Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

Mia Kita knew she had always been fortunate to some degree. Today was no different. Her parents had given her some minor funds at the train station in Kiloude City before she left, for instance, saying it was in case she needed supplies. For another example, stores in both Lumiose City and Santalune City sold pokemon repel sprays. As such, her journey through Paterre Way, Ouvert Way, and Santalune Forest left her unbothered by any pokemon. Humans, not so much, but no one did anything more serious than bump into her. Certainly unpleasant but by no means harmful. Most of them seemed disinterested in her, heading off on their own errands and training without so much as an apology, but whatever. That was just people. That would probably change once she got her new starter - hopefully something fearsome, like Honedge or Bagon. They'd pay her more respect then.

However, despite how well her day had started, she couldn't help but begin questioning that fortune as she wandered through the Santalune Forest. She would've been glad to have had purchased so many repel sprays if it wasn't for the feeling she was wasting them all. She hadn't seen another person coming from any direction, solidifying the fact that she had, in fact, managed to lose the main path and could very possibly end up late or worse, despite the fact she had set out so early. What would even happen then? Would Professor Apple just give the position to some dumb kid in Aquacorde? Like Mia was going to lose out to a nobody!

The dark woods offered little help to its lost human, with thick branches stretching high into the sky and filtering the sunlight though its leaves, and the rustling grasses of wild pokemon disrupting her focus. A stiff breeze winding through the trees chilled the shade further, and she shivered as she hugged her bare upper arms. It had been so warm in Kiloude - in fact, it had been so warm to the point of annoyance, as she'd been able to hear her younger siblings, among other children, crowding trainers and begging to see their pokemon. Normally, she was among then, but she had to prepare for the trip to Apple, packing extra clothing and bandages and the like for a trip out into the wilderness. The letter had said much: speaking of a long journey, meeting important people, collecting rare items and even pokemon so the professor could advance her work. It had all sounded rather dull, and Mia was sure that was why her parents had considered sending Jay instead.

Admittedly, if the letter hadn't promised a starter to new trainers, Mia might have refused, and it'd be Jay wandering around lose and alone and probably scared since even if he begged to see a trainer's pokemon, he was the first to flinch when things went wrong, and she was pretty sure that was a Pikachu that had just darted by, and he would've screamed his head off there-

Mia sighed and tried to recompose herself. Well, it was a good thing she was the one out here, because she was going to find her way out, and she was going to do it the way a real trainer would: without fear. Jay would never be able to do that. He was just lucky Mia decided she wanted a starter and hoped her normally good fortune would hold up.

Despite her efforts, it still wasn't easy to make her way out. Trying to track the sun through the forest canopy had not been an easy feat and forced her to rely on the movements of pokemon to disturb the leaves and the light, to try to figure out where she was. Eventually, she found a sign, pointing south towards Avance Trail. Something else found her: a Pansear, dropping onto her face with a screech.

It was a good thing she was alone, as later she could deny the ear-splitting shriek had been hers.

She threw the Pansear to the ground with strength she didn't even know she had and ran until she finally found the forest's edge. Only when she was safely out did she take a deep breath and smooth out her dress and hair. Everything was fine. She sprayed her last repel and continued down Avance Trail. This path went as smoothly as the trip prior to the forest had gone, and quickly only the bridge was left to cross before she reached Aquacorde City. Small town. Even smaller than Santalune had been. Yuck. What did these people do for fun? Wander the woods? Doubtful, considering how few people she saw. She surveyed it disdainfully before beginning her search for Professor Apple, passing a boy texting on his phone along the way.

It took a few minutes before Mia located the terrace. There were a few people waiting at the table beside the professor. She smoothed the wrinkles from her dress one last time. If nothing else, she was going to look good. She took the steps up two at a time and approached the table. "You must be Professor Apple. I, Mia Kita, answered your letter." She glanced again at the others. Three of them might've been other new trainers selected by Apple. Shame, she wanted to get here first. She cursed her luck momentarily. The last one, an older-looking dark-skinned man, was probably a lab assistant. How utterly lame. She sneered at the Unown floating by his head. Even Magikarp was better than Unown. Hopefully, there wouldn't be anything quite so pathetic among the starter pokemon.
Hello, I am back from DMing my D&D game! I'll have Mia's introduction up shortly, and edit in the dibs list.

Also, because I know not everyone uses skype or wants to give out their skype, an alternative can be the Guild's Discord server. Either way, let us know!
@carla6677 Curious - before her prosthetics, how was she getting around?
What Aquacorde City lacked in size, it made up for in its beautiful vistas. Professor Apple had heard the other lab employees discuss its merits and, as she gazed over the stone bridge crossing the deep blue river separating Aquacorde from Avance Trail, she was inclined to agree. She sat back in her seat - one of eight pulled up around a cafe table. Today was the day: the day five trainers would arrive to assist in her research. If all went as planned, they had the chance to revolutionize Kalos - the whole world as they knew it. She just hoped that, in return, she’d be able to revolutionize their own lives as well.

Professor Apple glanced at the deep blue sky - a light breeze and passing clouds overhead kept the weather from getting uncomfortably warm. Much better than spending the day in the lab. It was a good thing she and her personal assistants had left Lumiose City yesterday. While she had wanted to be early for any of the arriving new trainers, it was nice that she had the time to enjoy such a lovely day. She had even let out her Aron, who sat on top of the table in a deep nap.

