@Sarcelle RenardI'm in Korea now so I'll be online when everyone is asleep lol. Everyone who isn't an insomniac that is. I am still trying to get settled into my new place, which will happen tomorrow, so I'll become active again this weekend.
They will settle the dispute with a laziness contest... which means nothing gets done and someone else is probably going to walk in and just stare at the three lazy bums lazing around a blank report.
@Sarcelle Renard I got a nice idea (hopefully while being sick these days). What if all characters that have the same number , actually come from the same male donor. Meaning that they are siblings. How does that sound ?
@Sarcelle Renard I understand the concept of the rule of cool ofcourse, but for Drake's pinnacle of his power I was thinking that he fully transforms into a giant dragon and it becomes a classic kaiju-fight and all. I'm not sure how powerful characters are expected to be at around the end game level so I want to run by that idea first ahead of time.
I ended up sticking with Jakob, did that editing out the bones. I'd like to claim spot 11.
Grey Ghost
Name: Jakob "Grey Ghost"
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Even with his black hair, the rest of Jakob's pigment is grey. Neck down his whole body is riddled with scars from multiple augmentation ports and receivers designed for his Armor. The most notable feature in this sickly looking man, both his legs have been taken away from under the knee. Now only two short rods stick a foot out. A bold tattoo of XI is placed on his cheek.
Number: 11
Rank: B
Personality: Jakob is usually a quiet individual. Looking around on how others act and interact with each other, rather then doing it himself. Not to say he does it on purpose, it was just always hard connecting with his brothers and sister, especially when he one of the few that possess no real powers. When forced into a situation he cannot get out without embarrassing himself, Jakob is quite nice to talk too. With his softer voice and relaxed attitude on almost all thing, most people don't mind his company.
In his suit, Jakob is clearly changed. Since the suit's mainframe links with the brain of Jakob, causing his personality to change to a more open person and a joker. He best describes it as: "Being on laughing gas, but not wanting to laugh...or having all the fun.".
Likes: Freedom Soda Reading Sunlight Nature Adventure
Dislikes: Mirrors Scary stories Running Being Rushed Jerks Know it all Cruelty
Enhancement(s): -Gungir Cybernetic Power Armor: Created by the Government with the intent to control this antigod. While other Antigods were made by genetic manipulation to create powers, Jakob was one of the rare individuals that were made to be able to suffer multiple augmentations to their body and survive the process. Specifically special Power Armor that was never possible with normal Humans. Increasing his speed and strength to super human levels, while also providing armor plating. The core the fuels the power is similar to Nuclear reactor. While it can continue to push him harder it also can overheat or self destruct in a extremely dangerous explosion. -Gungnir Smart Helm: The pressurized helmet of the GUNGIR power armor gives Ghost with a supply of information in realtime. It also provides different visions such as Night vision, Xray, heat and able to translate his voice to any language. -Gungnir Ghost Cloak: The reason the title "Ghost" was given to Jakob is due to the suit's advanced stealth camouflage technology that is capable of rendering the user virtually invisible to the naked eye. Any small object that comes within contact of the suit also takes the ability, but too many items reduce the overall quality of the cloak and can overload the device. It is meant to be used in short burst of a few seconds to a minute max, any longer can possibly overload the device.
A large pistol that holds 7+1 or 1+2 Projectiles of either: + Reaper .50: Made for Gods and fiends. While weak against greater beast's body, it can produce results in smaller targets and smaller areas of large Gods (Knee, elbows, eyes,etc) + Phoenix 3 Gauge: While only being able to load 2 in one magazine, this shell is made to penetrate the beasts armor or thick skin then setting it aflame, weakening it with chemical fire.
-Pneumatic Punches: Each Knuckle in Jakob's fist contains a micro piston that shoots forward just a few centimeters when ever they make contact, causing punches from his fist to be more brutal. The faster the fist is rushing to the target or vise versa causes harder hits due to the rushing air. -Forearm Blades: Diamond pieces, sharpened and wrapped in titanium fiber. Placed on the forearm, retractable and detachable when needed.
Ai - see: misanthropic nature, protective tendencies
Who says she doesn't believe your statement to be true?
Sorry for the late reply and the likely misunderstanding on my part. You do have a point - anyone would be wary of a little teddy bear, if said bear was stuffed with enough poison to knock them out.
@Sarcelle RenardHey, it's Lost Shadow. I'm not really sure what compelled me to hop on a new account, but yeah .. Here I am lmao. Cs took forever, might have over done it, just a "little" -_- Enjoy!
Come dance with Death
+ N A M E + "What's it matter? You won't live long enough to remember my name"
•Thirteen | Used by most lab coats and godslayers he has not acknowledged as one "worthy" of knowing his name.
