@Sarcelle RenardWill start working on a post, but first how are we all receiving the message? Wouldn't want to whip out a flip phone, when everybody is reading a hologram projected by a bracelet
BALD! BALD! BALD! Yes, Pax is a proud member of the Mr.Clean clan. Some may even consider his head an actual ability because its shine rivals that of his own abilities. Though, when his hair begins to stubble, it'd reveal itself to be white. He is a man of, fairly, average height and sports a slim-athletic build. Without close inspection, it would appear as if Pax has no iris' or pupils, but there is very light, grey, outline of the iris. Pax's eyebrows are always on fleek and are a point of pride. They are thin, sharp, and angular. Arguably, his favorite expression is that of question or confusion; it closely resembles that of The Rock, when asking his famous question "Do you smell what The Rock is cooking?!".
Pax's delectable, light-chocolate, skin is tarnished by an assortment of small scars. Underneath his cloths, at the center of his torso, lies a rather large x-shaped scar; he believes this sends his cool factor sky-rocketing through the roof. Though, others would be quick to question why somebody who is supposed to be in a support role has so many scars.
In terms of clothing, Pax sticks to the classic, recommended, cloths for caster types. He's a sucker for anything with an intricate design. The biggest mystery about Pax would have to be how the hell he traverses all types of rough terrain while barefoot...
Pax believes himself to be "hardcore", in the sense that -through the sheer power of awesomeness- he is capable of breaking the meta, trashing the popular misconception that a support should stick around in the backlines with their buffs and heals. While teamwork is key to overcoming obstacles, while in a party, he believes supporting roles to be the most important; and that's a fact. Often times than not, Pax has witnessed the same abuse towards supports. If the party does well and are successful in their ventures, the tanks and damage dealers receive the most praise. Then, if the party fails, supports receive all the blame. The world doesn't need to bow down and praise all supports, but they do deserve a little more respect and it's his job to reshape how people view supports. None of this translates into cockiness, or anything of the sort, but rather his personal mission to show the world that supports can be just as "in your face" as a warrior and still support.
Outside of his high regards for supporting roles, Pax is quite level-headed and acts much like a man if his class should. Most of the times he opens his mouth, he's likely babbling about peace, walking the right path, finding one's true self, or dropping knowledge bombs; a bunch of Guru/Yoda mumbo jumbo. Not the type to easily anger, when it comes to his personal being, one could quite literally dump an entire gallon of ale over his head or even knock his food out if his hands and Pax would still go on about peace. He finds that senseless brawling is better left to the mindless brutes, which essentially boils down to "You are not worth the time or energy". Should he witness the bullying of others, or conflict, he will intervene and try to settle things in the most peaceful of manners. If that is not possible, then you would have left him no other choice to fight. Not only will he whoop dat ass, he'll apologize afterwards for doing it. It goes without saying, helping others is the single most joyous thing in the world, for Pax, more-so than all the gold in the world or the largest harem. There aren't very many people that have witnessed an enraged Pax, it's comparable to the wrath of the heavens being brought down upon the mortal world. He will rampage unless he is restrained or until he realizes that he has completely lost his way.
Most will find Pax to be an intelligent and strategic being. For him, life is comparable to a game of chess and everybody is in control of their own fate. If you analyze everything, calmly and patiently, you can then make appropriate moves for the desirable outcome. Make the wrong moves and you are destined to fail, in any aspect of life. This idea makes him incredibly useful in diplomatic and high-pressure situations. Overall, there is hardly a soul that Pax cannot connect with, besides the brutes who gag at the idea of peace.
Monk: Monks are sacred warriors who channel divine power through sheer force of will. Healing waves, mantras of protection and attacks empowered with holy might are all within their purview.
Level: 1
Chuck Norris (Fists)
•Breath of Heaven: currently a single-target cast spell; Pax unleashes a blast of divine energy, moderately, healing his target. This ability can be self-cast if Pax is feeling greedy.
•Fists of Divine Judgement : self-cast; Pax's fists begin to radiate with divine energy, dealing explosive damage upon impact. This ability is super-effective against unholy beings.
•Diplomat: Pax is understanding of others and sensitive to theirs ideas, beliefs, opinions and feelings. He is capable of accurately sensing what another person is feeling and thinking at any given time and then responding in such a way as to avoid bad feelings or awkwardness, whilst at the same time asserting or reflecting his own ideas and feelings back in a delicate and well-meaning fashion.
•Scribe: Pax is able to create or duplicate scrolls, maps, books, technical manuals, magical instruction manuals, and contracts using paper and ink. While cheap ingredients will suffice for creating normal items (like basic scrolls), high-quality magical tomes require ink with magical properties. To make such ink, Pax must acquire ingredients such as dragonsblood and rare minerals.
•Rudeness •Violence •Arrogance •Small talk •Foul language •Drunks •Being disturbed during meditation •Ill-mannered people
•Constantly tries to figure out how things can run more efficiently. •Fascinated by intellectually stimulating games (Chess, puzzles, etc.) •Awake during odd hours of the night, since he hardly sleeps. •Compulsively organizes things •Perfectionist
Now I'm not thinking of making him Krit Jr. or something. The way I see it, Krit is someone of a rather definite attitude and stance on things. I'm just envisioning Lucia developing in a more chaotic fashion, you know: "Whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stranger" and whatnot.
