Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

@Rolands Sorry, yes. We do have a waiting list as is.
Still alive. I poke @gohKamikaze?
@CloseEnough For now, traveling together. If there's a pokemon in the area you want to get, you can split off in single or pairs to go take care of it. Stuff like exploring areas, the group can split up, but just, everyone's back together at the end of the day. If I'm understanding you rightly?
Professor Apple couldn't help but smile as each trainer met their new pokemon. These pokemon were all tame; she'd checked them herself before bringing them to Aquacorde City, and it seemed like she had made good choices as each trainer expressed their love for their lifelong partner. Except the Poliwag. Professor Apple swore he had behaved fine back in Lumiose City. Well, unless there were reports of the Poliwag turning violent, there was no real problem. Just a lesson that some pokemon could get mischievous in the hands of novice trainers. Four happy trainers out of five was quite a reasonable goal, and it had been met.

She glanced down at the Aron on the table, edging back from the sight of the two water pokemon now joining them. She recalled the small pokemon so the others could enjoy having theirs out. Let them have it - she remembered when she had gotten her first pokemon, and the joy she had felt. She glanced to B and his Unown, who seemed to be watching the appearance of each new pokemon with curiosity. Admittedly, she had told him what she was bringing, but he had been busy when she evaluated them - it was his first time seeing how each one acted.

Once the excitement began to fade to a more manageable level, Professor Apple decided to pick back up where she left out. "Now, as new trainers, I don't know if you're aware of the basics of battling. I wouldn't expect much trouble from other people while completing projects, but there will be wild pokemon." She surveyed the group. "Given the size, I would suggest anyone who doesn't know how to battle, talk to Lynda for help. While Totodile will be her first pokemon, it's not her first time battling." As her supervisor, Professor Apple had frequently loaned Lynda pokemon for small tasks, and the streets of Lumiose City were not always the safest, particularly the back alleys. Checking to make sure the remaining five trainers could battle would likely devolve into chaos. "For those encounters - B, if you would?" B nodded and picked up four of the small bags on the table, with his Unown taking two and flying down to Reeman to hold out the bag.

"While we were waiting, I prepared a few beginner's bags. Just the basics - some pokeballs, some money, and a Revive. Arceus knows you'll need it!" He beamed, hanging a bag to Mia, Lynda, Charlie, and Sully. Once Reeman had the small bag dropped into his possession, the Unown delivered the other bag to Rosa.

"Thank you, B. Now, then, your first project is simple. Wulfric, as you may know, is the gym leader of Snowbelle City. About a week ago, he called Lumiose City's pokemon lab with the news of ...something past Route 20. Now, gym leaders tend to be rather busy and notoriously bad at returning messages." There was a trace of annoyance in Professor Apple's voice. "While it may not hurt to ask him for details when you arrive in Snowbelle, I also think you'll be able to find it if you search for yourselves. Past Route 20 is a natural pokemon habitat, so I suspect anything that got his attention would certainly stand out." The Pokemon Village was a bit of a known secret - its true power laid in the difficulty of finding it. Though, while the village itself was fairly warm, Professor Apple considered Snowbelle and looked over the six trainers. Of the group, perhaps Charlie and Sully seemed best suited to withstand the cooler temperatures of the city.

"Given Snowbelle City is one of the few areas in Kalos with snow, I suggest you stop in the Santalune City boutique for jackets and gloves. Once this project is complete, the lab will reimburse you for money spent on clothing specifically bought for Snowbelle's weather conditions." Surely that would be fair.

"Are there any questions?" And now it was time to see what this group was thinking. Sure, the assignment wasn't glamorous, but it wasn't the most difficult either, and it was unlikely Wulfric had called the lab over nothing. Surely, whatever was there had to be interesting.
Much appreciated Mag!

I have exam today, so I may take a few more hours to get to drafting/posting.
Probably posting Wednesday at earliest, exam tomorrow. Anyone want to chat with Selene?
In Masked 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Fly? Heck yeah, Pyro could fly. Sammy was pretty sure Witch could too. Big reason why Sammy had been looking to the skies before giving up and going to Operation Gravel Drop. Which, he guessed, kinda had worked, but Pyro and Witch were still missing. So hadn't worked, really. But he had tried his best! Maybe he should resume while these two talked it out, especially since the new guy's description didn't quite make sense so maybe he hadn't seen either one of them after all. Just, you know, in case the big guy was wrong and Pyro and Witch were both still out there and could come explain what was going on. He still wasn't sure why the other guy assumed a fight was going to go down. Because they had powers? ....granted, it was possible. He got into fights with other Powers over the dumbest things sometimes. Some of them just didn't have a sense of humor.

Then, there was heat. Sammy glanced down for signs of fire before remembering to look up - and lo and behold, there she floated. The reason he was bothering to come out of hiding. Half the reason. Correcting the new guy on her powers and then landing. Great, great- right, gloves. Sammy bent down to pick up the gloves he had removed and took a second to hold them wrist-down. The poisoned ooze landed with a wet splat. Good thing everyone here was wearing shoes, he thought as he pulled the gloves back on. Though, hey, there was a new joke idea. Sammy made a mental note to visit the public pool once things got better again.

Oh, his turn? Yup, his turn. Strangers. "Well, not me, usually the people who were talking to me?" Maybe she had. Sammy did try to pay attention but, jeez, some days, there was just some really cool-looking beetle flying overhead. Or someone was walking by talking about a really good hot dog they just bought down the road. And then Pyro or Witch would be looking at him sternly and he'd realize, oh yeah, she was saying something, wasn't she? Safer to just nod half the time, or at least wait until there was a bit of distance to say, yup, totally distracted.

"But, hey, I was looking for you, and I found you!" Kinda. Maybe she had heard the reports. Speaking of, he glanced at the still paralyzed-to-unconscious people. "I found them that way. But yeah, saw the video, and-" He hesitated. West had played it up as an easy task, if Witch had gotten grabbed after all. But seeing Pyro alone made that confidence waver. They were usually together - and with what Witch had been saying, she wouldn't have sent Pyro off alone, right? "....well, uh- where's Witch? I...didn't see her with you."
@Fabricant451 - Nicoletta Soriano. Cass Rowley. - Nonresponsive
@LovelyAnastasia - Poetry Sundance. Oberon Grimbald - Nonresponsive
@Fluorescent - Kelsey & Kris Hartford. Jess Grossman. - Nonresponsive

@MissCapnCrunch - Continuing
@Filthy Mudblood - Continuing
@Carla6677 - Continuing
@MechonRaptor - Continuing
@Alexfangtalon - Continuing
@Smarty0114 - Continuing
@Thane - Continuing
@Klaykid - Continuing
@Caliban22 - Continuing
@Framing A Moose - Continuing
@Mskennedy615 - Continuing
@King Tai - Continuing
@RBYDark - Continuing
@TheIrishJJ - Continuing
@A Tattooed Girl - Continuing

I think final list?
The problem is just, well, it broke down during introductions. In the future, it might be easier to keep going despite computer problems - one of the trainers could be off exploring for a pokemon, for instance - but this particular instance, willing to wait a few more days and keep bugging Mag Lev in the meantime.
Ok, looks like it sends out 10 mentions at a time. Dropping one for @A Tattooed Girl - attendance?
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