•Krit | Exclusive to his donor, a handful of lab coats, and worthy godslayers
•Death/ Angel of Death | What he will often introduce himself as, to enemies
+ G E N D E R + "You have eyes, don't you? I suggest you use them..."
+ A G E + "Old enough to know better, young enough to do it anyway"
+ A P P E A R A N C E + "I'll bury a picture with you, in your coffin"
Standing at a whopping six foot five, it's pretty easy to pick out Krit in a crowd as he towers over most Godslayers. His slim physique and ghost-pale skin tone make him appear malnourished and sickly. His hair is just as white as his skin, medium-length, and usually unkempt. Besides his height, Krit's most defining feature would arguably be his, radiant, aureolin hues which seem capable of piercing the coldest of hearts. He often appears disinterested (and is) with most things that do not include battle, death, pain or anything along those lines. The number "XIII" is printed across his right trap. Krit is not the type to play dress-up. His outfits are always plain and simple; void of design or text, all white, all black, or a combination of both.
+ N U M B E R + "Unlucky for you"
+ R A N K + "Huh?...People actually keep up with that stuff?"
+ P E R S O N A L I T Y + "What a beautiful day it is... For you to die!"
Krit is most definitely one of the black sheep in the Godslayer family. Most of the lab coats have labeled him as a potential threat and keep him under constant surveillance. Those who do not understand him often fear him, as it is hard to picture him as a part of the protagonists. Krit often times displays a hatred towards humans -mostly the government that keeps the Godslayers, hidden in the facility, from the rest of the world- and is even sometimes repulsed by them. Godslayers are supposed to be the saviors of humanity, yet it feels more as if they are pets, guard dogs at best. What breaks his heart the most, when talking about the whole concept of Godslayers being weapons only to be deployed when the government says "sick em!", is that (for the most part) none of the others seem bothered by it. Compared to Godslayers, humans are ants easily crushed by a pebble. Though, what most fail to understand about Krit is that he does not wish to turn on humanity and pray for their destruction. He simply asks for equality.
Despite his, seemingly, complete lack of empathy for humans, there are a handful that have earned a spot in his heart. While he will likely never openly admit it, he genuinely cares for this small percentage of humans. His donor (Father?) is one of said humans and actually plays a major role when it comes to keeping Krit on Team Humanity. A wise man and Krit's mentor, he reassures Krit that everything will subsequently change with the defeat of the Gods. He encourages Krit to have a little more patience with humans and helps instill a sense of morality. His donor also happens to be the reason Krit is still breathing, when most believe they would have been better aborting his creation, working hard to convince others that Krit is actually not THAT bad and is on the side of humanity; claiming that he is just "a little different".
One would be quick to question Krit's mental stability. Being quite the necrophiliac and sadist, it's no question why he has yet to make very many friends. His, unwavering, passion for all things dead can be pretty off-putting for others. When it comes to conflicts between other Godslayers, he definitely won't be the first one to try and stop a fight from breaking out. In fact, he would likely respond with something along the lines of "Should one of you die, I would like to be the first to claim the body", all with a wide grin. Although he may, easily, be regarded to as a psycho-freak Krit is actually quite intelligent.
Krits thoughts on the Godslayer race are that they are superior to gods and humans. He holds them to the highest of standards. Should a Godslayer not meet his standards, nor have the potential to, then he will simply not waste his time with them as he believes that they'll likely die within thirty seconds on the battlefield anyway. Some may pin him as a freak asshole, but for the ones he does deem worthy of his time, he has a pretty weird way of taking the role of big brother. Overall, he does have a weak spot for Godslayers and cares for their well-being.
There's not much to speak on, when it comes to Krit on the battlefield. Being the sadist that he is, combat is when he experiences absolute bliss. There's nothing like the sight of blood, the scent of it, or even how it feels getting drenched by it when he's ripping gods apart limb from limb. After the bloodbath, he will often try to bring back a souvenir; a skull, large tooth, arm, whatever he can get his hands on really.
+ L I K E S + •Corpses/ death •Destruction •Pain inflicted on others •When people scream of pain •Combat •Godslaying •Arts and crafts made with bones/dead stuff •The dark •Graveyards •Studying the anatomy & physiology of all things (Gods, fiends, Godslayers, humans, etc.) •Blood •Torture/ interrogation of the enemy •Eating his meats rare •God meat •Rock/ Heavy Metal •Odd numbers •Horror •Suspense
+ D I S L I K E S + •People who try to boss him around •Watching other Godslayers willingly act like nothing more than pets •Humans within the government that have no respect for Godslayers and only view them weapons •Weak Godslayers •Vegetables •Food that's well-done •Cute things that aren't dead •Being called a freak
+ E N H A N C E M E N T S + •Soul Harvester: More of a double edged sword, than an enhancement. Krit does not need to eat or sleep to sustain himself. Instead, he needs to absorb the "soul" or life-energy of dying/dead enemies. Two things are required for him to absorb souls.
