Avatar of Red Wizard


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1 mo ago
Current No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style.
2 mos ago
Today is my birthday! I wish you all a truly enchanted day!
1 yr ago
Arguing over petty details at times of dimensional emergency was a familiar wizardly trait.
1 yr ago
It's my birthday! I wish you all an excellent day!
1 yr ago
A wizard never had friends, at least not friends who were wizards. It needed a different word. Ah yes, that was it. Enemies. But a very different class of enemies. Gentlemen.


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Most Recent Posts

@Vertigo@Lurking Shadow@Thunder999999@Drifting Pollen Hey there friends, how's it going for you? :)
@Eviledd1984 Cool! I would however like to suggest a little edit. If you read the OP, you can deduce that your character is not in it's cell and that it can't move because of some unidentified sorcery. If possible, I'd like you to change that in your post.
@Ti No, I never read that far. I quit the forums alltogether for a while.
@WhiteAngel25 Oh my, you're running this again! But you're full. Hmm... Well, if you have ay dropouts, and you feel like you want (need?) a little more Simbel back in your life, I'd be happy to join. Just let me know if and/or when!
My friends, we are a-go!

In the Belly of the Beast


You are awake.

You are alive.

You must break free.

Open your eyes.

You force your eyelids open, grunting and groaning with effort as if a great weight has been placed upon them by an unknown hand. Your mind feels unfocused and your flesh trembles with weakness. Why this is, you cannot say. There is no memory of what came before this moment, only the distant recollection of your defeat and the subsequent disorganized days of incarceration. How long have you been in this place, this Maw? There is no answer. There has only been darkness, and silence, and the cold. But now, there is light. You blink your eyes, trying to adjust your blurred vision. You catch a shadow of movement to your side, but is powerless to investigate. Growling, you try to move your limbs, but to no avail.

You have woken. That voice –

You shut your eyes once more, not sure you are ready to face her again. Face it again. But there is no escape. No matter how hard you try, you cannot break free. With a final grunt of frustration, you open your eyes to face the terror. This time, your vision is clear.

You're in a large chamber, dimly lit by a ghastly blueish light of unknown origin. The stone walls are damp with moisture, rising upwards into a vault above. There are other entities here, their forms veiled in shadow, but you barely notice any of this. You only have eyes for the entity that stands before you in the center of the room. The moment your gaze falls upon her face, despair takes hold of your heart with merciless talons of ice.

The Warden.

She (It? You're not sure the Warden can be counted as a woman) stands perfectly still, observing you. Your mind screams whenever you lay eyes upon her; something is wrong. It is as if she is not really there, not real at all, but at the same time the only real thing in the room. Even the light and the shadows seem to fall upon her incorrectly, as if they have a conscience of their own and are reluctant to touch the abomination. Time stretches, your heavy breathing the only sound in the room.

The Warden remains motionless, as if you aren't there. You strain again, but cannot move. Inspecting your body, you find no bounds. You're upright, clothed as you had been the day of your capture, still as a statue. You grunt again, your frustration mingled with panic, fruitlessly straining against the invisible force holding you in place.

Patience, the Warden says, her voice like breaking glass. All in due time. They are waking.

The very next moment, one of the shadowed figures begins to stir.

Aw gee, guys, you're really helping me make up my mind :P

On a side note, @BigPapaBelial, this isn't a heavily DM'd game. I want you all to feel free to explore and add to the world and plot on your own. You won't be able to look to me for settling every little issue.

That said, I'll be going the No Character-Route this time. Let's see where that leads!
@Lurking Shadow Didn't catch that, but I understand. No problem.

@BigPapaBelial Smokin'! Accepted!

I'll be starting the game up shortly. One final question for you guys; would you like me to participate with a character or not? The pros of making one would be to add more in-depth lore and stuff like that. The pros of not making one would be that I could act more like a DM, giving you direct feedback without having to do it through another character. Thoughts?
@Product Yes, for the time being.
@Lurking Shadow You can tell that other certain someone that I don't care for demands. You can use whatever other media you like to communicate, but if anything important to the game is discussed, I want it in writing here in the OOC.
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