I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.
I'll wait on Candy to properly answer - in the meantime, I'd argue it's not Grace, since he's also aware of her situation and his non-action, so, you know what, fair enough. He knows nothing about Kendra, so it's possible.
Under Friimon’s new ring, little looked different - except the shadows eating at the edge of Marineangemon. The shadows seemed to grow hungrier as May suggested being allowed to follow the siblings. To everyone else, though, Marineangemon just seemed to wilt a bit; one could imagine the anime sweatdrop on the side of his head. Piximon abstained from beginning her tirade against DoKunemon to actually look at Marineangemon with interest. He reached up to tug at his collar only to remember, right, he’d just given it away. Piximon then spoke up.
“You know, bro, I think they have a point.” Despite her light tone, her glare was visible. “We could have them come with us. Clockmon’s probably around the Tree anyways.” Her wings buzzed, making her bubble drift closer to Marineangemon’s. “It should be safe, right?” She drew the question out. To Friimon, the shadows drew in closer around Marineangemon.
Then he blinked and the nervousness and shadows alike seemed to recede a tad. He gave a nod. “You can follow, to a point.” He turned to Piximon, who looked rather confused. “Sister, give me the digivices. I’ll deliver them - you go lead them to Clockmon, alright?”
“Excuse me?”
“I’ll deliver the digivices. You lead them to Clockmon. She’s bound to be around the tree, right?”
“Are you crazy!”
“You said it yourself - he’ll probably be happy to see these. So shouldn’t I be fine?” He might’ve looked innocent to the humans as he asked his question, but Piximon could see the challenge in his eyes. She grimaced.
“How dare you. Ugh, fine!” With that, both bubble shields dissolved and she handed the digivices off to Marineangemon, who very carefully flipped them so the backs were facing up, showing their constellations. “You people are gonna be following me, I guess. Save your dumbass questions-”
“-your dumb questions for Clockmon because, like I said, neither of us owe you anything and you still made my brother cry.” Marineangemon grimaced and looked down.
“It was - it was just like before, was all.” He managed to hold all the digivices in one arm as he rubbed at his eyes with the other. It seemed like the matter was settled, perhaps not to the satisfaction of everyone present, but settled regardless.
Then Dante spoke up.
“Damn it, forget about the fucking digivices or whatever they're called! What took them- what took the Sovereigns? Does it know we're here? How long do we have before it finds us?”
To Friimon, both siblings became shrouded in shadows. To everyone else, both siblings tensed and exchanged looks - Marineangemon’s desperate, Piximon’s a touch manic. Then they began speaking over each other.
“Oh, I’m certain it was that Sovereigns-damned-” “Sister!” “-himself Necrowisemon, but he’s not actually-” “-listen to her, he’s not really that-” “-gets his kicks out of torturing my brother and-” “-a dream, and something else-” “-decided to play Hide-n-Seek with the Sovereigns, screwing-” “-just needs help-” “-as if he ever does anything else-” “-need to be destroyed. I beg you-” “-how someone like him raised Clockmon-” “Piximon, that’s enough!”
The two had been steadily raising their voices until Marineangemon finally snapped. He sniffled but maintained his glare, somehow made more potent by the tears gathering in his eyes once more. Piximon huffed, averting her gaze. Now she was the one to make her brother cry. Guilt sucked.
Before she could calm him down, Marineangemon tightened his grip and bolted into the forest. Despite their delicate appearance, his feathery wings were surprisingly fast and he was quickly hidden among the trees.
“Crap -” She flew after him, leaving the humans behind in her rush. “Bro, I’m sorry, but he is a psychopath! Bro!”
Who are you? "Mitra Singh. Simple enough to remember, yes? I used to live in Rajasthan, got found by the Singh family, and brought back to the US. It took forever to get the paperwork around me done since I legally didn't exist. Along the way, I got an education, fell in love with the guy who saved me, and picked up English. Ended up giving my soul away about, what was it, a year ago? Year and a half? Time flies."
How long have you been in the city? "Gosh, it's been... 14 years now. Next year might be a fun anniversary; maybe I'll drop a hint to Ravi, see what he does."
Who would you die for? "Ravindra. No questions asked. Oh, who is he? Well, to make a long story short, he's my husband. He's a real sweetheart, but honestly, he wants to be more than just 'some guy' and that desire to be important is why I'm like this now. He would've lost his soul if I hadn't stepped in. I'd still die if it meant saving his life. Call me a fool, but then again, isn't everyone in some way?"
What is your daily release? "Whoa, getting personal there, aren't you? Right now, I play penny poker and craps. Low-stakes gambling keeps me away from home, but it also keeps my stupider impulses in check."
What do you desperately need? "Besides Ravindra and Ms. Chandra to stay safe? And my soul back before I end up saying or doing something stupid that ruins my marriage? I could go for some vengeance. See, I didn't spawn out of the blue. I was dumped. Left to die before Ravindra found me. Might as well go demonic on the asses of people who deserve it."
Gear • An apartment shared with his husband, an old but functional car, a smart phone • 1 weapon of choice [] Collapsible baton (2-harm hand) [] 9mm Beretta (2-harm close loud) [X] Pump-action shotgun (3-harm close loud messy) [] Sword (3-harm hand messy)
Debts • You’re protecting someone from a dark power. They owe you 2 Debts. "Ravindra Singh, my husband." • Someone is trying to save you and keeps suffering for it. You owe them 2 Debts. "Chandra Singh, my mother-in-law." • You have a demon patron who holds the contract for your soul. You owe them 3 Debts. "Paimon, my... demon patron, obviously."
Tainted Moves You get this one: [X] The Devil Inside: When you assume your demon form, roll with Blood. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1. On a miss, choose 1 and you owe your patron a Debt. • Gain armor+1 • Heal 2-harm • Inflict +1 harm • +demonic weapon (3-harm hand or 2-harm close) • +demonic movement (flight, flaming motorcycle, etc.) If you’re working a job for your patron, choose 1 more. If you mark corruption, choose 1 more.
And choose one more: [] Invocation: You may cash in a Debt with someone to appear in their presence. Others may cash in a Debt with you to have you appear as well. [] Don’t Look at Me: When you mislead someone, roll with Heart instead of Mind. [] Tendrils in the Dark: When you seek the guidance of your patron through rituals and portents, roll with Spirit. On a hit, the signs and signals are laid out before you: take +1 forward if you follow the path. On a 7-9, you’re drawn further into your patron’s service; keep your cool to make your own way. On a miss, your patron has a job for you right now; assume your demon form and go to work or suffer 2-harm (ap). [] Cold as Ice: Take +1 Blood (max +3) [X] Tough as Nails: You get 1-armor. Blessed or holy sources ignore your armor. Weapons designed to stun or impair you have no effect.
Demon Form Since your patron claimed your soul, you have a new look: a demon form. Pick as many as apply from the lists below: [X] Head: horns [X] Hands: claws [X] Wings: none [X] Skin: chitinous, scaly [X] Eyes: glowing
Demonic Jobs Your dark patron keeps you on Earth for a reason. Choose two jobs from the list below: Tracking down rogue demons, delivering threats and messages
When you complete a job for your patron, mark Wild. Your patron owes you a Debt for every job completed.
You can cash in a Debt with your Patron in order to have them: • Answer a question (honestly) about their Faction • Introduce you to a powerful member of their Faction • Give you a worthy and useful gift without cost • Erase a Debt they hold on someone • Give you a Debt they have on someone else • Give you +3 to persuade them (choose before rolling)
Your patron may offer you the chance to buy your freedom, but Debts alone won’t be enough.
Drama Moves Tainted Corruption Move: When you persuade someone on your patron’s behalf, mark corruption.
Intimacy Move: When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or emotional—with another person, they give you a Debt they hold on someone else.
End Move: When you die, cash in all the Debts your patron owes you to come back. If you have none, your patron will ask someone else to pay the Debt for you. If they refuse, time’s up. It’s been a good run.
Standard Advances Advances available at beginning of play: [] +1 Heart (max +3) [] +1 Mind (max +3) [] +1 Spirit (max +3) [] A new Tainted move [] A new Tainted move [] A move from another Archetype [] A move from another Archetype [] Change your Faction
After 5 advances you may select: [] +1 to any stat (max +3) [] +1 any Faction (max +3) [] Erase a scar [] Gain fiendish underlings [] Erase a job from your contract [] Erase a corruption advance [] Advance 3 basic moves [] Advance 3 basic moves [] Change to a new Archetype
Corruption Advances[] [] [] [] [] [] Take a corruption move [] Take a corruption move [] Take a corruption move [] Take a corruption move from another Archetype [] Retire your character. They may return as a Threat
Corruption Moves [] Fringe Benefits: Mark corruption to drop the name of your demonic patron as if you rolled a 10+. You don’t have to have a Debt on your patron to use the move. [] Just Below the Surface: Mark corruption to assume your demon form without a roll and gain all the options listed. [] Not to Be Denied: When someone refuses to honor a Debt you’ve cashed in on them, mark corruption to make their result a miss (after they roll). [] From Hell: Mark corruption to have your patron send a gang of demons to work on your behalf for a scene (2-harm small group 2-armor demonic).
