I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.
Mitra drops the pieces of the compass, his other hand dragging down across his face. Were it not for his scales, he likely would have left significant claw marks. "Christ." He looked at Misty. "What'd you do to be on his bad side? Besides exist." The Hunter seems to really have it out for Misty, judging by his parting words and the fact that it wasn't even her who ultimately ruined the compass.
He seems to come to a realization, though, and moves over to Kendra. "First, jacket and shotgun if you don't mind. Unless you feel like explaining those to the police. Second, you need to get a story straight and get out there before they come in here and see a ghost and a demon." Already he's looking around for hiding spaces. After all, it's not like the entire police force is familiar with the supernatural beings roaming their city, and even those who are aren't guaranteed to be friendly. If there's a Hunter among them, Mitra's in trouble and the spirit is probably screwed. Ghosts aren't his wheelhouse either, but he can tell she's badly injured. One more bad blow from someone with ill intentions would - could ghosts even die again? Or would something else happen? Mitra doesn't know and doesn't care to find out.
Location: TIME Agency office - Downtown Arkham Hit Points: 12 Sanity Points: 70 Luck: 40 Mental State: Sane Skill: (Edu/Know roll for Cornthwaite: 56 Regular success)
The day started as any other day for Professor Jeremiah Dupree would have. He woke up a few minutes before the knocker-upper arrived, in a cold sweat with the dredges of some unremembered nightmare sauntering off. Next was feeding Autumn, for otherwise she would cry at his door as he got ready, and she knew how to cry in the most heartbreaking manner that made her difficult to ignore. Today’s breakfast was mutton for her. Then it was time for his own breakfast, a fried egg and toast, and the two ate in companionable silence, only interrupted by chewing noises. As he cleaned up after the meal, he could hear the mail being delivered and vowed to get it after he cleaned up for the day and got dressed. As he did so, the mail delivery completely slipped his mind as he focused on what he had to do today instead. Today, he had no classes and was between research projects; he’d need to pick his next anthropology topic soon, so why not make that his focus today? Maybe he could do a synthesis of the political ruling styles of the various tribes he’d observed in Africa. Surely he could see if he had enough material for that and have some grad students confirm that his old notes reflected the reality of these tribes currently. That actually didn’t sound like a bad idea. He’d have to go into the university today, something he was otherwise loath to do in this chilly weather, but if it meant being ahead of things, it would be worth it.
Jeremiah nearly tripped over Autumn as he left his room, dressed for the day. Autumn, as any cat would, took offense and practically flew down the stairs away from him. He sighed as he regained his balance, letting go of his door frame. He would scold her, but he didn’t think she understood. She’d just tilt her head and mew quizzically, and he’d give up and offer pets. It was just best to let it go and move on. In fact, as he reached the bottom of the stairs, Autumn looked up at him and meowed, flopping down. He knelt and rubbed her back, listening to her purr. Cats. What else was there to say?
He headed to the door and only then, seeing envelopes in his mail basket, did he remember the mail had been delivered. Right. He picked up the mail and shuffled through it. There wasn’t much: a paycheck from the university, a letter from his Cornell roommate Adrien, and - hello, what was this? The final letter had no postmark, possibly hand-delivered while he had been getting dressed. What was far more interesting was the sender, Harry Peacock. TIME had a case for him and his other recruited agents (none of whom he knew especially well, mostly just that they existed), it seemed. The university would have to wait, he supposed as he grabbed his coat and hat. At least until he determined why this case was worthy of TIME. The drive over had been peaceful, allowing Jeremiah time to get his thoughts in order. He knew of Arthur Cornthwaite, but the details were proving maddeningly elusive. The man studied the cultures of - he wasn’t sure. But surely he could recall his archaeological work in... He wasn’t sure. To be fair to himself, he was usually too caught up in his work to do his civic duty of keeping up with the rich and famous. But he knew Cornthwaite was an anthropologist as well, so why couldn’t he remember his work? By the time he’d parked his car and made the walk to the detective agency, he’d begun chewing away at the nail on his ring finger on his right hand.
The warmth of the office knocked him out of his head a little, and he shrugged off the coat, sticking his right hand into his jacket pocket as soon as he was able. His left hand fumbled with his hat a little, but he managed to hang it on a hook. Miss Henrietta spoke, but the words escaped Jeremiah’s notice and he just said, “Good morning”, hoping she had not asked a question.