Krit welcomes all to the dark side. They can dance on corpses in the graveyard and sip blood from fancy glasses :)
@Holy Soldier Would a monk still count as a "cleric"? I mean... They have healing abilities, they can just beat stuff up too haha. If so, I'll get started on that character
+ N A M E + "What's it matter? You won't live long enough to remember my name"
•Thirteen | Used by most lab coats and godslayers he has not acknowledged as one "worthy" of knowing his name.
•Krit | Exclusive to his donor, a handful of lab coats, and worthy godslayers
•Death/ Angel of Death | What he will often introduce himself as, to enemies
+ G E N D E R + "You have eyes, don't you? I suggest you use them..."
+ A G E + "Old enough to know better, young enough to do it anyway"
+ A P P E A R A N C E + "I'll bury a picture with you, in your coffin"
Standing at a whopping six foot five, it's pretty easy to pick out Krit in a crowd as he towers over most Godslayers. His slim physique and ghost-pale skin tone make him appear malnourished and sickly. His hair is just as white as his skin, medium-length, and usually unkempt. Besides his height, Krit's most defining feature would arguably be his, radiant, aureolin hues which seem capable of piercing the coldest of hearts. He often appears disinterested (and is) with most things that do not include battle, death, pain or anything along those lines. The number "XIII" is printed across his right trap. Krit is not the type to play dress-up. His outfits are always plain and simple; void of design or text, all white, all black, or a combination of both.
+ N U M B E R + "Unlucky for you"
+ R A N K + "Huh?...People actually keep up with that stuff?"
+ P E R S O N A L I T Y + "What a beautiful day it is... For you to die!"
Krit is most definitely one of the black sheep in the Godslayer family. Most of the lab coats have labeled him as a potential threat and keep him under constant surveillance. Those who do not understand him often fear him, as it is hard to picture him as a part of the protagonists. Krit often times displays a hatred towards humans -mostly the government that keeps the Godslayers, hidden in the facility, from the rest of the world- and is even sometimes repulsed by them. Godslayers are supposed to be the saviors of humanity, yet it feels more as if they are pets, guard dogs at best. What breaks his heart the most, when talking about the whole concept of Godslayers being weapons only to be deployed when the government says "sick em!", is that (for the most part) none of the others seem bothered by it. Compared to Godslayers, humans are ants easily crushed by a pebble. Though, what most fail to understand about Krit is that he does not wish to turn on humanity and pray for their destruction. He simply asks for equality.
Despite his, seemingly, complete lack of empathy for humans, there are a handful that have earned a spot in his heart. While he will likely never openly admit it, he genuinely cares for this small percentage of humans. His donor (Father?) is one of said humans and actually plays a major role when it comes to keeping Krit on Team Humanity. A wise man and Krit's mentor, he reassures Krit that everything will subsequently change with the defeat of the Gods. He encourages Krit to have a little more patience with humans and helps instill a sense of morality. His donor also happens to be the reason Krit is still breathing, when most believe they would have been better aborting his creation, working hard to convince others that Krit is actually not THAT bad and is on the side of humanity; claiming that he is just "a little different".
One would be quick to question Krit's mental stability. Being quite the necrophiliac and sadist, it's no question why he has yet to make very many friends. His, unwavering, passion for all things dead can be pretty off-putting for others. When it comes to conflicts between other Godslayers, he definitely won't be the first one to try and stop a fight from breaking out. In fact, he would likely respond with something along the lines of "Should one of you die, I would like to be the first to claim the body", all with a wide grin. Although he may, easily, be regarded to as a psycho-freak Krit is actually quite intelligent.
Krits thoughts on the Godslayer race are that they are superior to gods and humans. He holds them to the highest of standards. Should a Godslayer not meet his standards, nor have the potential to, then he will simply not waste his time with them as he believes that they'll likely die within thirty seconds on the battlefield anyway. Some may pin him as a freak asshole, but for the ones he does deem worthy of his time, he has a pretty weird way of taking the role of big brother. Overall, he does have a weak spot for Godslayers and cares for their well-being.
There's not much to speak on, when it comes to Krit on the battlefield. Being the sadist that he is, combat is when he experiences absolute bliss. There's nothing like the sight of blood, the scent of it, or even how it feels getting drenched by it when he's ripping gods apart limb from limb. After the bloodbath, he will often try to bring back a souvenir; a skull, large tooth, arm, whatever he can get his hands on really.
+ L I K E S + •Corpses/ death •Destruction •Pain inflicted on others •When people scream of pain •Combat •Godslaying •Arts and crafts made with bones/dead stuff •The dark •Graveyards •Studying the anatomy & physiology of all things (Gods, fiends, Godslayers, humans, etc.) •Blood •Torture/ interrogation of the enemy •Eating his meats rare •God meat •Rock/ Heavy Metal •Odd numbers •Horror •Suspense
+ D I S L I K E S + •People who try to boss him around •Watching other Godslayers willingly act like nothing more than pets •Humans within the government that have no respect for Godslayers and only view them weapons •Weak Godslayers •Vegetables •Food that's well-done •Cute things that aren't dead •Being called a freak
+ E N H A N C E M E N T S + •Soul Harvester: More of a double edged sword, than an enhancement. Krit does not need to eat or sleep to sustain himself. Instead, he needs to absorb the "soul" or life-energy of dying/dead enemies. Two things are required for him to absorb souls.