Name | Diarmi 'Dimi' Carlevaro Alias | Flip Age | 14 Gender | Male Appearance | Who dresses this kid? That may be the first thing that comes to mind of anyone who encounters Diarmi in civilian life. His outfits tend to be ill-fitting and ill-matched, with plenty of stitching and patchwork. Given his size - 5'2" and 120 pounds when soaked - probably isn't a surprise to realize his parents do. He's visibly young, with tan skin and bright green eyes that haven't yet picked up on all the cynicism of the world apparently. His dark brown hair is often neatly combed, though his habit of getting into high places often makes it wind-tousled. Notoriety | Watched Danger Level/Variant Type | Class 2/Mentalist Abilities | His powers are directly linked to his mental state - the stronger/more enduring the state, the more potent the powers. When he's depressed, his powers tend towards the defensive - invisibility for a short period of time, creating a shield against hand-to-hand attacks, and slowing one's perception of time. When he's manic, his powers are more offensive - telekinesis, psychic energy blasts, and levitation. When "normal", he has access to weakened versions of all his powers.
[Gear] Attire | Diarmi's superhero attire isn't much - a blue spandex bodysuit, an orange windbreaker, a blue scarf wrapped around his neck (around 6 ft long), and orange-tinted goggles. Armament/Equipment | For the most part, this kid goes out unarmed. However, it's worth noting that his scarf has a weight sewn into both ends - he can use it as a makeshift grapple or as a quick bludgeoning weapon.
[Temperament & Lifestyle] Affiliation | Vigilante/independent Personality/Habits | Diarmi's a performer at heart, and it shows in his nature: jovial, friendly, expressive, in a few words. He's hardly going to intimidate anyone, and he seems aware of this fact - he's slow to anger, and quick to release it. He's quite friendly and actually loves comics and superheroes, having spent hours in bookstores , comic book stores, and libraries reading them when he has the chance. He actually looks up to most Nobles, seeing them as the 'good guys'. Despite his cheer and belief in heroes, he resents being called 'naive'. Occupation/Trade | Street performer Skills/Talents | Diarmi is excellent at parkour. His spatial awareness is excellent largely out of necessity. Family | Father (Cosimo Carlevaro), mother (Guadalupe 'Lupita' Calevaro-Fuentes), older sister (Alessandra 'Alessa' Carlevaro), older brother (Lorenzo 'Loris' Carlevaro), younger sister (Zola Carlevaro) Background | Diarmi's family has been poor for as long as he can remember - they skipped town to avoid paying the bill for his birth and were living out of a van at the time. At least, that's how Alessa tells it. Both his parents insist they did pay the bill for his birth, though neither denies the claim of living out of the van. As they tell it, they couldn't afford the RV until after Zola was born. The point is, Diarmi is used to living in poverty, busking in the streets as soon as he was old enough and proved himself at first to be a decent singer, to go along with his father's fiddle-playing. By the time he was 11, he switched to parkour, climbing to high places for the entertainment of those below.
Diarmi deeply loved his family, even if the RV was cramped and only one bathroom for six people was about as pleasant as it sounds. He never questioned why the family moved around so much or how they seemed to make more money than one might expect from busking - then again, do most kids question their parents' finances? Besides, he had bigger things on his mind, like when he realized he could pick his blanket up off the floor just by thinking about doing it. He was a Variant, he quickly realized, with a variety of skills he could make use of. Was anyone else in the family? This stuff was genetic, he read at the library. Maybe Mom was, she did do a magic act that was pretty impressive and no one questioned. Then again, maybe she was always as good at sleight of hand as he thought. He decided to try to keep it to himself - it's what most heroes did in the comics he read, they never told anyone about their powers.
But one day, when he was 13, Diarmi was forced to confront that love and those questions he never asked when it was his turn to total the day's takings, and he found a woman's wallet among the items. She must've lost it, he reasoned, and Loris had to pull him aside to explain what, besides street performances, their family did: while Mom and Dad, and now Diarmi, held the crowd's attention, Alessa and Loris would pickpocket them. Yes, Mom and Dad knew, who do you think taught them? And yes, one day, Diarmi and probably Zola would either take over performing or pickpocketing, though they were both still too young. So, no, the wallet was not lost, though Loris usually tried to sneak wallets back after emptying them of cash and card. Alessa must've taken the wallet. Loris then decided he'd finished counting the day's profits, as Diarmi was visibly shattered by these revelations.
At first, he cursed Loris for telling him, then everyone else (sans Zola) for lying to him, then just his parents for making them all criminals. Diarmi didn't want to be a pickpocket, he wanted to be a hero like in the comics. But to do that, he'd have to turn his family in. That was a lot of pressure to put on a 13-year-old, and then he and Zola would be orphaned. And then what would happen to them? They'd probably be separated, she was a good four years younger than he was. And ultimately, what would he have achieved? Doing one good deed at the cost of everything he knew and loved. And so, not without disgust with himself, he chose to keep the family secret - though he did demand Zola be left out of it to Alessa and Loris. Let her keep her innocence. For his part, he'd never quite unerstood the vigilante impulse until now - he couldn't be a real hero, not as long as he let his family keep stealing. But he could go out and stop others from stealing and attacking people. And so, with his Variant powers, his parkour skills, and a new sense of purpose, he fashioned himself a costume from hand-me-downs and became a vigilante.
(insert photo here)
Name | James Chang Alias | Jimi Age | 18 Gender | Male Appearance | Standing at 5'6" - a bit shorter than average - Jimi's none-too-impressive build often leaves others with the impression that he can be pushed around, and nothing about the way he carries himself suggests otherwise. Most of his clothing is a size or two too large for him, and is mostly hoodies and jeans, with bandage wrappings under the hoodie. Thanks to those wrappings, he typically smells of lavender and sage. Under the wrappings are ten scattered eye tattoos (hazel, unlike his own blue color), which he insists is part of the 'evil spirit's' manifestation. He generally looks a bit sickly - unusually pale, highlighted by messy brown hair, and often bending joints in ways that ought to be painful. Notoriety | Wanted Danger Level/Variant Type | Class 3/Architect Abilities | Jimi's mainpowers involve the siphoning of energy - he can drain heat energy off a person or object, leaving them much colder (or even hypothermic), and transfer it into something or someone else, potentially causing fevers and fires. He can also 'store' the energy (which can cause internal and external damage to his body)
[Gear] Attire | No special uniform for 'Variant' work - he just sticks with the hoodies and jeans. Armament/Equipment | Jimi carries around a metal pipe with a rubber handle; he uses this to conduct the electrical energy he converts, effectively giving himself a stun baton.
[Temperament & Lifestyle] Affiliation | Pariah Underground connections Personality/Habits | Jimi comes across as a typical, if perhaps overly cheerful, teenager at a glance. This glosses over some of his quirks, such as how superstitious he is, his somewhat fatalistic beliefs, and his need to be useful. Jimi is cheerful and optimistic, true, about everything but himself. For his part, he's convinced he's host to an evil spirit and one day, it will consume everything he loves and cares about - so perhaps it's best his lot in life is kept small and insignificant. This steadfast belief is directly at odds with his desire to have friends and not be lonely. The only way he could find to reconcile the two was to employ his services for others, regardless of their moral code. He is fiercely loyal to whoever employs him, but it has not stopped him from apologizing whenever someone gets hurt. Occupation/Trade | "Mook for hire" - he's a criminal accomplice in other words. The lookout, the distraction, sometimes even the muscle. Skills/Talents | Besides his powers, Jimi is decent at hand-to-hand combat and dodging. He's actually quite adept at controlling a battlefield. For non-combat skills, he's surprisingly decent at chess and great at most card tricks. Family | The closest known is a Chinese-American couple who had taken him in for about 6 years, before he ran away two years ago. Background | Jimi's earliest memory has him as a child, waking up surrounded by corpses in an isolated building in the middle of a forest. He had no idea who he was, just the echo of the name 'James' in his head. He made his way back to civilization where he was confronted with a new problem: he had no idea where he lived or was supposed to even go. The thoughts in his head grew dark: hurt people, kill people, take their food, take their homes. They no longer felt like his thoughts. He wanted someone he could talk to who'd answer all his questions and make him feel better. He ended up homeless for about a week, before he was finally noticed by a woman named Mei Chang. She bought him a burger and asked where his parents were. Upon receiving no answer, she offered to take him to the police. Jimi freaked out, at which point she offered to take him to her house instead. Thus, Mei Chang ended up taking Jimi home to her husband, Haoyu Chang. While the child was a surprise, he was not exactly an unwanted one and, as long as he helped out around the house, he was allowed to stay.
And so James, nicknamed Jimi by Mei, became a part of the Chang household. He started getting a grasp on his powers and using them for tasks like cooking. All the while, that little voice in his head never went away. It practically craved blood and when Jimi researched it, he learned about possession, something he felt fit perfectly. He was possessed, and he could not let the Changs know or else, as the voice liked to point out, they'd probably throw him back onto the streets.
Jimi did his best to balance his Variant status, his apparent possession, and his less-than-legal status. He knew at any moment the Changs could hand him over to police to find his real parents - why that frightened him so badly, he couldn't remember, but he knew it had to be avoided. The 'spirit', however, simply got worse and worse until it provided Jimi with a gruesome plan to do away with the Changs. That was the night Jimi packed a bag and left the Chang household. He didn't stickaround long before leaving the city entirely and finding a new city to call home - New Haven. He was 16 (probably), he could handle himself. Though it quickly turned out what he couldn't handle was the loneliness. Even with a spider "pet" he was still lonely. It wasn't until reading the police blotter one day that he was struck by an idea: he could hang out with people, easily! After all, he could make for a great lookout and, if he could be honest, he probably wouldn't be as scared of the 'evil spirit' threatening criminals who would hurt others for a quick payout. And so Jimi began assisting various criminals in robberies, burglaries, and other property crimes. Despite his earlier thoughts, he found he had a hard time stomaching the company of those who really would kill for a quick payout. It wasn't to say no one ever got hurt on the heists he attended, but it was more a side effect than a goal. However, he still proved to be a soft touch, apologizing even to cops who got hurt while he tried to distract them or ditching his post to help someone injured.