He entered Harry’s office, giving the man an acknowledging nod and seating himself, tapping the fingers of his left hand against his leg in rhythm with the music playing. It was preferable to the smell of smoke that pervaded the office, something which he knew complaining about would be pointless. Jeremiah tried to avoid pointless chatter as a matter of principle. The door opened and closed a few more times, fellow agents (he was sure) entering and seating themselves. He was almost disappointed when the man turned the music down, but it meant it was time for business.
"Let's play 20 questions, gumshoes. What do you know of a certain Mr. Arthur Cornthwaite, you Snoops-in-making? Ready to figure out if he's really missing, or just acting like millionaires do?"
Well, he could partially answer that. He cleared his throat. “Mr. Arthur Cornthwaite is well-known for his work in anthropology, archaeology, and philanthropy.” But if only he could remember what kind of work...
Physical description Height: 5'5" Weight: 170 lbs Build: Somewhat heavyset Eyes: Green Hair: Red-orange Skin Tone: Pale, what one would consider 'white' Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: A scar on his right palm, from index finger to the other side of his wrist; he has no idea how he got it. Personal Style: Fairly formal - even when "dressed down", he wears a vest and tie.
Sexuality: Asexual Relationship Status: Single Personality: Jeremiah is the determined sort, feeling that there must be some greater underlying truth to the universe and that he must only push harder against reality to discover it. While he is much more hesitant to push this determination when others are in need of him, his own safety means little to him in the pursuit of knowledge. He is something of a bookworm, preferring older texts to more recently published works due to a belief that the sudden surge in 'science' has led people to ignoring what should be obvious patterns and truths. Jeremiah is fond of drawing connections that others may not notice, especially between cultures on entirely different continents. What these connections may mean is not known but he'll do as much studying and research as needed to understand their meaning.
While he can talk about his research for days, he has a harder time talking about more mundane topics. He does his best to avoid seeming rude, though, letting others talk and trying to feign interest and curiosity. It can frustrate him, though, that people appear to need to preface anything important they're saying with small talk. Eye contact especially bothers him - ever since his trip to Ireland, he often feels watched and having to make eye contact only intensifies the sensation. He recognizes it's considered a sign of respect in U.S. culture, but that does little to diminish the feeling. Habits: Chewing fingernails especially when nervous (they're usually bitten down to the quick), avoiding eye contact, keeping curtains closed Hobbies: Playing viola, whittling soap Greatest fear:
Birds, especially crows
New inventions
That new book smell
Unsolved mysteries
Warm socks
The smell of smoke
Destroying people's property
Wet socks
Cards On The Table
Call of Cthulhu is notorious for its long list of skills, but it will become manageable for you in no time! Here is the official list of skills used in Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition with the base percentage chance of success listed. Just give me a call during character creation and in-case you need some help. I'm more than happy to help!
Accounting - 05%
Anthropology - 75%
Appraise - 05%
Archaeology - 01%
Art/Craft (Forgery) - 45% -Insert craft if specified by your occupation.
Charm - 15%
Climb - 20%
*Credit rating - 40% -Based on your occupation. Occupation skill point must be used to raise your credit rating.
Cthulhu Mythos - 00% -Cannot be raised by normal means, only by being exposed to the Mythos. Increased skills in CM reduced your maximum sanity.
Disguise - 05%
Dodge - 25 % -Can be added onto with skill points during character creation.
Drive auto - 20%
Electrical Repair - 10%
Fast Talk - 05%
Fighting (Brawl) - 25% -Other means of fighting may be added here during character creation.
Firearms (Handgun) - 20%
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) - 25% -Other forms of firearms may be added here during character creation.
First Aid - 30%
History - 05%
Intimidate - 15%
Jump - 20%
Language (Other) - 65% (Latin) -May be added during character creation, either from your occupation or personal skill.
Language (Own) - 75%
Law - 05%
Library Use - 70%
Listen - 40%
Locksmith - 01%
Mechanical Repair - 10%
Medicine - 01%
Natural World - 10%
Navigate - 10%
Occult - 50%
Operate Heavy Machinery - 01%
Persuade - 10%
Pilot - 01% -What type of pilot you are is determined by your occupation or personal skills.