Her gaze dropped down towards the riverbank - one of her assistants was sitting over there, gazing deep into the water. It wasn’t surprising; Lynda enjoyed pokemon more than picturesque views.

In fact, one would be hard-pressed to describe the view said young woman was taking in as ‘picturesque’; rather than the mostly calm waters and the sun refracting off the river’s surface, Lynda’s attention was drawn to the handful of Carvanha that were chasing after a desperately struggling school of Magikarp. The Savage Pokémon weren’t indigenous to this part of the river, so it was possible that the lab assistant was fascinated by their appearance; but to those who knew Lynda, it was clear she was admiring the tenacity of the predators in pursuing their prey so far downstream from their natural habitat.

But a moment later, the young woman rose from her squatting position by the riverbank; predator and prey had disappeared further downstream, and the beauty of the river itself didn’t do much to keep her attention. So she turned towards the plaza a short distance away, heading towards Apple with the glint of morbid curiosity still in her eyes.

Professor Apple waved to her returning assistant and looked back to the one seated right beside her. B was perhaps a bit of an oddball, but competent enough at his duties - which, right now, involved putting together some small starting packages for the new trainers. His Y-Unown floated around his head, looking towards Avance Trail.

“You better finish soon; they’ll be here any minute.” She broke the peaceful silence between them. B didn’t answer right away - in fact, it took the chirping of his Unown to disturb him from his task and look up at Professor Apple.

“Right - almost done- oh.” A small pokeball slipped from B’s fingers and began to roll off the table. The Unown darted down and stopped it. “There we go.” B took the pokeball back and tucked it into the bag he was working on before tying the drawstring into an awkward bow. “And that’s the last of them!” He beamed.

“You actually finished before anyone showed up? Congrats!” With that teasing comment towards B, Lynda joined Apple and the other assistant present; choosing to stand near the table rather than take a seat. “Guess that head start was worth it after all!”

B’s smile cracked, and the Unown’s eyelid dropped halfway down. Professor Apple had to suppress her laughter, though her snort woke up her Aron. This was typical of them and, as typical of Professor Apple, she began her scolding to Lynda: “Lynda, B thought it might be a good idea - it’s unlikely these children will be fully supplied, and it’s one less thing you’ll have to care of later. The least you can do is thank him for his work.” She glanced at the messy knots closing off the bags. “And remember that he is lacking some depth perception.” B’s cracked smile turned into a frown.

“Alright, alright, fair enough.” Despite the light scolding, Lynda barely succeeded in stopping herself from laughing at Apple’s own jab at B; it wasn’t quite a smirk, but her lips visibly twisted to hold in a snicker of her own. “Thanks, B, you’re doing God’s work!”

“Mhmm. And next time, you can do it yourself.” B shrugged and began pulling out the pokeballs for the new trainers. Aron looked around, shook his head, and rose to feet with a yawn. Professor Apple patted the small pokemon.

“As I was going to say, however - when the new trainers arrive, please try to remember their faces. We’ll be seeing them for quite some time, after all.”

“Particularly Lynda. I have my own work to do after all.” B finished setting up the pokeballs so they wouldn’t roll away.

“Yeah yeah, I know the plan,” Lynda said somewhat carelessly, as her attention was drawn to the quintet of Pokéballs that B was arranging. In just a few short minutes, she- and a handful of other young men and women- would take their first Pokémon from one of those balls, and then their journey would begin.

“I do have to ask, do you think they’ll be up to the task? It seems you have a lot of work for them.” B leaned back in his seat.

“...I will admit, some of them seemed a big ragtag - and it’s still a shame about that cancellation - but I’m sure they’ll be competent.” Professor Apple redirected her gaze back to the bridge into Aquacorde. Her Aron followed suit, apparently curious over who his trainer had chosen.
<Snipped quote by Sigurd>

Would you believe me if I told you he was a superhero?

...I'm sorry, this I gotta hear. Who is he?
Right now, actually.

I'll try to keep this short. As you know, there were only three slots available. Ob and I sat down together and looked over the sheets - one of our biggest thoughts while going over them was, 'if we pick this character, how might they interact with the rest of the group?' It wasn't easy - for the record, if there ends up being any drops, we are happy to call back everyone who applied and wasn't accepted - but we did finally pick three.

@AtaxiaIV @Mag Lev @CloseEnough please move your sheets into the CS tab. An opening post will go up later today for the IC.

@Vongola_Hasayo @Ashevelendar @MechonRaptor @Seagull Bay your sheets were good, just - space is limited. If anyone can't make it or ends up having to drop, you are on top of the wait list to be invited back. I thank you for your efforts and patience, it really was a tough choice to make.
Also, finished reading IC. Realized no actual interactions with Selene - Ezera ran off pretty quick.

@MissCapnCrunch You wanna pick our collab back up soon?
In Masked 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Eviledd1984 Pretty please?
@alexfangtalon I 100% hope Sadie and Selene get paired up with Derek c:
@MissCapnCrunch Personally, I'd feel more comfortable with every two weeks? I'm taking college courses - specifically, A&P - and also my family is planning a vacation in November. Not even getting into my rp schedule. Just, want a chance to interact with as many other students as possible, you know?
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