It is at this point that, while being investigated, his fingerprints brought up a missing person case: a married couple and their son, who was 5 at the time of disappearance. They were Jacob and Victoria Lauder, with their son Dwayne Lauder, reported missing by Victoria's parents. According to them, Jacob and Victoria before their disappearance had spoken of having found a better religion to raise their son in, one that promised to "make him important or some nonsense like that". Cross-referencing the area they lived in with known Variant activity brings up one James H. Fisher, a man known for being able to take over others and control their actions, even most Variants. It is known he runs a small religious cult with the aim of bringing people to him. Between Jimi's assumed name and history of intrusive thoughts, it can be theorized that Fisher tried also using his power on him and failed. From then, it's all unknown, but it's not unreasonable to assume Fisher had this failure "killed", as well as the rest of his existing cult, leading into what Jimi remembers.
Name | James H. Fisher Alias | Fantasma Age | 63, if still alive. Last seen at age 55. Gender | Male Appearance | When last seen, James was starting to show his age. Grey streaked his black hair, wrinkles were visible on his face, dark spots freckled his pale skin, and his weight had visibly dropped. He had begun to look somewhat frail, even, not helped by his tendency towards loose-fitting robes, as befitting to his presentation as an evangelist. He was not a particularly tall man, only 5’9”, and he may have developed a hunch by now. Regardless, he may look like an older man incapable of inflicting severe harm, but underestimating him might prove deadly. Notoriety | Wanted Danger Level/Variant Type | Class 1 Mentalist Abilities | James has the capacity to leave his body and possess another. He is affected by physical conditions though not mental ones and has demonstrated that, in the body of another Variant, he can make use of their powers as if they were his own. He’s occasionally demonstrated new uses of a Variance that were not previously observed.
While possessing another, his body appears to enter a state of suspended animation. It is resistant, though not immune, to bludgeoning and piercing, taking wounds far less severe than it would were James present.
[Temperament & Lifestyle] Affiliation | MIA Occupation/Trade | Last known to be an evangelist, leading a small sect of pro-Variant followers in the South of the US. Skills/Talents | Besides knowledge of physical chemistry and thermodynamics, James has a skill few others have - public speaking. No, really, he can read a room, convince others of his perspectives, and speak before an entire crowd without fear. On a more specialized note, he is fluent in English, Spanish, and French and, when inclined, is quite a cook. Family | Agnes K. Fisher (mother, deceased), Paul C. Smith (father, deceased) Background | At some point, it has been argued, one’s history ceases to explain one’s immoral actions. What that point is has been hotly debated among people for decades; one person who could be subject to this debate would be James H. Fisher, one of the first identified Variants at age 13. James grew up in a highly religious community, where everyone was expected to attend church weekly. He had been making use of his Variance since he was 10 and a new kid attempted to bully him; to observers, James fainted while the child in question began breaking his own fingers. The would-be bully was escorted to the nurse and later to a hospital while James was sent home. The discovery of Variance was still three years away at this point, and the community reacted in horror at James’ apparent ability to possess others. He was declared a ‘demon’ and his mother ‘Satan’s whore’. His father, perhaps seeing the writing on the wall, walked out at this point.
James and his mother Agnes found themselves barred from church services, as well as many community activities. Agnes began to homeschool James to the best of her ability, though lacking support from family and friends made things difficult. Nor did it help that James was beginning to experience the beginning of adolescent rebellion. He resented the community for their ostracization and made a point of possessing those who’d pass by. This had the entirely predictable effect of causing people to avoid the Fisher family house.
When Variance was discovered, Agnes hurried to get her son examined and confirmed to be a Variant. Initial testing for Variance was often invasive and unpleasant but James bore it well and was confirmed to be a Variant. Perhaps contrary to Agnes’ hopes, the community did not seem to care that there was a scientific explanation for what James was capable of. It was still insisted that James was a demon and Agnes had been seduced by Satan. James at this point internalized the lesson that even in the face of contrary evidence, people will instead follow their beliefs, possibly to their own graves rather than admit their beliefs were inaccurate. The natural second lesson he picked up on was that making people act contrary to their beliefs or normal behavior amused him greatly.
James ended up obtaining a GED (as Agnes was never able to certify her homeschooling and thus get him a diploma) and attended community college in a nearby city. He researched scholarships and four-year universities extensively between assignments, and it paid off. He was able to transfer into a four-year university to pursue two Bachelors of Science in physical chemistry and thermodynamics, and scholarships covered most of his costs. Only a week and a half after his graduation, he arrived home to find Agnes had committed suicide. While he never publicly commented on it, privately he suspected the ostracization from the community and constant insults had always weighed heavily on her, and now that her son was ‘all grown up’, she was ‘free to go’.
James organized the funeral, burying her in the same city his community college had been in, and sold off the house he’d grown up in, as well as most of the furniture. He moved far away from the town that had given him and his mother so much grief and ended up as a lab technician for a petroleum company’s lab. He wasn’t there long before he decided a life as a simple laborer wasn’t for him, not when he already had such a reputation to live up to. People had thought him a demon? He’d show them what a demon was truly capable of. Much like college, he began doing research on small countries and their governments and security in between assignments. He already knew he was going to start small - someplace that wasn’t exactly dictating the world order, he didn’t need that kind of stress - and selected an island nation in the Caribbean: Saint Lucia.
He quit his job abruptly and used his savings to fly to Saint Lucia. He spent some time surveilling government officials before he possessed a member of security. This was enough to get him to the nation’s leader, who he quickly took over and used his newfound power to dismiss the security guard who’d gotten him there. From there, he did attend to island matters as the leader would, but he also skimmed money here and there, setting it aside for when he would have to change bodies.
It was mostly his attempts to acquire the other nearby islands under the guise of ‘a union of common interests’ that began to attract some unwelcome attention from the island’s residents. A local Variant even invaded his living quarters, at first under the belief that the leader was being unduly influenced somehow and then under the revelation that James was possessing their leader. The Variant threatened to kill the leader in hopes of taking James down with him. The threat was enough for James, who didn’t know if he could be killed outside his body, and he retreated back into his own body. He then collected his skimmed money and fled Saint Lucia.
James tried this trick in several small countries, largely in Latin America and the Caribbean. Among citizens of these countries, he began to earn a reputation as an ‘evil spirit’ that would possess people, steal money, and lead countries to ruin (he personally thought that last bit was uncalled for). The people called him ‘El Fantasma’ like this; it seemed no one knew he was, in fact, a Variant human. He used the money he skimmed to keep himself comfortable between possessions, but found possessing leaders was much more satisfying than being comfortable, even with the work involved while skimming. It was during another encounter with a local Variant that he discovered he was able to possess other Variants and ‘borrow’ their abilities. He rapidly turned the tables, now menacing the government leader to do as he wanted or be killed.
Now, NOVA had been following James’ activities for some time but had felt that they were unable to act, unable to pin down exactly what was going on. However, when inside information revealed that, yes, Variance was involved and it was an American responsible for these activities, NOVA drastically changed their stance, sending a group of MADmen to shut him down. James didn’t take them seriously until they started shooting. Most of the bullets he was able to block; when one got through, James rapidly retreated back to his body and gave his situation some thought. It was likely that if he possessed another leader or even another Variant, the MADmen would not be far behind. El Fantasma needed to lay low, until he was nothing more than a scary story. But that didn’t mean James had to. What else could he do, he wondered. Well, if he was honest, possessing the Variants had been a power rush, and he was starting to get old - he had been up to this trick for upwards of two decades, and his body was beginning to show signs of aging.
What if he possessed a powerful, young Variant, and continued living life that way?
Plan decided, James returned to the U.S. with his ill-gotten gains and brought a manor in the southern side of the country. There, he began paying to get onto tv and streaming, preaching the benefits of Variance and how it’s a gift from God meant to help humanity rise, and how those with Variance are in fact earthbound angels. He used a lot of the rhetoric from his childhood to make himself sound more believable and to disguise his true intentions: looking for a Variant with powers worth his while.
By the time the Lauders showed up with their son, James had already experimented with a few Variants - possessing them while alive, possessing their corpses - and was determined to test brain death on his ability to possess a Variant. To that end, he persuaded the Lauders to give up their ten-year-old son to him, to ‘ascend’ and ‘become a true angel’. In reality, he was quite interested in their son’s prominent energy-based Variance.
No further records exist of James’ activities.
And so, we circle back to the question that started it all: at what point did James’ past cease to explain his actions?
Name | Abeni Lackle Alias | None Age | 25 Gender | Female Appearance | Pale skin, one dark eye and one milky eye, a port-wine stain on her forehead and flowing clothing all contribute to the notion that perhaps Abeni is a specter from the great beyond. The only thing that rather ruins this idea is her hair - dyed purple, gathered into two pigtails, and curled. She doesn’t much look like her brother, the two only tied by blood and a surname.