Psychology - 42%
Psychoanalysis - 01%
Ride - 05%
Science - 01% -What field of science you are skilled in is determined by your occupation or personal skills.
Sleight of hand - 10%
Spot Hidden - 50%
Stealth - 20%
Survival - 10% -What climate and/or terrain you are skilled in surviving is determined by your occupation or personal skills.
Swim - 20%
Track - 10%
Additional slots of not listed skills
Weapons and Combat
Damage Bonus: 0 Build: 0 Dodge: 25%
Unarmed: Regular Success (25%) - Hard Success (12%) Extreme Success (5%) - Damage (1d3)- Range (N/A) - Attacks (1) - Ammo (N/A) - Malfunction (N/A)
Weapon name: Regular Success - Hard Success Extreme Success - Damage - Range - Attacks - Ammo - Malfunction
Wallet - US cash, ID, photograph of primary school graduating class
Walking stick, topped with a deer's antler
Penknife - 4 inches long
Coin of unknown origin, with a hole through the middle and tied onto a string; worn as a necklace
Leather gloves
Varied alchemical texts
Varied philosophical texts
Full-head mask of a long-eared owl
A variety of pens and inks
Reams of paper
Kerosene lantern
Oil can
Dictionaries of various languages used as translation aids
Cat - tortoiseshell, named Autumn
What brought you to the detective agency, and why are you still there: While Jeremiah isn't certain, he suspects it's his paper on a small Irish culture's traditions that grabbed the attention of TIME. He wrote a fairly detailed paper on the odd traditions and rituals the culture still carried out, and kept a lot of information on the final ritual they showed him to himself. He thinks they recognize how he left information out and, given the agency's interest in the supernatural, are hoping to learn what he's kept to himself. While it's a secret that he plans to take to his grave, he must admit interest in the supernatural and the kind of cases TIME prefers to investigate. As such, it's who will give in first - TIME with a genuine supernatural case, or Jeremiah with his secrets. Either way, he's a member of TIME with no intentions of leaving. Life before current day: Jeremiah Dupree (born as Emilia, before changing his name in his application to Cornell) was born the only child to a sickly mother and an indifferent father. When his mother died, his father, preferring to focus on his work as a state senator rather than the difficulties of child-raising, sent his child to an all-girl boarding school in New York. It was there, with no contact from his father and relatively isolated from the ones who should've been peers, that Jeremiah developed his fascination with philosophy and a desire to understand the universe as a whole. He snuck texts from the nearby city's library and was often disciplined for having them when caught with them or caught sneaking out.
During his second year, he met a girl named Alice who shared his interest in natural philosophy. Perhaps more importantly, where Jeremiah was isolated and perceived as strange by his classmates, Alice was sociable and able to make connections and friends. Jeremiah ended up making friends by association, and he and Alice headed a private club dedicated to the 'soft sciences' and educating interested girls in topics like philosophy, religion (outside of Christianity, which the school covered), anthropology, and psychology. When the school found out, Alice pulled strings with her parents to protect her fellow classmates from punishment, something Jeremiah has never fully repaid in his mind. Truly, he and Alice were close, and Alice was the first one he told about his true self. While it confused her, she accepted it, leaving Jeremiah even deeper in her debt.
While Jeremiah was at the all-girls' school, his father passed away. He did not attend the funeral and has never regretted it. Instead, he made use of his inheritance to attend Cornell for a bachelor's degree, and later Johns Hopkins for a doctorate in anthropology. At Cornell, he often assisted professors with their work in anthropology and philosophy, and it was the former where he started noticing similarities in cultures distant from each other. At Hopkins, he focused on a small group in Ireland and even persuaded some students and a professor to accompany him to observe and learn about their rituals. The resulting paper was quite successful, though critics claimed there were significant gaps and it felt like information had been left out. The students and professors defended their work, saying it was what they were allowed to observe, though Jeremiah was conspicuously silent. Unlike the others, he had returned from Ireland with a full-head mask of a long-eared owl's head and a fresh fear of birds. Despite this, he persisted and earned his doctorate. He then decided to focus more on local cultures, which eventually led him to Arkham and Miskatonic University. Your belief in/encounters with the supernatural: He's heard of Miskatonic's many spirits and ghost tales, though he's yet to witness any for himself. He's not been heavily dissuaded though - whatever he witnessed in Ireland has made him a firm believer in the supernatural. Ideology/Belief: Superficially Protestant; Rationalist; socialist Significant people: Alice Beechworth, his first friend. They still stay in touch via letters, as she went home to Rhode Island after their schooling was completed. She's married now, though Jeremiah was never romantically attracted to her - their current issue is the suspicion from her husband, Elmer. Honestly, he sees no real threat from Elmer, but if he ever was convinced Elmer's suspicion would lead to him hurting Alice, he'd risk everything to keep her safe.
