Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

@RBYDark they asked me to post but I can't because he uses swear words

I see. Just explain you don't feel comfortable posting swear words then and ask them to post?
@MissCapnCrunch@sakurasan@Filthy Mudblood
How would you post a collab after it has been written?

Also side note with nothing to do with this rp to @Filthy Mudblood: Love your username and I get it.

If I can give advice, just one of you pick who should post, and put both names up top.
Bit short but posted! Just gonna answer a last message or two, then off to bed for me.
Selene A. Cross

Location: The bleachers
Interactions: @King Tai - Ezera

First day of school. Selene Cross had to admit, her day had not started off well. Despite all of her planning and careful thought, her morning plans were ruined by her little brother occupying the bathroom for almost an hour. By the time she did finish the shower and drying her hair, foundation, concealer, and eyeliner were out of the question. She told herself it was fine and stuck to the basics. She could salvage this. It may not be the first impression she wanted to make, but not showing up or showing up late lent themselves to their own impressions. At least she had laid out everything the night before. The dark purple stockings were first, then the white lacy-sleeved dress (and the hem just long enough to avoid a rule infraction on her first day!), the lilac-colored bows pinned onto her pigtails, the black pump shoes (it was still a carnival, after all. Even if the white was a bit of a risk). Mascara, light pink lipstick, and a touch of pink eyeshadow - and then the thick black sunglasses that covered up half of her work. It didn't bother her as she picked up her backpack and went downstairs.

When Nikki spilled milk across the table and onto her bag, that bothered her. She had to switch to a smaller purse and hope it would still be able to carry everything she wanted.

But nope, thanks to her little brother, she wasn't fully prepared for school, and she had to leave the bag of caramel candies at home. Typical. They wouldn't know, she reminded herself on the way to the high school for her first day. There were many people here she'd never met before and, therefore, knew nothing of her. They wouldn't know what she had to forgo for the day and would be distracted by the festivities. She for one was looking forward to them - perhaps she could win a stuffed tiger or two at the carnival games? By the time she had reached school and been seated at the bleachers, her annoyances had been forgotten in favor of surveying her new classmates. Tomorrow, she was going to have sweets for everyone. Probably cookies - sugar. In case there were any allergies to chocolate. She'd only seen it once, but better safe and sorry, and sugar cookies were still fairly beloved in her experience. But bring in the caramels too, why not.

There were so many people she didn't recognize, she realized. She had known it was likely in the back of her mind, but it felt so different seeing it in person. This would surely be a challenge, but not one she'd turn down. She could totally do this.

That said, she did note, from her vantage point, that someone she expected to see was missing. Strange; a last-minute vacation or illness? Or maybe just running late. Once the speech ended and classes began to be released, Selene sighed and began moving down the bleachers, adjusting her sunglasses to protect from the early morning sun and curious stares. She reached a spot near the front, enjoying the view down near the ground much better, and sat.

Not even minutes later, he arrived. She could already see he was taking stock of the class as well, just for slightly different reasons. She smiled and waved. "EJ, would you mind?" The informal nickname and semi-formal style of speaking seemed to clash, and yet she didn't notice as she called him over.
Please everyone dont take my OOC negativity as my characters... Anyone can interact with him at any point. Talk to me about it if you would like, or just simply send me the post with Ronin's dialog in it and I can edit it as I see fit then we can post it over here.

For the record, I'm not. Just been chatting around for relationships and got @King Tai's permission for Selene and Ezera to interact is all.
@LovelyAnastasia Well, just gonna try to fit in some of Selene's relations, then get her introductory post up then resume sketching pokemon crap.

And um, music? Um...I guess rock? Whatever you'd pin The Birthday Massacre down as? Lot of instrumental stuff too, not really classical though. If that makes sense.
@MissCapnCrunch Wynona's a fan of fashion, hm?

@MechonRaptor Don't suppose Nathaniel ever went to the Community Center pool? @smarty0114 Also noticed Jacob's a swimmer...

@King Tai And also noticed you liked Selene's sheet.

You four wanna talk about possible relationships with Selene?

Yeah, going for the obvious ones first. So sue me.
@MissCapnCrunch Thank you! Added her and, uh, probably gonna need a couple hours - finish reading the IC, posting, and also @mentioning at people who I think Selene MIGHT be familiar with to discuss the possibility of relationships.

Hi everyone. @MissCapnCrunch, @sakurasan, @Filthy Mudblood, I think my sheet might be done, barring any necessary changes?

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