[Gear] Attire | Abeni tends to favor flowing dresses in hues of purple and white. She also wears a red-chained necklace with an amethyst orb on it. Armament/Equipment | Abeni doesn’t usually carry much around - a small purse, some cards, a snub nose revolver, a smartphone, and keys to her car and house. Nothing much.
[Temperament & Lifestyle] Affiliation | Independent Personality/Habits | At a glance, Abeni could be your best friend - she’s warm, cheerful, empathetic, and willing to listen. Then she goes onstage to give her speech about the dangers of unchecked Variants, how self-policing never works, and the risk posed to her fellow humans. If she’s still your best friend after that, it depends on your own stance on Variants. To any Variant, even the Nobles, she’s no ally. She’s spearheaded a number of anti-Variant measures; her latest bill tackles the issue of Variants who supposedly can’t control their powers, with consequences such as fines, Variance suppression measures, and jail time. Occupation/Trade | State house member Skills/Talents | Abeni’s fond of mysteries and trying to solve them herself as an amateur detective. It of course helps that she can actually access police files. She also acts in stage productions during the annual Renaissance festival. Family | Olufemi Lackle (father, alive), Amara Lackle (mother, deceased), Nkiruka Lackle (brother, alive)
Name | Nkiruka Lackle Alias | 'Nick' for those who struggle to pronounce his name Age | 23 Gender | Male Appearance | Dark skin, bright eyes, scrawny, and maybe filled with too much energy for his own good, Nkiruka hardly cuts an intimidating figure. He keeps his dark hair braided and bundled to stay out of his way when he’s working, either in the store or on the streets tracking Variant activity. Were it not for the shared surname, no one would guess he’s related to his sister.
[Gear] Attire | Nkiruka prefers bright, colorful clothing. He's rarely seen without his short-sleeved orange hoodie, even throwing it on over long sleeves in the winter months. Armament/Equipment | He has a small handheld camera recorder and a camera phone - the latter, he usually uses for things spotted in the streets and generally unplanned interviews. The former, he prefers to use for formal interviews with Variants. His left eye is also made of glass, replacing the eye that should be there.
[Temperament & Lifestyle] Affiliation | Independent Personality/Habits | Nkiruka has his head in the stars and his feet firmly on the ground - he’s an optimist who’s willing to work to make his vision of the future a reality. He doesn’t quite have the funds or connections, so he’s willing to do the next best thing: hit the streets. In his case, making his vision of the future a reality involves talking to as many Variants as he can manage in New Haven - get their side of the story, how they’ve suffered and coped, how they’ve done well. Because in his opinion, it’s important that people don’t forget Variants are human just like them. Occupation/Trade | Stocker at Southern Technology/owner of the blog Variants and Vigilantes, a record of as many known Variants in New Haven as is possible Skills/Talents | Almost supernaturally fearless and unflappable, few people can truly unnerve Nkiruka. He also enjoys whittling soap bars. Family | Olufemi Lackle (father, alive), Amara Lackle (mother, deceased), Abeni Lackle (sister, alive)
And Nkiruka's interviews, not yet cleaned up/ready to post:
1. What's your name? Or preferred alias, if you like. 1: Grassbones.
2. So, you're a Variant, right? What can you do? 2: I’m a skeleton. I’m super-strong and I run real fast. Oh yeah and I’m the best boxer on earth, but that stays between us, cool? 2. -chuckles- That'll be between you, me, and all 5 of my blog readers if you don't mind.
3. They're working on tech these days that can suppress and supercharge variant powers. I dunno when or if it'll be publicly available, but let's pretend it is. Would you rather suppress or supercharge your powers? 3: Neither. I got all the juice I need, and I can switch them off whenever. 3. Consider it a philosophical exercise, if that's alright. If you'd still rather have neither, that's fine, but think of it more like: would I rather enhance my powers or hide them? 3: Got no reason to hit things even harder. If I did, I ought’a just kill somebody and that’s not cool. But… Hiding don’t sound so bad these days so I’d go with that one.
4. What does the word 'Variant' mean to you? 4: It means ya got somethin’ special most people don’t and that some people wanna do something about it, so you gotta watch yourself. 4. What do you mean by that? "Watch yourself", I mean. 4: We’re variants. Lot of us barely have a home to sleep at. I can go home, turn off the smoke and hang up my shoes any time I want. Some people can’t. We gotta look out for each other, that’s just the right thing to do.
5. What's your word for non-Variants? That's a bit of a mouthful, isn't it? 5: I just call ‘em “people.”
6. For a lot of people, their world changed when they discovered they were a Variant. You wanna talk about the day your world changed? 6: Nope.
7. How often do you use your powers? 7: About every day as far as I remember. 7. Just for vigilante work? Or are there more mundane moments you find yourself using your powers? 7: This boney mug of mine is just a mask. Nothin’ else. I put it on when I go to work and take it off when I’m done. That’s all.
8. A lot of people have lost good jobs, friendships, even families due to their Variance. Some however have become celebrities in their own right and been superheroes to people around the world. Would you say you gained more or lost more as a Variant? 8: Pretty sure I was born this way, just didn’t know it til one real *bad* day. Ain’t a whole lot that’s changed. 8. Oof. I'm sorry to hear that.
9. Any messages you want to share with New Haven? 9: Smoking kills. Ask me how I know.
1. What's your name? Or preferred alias, if you like. 1. It's Murder Express. Not because of... actual murder, but because I summon a group of black birds. They say that it's a murder of crows, but it's actually an unkindness of ravens. Murder Express sounds better than Unkindness Train or whatever, though. 1. Okay, not gonna lie - that's probably super-reassuring to my readers. Didn't know a flock of crows was called that, personally.
2. So, you're a Variant, right? What can you do? 2. I can transform into a big bird. I fly, I surround myself with black mist, and of course, I summon a swarm of ravens to annoy people. 2. Can you clarify 'annoy people'? Do you have to direct them, or do they act on their own? 2. Oh, just pecking and squawking incessantly. As for whether they act on their own or not, I control them as an extension of myself. They are formed from the mist that I exude, after all.
3. They're working on tech these days that can suppress and supercharge variant powers. I dunno when or if it'll be publicly available, but let's pretend it is. Would you rather suppress or supercharge your powers? 3. Oh, I'll definitely supercharge. You see, I've got a myriad of health problems that require expensive maintenance drugs. My transformation, however, negates all of those. 3. Huh. -more to self than ME- I wonder if that's common among Variants. -speaking up again- It certainly sounds convenient. Any downsides to becoming a giant bird? 3. As you might have noticed, I hit my head on the doorframe. I can't fit in most buildings and doors, so... yeah, that's a bit annoying, yeah? 3. I can imagine so, yeah. I hope painkillers work when you're a giant bird.
4. What does the word 'Variant' mean to you? 4. I'd say "Variant" simply refers to those blessed; or cursed, with powers. I wouldn't dare imagine to imply that we're a variation of humanity itself; a subspecies, if you will.
5. What's your word for non-Variants? That's a bit of a mouthful, isn't it? 5. Mundanes, I suppose?
6. For a lot of people, their world changed when they discovered they were a Variant. You wanna talk about the day your world changed? 6. All I can say is that my parents kicked me out. Where and when, I can't tell you. Though its been long enough that I look back at it and think, "Oh wow, they're bad parents! I shouldn't be like them when I have kids of my own." 6. Yeah, it's depressing how often that happens. Glad to hear you don't intend to repeat their mistakes. If I may, though - do you think they'll ever change their minds? 6. I can only hope.
7. How often do you use your powers? 7. As often as possible. As I said, I have health conditions that are nullified when I'm transformed. Do you have any idea how expensive my meds are?! 7. Variance as a money-saving measure. I think you might be the first. 7. Well, to be fair, my condition is... life threatening. So the more I stave it off, the better. 7. Ah, didn't know that. I really do wish you the best in dealing with it.
8. A lot of people have lost good jobs, friendships, even families due to their Variance. Some however have become celebrities in their own right and been superheroes to people around the world. Would you say you gained more or lost more as a Variant? 8. I'd say it's 50/50. On one hand, I'm no longer... you know, rich, but I had bad parents either way. The other outcast Variants that I've met so far are usually nice folk. Oh, I know now. You should meet some of them! Except for the Scourge, of course. Those idiots can go lick a cactus. 8. I'm trying to meet them all, believe me. Even the Scourge - they have their own stories to tell, I'm sure. Though they don't seem open to reaching out. 8. I see. Well, that's nice of you. Just remember to be careful. You do know how those four blew up a lab recently. 8. Yeah, I heard. Don't worry, I won't seek them out. When they're ready to talk, they'll have to contact me first. ... which, given that I have a bunch of contact info on my blog, should be simple enough. I hope.
9. Any messages you want to share with New Haven? 9. Hello New Haven, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and donate to my Patreon account, it's located in... ahaha. AHAHAHA what do you mean that's not a message? Ahhhh, okay, fine. Ehem. Hello, New Haven. I hope that we can all come to an understanding in the future; that just because something looks weird, doesn't mean that it's bad. I mean, look at me! I'm a giant raven, and I am very nice.
1. What's your name? Or preferred alias, if you like. 1. A pleasure to meet you, I go by the alias of 'Dianus' and is that way that I am known on the Underground.
2. So, you're a Variant, right? What can you do? 2. I am a distortionist, that's to say that my Variancy affects space in some way, in my case it allows me to open portals to transport myself and anything I desire to other locations. 2. Cool! Does it work on living beings or no? 2. As far as I have tested anything can cross the portals, provided they can fit in it of course.