On the other end of the scale, in terms of importance but truly hated, is Jeremiah's father. He resents his father for choosing his career over his grieving child. Few can really upset Jeremiah, but his father still has that effect on him even beyond the grave. Meaningful location: Jeremiah's home is his one truly safe sanctuary. Treasured possessions: The walking stick, a gift from Alice when she heard he was going on trips overseas.
Character Quote: "There is truth. And there is the illusion of the relative world. Each one of us can choose whether we would like to delve into and participate in the illusion’s adventures, or if we would like to know the truth." Theme Song:Nox Arcana - The Raven Anything Else:Dice rolls
Physical description Height: 5'5" Weight: 170 lbs Build: Somewhat heavyset Eyes: Green Hair: Red-orange Skin Tone: Pale, what one would consider 'white' Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: A scar on his right palm, from index finger to the other side of his wrist; he has no idea how he got it. Personal Style: Fairly formal - even when "dressed down", he wears a vest and tie.
Sexuality: Asexual Relationship Status: Single Personality: Jeremiah is the determined sort, feeling that there must be some greater underlying truth to the universe and that he must only push harder against reality to discover it. While he is much more hesitant to push this determination when others are in need of him, his own safety means little to him in the pursuit of knowledge. He is something of a bookworm, preferring older texts to more recently published works due to a belief that the sudden surge in 'science' has led people to ignoring what should be obvious patterns and truths. Jeremiah is fond of drawing connections that others may not notice, especially between cultures on entirely different continents. What these connections may mean is not known but he'll do as much studying and research as needed to understand their meaning.
While he can talk about his research for days, he has a harder time talking about more mundane topics. He does his best to avoid seeming rude, though, letting others talk and trying to feign interest and curiosity. It can frustrate him, though, that people appear to need to preface anything important they're saying with small talk. Eye contact especially bothers him - ever since his trip to Ireland, he often feels watched and having to make eye contact only intensifies the sensation. He recognizes it's considered a sign of respect in U.S. culture, but that does little to diminish the feeling. Habits: Chewing fingernails especially when nervous (they're usually bitten down to the quick), avoiding eye contact, keeping curtains closed Hobbies: Playing viola, whittling soap Greatest fear:
Birds, especially crows
New inventions
That new book smell
Unsolved mysteries
Warm socks
The smell of smoke
Destroying people's property
Wet socks
Cards On The Table
Call of Cthulhu is notorious for its long list of skills, but it will become manageable for you in no time! Here is the official list of skills used in Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition with the base percentage chance of success listed. Just give me a call during character creation and in-case you need some help. I'm more than happy to help!
Accounting - 05%
Anthropology - 75%
Appraise - 05%
Archaeology - 01%
Art/Craft (Forgery) - 45% -Insert craft if specified by your occupation.
Charm - 15%
Climb - 20%
*Credit rating - 40% -Based on your occupation. Occupation skill point must be used to raise your credit rating.
Cthulhu Mythos - 00% -Cannot be raised by normal means, only by being exposed to the Mythos. Increased skills in CM reduced your maximum sanity.
Disguise - 05%
Dodge - 25 % -Can be added onto with skill points during character creation.
Drive auto - 20%
Electrical Repair - 10%
Fast Talk - 05%
Fighting (Brawl) - 25% -Other means of fighting may be added here during character creation.
Firearms (Handgun) - 20%
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) - 25% -Other forms of firearms may be added here during character creation.
First Aid - 30%
History - 05%
Intimidate - 15%
Jump - 20%
Language (Other) - 65% (Latin) -May be added during character creation, either from your occupation or personal skill.
