the craters of exploded shells, the unexploded shells that would require a simple tap to set off, the splatters of blood and organs and separated limbs-

The briefcase couldn't protect him from the sounds, though. Not from the screams of the dying, the pleas for help, the demands for answers the insults of the draft examiners who had grabbed him and proceeded to find him lacking
Dupree had woken up, gasping for air and wheezing, an hour before he was due to awaken. Clearly, sleep was not in the universe's plan for that night.

Thus, he had been the first to arrive at the asylum's gate, and certainly the last to truly wake up. It was a bit strange, he supposed, that the doctors had apparently not reacted to Dr. Atkins' death or how it might affect the college students. Dupree was hardly going to castigate their apathy, however - he was more determined than before to understand the surge in insanity that seemed centered on Arkham.

"And yourself, Dr. Atkins? I will understand if you'd prefer the day to yourself."
Looks good to me! Will try to post tomorrow afternoon/evening. Failing anything else, @T Risket, I guess now that it's up, you're free to edit in the dream later.
Back from cramming and the mock session - went ok, I think, won't know for a week or so if I'm actually hired or not, though.
@T Risket Taking a brief break. You can say he visited - referenced a few things that went on Dupree's wall in my first post, but generally it's articles of odd happenings and untimely coincidences.
@ONL It'll go a lot better once I log off the Guild ;p @T Risket Thanks, will do.

But I thank you all for your patience with this matter. No intentions of dropping, this is just important is all.
...my post may be later. Good news is, I got accepted for a mock tutor session for a job I applied to. The bad news is, I need to reabsorb the entirety of my Psych minor by Friday afternoon.
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