3. They're working on tech these days that can suppress and supercharge variant powers. I dunno when or if it'll be publicly available, but let's pretend it is. Would you rather suppress or supercharge your powers? 3. I would much prefer to supercharge my power if that was possible, portals are very useful in many ways as I am sure you can imagine, getting my power expanded in some way -or all ways- would be really beneficial. 3. That would be cool. How would you imagine your power getting expanded? Number of portals? Size? 3. Number of portals mostly, the thought of having portals ready to be opened at any location I desire is very tantalizing.
4. What does the word 'Variant' mean to you? 4. In the strictest sense of the word? A person that possesses a change in their person that makes them able to utilize abilities that they couldn't otherwise access.
5. What's your word for non-Variants? That's a bit of a mouthful, isn't it? 5. Personally I don't refer to them as anything other than people, we call ourselves Variants more as a way to distinguish those that possess similar traits than to separate ourselves from the rest of the population.
6. For a lot of people, their world changed when they discovered they were a Variant. You wanna talk about the day your world changed? 6. My apologies but I would prefer not to, many of us -myself included- discovered our Variancies in deeply personal and stressful situations. 6. Sorry for bringing it up. 6. It's okay
7. How often do you use your powers? 7. Very much often, as I said before portals are one of those things that are just convenient to utilize, either to look for objects, grab said objects, or move towards another place. I can't imagine my daily life without them.
8. A lot of people have lost good jobs, friendships, even families due to their Variance. Some however have become celebrities in their own right and been superheroes to people around the world. Would you say you gained more or lost more as a Variant? 8. I would say that I have gained more as a Variant seeing how it was what allowed me to open my own business. 8. A business! What do you do? 8. Glad you asked, I provide a courier service for those who want a timely and secure delivery of merchindise within the city, however I have to admit that most of my customers are other Variants who desire to live more isolated lifestyles or need something that requieres a little discretion in order to sustain their Variancies.
9. Any messages you want to share with New Haven? 9. To all of you who may one day become Variants or are a new one, don't be afraid, it may seem like your life has been turned upside down and you don't know what to do but there are many more like you than you may realize, if you desire you can call me on the number I asked Nkiruka to post alongside this interview, I will do all I can to get you introduced to people that are capable of offering help for your new situation. 9. As the man said - number's at the end of the transcript. Stay safe out there, everyone.
The video feed flicks to life, at first focusing on the young man adjusting the camera. When he steps out of the way, it now focuses on a person in a flight suit. Off-screen, the man speaks.
"Just have to confirm - you don't mind me filming this, right?" The Noble shakes their head, fingers tapping against the helmet in their lap
"Of course, feel free. I've tried to be transparent my whole career and I don't see a reason to stop now. Where would you like to begin?"
There's a squeaking of a chair as the man sits down.
"Well, let's start with something easy - what's your name? Or preferred alias? Just for the folks who aren't familiar with you yet."
“Well, my legal name is Eli, Eli Ford. But ‘professionally’-“
She lifts her hands into air quotes, a sheepish smile on her face.
“I’m known as Breakneck.”
"Just wondering, how'd you come up with Breakneck? Or do you want to save that for the next question?" There's a shuffling of papers, and the edge of a sheet can be seen on-camera - the man's trying to show Eli the next question, most likely.
“I’ve been coached on softballs before but never during the interview itself.”
Bn stifles a chuckle, waving away the offer.
“In any case, I got it during my time as a mercenary. I move at breakneck speed so they called me Breakneck.”
She shrugs, reaching for a water bottle nearby.
“Hardly creative but it beats the hell out of my old one.”
The papers are shuffled back off-camera. "Dare I ask your old one?"
“The other cadets used to call me Kitten.”
"Breakneck is the better choice, yeah." The man sounds like he has a smile on his face. "So, let's move on. You're a Variant, yeah? You mentioned moving quickly - want to elaborate on that?"
Breakneck grins, nodding her head.
“Yep, only reason I’m not enlisted anymore. To put it simply, I can breach supersonic speeds and have all the prerequisites to do so safely. Strength, endurance, perception, and more importantly, I can render people and objects immune.”
"That must come in handy when people need rescuing. Can I ask what your top speed is?"
“Oh it’s not a game-winner by itself but yeah, it’s pretty useful. My top speed fluctuates somewhat but north of Mach 3.”
There's a low whistle, likely from the interviewer. "Impressive." He clears his throat. "So, quick hypothetical. There are a lot of laboratories working on tech these days that can suppress and supercharge variant powers. I dunno when or if it'll be publicly available, but let's pretend it is right now. Would you rather suppress or supercharge your powers?"
She pauses, taking a drink of her water as she considers the question.
"To be honest? I'm not sure. Being stronger, faster, harder to kill and all that, it'd be useful no doubt but..."
Her gaze averts, a breath being sucked in through her teeth.
"Ever since I got kicked out of the Space Force all I've had is Variance. I've worked hard to master it, and enhancing it feels like cheating somehow. It'd be like I spent ten years as a weightlifter and you offer me steroids, y'know? That's some peoples' deal, I dunno if it's mine."
When Breakneck looks up her face has taken on a serious expression.
"I certainly don't think they should give out that sorta stuff to anyone who asks. Most Variants can't do what I do, and they shouldn't try."
"That's... pretty deep. Hadn't considered that angle." There's a brief beat. "Mostly, I guess I'm curious about who would stay a Variant and who wouldn't, when given the chance." A shuffle of papers. "I don't think they'll make the boosters public, if that helps. They'll probably be reserved for, like, plane crashes or major terrorist events."
"I have my moments."
She takes advantage of the pause, finishing her water near-instantly
"Yeah, I imagine you're right. They wouldn't even let me keep flying after I discovered my powers, seems unlikely they'd let anyone boost themselves."
"Right. Let's move onto the next question. This one - well, how easy it is is up to you. How would you define the term 'Variant'?"
"A Variant is anyone with superpowers, abilities that simply could not be achieved through training or practice. Heat vision, flight, that sort of thing."
"Fair enough. And what would you call a non-Variant? It's a bit of a mouthful, isn't it?"
"The term I've heard used is Mundane but I've never cared for it. Seems a bit...ugly."
"I see. I try not to comment on what people use - tends to alter the atmosphere of the interview. Let's keep going. For a lot of people, their world changed when they discovered they were a Variant. You wanna talk about the day your world changed?" There's a pause and then a stage whisper. "It's ok if you don't."
"I don't mind, or at least not as much as I used to. Only fair that people want to know."
She clears her throat, sighing as she thinks back.
"It was-oh wow, a couple decades ago now. I was a first lieutenant in the Space Force, an OOA pilot like both of my parents before me. I was returning to Earth after a routine excursion when debris cracked my windshield. Bad start to a landing."
"Must've been scary."
"It's not fun for anyone but I basically went catatonic. See, my dad crashed in similar circumstances when I was a kid so now I think I'm going the same way. All the warning lights are flashing, the instruments are fucked and the AI is screaming at me and all I can think is "Fuck, Mom's got another cremation on her hands"."
"And yet, here you sit, thank goodness. What happened next?"
"I hit the atmosphere, and it's still salvageable right? If I hit a retroburn I can slow down from twenty thousand miles an hour to something more survivable, come out of it with whiplash instead of in a thimble. I uh, I don't do that. I'm sitting there trying to get right with God, watching the ground hurtling towards me. Time seems to slow...and slow...and slow..."
"But it's not. The stress awakened my Variance, which meant that I'm processing information far faster than any normal person could. I'm already used to making snap calls at the speed of sound so now it's like going back to high school chem after getting a doctorate."
"Not gonna lie, that sounds absolutely trippy."
"It is! I can't really describe it, but imagine everything moving in slow motion except for you. I don't have more time to work with, I just make better use of it. So I pull myself together and pull out. The landing is scuffed but I'm alive, and thanks to my Variance I'm not even hurt. I pop the top, climb out and I'm at the base ten miles down the road in a few seconds."
"What an entrance to make!" The man sounds like he's gotten quite into the story.
She chuckles, shifting in her seat.
"I thought so! But the brass was less than impressed. Crashes happen but Variants? Those are a no-go. I'm taken off flight duty and within a week they give me some papers and say good luck."
Her smile becomes bitter, Breakneck looking dead ahead at her interviewer.
"Honorable discharge, like I got cancer or something."
"Ouch." The wince is audible in his voice, excitement drained. "Did anyone at least say goodbye?" It's blatantly a reach for even one good detail. "Maybe a goodbye party?"
"Yeah, ouch."
She shrugs again at the question, unable to muster up much in the way of positive feelings.
"Sure, I said goodbye to people and all that but honestly, I don't remember much of my last week. Just a blur of bad memories. Don't get me wrong, I know why it happened but still-"
Her voice breaks, Breakneck blinking away the beginnings of tears.
"It was my life. My dad died flying and my mom was still an AOO jock, how was I supposed to talk to her? What was I even supposed to do next?"
A box of tissues is pushed towards Breakneck, presumably by the interviewer. "I'm sorry that happened." His voice is hushed.
The box goes ignored, Breakneck preferring to wipe her eyes with her sleeve and move on.
"Thanks. In any case-"
She claps her hands once, taking a breath before continuing.
"-I'm now outta the military and am the fastest known animal. That's when my world changed."
