Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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Diarmi 'Dimi' Carlevaro

At 14 years old, 5'5", and maybe 130 pounds sopping wet, Dimi is the last person to intimidate anyone. Perhaps he's aware, as he's slow to anger and even then such anger quickly dissipates. He's quite chatty and quick to talk with strangers in hopes of striking up a friendship. It doesn't matter how often he's turned down, he'll bounce right back up in an instant. Perhaps that's fitting, as when his family performs for the streets, he does acrobatic tricks and parkour. [So of course he's fascinated when he's attached to this hulking, giant, quiet man who's apparently from centuries ago.] Considering how ragtag, ill-matching, and ill-fitting his attire is, it may come as no surprise that Dimi's 6-member family lives out of a small RV, which is an uprade from the van that pulls it around. If given a chance (his youngest sister is busy, there's no performance going on, and who really cares about school, right?), he could spend all day at a bookstore, library, or comic book store, reading graphic novels and comics.


What does one do after having been raised to fight, joining multiple battles as part of the berserker squad, and getting an arrow to the throat? Become attached to a teenager, apparently. It's a struggle to leave behind the mindset he lived with for so long. Contrary to what one might expect, Agmundr is not overwhelmed by the modern world, mostly because he's able to shut it out, only paying attention for possible threats and planning for battle. Oh, and when his kid calls, probably to show him something like 'ice cream'. Apparently.

When working together, Dimi is already granted the core powers of a mahou shoujo - increased strength and endurance, quicker healing - though Agmundr is able to supplement the first two to greater levels. In addition, Dimi is granted immunity from damage by fire or by any kind of metal weapon, as per the tradition of berserkers. Finally, Dimi is able to produce and release spores that can either put a person to sleep or leave them in a delirious state. Neither Agmundr nor Dimi know how to predict the spore's effects currently.
@The World There is! We're planning on tossing up a Discord server first, mostly for a place to iron out details/collaborate more easily and then shortly after tossing up the main thread.
Thanks c: Should I post them in the Characters tab, or do I need to do some editing first?
Bump because I refuse to believe I'm the only other person interested in a magical girl rp
I do like me some steampunk - might one of the builders/maintainers of the Automatic Dolls be an option?
@BenG85 Thanks a ton for the summary!

@Duthguy I do want to add one thing - Ben's right that Frontier sort of did away with the partner relationship, which wasviewed as a weak point for the show. We are reintroducing that in a limited capacity - the spirit will still hang around and is capable of talking to the human if the player so desires. We do recommend taking advantage of that.

And now tagging @JDubs Because are you three interested in a Discord server where we'd be able to hash out details and offer further info? We'd still be holding the rp onsite, but the Discord may allow for easier collaboration. If so, we can have it up within 24 hours.
(And last question butnot one I expect an answer to: surely I'm not the ONLY person here who's down for a magical girl rp, where is everyone)


Diarmi 'Dimi' Carlevaro'

At 14 years old, 5'5", and maybe 130 pounds sopping wet, Dimi is the last person to intimidate anyone. Perhaps he's aware, as he's slow to anger and even then such anger quickly dissipates. He's quite chatty and quick to talk with strangers in hopes of striking up a friendship. It doesn't matter how often he's turned down, he'll bounce right back up in an instant. Perhaps that's fitting, as when his family performs for the streets, he does acrobatic tricks and parkour. [So of course he's fascinated when he's attached to this hulking, giant, quiet man who's apparently from centuries ago.] Considering how ragtag, ill-matching, and ill-fitting his attire is, it may come as no surprise that Dimi's 6-member family lives out of a small RV, which is an uprade from the van that pulls it around. If given a chance (his youngest sister is busy, there's no performance going on, and who really cares about school, right?), he could spend all day at a bookstore, library, or comic book store, reading graphic novels and comics.


What does one do after having been raised to fight, joining multiple battles as part of the berserker squad, and getting an arrow to the throat? Become attached to a teenager, apparently. It's a struggle to leave behind the mindset he lived with for so long. Contrary to what one might expect, Agmundr is not overwhelmed by the modern world, mostly because he's able to shut it out, only paying attention for possible threats and planning for battle. [Oh, and when his kid calls, probably to show him something like 'ice cream'. Apparently.]

[When working together, Dimi is already granted the core powers of a mahou shoujo - increased strength and endurance, quicker healing - though Agmundr is able to supplement the first two to greater levels. In addition, Dimi is granted immunity from damage by fire or by any kind of metal weapon, as per the tradition of berserkers. Finally, Dimi is able to produce and release spores that can either put a person to sleep or leave them in a delirious state. Neither Agmundr nor Dimi know how to predict the spore's effects currently.]
@JDubs I can confirm we are not. If you wanted to contract with, say, a Leomon's spirit, you'd be free to do so!
Awesome. Ok, I have a few more questions, but also I'll start jotting down my idea.

1) Do all the mahou shoujo share a common pool of powers? e.g. all can conjure a shield
2) Do the warrior spirits grant unique abilities?
3) I assume only the shoujo can hear their specific warrior spirit, and spirits can't communicate with each other. Is this accurate?

-kid who moves around a lot, not by choice, looking for something cool he doesn't expect to still have this time next year
-friendly, chatty
-14 max
-family street performers, currently live out of a cheap RV attached to a van
-second-youngest in family out of 4 kids
-dreams of being a hero
-hypomanic phase at start of rp

Warrior spirit:
-traditional berseker (need to look up old Scandanavian names)
-bit twitchy, doesn't really know how to resolve things other than by violence
-even if not very interested in the modern world (it's too overwhelming), does appreciate the kid's attempt to explain it and show it off
-will be influenced by a theory I read about berserkers and PTSD
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