Avatar of RBYDark


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1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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If not tonight, I'll post tomorrow.

And sorry, probably won't be the 12-year-old. As cute as the image is, I'm already dedicated to him carrying Captain over like a huge stuffed bunny (in my headcanon, Captain's 4 feet tall and Katsuo's like 4'10")
<Snipped quote by RBYDark>

Ooh okay! So when you say analog, is that what we're calling the human world? It's probably the case but I wanted to make sure before I assumed because I've always been proven wrong in that case.

Yeah, that's the human world. Habit of mine.

I do love that idea for the custom digivice. It's very thematic for the concept of the rp and it just sounds cool - especially the bit about it connecting us to the sovereigns. Very cool. Not sure I understand how the items work, though. Would those be like canonical weapons that digimon have used (i.e. wargreymon's shield, leomon's sword, etc)? Or more like being able to use digimon attacks for a brief amount of time? And would they be activated via digimodify cards or something similar?

Thanks for the compliment! As for the items, yeah, they're more like the canonical weapons/armor other digimon would have. And they'd be activated by possessing the item. I did forget to mention, the digivice can also store a limited amount of items. Otherwise - well, let's use my planned NPC Kotemon as an example. I mentioned an item called the Chromatic Drill - let's equip it onto her. She could either have a handheld drill item, which she hang off the sash at her waist when not in use, or she could have the upper half of her shinai replaced by the drill. She can now use the drill to perform a digging attack, burrow, or pierce armor. Now let's give her the Brave Shield, which is the name of Wargreymon's shield. She won't get any of Wargreymon's moves, but she will get a shield she can use to defend against most attacks. Since the shield doesn't have anywhere she can store it, she could theoretically hand it off to Sierra, JDub's partner mon. She can no longer use the Brave Shield until she gets it back. This differs from the Deva boons, which will be inherent in the digivice and only require the tamer to call for them.

So, in short, they're weapons/armor/items other digimon might have possessed, and they're activated via possession of the item. Does that make sense?
@JDubs Alright, I don't exactly have any other objections to the character sheets as presented - feel free to throw them up in the characters tab!
@The World Hey, sorry, missed your questions!

what digimon are banned from being partners, if any

I don't have anyone banned, per se, but keep in mind the Sovereigns are pretty important to this rp, so maybe avoid them as Megas? Devas and Knights, you ought to be careful with as well mostly to minimize confusion.

, and are there any restrictions on moral alignment of characters?

Well, that question's always worrying to every DM ever. Keep in mind your mission statement: "Your goal will be to eliminate Tyrants, restore stability to each region, and discover what happened to the Sovereigns"

Further, are there analog world locations that we should stick to or avoid for human characters?

I don't have any in mind? We can always handwave the language barriers as 'digital world translates everything into a common code'.

@JDubs Hey, I just want to remind you that the item usage/storage and Deva boons ARE the card slash of this rp, making an additional card swipe system pretty superfluous. It's one thing if she makes the gesture out of habit, it's another thing to have an additional system on top of the original.

I also want to point out for Sierra, most equipment pieces will have to be specially found, so starting out with equipment specific to OTHER digimon is sort of concerning.
@metanoia Thanks for the vote! In regards to your questions:

As far as meeting a Digimon partner, since the ages of the humans seem to be spread out, does that mean there's a potential that we've had our Digimon partner for quite some time (should we be older)? Or will all characters be meeting their Digimon partners all at the same time?

You can be whatever age, I just didn't want to limit anyone. It's possible to have had your partner in the analog world for some time, though you wouldn't have had a digivice, and you wouldn't have had your partner for more than 5 years, maximum. I was figuring on having them all meet at the same time, probably a group of ex-Sovereign retainers/refugees from the Tyrants, but you did remind me partnerships in the analog world do exist in this setting - not many, but they do exist.

On the topic of Digimon partners but more specifically lines, how would you prefer it work? I've always been a fan of the singular line myself. Would that be the approach we'd be taking (i.e one defined line like in the anime)?

