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When the hell was this here?


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End my suffering.


Even with those Defense Curls and those blows looked like they were dealing some heavy damage! Aria's HP stat is very high, but it can only hold out for so long against a bruiser like that Hawlucha. If this keeps up she's was going to kept bouncing around like a balloon with every hit.

Wait a minute... Balloon?

"Aria, deflate to dodge and follow up with Disarming Voice!" What Basil ordered her to do was to forcibly force out the air in her body so that she could propel herself in the air away from the Hawlucha as to avoid the incoming attack and maintain distance so that he could whittle away at it with fairy type attacks.

"Well someone's hungry." He said in response to Akemi's audible hunger pangs. The mixture of various delicious scents of food must have stimulated her appetite considering her strict diet. Her eyes certainly honed on to one of the stalls they were passing by, a dumpling stall with an assortment of dumplings with various different fillings. It definitely wasn't hard to see what her attention was affixed to; she was quite dead set on those colorful confectionaries. Zenith nodded at her with a soft smile and held two fingers up to the shop keep."One serving of dango for the little miss and a steamed pork bun for me"

The vendor was a middle aged man, sorta burly, but also had a beer gut. This was the kind of guy that wore a stained apron and sweat stained headband that held back his salt and pepper hair. "Dango for the young missy and pork bun for the older miss" Zen blinked in response.

Well, they were walking around again with their treats after Zen paid for them both no matter if Akemi protested or not. He was more fixated on the fact that he was mistaken for a woman again. Sure, he was used to it and it wasn't exactly an insult, but he was in his regular attire for god's sake! He sighed and took a bit into the bun when he noticed that there was a crowd forming around something."It's probably a street performer. Let's check it out!" Zenith grabbed Akemi's hand so he wouldn't lose her and pushed through the crowd to get a better view on what was going on. It certainly was performance, a performance of two mages being complete dumbasses!

He let go of Akemi's hand and stepped in between of the two mages, holding his hands out to signal them to stop with their nonsensical fight. "Hold on, hold on! There's no need to fight. Now let's settle down before someone decides to call the Rune Knights." Zenith glanced at the boy with a bleeding nose and then to the obvious suspect that was Tone. "Tone, what happened? You don't normally strike at those who are weaker than you."
It has begun


Oh no, he knew that the Hawlucha was fast, but he did not think that it would be running around Aria in circles and dodge her attack with absolute ease. This was bad, this was real bad... And then the Hawlucha accidentally broke the pole it was bouncing from and hit the floor with relatively loud slam.

That...that was just unfortunate.

Still, this was a moment of opportunity! Basil had ordered Aria to use Defense Curl for the full three turns to boost her defense as much as possible. Now Aria could probably eat one non-critical hit, but he was not done yet.

"Aria, Play Nice and follow up with Disarming Voice!"

He was actually caught off guard with her wanting to invite Ria along for their little bit quality time, mainly because Zen thought that Akemi would have been to fixated on all the places they could go to considering this is her first real festival. With that being said, Ria had seemed to be a little off ever since she came back from her job from Era. Knowing her, she was probably already exhausted after the beating she took and still refused to rest. One of these days he's gonna wrap her in a blanket like a burrito and make sure that she gets a full week of rest or so help him.

Well, at least Akemi was still the kind, considerate girl from when he left home a year ago. Zen smiled and ruffled Akemi's hair again. "You're a good kid, Mimi. If we see her while we're out, we'll invite her."

And there she was again with words that came out of her mouth at a mile a minute. At this rate they will just spend the entire day talking about what they could do rather than actually doing anyway. "How about we decide what else we'll while we head to the garden? Let's get a move on!" He motioned her to follow him away from her barstool and to head outside so they can finally do something.


Man, having Lupin out was definitely a great idea! Lupin did not leave any pile of trash, leave, and old furniture unturned and what he brought back was pretty useful. He even found a TM for Charge Beam, which was a pretty good to find lying around in the dust and clutter of an abandoned building.

Basil looked at Lupin and then the TM, flipping it around in his hand as he inspected it in puzzlement. How exactly do Pokemon learn moves from TMs? Eh, he'll ask a Nurse Joy or Lorette when he sees her again.

The two of them began their search for Pokemon that can exclusively be found residing in the buildings and well, there wasn't much luck there. There were the Budews that reminded him of Aster and Cyril and many Pokemon from outside have made their nests in crooks and crannies that were definitely not meant to be inhabited. Basil did catch glimpses of the Dedenne scurrying about, trying to stay out of sight though there were some peeking at him with curiosity

Then they found an odd room with exercise equipment and what he could only guess to be a ring of some sort in the middle of the room. There were any number of sports memorabilia plastered haphazardly on the wall. Upon closer inspection, the ring was made out of worn rope and vegetation from the forest nearby. "The heck?" He muttered to himself, but his attention was brought to a Pidove with a spotlight on it. The little bird acted as if it was announcer for some big time event and there were Dedenne cheering in the makeshift stands. Did...did he just stumble upon a fight club? Was this a fight club for wild Pokemon?

As if this was completely rehearsed, the spotlight shone on the door and it slammed open with some caped figure standing on the other side before it put on an acrobatic display. It was fast, real fast, but its dexterity and nimbleness was also a sight to behold. The Pokemon was stanced up and if there was thing that Basil was certain of it was that it wanted a fight.

Lupin glowered at the mucho macho Pokemon. "Snease snease!" What a blowhard!