The box is hesitantly withdrawn. Papers are shuffled. "It's a lot to take in. I'm sure it was even more, living it. But thank you for answering the question. You had me on the edge of my seat!" The interviewer is recovering some of his cheer. "And I'm sure it's helped some younger Variants, who get to know they aren't alone."
"Hey if that's the case I'm happy. Look, the moment you discover your powers is the moment you become a new person. Like it or not you're not going back to the old world. The transition can be rough, but it's bearable if you have the right mindset."
"Very true. We are who we choose to be - that's how the expression goes, I think? Even if it's difficult, it's up to us to decide who we are. But it helps to have role models like you along the way, I think."
"That's partly why I became a Noble. Ten years ago you didn't have Variants in the news for saving lives or helping out, just talk of them needing to be regulated."
"Yeah. But honestly, I've interviewed a lot of Variants who have lost their friends, their jobs, even their homes. They need support and understanding, not further regulation for something that's barely understood." There's a weak chuckle. "Uh, sorry, got carried away there."
"Don't apologize, you're right. It's tragic really, it's not like we asked for this. I didn't have any control over being a Variant and if I wasn't one I'd have been left smeared all over the Eastern Seaboard. I got fired for not dying, just like people are getting evicted for manifesting powers when their house is robbed."
"Yeah, exactly. I don't know what it'd take to fix the situation, but I hope things like this-" *It's easy to imagine the interviewer gesturing with his arms. "-are able to help somehow, even if it's just to remind people Variants are, in fact, humans."
“It’d be nice. Sometimes I worry that this-“
She gestures to her flight suit and helmet.
“-isn’t the right way to go about it. Is Breakneck more a mascot than a person? I don’t know.”
"Hopefully, this will remind people. Breakneck is a person with a past of her own and views of her own. I... stopped asking about dreams a while back. The answers got too depressing." The last sentence is somewhat mumbled but still audible in the feed.
“If people only see the helmet then so be it. As long as I’m helping I’ll be happy.”
Breakneck’s expression softens, the hero sitting back in her chair.
“My dream is that once I’ve recovered I’ll be able to go back to being a Noble, and doing better at it than I did before.”
"I like that answer." The smile's back in his voice. "If you're ready, we can move onto the next question - your injury aside, how often would you say you use your powers?"
“Daily. Even putting aside the sprinting after suspects and lifting cars off of trapped pedestrians they’re just useful in everyday life. I want to visit my mom? I’m there in moments. Something got stuck behind the fridge? I can move it effortlessly.”
"Sounds pretty handy. Now, uh, this next question, I guess we touched on it a little, but I think it's still important to address it directly. You lost a life dream and your job due to your Variance. However, you've also been a superhero to people around the world, especially here in New Haven. Would you say you gained more or lost more as a Variant?"
Her answer comes immediately, without an ounce of doubt.
“Materially I’m a hundred times wealthier than I ever would have been as a pilot. My mom is living easy in the Hamptons, my son had college money, all of my people are taken care of. And emotionally, or even spiritually if you want to call it that, I’m far better off than I was as a mercenary. It’s empty work fighting over people’s wars, it drains you. Now I know that if I have to fight it’s for a good cause.”
"That's great to hear!" He sounds genuinely happy. "I'm glad you've made it to this point - in general, I mean, though also glad you were willing to be interviewed."
“I’m glad you asked! It’s like I said at the beginning, I try my best to be open and honest about everything, good or bad.”
"And it's appreciated. One last quick question - any messages you want to share with New Haven?"
“Yes, I do.”
She turns to face the camera, sitting at attention.
“There have been times I wasn’t fast enough to help, and from the bottom of my heart I am sorry for that. All I can do is try my best and not let let my recent failure stop me. I ask that you all do the same. No one will ever be perfect, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.”
"I think people better remember the times you were quick enough. But true enough about perfection - no reason not to try. Just don't beat yourself up for failures, you know?" He might be addressing Eli, he might be addressing his audience. Maybe both.
The camera is turned on and set down with a heavy thunk. It faces a heavily armored person.
"Right. Do you consent to the filming of this interview?"
Papers are shuffled right offscreen from the feed, the interviewer's tone sounding a bit tired, maybe. It's oddly flat.
The figure has no visible face, features entirely obscured by the black skull-mask they wear.
“Indeed. I, Ignoble, am aware and consent to being recorded.”
Their voice is distorted and garbled but undeniably masculine underneath the excess noise, the vigilante carrying themselves with pride.
“As loath as I am to start us off on the wrong foot, in the interest of fairness I have to warn you that if I get even the hint of law enforcement or a setup I’ll have to kill you.”
They motion to the shotgun propped up against their seat.
"If I did 'setups', I think the whole Underground would avoid me. But, noted." The chair squeaks as the interviewer sits down.
"So I guess that technically answers the name question. Unless there's another name you like to use?"
“I don’t mean to call your ethics into question, just a matter of formality. And no, Ignoble is preferred.”
"Alright. Brief follow-up - why 'Ignoble'?"
“It seemed like an obvious pseudonym to adopt, considering my activities. It’s an obvious parallel to the Nobles who have given themselves to N.O.V.A and a reflection of the decidedly ignoble reality we live in. Secondarily, it’s easy to remember.”
"I... can track that logic, yeah. We'll move onto the next question - so, what exactly is your Variance? If you had to describe it."
“My physiology is greatly enhanced compared to a non-Variant.”
"....I was in engineering in college, not medicine. I have almost no clue what that means, between you, me, and everyone who looks at my blog."
"Take a series of Olympic athletes, let's say...a sprinter, long-distance runner, powerlifter, and a boxer, and make all of them gold medalists. The kings and queens of their fields, each of them having set and broken record after record. I'm better than all of them by an insurmountable margin."
"Gotcha. Thank you very much." There's a shuffling of papers and then a huff of air. "So, standard question. Given the choice, would you rather suppress or supercharge your powers?" The tone suggests he knows the answer but still feels obligated to ask.
"A standard question that gets revealing answers."
There's the creak of old wood and strained leather as the battered seat groans, strained by the weight of armor and gear.
"If you were to offer me the choice right now I'd supercharge myself because I have a mission to complete. But in a perfect world, I would reject both. I'm not interested in meddling with the Variance, I want to preserve it."
"I see. Can you elaborate on what you mean by 'preserve'?" He does sound genuinely curious.
"Certainly. As it stands right now there's a small group, less than a percent of the population, who are naturally elevated above the others. Call it a gift from God, call it evolution or random chance, whatever the origin Variants are naturally superior. We should be allowed to use this as we see fit, to police ourselves without having to worry about the jealous and the fearful interfering."
"....wow that's a lot to take in." There's a sharp inhale. "From a naturally inferior person, I'm just wondering, I suppose - is it possible there are Variants out there who would want their powers suppressed or enhanced, completely independent of outside pressures? Like, their job isn't in danger, they aren't going to lose their home or family - they just want to live without the effects of their Variance. Call it a philosophical question."
"It's not just possible, it's a guarantee. Let's call the number of people on Earth ten billion, leaving Mars and other colonies out for ease. Half of a percent of ten billion is, hmm, fifty million?"
Ignoble pauses to calculate, going as still and silent as the corpse they modeled their appearance after.
"Spot-on. With fifty million different opinions and outlooks, there are going to be some who reject what they are. I pity them."
"To be fair to them, you got awesome sports skills. They might have a killing touch. But I suppose that does answer the question I asked. I guess you've already explained how you view Variance, huh."
He inhales and can be heard muttering, "Stop interjecting yourself, you're here to listen."
"If they have a killer's touch and find such a thing distasteful they're free to simply ignore it. One Variant losing their gift threatens all of us, because if a willing person can give it up how far away is the ability to simply take it from the unwilling?"
They nod impassively.
"To an extent. I'm simplifying of course, but I felt it was enough for your audience to get the gist. And please-"
A gloved hand extends towards the camera
"Interject as you will. Puff pieces are for celebrities, true interviews have some of the reporter's personality."
There's a deep breath off-camera. "It's important to have some personality, but I expect you often have your opinion spoken over. It's only fair you get this chance, same as everyone else, to have it heard. That can be done without sacrificing personality, I think." Papers can be heard being straightened. "We should move on - what exactly is it you call non-Variants?"
"I appreciate your journalistic integrity. It's refreshing."
The hand drops into Ignoble's lap, neoprene and nylon rubbing against heavy-duty canvas.
"I refer to you collectively as Mundanes. Uncharitable Variants might mean it in the sense of you being boring, or uninteresting. When I use it I mean that you are, for all your individualities and uniqueness, simply on a lower plane than we are."
"I've heard worse." A pause in which he might be nodding. "I'm not sharing worse. Moving on - would you be willing to answer a question about your past?"
"I'm not opposed, although you'll have to forgive me if I'm vague on specifics. I'd prefer not to be identified."
"Understandable. So, for a lot of Variants, their world changed when they discovered they were, well, Variant. Do you want to talk about what happened on the day your world changed? Or how it changed?"
"Like many, if not most Variants, discovering my gift was traumatic. Immediately I was marked out as being one of the Other, something to be excluded from the wider group. Although I tried to be content in my oddity the Mundanes would not even let me have that, doing their best to collar me while ensuring I would have nothing resembling a 'normal' life."
"Traumatic awakenings do seem to be a common theme in Variant awakenings." He seems to be listening for more, if there is any.
"How could they not be, when the Mundane world is so eager to demonize all of us? I learned very quickly that my two options were to live in fear or fight back, and I chose the latter. I wasn't picking the right targets at first, but I found my way soon enough."