Language (Own) - 75%
Law - 05%
Library Use - 70%
Listen - 40%
Locksmith - 01%
Mechanical Repair - 10%
Medicine - 01%
Natural World - 10%
Navigate - 10%
Occult - 50%
Operate Heavy Machinery - 01%
Persuade - 10%
Pilot - 01% -What type of pilot you are is determined by your occupation or personal skills.
Psychology - 42%
Psychoanalysis - 01%
Ride - 05%
Science - 01% -What field of science you are skilled in is determined by your occupation or personal skills.
Sleight of hand - 10%
Spot Hidden - 50%
Stealth - 20%
Survival - 10% -What climate and/or terrain you are skilled in surviving is determined by your occupation or personal skills.
Swim - 20%
Track - 10%
Additional slots of not listed skills
Weapons and Combat
Damage Bonus: 0 Build: 0 Dodge: 25%
Unarmed: Regular Success (25%) - Hard Success (12%) Extreme Success (5%) - Damage (1d3)- Range (N/A) - Attacks (1) - Ammo (N/A) - Malfunction (N/A)
Weapon name: Regular Success - Hard Success Extreme Success - Damage - Range - Attacks - Ammo - Malfunction
Wallet - US cash, ID, photograph of primary school graduating class
Walking stick, topped with a deer's antler
Penknife - 4 inches long
Coin of unknown origin, with a hole through the middle and tied onto a string; worn as a necklace
Leather gloves
Varied alchemical texts
Varied philosophical texts
Full-head mask of a long-eared owl
A variety of pens and inks
Reams of paper
Kerosene lantern
Oil can
Dictionaries of various languages used as translation aids
Cat - tortoiseshell, named Autumn
What brought you to the detective agency, and why are you still there: While Jeremiah isn't certain, he suspects it's his paper on a small Irish culture's traditions that grabbed the attention of TIME. He wrote a fairly detailed paper on the odd traditions and rituals the culture still carried out, and kept a lot of information on the final ritual they showed him to himself. He thinks they recognize how he left information out and, given the agency's interest in the supernatural, are hoping to learn what he's kept to himself. While it's a secret that he plans to take to his grave, he must admit interest in the supernatural and the kind of cases TIME prefers to investigate. As such, it's who will give in first - TIME with a genuine supernatural case, or Jeremiah with his secrets. Either way, he's a member of TIME with no intentions of leaving. Life before current day: Jeremiah Dupree (born as Emilia, before changing his name in his application to Cornell) was born the only child to a sickly mother and an indifferent father. When his mother died, his father, preferring to focus on his work as a state senator rather than the difficulties of child-raising, sent his child to an all-girl boarding school in New York. It was there, with no contact from his father and relatively isolated from the ones who should've been peers, that Jeremiah developed his fascination with philosophy and a desire to understand the universe as a whole. He snuck texts from the nearby city's library and was often disciplined for having them when caught with them or caught sneaking out.
During his second year, he met a girl named Alice who shared his interest in natural philosophy. Perhaps more importantly, where Jeremiah was isolated and perceived as strange by his classmates, Alice was sociable and able to make connections and friends. Jeremiah ended up making friends by association, and he and Alice headed a private club dedicated to the 'soft sciences' and educating interested girls in topics like philosophy, religion (outside of Christianity, which the school covered), anthropology, and psychology. When the school found out, Alice pulled strings with her parents to protect her fellow classmates from punishment, something Jeremiah has never fully repaid in his mind. Truly, he and Alice were close, and Alice was the first one he told about his true self. While it confused her, she accepted it, leaving Jeremiah even deeper in her debt.