Meanwhile Basil was more curious than anything else. "Hawlucha?" That really was one showy Pokemon. Basil grabbed his Pokedex and looked for its entry.

Pokédex Entry #701 – Hawlucha, the Wrestling Pokémon. Although its body is small, its proficient fighting skills enable it to keep up with big bruisers like Machamp and Hariyama. With its wings, it controls its position in the air. It likes to attack from above, a maneuver that is difficult to defend against.

So judging by the Pokedex entry it was a fighting/flying type? If that was the case then Hawlucha hard countered almost his entire team then! Lancer and Crocus would get blown away by a flying type attack and Lupin was quad weak to fighting type moves so he was not an option either... Speaking of which.

"Oh no you don't!" Basil grabbed Lupin's Pokeball and with a beam of red light, retrieved him before the cocky little Sneasel could recklessly jump into the ring.

He stepped up to the ring with a Pokeball in hand. This was a challenge and he certainly was not going to be one to back down. "Don't underestimate me."

Okay, so his only options then were Cecil and Aria. Cecil had the attack power and modest physical defense for eating hits, but if the entry was true and it prefers to attack from the air then she would be in a world of trouble. Aria was literally a balloon, but when he checked her move set there were buffs, debuffs, and status moves along with Disarming Voice.

He weighed his options and there really was only one choice to make.

"Take the stage, Aria!" Basil tossed out a Pokeball and with a flash of white light the Jigglypuff he had just caught has now made her debut.

"Jiggly!" She puffed up and glared at the Hawlucha who was hogging the spotlight.

So the strategy for this was simple; Basil would order Aria to use Sing on the Hawlucha and if it worked then he would have her use Defense Curl as many times as she could just so when it wakes up, she would be able to fight without getting absolutely one shot by this beast of a bird.

Well she was still blunt as ever. It's not like he could blame her though; a week long festival to celebrate a birthday was pretty excessive, but then again, most people weren't princes. "That's royalty for you. They always make a big spectacle out of everything." Not that it matters to him why there is a festival to begin with. It's been quite a while since Zenith had spent time with Akemi so it was the perfect opportunity for them to reconnect.

It's been so long that he had seen her so excited, not that most people would be able to tell anyway. Akemi never really had the opportunity to go to these kind of events. This kind of freedom was completely new to her, something that she had desperately needed if she were to mature and become the mage that she could be. Well, one step at a time.

"Eh, I'm pretty sure Ria is busy and uh..." His face scrunched up at thought of Kaden. "He's off watching a kid get his teeth kicked in. Maybe next time?" Typically the phrase 'the more the merrier,' would have been a sentiment that Zenith would have agreed with, except for the case of inviting Kaden. He'd rather scrub himself with a sponge of sandpaper than deal with that simple minded twat for more than two minutes.

"Anyway, I'm pretty sure it's standard festival stuff: food and trinket stalls, games, live entertainment. Oh, the royal gardens are open too if you're interested."


There was totally nothing nerve wracking about walking up a flight of unlit stairs in an abandoned building. It was totally fine that he went up with no possible clue that something could have been watching him the entire time, waiting for the chance for him to let his guard down. The thought of being stalked by something or someone was totally a comforting thought.

By the time Basil had reached the roof, his legs shook like jello and was just about ready to fall onto his back. Stairs, not even once.

"Heck of a view." He muttered to himself as he approached the edge of the roof. It was almost immediate that Basil saw something stick out like a sore thumb on the south side of the route. Could it be...? "Let's check it out, but first..."

Basil had already made the effort to scale the building so while he was already there, he had two things he wanted to do: one was he wanted to look around the building and see if there any items that he could scavenge that may be of use to him. He also wanted to see if he could find any hints of any Pokemon living in the building that he would not find out normally. To aid him with this, Basil tossed Lupin's Pokeball and out came the Sneasel. Since this was a Pokemon that used the cover of night to shroud itself, perhaps it would be able to aid him in exploring the darker parts of the abandoned building.


Oh dear god he had never walked more in one day than he had in his entire life. Sure he wasn't the most active person in the world with his spindly legs and all, but he thought all the times he snuck out and ventured through Worldedge would at least give him some more stamina! When this adventure is over he is going to have some seriously toned legs. At least this trek through the wood was thankfully not fraught with peril unless someone counted the flabebe and shroomish going about their lives and staring at the visitor walking through their woods.

It was not long until he found himself shielding his eyes from the sudden bit of sun cracking through the sky. Basil had spent long enough in those dark, rainy woods that he had almost forgotten what the sun looked like. Considering that this place wasn't engulfed in rain, he assumed that this place was Route 11. Actually, he had heard of this route before mainly because it leads to Route 12, the that route breaks off to many major cities, and for its numerous vacant buildings. "What a waste." The homes of Pokemon were torn down for these buildings and now they aren't even in use. Perhaps nature was beginning to reclaim what had been lost.

Okay, so where to begin his search? There were any number of side roads that lead to god knows where so unless he wanted to spend his time using the process of elimination by going down each path, he was at a bit of a loss where to even start. It's not like he could ask a random passing person if they knew anything about a lost shrine because if any layman could provide clear cut instructions of where it was then it would not be exactly 'lost.' Lorette really didn't give him much to work with did she? What exactly did he need to find on Route 11 in order to find the Shrine?

Perhaps he needed to get a better view of the route to find whatever he's looking for. There were plenty of buildings so if he went on the roof of the tallest building then he would definitely have a wider field of view. With that idea in mind Basil searched for the tallest building in the area and if there was nothing stopping him, enter it.
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