"Some might say fighting back makes it worse. What do you say to those people?"
"The people who say that are scared Variants and smug Mundanes. To the Variants I extend my sympathy, for it's not their fault that they feel that way. Like every outnumbered and underfoot group in history we are told that try to lift the boot off our neck is exactly what makes us deserving of the pressure. That is a lie, a lie made easy to believe when backed by force of arms."
Now they look towards the camera, an expressionless skull peering into each and every viewer's eyes.
"To the Mundanes, I offer my understanding and a warning. I have only gone to war with those who would harm me and mine: N.O.V.A, the MADmen, lab-coated criminals who pick and prod at what's beyond them. Whatever you feel about me and others like me, those fighting back against the forces of forced mediocrity, don't join the battle. Sit it out on the sidelines, because I will kill those on the other side of the field."
There's a squeak as the interviewer shifts in his seat. "Right." His tone has gone flat again, something like resignation in his voice. "I suppose it's a little late to ask you not to threaten the viewers of the blog. I can't speak with certainty, but I'm sure most of them are in no position to be in your way. They just want to know your side of the story. That's on me, I should've considered that from the very beginning."
"Much like the beginning of this conversation, I take no pleasure in doing so. But as with you I must in the interest of fairness. For the vast majority of your audience, my warning is meaningless, like a lion's roar at the zoo. For the few who would sign up with M.A.D, well, they can't say they weren't warned."
"I suppose they can't, no." He clears his throat. "So, next question: how often would you say you use your powers?"
"Not as often as you might expect. They're not powerful enough to warrant constant use when outside of my uniform, and they don't provide any sort of physical difference that would mark me out as a Variant to the common man. When I'm not Ignoble I simply cease to exist."
"Interesting." And he sounds like he truly is interested. "I've found a lot of Variants often find uses for their powers outside of combat. For you, it might make cleaning under the fridge a lot easier?" He chuckles weakly.
"Not as easy as it is for Breakneck. Although, she might not be allowed to do any heavy lifting yet."
Ignoble's laugh is just as warped as their voice, the hollow, grating sound echoing around the damp safehouse.
"A full recovery is important." While the average viewer is unnerved by Ignoble's laughter, the interviewer seems unfazed, simply stating the fact once Ignoble is done. "She'll be back to being able to clean under the fridge and the streets of New Haven when she's ready." Something seems to be on his mind - his interview with Breakneck, likely.
"I watched her interview the other day when I was getting a feel for your content. And genuinely, I hope she's back up to speed soon. But she is the perfect example of my enemy. Her country abandoned her for being a Variant and she turns herself into N.O.V.A for the privilege of getting a certificate saying she's allowed to use her powers? She disgraces herself, and had she not done so she wouldn't have been caught in my trap."
"She's allowed to use her powers for fighting crime - something that's otherwise illegal, Variant or not." He shifts in his seat. "Just to be clear on that, using powers for non-criminal acts is not illegal at this point in time." Something in the phrasing of that is odd. "I don't agree that she disgraces herself, not if she's doing something she believes in, but I doubt any argument I give will persuade you otherwise."
"I fight crime as well. I hunt rogue Variants that have done too much harm to the Mundanes, I prey on the more unscrupulous criminal organizations in New Haven and beyond, and I don't need N.O.V.A to hold my hand while I do so. Breakneck is not law enforcement, as far as the government is concerned she's a useful thug."
Ignoble cocks a head at the peculiar phrasing but lets it pass for the moment, choosing to pry at that last statement.
"I'm doing what I believe in. Do you not find my actions...disgraceful?"
"I don't care much for bullying, frankly. Perhaps my way of trying to change things through my blog is wrong and we do need violence. But I can't bring myself to believe that threatening to kill people for your beliefs is the right thing to do." His tone is flat again, and it's starting to become clear that it's expectant - like he expects Ignoble to take up the shotgun. "I won't say you're disgraceful - it's just not a word I use - but I think your actions are wrong."
Ignoble nods, seemingly satisfied with the answer.
"I would like to think that your way will work, at the end of the day. But I expect that such a thing is impossible without someone like me to serve as a contrast. We live in a world of superheroes, and with them come villains. If that's what history damns me as so be it, as long as it doesn't forget who made me." "In the meantime, you had a list of questions and I got us off track. Forgive me."
"Forgiven. We're nearly done anyways - just two more. Another standard that tends to say a lot: you mentioned how society tried to collar you once it realized you were a Variant. Would you say you gained more or lost more as a Variant?"
"I lost my chance at an average, happy life but found a struggle that will be remembered as righteous long after I'm gone. I live in darkness now so that my people will be in the light."
They pause, letting their words hang in the air for one moment, then two.
"I broke even."
"That's a... surprisingly optimistic way to view it." He sounds a bit surprised. "And last question -" There's a long silence. Then a deep inhale. "Any messages you want to share with New Haven? Anything at all." You can almost hear the regret in his words.
"You seem scared. No, apprehensive."
"Please don't threaten my viewers again. I technically can't make requests - it's supposed to be an open forum - but I beg you."
"No more threats, just a request for Variant and Mundane alike. There's a passage by Bishop Philip Brooks that I'm quite fond of, albeit not in the literal sense. I hope you'll allow me to share a not entirely secular quote?"
"That's fine, go ahead."
"Thank you. Then as the good Bishop said, 'O, do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men! Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks! Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle. But you shall be a miracle.' "
"I think I see why you like it." The statement sounds rather genuine.
"I always did find it fitting. Thank you for your time, Nkiruka."
The gloved hand is extended once more, this time to shake.
The interviewer, Nkiruka, is quite quick to take Ignoble's hand for a friendly shake.
"And yours as well. Hopefully you're pleased with how this interview went?"
"Quite. I feel I was able to express myself...clearly."
Name | Diarmi 'Dimi' Carlevaro Alias | Flip Age | 14 Gender | Male Appearance | Who dresses this kid? That may be the first thing that comes to mind of anyone who encounters Diarmi in civilian life. His outfits tend to be ill-fitting and ill-matched, with plenty of stitching and patchwork. Given his size - 5'2" and 120 pounds when soaked - probably isn't a surprise to realize his parents do. He's visibly young, with tan skin and bright green eyes that haven't yet picked up on all the cynicism of the world apparently. His dark brown hair is often neatly combed, though his habit of getting into high places often makes it wind-tousled. Notoriety | Watched Danger Level/Variant Type | Class 1/2/Mentalist Abilities | His powers are directly linked to his mental state - the stronger/more enduring the state, the more potent the powers. When he's depressed, his powers tend towards the defensive - invisibility for a short period of time, creating a shield against hand-to-hand attacks, and slowing one's perception of time. When he's manic, his powers are more offensive - telekinesis, psychic energy blasts, and levitation. When "normal", he has access to weakened versions of all his powers.
[Gear] Attire | Diarmi's superhero attire isn't much - a blue spandex bodysuit, an orange windbreaker, a blue scarf wrapped around his neck (around 6 ft long), and orange-tinted goggles. Armament/Equipment | For the most part, this kid goes out unarmed. However, it's worth noting that his scarf has a weight sewn into both ends - he can use it as a makeshift grapple or as a quick bludgeoning weapon.
[Temperament & Lifestyle] Affiliation | Vigilante/independent Personality/Habits | Diarmi's a performer at heart, and it shows in his nature: jovial, friendly, expressive, in a few words. He's hardly going to intimidate anyone, and he seems aware of this fact - he's slow to anger, and quick to release it. He's quite friendly and actually loves comics and superheroes, having spent hours in bookstores , comic book stores, and libraries reading them when he has the chance. He actually looks up to most Nobles, seeing them as the 'good guys'. Despite his cheer and belief in heroes, he resents being called 'naive'. Occupation/Trade | Street performer Skills/Talents | Diarmi is excellent at parkour. His spatial awareness is excellent largely out of necessity. Family | Father (Cosimo Carlevaro), mother (Guadalupe 'Lupita' Calevaro-Fuentes), older sister (Alessandra 'Alessa' Carlevaro), older brother (Lorenzo 'Loris' Carlevaro), younger sister (Zola Carlevaro) Background | Diarmi's family has been poor for as long as he can remember - they skipped town to avoid paying the bill for his birth and were living out of a van at the time. At least, that's how Alessa tells it. Both his parents insist they did pay the bill for his birth, though neither denies the claim of living out of the van. As they tell it, they couldn't afford the RV until after Zola was born. The point is, Diarmi is used to living in poverty, busking in the streets as soon as he was old enough and proved himself at first to be a decent singer, to go along with his father's fiddle-playing. By the time he was 11, he switched to parkour, climbing to high places for the entertainment of those below.
Diarmi deeply loved his family, even if the RV was cramped and only one bathroom for six people was about as pleasant as it sounds. He never questioned why the family moved around so much or how they seemed to make more money than one might expect from busking - then again, do most kids question their parents' finances? Besides, he had bigger things on his mind, like when he realized he could pick his blanket up off the floor just by thinking about doing it. He was a Variant, he quickly realized, with a variety of skills he could make use of. Was anyone else in the family? This stuff was genetic, he read at the library. Maybe Mom was, she did do a magic act that was pretty impressive and no one questioned. Then again, maybe she was always as good at sleight of hand as he thought. He decided to try to keep it to himself - it's what most heroes did in the comics he read, they never told anyone about their powers.