For the most part, I'd prefer a singular line. However, it's worth noting there will be items that can cause evolution into a different form.

How would feral Digimon partners work? That's something that interested me tbh. Would that be more of a case of wild Digimon bonding with older tamers or would they be more suspect to animalistic traits like Ryu's Cyberdramon?

Mostly the former - they just aren't partnered to a tamer. However, that doesn't mean they can't have animalistic traits or even be like animals.

I suppose the last question is purely on a cosmetic end of things: what era of digivice we working with? Oh and on that note, we in present day or we goin to the past for nostalgia sake?

I was sort of creating a custom digivice I've codenamed 'Constellation' - besides being able to store items, they supposedly allow a direct line to the Sovereigns, can produce a shield that can take even a Mega attack (though only once, and they take some time to recharge), and would allow the tamer to digivolve a limited number of non-partner digimon up to Perfect level and a partner digimon up to Mega (via biomerge, it's looking like). Depending on the Sovereign connection, they'd even allow for Deva-related boons. (For example, Xuanwumon's connection would grant access to items granting telekinesis, enhanced strength, and the Treasure Wheel/Bao Lun)
I was also thinking present day, mostly due to the digivices coming from an electronic device on the tamer's person and me not wanting to double-check what existed in 1999/2000/2003/etc as options.
Diarmi, a bit too focused with the sword flying at his face, had managed to miss the moment of the lightning bolt - not its existence, fully, something else had distacted katana-guy after all, but he hadn't seen what it was. A blade being pulled with the intention of cutting off one's face had a way of focusing one's attention like that. He practically held his breath as the spores began to take effect, making the young man stumble and swap. When he finally collapsed, Diarmi was quick to catch him before he cracked his head on the rooftop, then finished setting him down.

Well. Best to disarm him. As he grabbed at the katana's sheath, he asked aloud, "So what was that?"

"The spores of a mushroom from my time. They have magical effects."

"They do?" The sheath came loose with another tug. Diarmi thought about it, and then fiddled with the necklaces around the young man's throat. Hey, something let him summon and control those bird-monsters. He didn't know what, but magic charm or magic sword seemed like the best bet, and he wasn't sure what was enchanted.

"Yes. For some, the mushrooms force them to sleep. For others, they bring them into the berserker's rage."

"They what?" Diarmi's voice cracked. "I coulda had that guy go into a fit of rage at me? He was kinda already in one!" Rage squared, he supposed. But that was beside the point.

"Hardly. But, I will tell you, a berserker is immune to the power of metal and fire. Unless he used his sword like a club, he would not have been able to harm you."

Oh, this was not a train of thought Diarmi had ever anticipated. But here he was, wondering at what point being bludgeoned would be worse than being sliced or pierced. Maybe it was best to let that train go on its own, and he'd re-board it later, figure out the answer. For now, a drizzle had started and he'd heard the sound of broken pottery. The katana and possible charms secured on his person, he jumped, caught a lamp post, and slid downwards. Thank god(s?) he wasn't climbing up in the rain.

"Hey, hey, that was awesome!" He ran towards the knight girl, holding his hand up for a high five. "We gotta check on bear-hand lady, I know, but-?" He gestured with his free hand. "High five?"
@JDubs @Mole @Fish of Oblivion @metanoia @The World Just wanted to check if anyone had any questions thus far. In addition, I was hoping everyone could vote on a couple of matters?

  • The role of humans:
    • Direct (e.g. spirit evolution)
    • Off to the side (e.g. crest/digimental evolution) ||
    • A mixture (e.g. biomerge evolution): ||
  • Handling locations visited:
    • Just focus on the five main regions
    • Include villages/locations between regions: |
Notable NPCs

Sorry, had a poor experience in another thread recently where someone jumped in without actually getting a character approved. Just had that on my mind, but glad to hear I was wrong.
@Silver Carrot Hey, neat post! Just gotta ask - have you been speaking with the GM over PMs or something?
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