While Jeremiah was at the all-girls' school, his father passed away. He did not attend the funeral and has never regretted it. Instead, he made use of his inheritance to attend Cornell for a bachelor's degree, and later Johns Hopkins for a doctorate in anthropology. At Cornell, he often assisted professors with their work in anthropology and philosophy, and it was the former where he started noticing similarities in cultures distant from each other. At Hopkins, he focused on a small group in Ireland and even persuaded some students and a professor to accompany him to observe and learn about their rituals. The resulting paper was quite successful, though critics claimed there were significant gaps and it felt like information had been left out. The students and professors defended their work, saying it was what they were allowed to observe, though Jeremiah was conspicuously silent. Unlike the others, he had returned from Ireland with a full-head mask of a long-eared owl's head and a fresh fear of birds. Despite this, he persisted and earned his doctorate. He then decided to focus more on local cultures, which eventually led him to Arkham and Miskatonic University. Your belief in/encounters with the supernatural: He's heard of Miskatonic's many spirits and ghost tales, though he's yet to witness any for himself. He's not been heavily dissuaded though - whatever he witnessed in Ireland has made him a firm believer in the supernatural. Ideology/Belief: Superficially Protestant; Rationalist; socialist Significant people: Alice Beechworth, his first friend. They still stay in touch via letters, as she went home to Rhode Island after their schooling was completed. She's married now, though Jeremiah was never romantically attracted to her - their current issue is the suspicion from her husband, Elmer. Honestly, he sees no real threat from Elmer, but if he ever was convinced Elmer's suspicion would lead to him hurting Alice, he'd risk everything to keep her safe.
On the other end of the scale, in terms of importance but truly hated, is Jeremiah's father. He resents his father for choosing his career over his grieving child. Few can really upset Jeremiah, but his father still has that effect on him even beyond the grave. Meaningful location: Jeremiah's home is his one truly safe sanctuary. Treasured possessions: The walking stick, a gift from Alice when she heard he was going on trips overseas.
Character Quote: "There is truth. And there is the illusion of the relative world. Each one of us can choose whether we would like to delve into and participate in the illusion’s adventures, or if we would like to know the truth." Theme Song:Nox Arcana - The Raven Anything Else:Dice rolls
In retrospect, maybe getting shot at again would've been alright.
Mitra stares down the weapon, his twitching tail betraying his fear. He doesn't know why Abberline wants this compass so badly, or what he's planning on hunting tonight. Maybe it'd be for the best to return the compass. Their plan was impulsive and contingent on several factors, none of which seem to have panned out. But also, giving Abberline the compass feels like letting him win. Like he and the spirit got shot for no damn reason. Like he handed over his shotgun and trusted these people for nothing.
Then the shotgun goes off. Then the handgun.
Mitra yelps and feels his hand contract. Hears a crunch. Feels pain. It turns out the sound of a shotgun and a gun going off in rapid succession is actually quite startling when you're not the one pulling the trigger. He opens his hand to reveal, to himself and Abberline, assuming Abberline's even capable of paying attention at this point, the broken toy compass.
Some magic could probably fix it. But that's a resource Abberline doesn't have the most regular access to, Mitra's pretty sure.
Physical description Height: 5'5" Weight: 170 lbs Build: Somewhat heavyset Eyes: Green Hair: Red-orange Skin Tone: Pale, what one would consider 'white' Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: A scar on his right palm, from index finger to the other side of his wrist; he has no idea how he got it. Personal Style: Fairly formal - even when "dressed down", he wears a vest and tie.
Sexuality: Asexual Relationship Status: Single Personality: Jeremiah is the determined sort, feeling that there must be some greater underlying truth to the universe and that he must only push harder against reality to discover it. While he is much more hesitant to push this determination when others are in need of him, his own safety means little to him in the pursuit of knowledge. He is something of a bookworm, preferring older texts to more recently published works due to a belief that the sudden surge in 'science' has led people to ignoring what should be obvious patterns and truths. Jeremiah is fond of drawing connections that others may not notice, especially between cultures on entirely different continents. What these connections may mean is not known but he'll do as much studying and research as needed to understand their meaning.
While he can talk about his research for days, he has a harder time talking about more mundane topics. He does his best to avoid seeming rude, though, letting others talk and trying to feign interest and curiosity. It can frustrate him, though, that people appear to need to preface anything important they're saying with small talk. Eye contact especially bothers him - ever since his trip to Ireland, he often feels watched and having to make eye contact only intensifies the sensation. He recognizes it's considered a sign of respect in U.S. culture, but that does little to diminish the feeling. Habits: Chewing fingernails especially when nervous (they're usually bitten down to the quick), avoiding eye contact, keeping curtains closed Hobbies: Playing viola, whittling soap Greatest fear:
Birds, especially crows
New inventions
That new book smell
Unsolved mysteries
Warm socks
The smell of smoke
Destroying people's property
Wet socks
Cards On The Table
Call of Cthulhu is notorious for its long list of skills, but it will become managable for you in no time! Here is the offical list of skills used in Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition with the base percentage chance of success listed. Just give me a call during character creation and in-case you need some help. I'm more than happy to help!