1)Krit must be touching the target. 2)Krit can only absorb the souls of enemies he has felled or had kill participation on. *NOTE* Krit MUST absorb souls to survive. If he goes an extended period of time without absorbing souls he slowly begin to weaken, to the point where he will find it hard to even stand. Should his life-energy completely deplete, Krit will essentially face his own death and slowly wither away, with only moments to live.
The following enhancements are set to a base level of an Olympic athlete •Speed •Strength •Durability •Stamina
•Healing Factor: Krit can expend life-energy for rapid regeneration. Minor wounds such as cuts, bruises, sprains, etc. can be healed in a matter of minutes and uses minimal life-energy. Major wounds can take hours or even days to heal. A severed arm could possibly take days to regenerate. Krit would also require a lot of his life-energy and concentration, which makes it difficult to do during combat. *Cannot be augmented*
+ A B I L I T Y + Krit has the ability to absorb the life-energy of the dead or dying and convert it into a multitude of different energies for a variety of effects.
•Enhancement Augmentation: Krit can expend life energy to boost his enhancements to a supernatural level. The higher he boosts his enhancements and multiple enhancements being boosted would be much more taxing
•Soul Sense: Krit is capable of using his life-energy to create an aura, normally a 75ft radius, which can detect any life-energy inside of it. It can expand to a much wider range, but requires more concentration and life-energy. He can also "record" life-energy he has encountered before and pick out it's specific signature.
•Dead Bullet: A technique exclusive to his weapon, Krit is able to convert his life-energy into ammunition for his dual-pistols. These little balls of destructive energy are meant to be more effective against gods and fiends, than your average ammunition.
Dead Cannon:This is a finishing move and, currently, cannot be used more than 1 time without Krit suffering major repercussions. Krit turns his pistols sideways, in front of him, touching barrels. He then proceeds to channel his life-energy through both pistols and charges up a rather large death ball. The process takes 2 minutes to charge to max energy, which leaves Krit quite vulnerable. This makes the technique hard to use without the proper conditions. Once Death Cannon is fully charged, he fires a large beam of destructive energy. The beams current max distance is at 250 meters.
•Hex Gunblade: Krit channels his life-energy to create necroplasm blades, underneath the muzzle of his pistols. Each successful attack with the blades will drain a small portion of the targets life-energy.
+ W E A P O N S + Soul Marauders (Appearance with Hex Gunblade applied)
+ O T H E R + •Krit will often times use the Tarot card XIII (Death) as his personal business card. Advertising himself as Death itself. Should an enemy find one of these cards, it's usually a warning, from Krit, that Death is coming
@Ashevelendar Do you mean that they would be twins? Because that would be fine by me, you would need to take it up with @HaltingBlooper though. Otherwise, it wouldn't make too much sense if they were "made" at different times.
@dragonmancer That's essentially where I was thinking you would go with the power, so that should be fine. I don't have exact end game power levels plotted out quite yet, but it'll become clearer once the RP starts.
@Sarcelle Renard Not really twins ( or at least that was not my original idea ). If they have the same mother and the same male donor wouldn't that make them brothers (sisters etc) ?
@dragonmancerI'll place my two pennies on the second one
@HaltingBlooper Haha trust that CS would gave looked totally different if I didn't remember tarot cards. 13 is death, that's his number, decides to play around that xD
Krit looks like an awesome character :D Sadly, he's probably going to be one of the shadiest looking AGs, and Ai is going to try and shelter Yuu from him as much as possible. He'd be a bad influence...
I also love how he's named after the one thing I despise more than white chocolate: Critical Hits. Also known as "crits".
That endgame form looks menacing. Im guessing he's going to gain some kind of "kill-aura" at some point or some demonic-kind of abilities later in the RP. I cant wait :)
@dragonmancer First one looks like a (not so) cudly dragon uncle.
The second would probably burn the shit out of me- and everything else in a 20 mile radius.
Endgame Mina (Since Ai and Yuu's powers are going to cap at A-S rank) will be pretty lit, imo.
For a peak at two of her final abilities, The Seven Ways of Heaven, here's some visuals... pending for change :P
If you can't tell, it's the lasers, not the dodging. Though, she will get really good at the latter as well :D
Impressive, not as cool as turning into a dragon tho :p
on a side note, I've already started to plan some other upgrades Jake will get along the adventure, such as shooting a bolt of animate, dragon-shaped lightning.