1)Krit must be touching the target. 2)Krit can only absorb the souls of enemies he has felled or had kill participation on. *NOTE* Krit MUST absorb souls to survive. If he goes an extended period of time without absorbing souls he slowly begin to weaken, to the point where he will find it hard to even stand. Should his life-energy completely deplete, Krit will essentially face his own death and slowly wither away, with only moments to live.
The following enhancements are set to a base level of an Olympic athlete •Speed •Strength •Durability •Stamina
•Healing Factor: Krit can expend life-energy for rapid regeneration. Minor wounds such as cuts, bruises, sprains, etc. can be healed in a matter of minutes and uses minimal life-energy. Major wounds can take hours or even days to heal. A severed arm could possibly take days to regenerate. Krit would also require a lot of his life-energy and concentration, which makes it difficult to do during combat. *Cannot be augmented*
+ A B I L I T Y + Krit has the ability to absorb the life-energy of the dead or dying and convert it into a multitude of different energies for a variety of effects.
•Enhancement Augmentation: Krit can expend life energy to boost his enhancements to a supernatural level. The higher he boosts his enhancements and multiple enhancements being boosted would be much more taxing
•Soul Sense: Krit is capable of using his life-energy to create an aura, normally a 75ft radius, which can detect any life-energy inside of it. It can expand to a much wider range, but requires more concentration and life-energy. He can also "record" life-energy he has encountered before and pick out it's specific signature.
•Dead Bullet: A technique exclusive to his weapon, Krit is able to convert his life-energy into ammunition for his dual-pistols. These little balls of destructive energy are meant to be more effective against gods and fiends, than your average ammunition.
Dead Cannon:This is a finishing move and, currently, cannot be used more than 1 time without Krit suffering major repercussions. Krit turns his pistols sideways, in front of him, touching barrels. He then proceeds to channel his life-energy through both pistols and charges up a rather large death ball. The process takes 2 minutes to charge to max energy, which leaves Krit quite vulnerable. This makes the technique hard to use without the proper conditions. Once Death Cannon is fully charged, he fires a large beam of destructive energy. The beams current max distance is at 250 meters.
•Hex Gunblade: Krit channels his life-energy to create necroplasm blades, underneath the muzzle of his pistols. Each successful attack with the blades will drain a small portion of the targets life-energy.
+ W E A P O N S + Soul Marauders (Appearance with Hex Gunblade applied)
+ O T H E R + •Krit will often times use the Tarot card XIII (Death) as his personal business card. Advertising himself as Death itself. Should an enemy find one of these cards, it's usually a warning, from Krit, that Death is coming
@Xiro Zean Being that they are the only AG's that are separate parts of the same being, I could see Krit being interested in studying them further, wanting to unravel the mystery of why they are the only two same-numbered AG's (even if he didn't know about Mina). They'd be fine specimens to dissect, should they *cough* happen to "accidently" slip, fall on top of his life-draining gunblades, and die.
@Rune_Alchemist I am initiating a petition that we all be on the same team. #GreekSquadStayUp
@Xiro Zean@HaltingBlooper Greek squad assemble! The more I think about it, this is a pretty odd coincidence. After the defeat of Cronus 3 gods were given lots to rule over: Zeus- The sky (Technically includes "heaven"?) Poseidon- The sea Hades- The underworld
The way our characters are designed: Ai/Yuu- Heaven Six- The sea Krit- The underworld
@Xiro Zean NOOOOO! He will not allow for their friendship to be toiled with by Ai lol. Honestly though, he wouldn't blame her as he's quite accustomed to others distancing themselves from him.
In all seriousness, I could see them having a relationship like Kenpachi and Yachiro, the rather large, menacing, voilent type x tiny, kawaii, unsuspecting badass. It'd be interesting because she is LITERALLY the complete polar opposite of Krit. He would be ready to kill with really no justification and she'd give him the scoldy face. He'd be like "....but! but!....ugh fine". It'd be kind of comedic watching this tiny girl keep him in check.
Who doesn't hate crits, unless you're the one dealing the damage haha xD Also, yeah I'm still working out his endgame form, but it will definitely be deadly (hehe)
Edit: Thought about it, our characters are quite literally heaven and hell brought to earth.
Interesting... @Sarcelle Renard I haven't worked out the exact numbers yet, but I imagine it to be something like mana in a video game. He'll start off to "x" number of life-energy. Each day that passes without him absorbing souls and using abilities will cost "x" amount of life-energy
@dragonmancerI'll place my two pennies on the second one
@HaltingBlooper Haha trust that CS would gave looked totally different if I didn't remember tarot cards. 13 is death, that's his number, decides to play around that xD