Accounting - 05%
*Anthropology - 75%
Appraise - 05%
Archaeology - 01%
Art/Craft (Forgery) - 25% -Insert craft if specified by your occupation.
Charm - 15%
Climb - 20%
*Credit rating - 40% -Based on your occupation. Occupation skill point must be used to raise your credit rating.
Cthulhu Mythos - 00% -Cannot be raised by normal means, only by being exposed to the Mythos. Increased skills in CM reduced your maximum sanity.
Disguise - 05%
Dodge - 25 % -Can be added onto with skill points during character creation.
Drive auto - 20%
Electrial Repair - 10%
Fast Talk - 05%
Fighting (Brawl) - 25% -Other means of fighting may be added here during character creation.
Firearms (Handgun) - 20%
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) - 25% -Other forms of firearms may be added here during character creation.
First Aid - 30%
History - 05%
Indimidate - 15%
Jump - 20%
*Language (Other) - 65% (Latin) -May be added during character creation, either from your occupation or personal skill.
*Language (Own) - 75%
Law - 05%
*Library Use - 70%
Listen - 40%
Locksmith - 01%
Mechanical Repair - 10%
Medicine - 01%
Natural World - 10%
Navigate - 10%
Occult - 50%
Operate Heavy Machinery - 01%
Persuade - 10%
Pilot - 01% -What type of pilot you are is determined by your occupation or personal skills.
*Psychology - 42%
Psychoanalysis - 01%
Ride - 05%
Science - 01% -What field of science you are skilled in, is determined by your occupation or personal skills.
Sleight of hand - 10%
Spot Hidden - 50%
Stealth - 40%
Survival - 10% -What climate and/or terrain you are skilled in surviving, is determined by your occupation or personal skills.
Swim - 20%
Track - 10%
Additional slots of not listed skills
Weapons and Combat
Damage Bonus: 0 Build: 0 Dodge: 25%
Unarmed: Regular Success - Hard Success Extreme Success - Damage (1d3)- Range (N/A) - Attacks (1) - Ammo (N/A) - Malfunction (N/A)
Weapon name: Regular Success - Hard Success Extreme Success - Damage - Range - Attacks - Ammo - Malfunction
Walking stick, topped with a deer's antler - gift from a friend in primary school
Penknife - 4 inches long
Photograph of primary school graduating class
Coin of unknown origin, with a hole through the middle and tied onto a string; worn as a necklace
Leather gloves
Residence: This is your stash basically - all your items that are not on you at all times. General things need not be listed like a bed, blanket and so forth. Somethings are just a given. But things like Weapons stash, books, files on people, books, special mementos, and so forth are something that need to be listed out and very detailed. Make sure to know that this will be updated through out the RP - Bullets get used, weapons get lost, ropes break. Again, keep this grounded in reality. You won't have an arsenal! Bare bones to start folks and keep it with your profession and what your income would have been. Not everyone is going to have money... Limited to spots provided.
Varied alchemical texts
Varied philosophical texts
Full-head mask of a long-eared owl
A variety of pens and inks
Reams of paper
Kerosene lantern
Oil can
Cat - tortoiseshell, named Autumn
What brought you to the detective agency, and why are you still there: While Jeremiah isn't certain, he suspects it's his paper on a small Irish culture's traditions that grabbed the attention of TIME. He wrote a fairly detailed paper on the odd traditions and rituals the culture still carried out, and kept a lot of information on the final ritual they showed him to himself. He thinks they recognize how he left information out and, given the agency's interest in the supernatural, are hoping to learn what he's kept to himself. While it's a secret that he plans to take to his grave, he must admit interest in the supernatural and the kind of cases TIME prefers to investigate. As such, it's who will give in first - TIME with a genuine supernatural case, or Jeremiah with his secrets. Either way, he's a member of TIME with no intentions of leaving. Life before current day: Jeremiah Dupree (born as Emilia, before changing his name in his application to Cornell) was born the only child to a sickly mother and an indifferent father. When his mother died, his father, preferring to focus on his work as a state senator rather than the difficulties of child-raising, sent his child to an all-girl boarding school in New York. It was there, with no contact from his father and relatively isolated from the ones who should've been peers, that Jeremiah developed his fascination with philosophy and a desire to understand the universe as a whole. He snuck texts from the nearby city's library and was often disciplined for having them when caught with them or caught sneaking out.