But one day, when he was 13, Diarmi was forced to confront that love and those questions he never asked when it was his turn to total the day's takings, and he found a woman's wallet among the items. She must've lost it, he reasoned, and Loris had to pull him aside to explain what, besides street performances, their family did: while Mom and Dad, and now Diarmi, held the crowd's attention, Alessa and Loris would pickpocket them. Yes, Mom and Dad knew, who do you think taught them? And yes, one day, Diarmi and probably Zola would either take over performing or pickpocketing, though they were both still too young. So, no, the wallet was not lost, though Loris usually tried to sneak wallets back after emptying them of cash and card. Alessa must've taken the wallet. Loris then decided he'd finished counting the day's profits, as Diarmi was visibly shattered by these revelations.
At first, he cursed Loris for telling him, then everyone else (sans Zola) for lying to him, then just his parents for making them all criminals. Diarmi didn't want to be a pickpocket, he wanted to be a hero like in the comics. But to do that, he'd have to turn his family in. That was a lot of pressure to put on a 13-year-old, and then he and Zola would be orphaned. And then what would happen to them? They'd probably be separated, she was a good four years younger than he was. And ultimately, what would he have achieved? Doing one good deed at the cost of everything he knew and loved. And so, not without disgust with himself, he chose to keep the family secret - though he did demand Zola be left out of it to Alessa and Loris. Let her keep her innocence. For his part, he'd never quite unerstood the vigilante impulse until now - he couldn't be a real hero, not as long as he let his family keep stealing. But he could go out and stop others from stealing and attacking people. And so, with his Variant powers, his parkour skills, and a new sense of purpose, he fashioned himself a costume from hand-me-downs and became a vigilante.
(insert photo here)
Name | James Chang Alias | Jimi Age | 18 Gender | Male Appearance | Standing at 5'6" - a bit shorter than average - Jimi's none-too-impressive build often leaves others with the impression that he can be pushed around, and nothing about the way he carries himself suggests otherwise. Most of his clothing is a size or two too large for him, and is mostly hoodies and jeans, with bandage wrappings under the hoodie. Thanks to those wrappings, he typically smells of lavender and sage. Under the wrappings are ten scattered eye tattoos (hazel, unlike his own blue color), which he insists is part of the 'evil spirit's' manifestation. He generally looks a bit sickly - unusually pale, highlighted by messy brown hair, and often bending joints in ways that ought to be painful. Notoriety | Wanted Danger Level/Variant Type | Class 3/Architect Abilities | Jimi's mainpowers involve the siphoning of energy - he can drain heat energy off a person or object, leaving them much colder (or even hypothermic), and transfer it into something or someone else, potentially causing fevers and fires. He can also 'store' the energy (which can cause internal and external damage to his body)
[Gear] Attire | No special uniform for 'Variant' work - he just sticks with the hoodies and jeans. Armament/Equipment | Jimi carries around a metal pipe with a rubber handle; he uses this to conduct the electrical energy he converts, effectively giving himself a stun baton.
[Temperament & Lifestyle] Affiliation | Pariah Underground connections Personality/Habits | Jimi comes across as a typical, if perhaps overly cheerful, teenager at a glance. This glosses over some of his quirks, such as how superstitious he is, his somewhat fatalistic beliefs, and his need to be useful. Jimi is cheerful and optimistic, true, about everything but himself. For his part, he's convinced he's host to an evil spirit and one day, it will consume everything he loves and cares about - so perhaps it's best his lot in life is kept small and insignificant. This steadfast belief is directly at odds with his desire to have friends and not be lonely. The only way he could find to reconcile the two was to employ his services for others, regardless of their moral code. He is fiercely loyal to whoever employs him, but it has not stopped him from apologizing whenever someone gets hurt. Occupation/Trade | "Mook for hire" - he's a criminal accomplice in other words. The lookout, the distraction, sometimes even the muscle. Skills/Talents | Besides his powers, Jimi is decent at hand-to-hand combat and dodging. He's actually quite adept at controlling a battlefield. For non-combat skills, he's surprisingly decent at chess and great at most card tricks. Family | The closest known is a Chinese-American couple who had taken him in for about 6 years, before he ran away two years ago. Background | Jimi's earliest memory has him as a child, waking up surrounded by corpses in an isolated building in the middle of a forest. He had no idea who he was, just the echo of the name 'James' in his head. He made his way back to civilization where he was confronted with a new problem: he had no idea where he lived or was supposed to even go. The thoughts in his head grew dark: hurt people, kill people, take their food, take their homes. They no longer felt like his thoughts. He wanted someone he could talk to who'd answer all his questions and make him feel better. He ended up homeless for about a week, before he was finally noticed by a woman named Mei Chang. She bought him a burger and asked where his parents were. Upon receiving no answer, she offered to take him to the police. Jimi freaked out, at which point she offered to take him to her house instead. Thus, Mei Chang ended up taking Jimi home to her husband, Haoyu Chang. While the child was a surprise, he was not exactly an unwanted one and, as long as he helped out around the house, he was allowed to stay.
And so James, nicknamed Jimi by Mei, became a part of the Chang household. He started getting a grasp on his powers and using them for tasks like cooking. All the while, that little voice in his head never went away. It practically craved blood and when Jimi researched it, he learned about possession, something he felt fit perfectly. He was possessed, and he could not let the Changs know or else, as the voice liked to point out, they'd probably throw him back onto the streets.
Jimi did his best to balance his Variant status, his apparent possession, and his less-than-legal status. He knew at any moment the Changs could hand him over to police to find his real parents - why that frightened him so badly, he couldn't remember, but he knew it had to be avoided. The 'spirit', however, simply got worse and worse until it provided Jimi with a gruesome plan to do away with the Changs. That was the night Jimi packed a bag and left the Chang household. He didn't stickaround long before leaving the city entirely and finding a new city to call home - New Haven. He was 16 (probably), he could handle himself. Though it quickly turned out what he couldn't handle was the loneliness. Even with a spider "pet" he was still lonely. It wasn't until reading the police blotter one day that he was struck by an idea: he could hang out with people, easily! After all, he could make for a great lookout and, if he could be honest, he probably wouldn't be as scared of the 'evil spirit' threatening criminals who would hurt others for a quick payout. And so Jimi began assisting various criminals in robberies, burglaries, and other property crimes. Despite his earlier thoughts, he found he had a hard time stomaching the company of those who really would kill for a quick payout. It wasn't to say no one ever got hurt on the heists he attended, but it was more a side effect than a goal. However, he still proved to be a soft touch, apologizing even to cops who got hurt while he tried to distract them or ditching his post to help someone injured.
It is at this point that, while being investigated, his fingerprints brought up a missing person case: a married couple and their son, who was 5 at the time of disappearance. They were Jacob and Victoria Lauder, with their son Dwayne Lauder, reported missing by Victoria's parents. According to them, Jacob and Victoria before their disappearance had spoken of having found a better religion to raise their son in, one that promised to "make him important or some nonsense like that". Cross-referencing the area they lived in with known Variant activity brings up one James H. Fisher, a man known for being able to take over others and control their actions, even most Variants. It is known he runs a small religious cult with the aim of bringing people to him. Between Jimi's assumed name and history of intrusive thoughts, it can be theorized that Fisher tried also using his power on him and failed. From then, it's all unknown, but it's not unreasonable to assume Fisher had this failure "killed", as well as the rest of his existing cult, leading into what Jimi remembers.
I was thinking that when it came to Grace's death, the CEO murdered her because she was working on an article that was going to expose corruption from a political official who's higher up on the ladder.
Because that CEO is connected and benefitting from that corruption, but Grace didn't know it at the time, he took the interview as the perfect opportunity to get rid of her.
Maybe Mitra wasn't the murderer, but maybe he was there when it happened, and he couldn't (or simply didn't) do anything?
Being threatened with deportation might've been one way to make Mitra silent, but I'm not sure it would've been effective for long. If the CEO threatened the Singhs, that would probably work in the long run but I wonder if it introduces an element that unnecesarily complicates things. Just, Mitra can be selfish, but I'm not sure he's 'cover up a murder even under duress' selfish, unless it occurred fairly recently? Selling your soul changes a man. Was it within the past 18 months, you think?
*Someone, or someone’s progenitor, was involved in your death. They owe you a Debt. Maybe @RBYDark's Mitra, or Rivandra or Chandra, was somehow involved with Grace's death?
Maybe Mitra on the outside? You mentioned the death being at the hands of a CEO during a job interview, and the Singh family are mostly into politics than traditional business. As mentioned, Chandra Singh is on the city council, and I suppose Ravindra probably works as a law clerk when he's not off chasing paranormal entities. Even then, I think I'd need some more details before I agree that Mitra was involved in a murder. Partly because he's only been a legal citizen for 4-5 years, and I'm a little worried about the stereotypes around less-than-legal migrants.
I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.
Currently active rps:
[*] One 1x1x1 via Google Docs
[*] 'Secretary' of [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/164-digimon-the-convergence-of-the-human-and-digital-worlds/ic]Digimon: The Convergence of the Human and Digital Worlds[/url]
[*] Admin of a Digimon rp Discord server
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.<br><br>Currently active rps:<br><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li>One 1x1x1 via Google Docs</li><li>'Secretary' of <a href="http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/164-digimon-the-convergence-of-the-human-and-digital-worlds/ic">Digimon: The Convergence of the Human and Digital Worlds</a></li><li>Admin of a Digimon rp Discord server</li></ul></div>