During his second year, he met a girl named Alice who shared his interest in natural philosophy. Perhaps more importantly, where Jeremiah was isolated and perceived as strange by his classmates, Alice was sociable and able to make connections and friends. Jeremiah ended up making friends by association, and he and Alice headed a private club dedicated to the 'soft sciences' and educating interested girls in topics like philosophy, religion (outside of Christianity, which the school covered), anthropology, and psychology. When the school found out, Alice pulled strings with her parents to protect her fellow classmates from punishment, something Jeremiah has never fully repaid in his mind. Truly, he and Alice were close, and Alice was the first one he told about his true self. While it confused her, she accepted it, leaving Jeremiah even deeper in her debt.
While Jeremiah was at the all-girls' school, his father passed away. He did not attend the funeral and has never regretted it. Instead, he made use of his inheritance to attend Cornell for a bachelor's degree, and later Johns Hopkins for a doctorate in anthropology. At Cornell, he often assisted professors with their work in anthropology and philosophy, and it was the former where he started noticing similarities in cultures distant from each other. At Hopkins, he focused on a small group in Ireland and even persuaded some students and a professor to accompany him to observe and learn about their rituals. The resulting paper was quite successful, though critics claimed ther were significant gaps and it felt like information had been left out. The students and professors defended their work, saying it was what they were allowed to observe, though Jeremiah was conspicuously silent. Unlike the others, he had returned from Ireland with a full-head mask of a long-eared owl's head and a fresh fear of birds. Despite this, he persisted and earned his doctorate. He then decided to focus more on local cultures, which eventually led him to Arkham and Miskatonic University. Your belief in/encounters with the supernatural: He's heard of Miskatonic's many spirits and ghost tales, though he's yet to witness any for himself. He's not been heavily dissuaded though - whatever he witnessed in Ireland has made him a firm believer in the supernatural. Ideology/Belief: Superficially Protestant; Rationalist; socialist Significant people: Alice Beechworth, his first friend. They still stay in touch via letters, as she went home to Rhode Island after their schooling was completed. She's married now, though Jeremiah was never romantically attracted to her - their current issue is the suspicion from her husband, Elmer. Honestly, he sees no real threat from Elmer, but if he ever was convinced Elmer's suspicion would lead to him hurting Alice, he'd risk everything to keep her safe.
On the other end of the scale, in terms of importance but truly hated, is Jeremiah's father. He resents his father for choosing his career over his grieving child. Few can really upset Jeremiah, but his father still has that effect on him even beyond the grave. Meaningful location: Jeremiah's home is his one truly safe sanctuary. Treasured possessions: The walking stick, a gift from Alice when she heard he was going on trips overseas.
Character Quote: "There is truth. And there is the illusion of the relative world. Each one of us can choose whether we would like to delve into and participate in the illusion’s adventures, or if we would like to know the truth." Theme Song:Nox Arcana - The Raven Anything Else:Dice rolls
@RBYDarkGlad to have you onboard the TIME. Take the time you need, but got a concept so far? Anything else need answered?
I might bring back Dupree - I know it's been years, but I still prefer to play a bookworm over a fighter. Otherwise, I just need some time to go over the rules?
I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.
Currently active rps:
[*] One 1x1x1 via Google Docs
[*] 'Secretary' of [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/164-digimon-the-convergence-of-the-human-and-digital-worlds/ic]Digimon: The Convergence of the Human and Digital Worlds[/url]
[*] Admin of a Digimon rp Discord server
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.<br><br>Currently active rps:<br><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li>One 1x1x1 via Google Docs</li><li>'Secretary' of <a href="http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/164-digimon-the-convergence-of-the-human-and-digital-worlds/ic">Digimon: The Convergence of the Human and Digital Worlds</a></li><li>Admin of a Digimon rp Discord server</li></ul></div>