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10 yrs ago
When the hell was this here?


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"Whoa," was all Basil said in awe of the two dragons that clashed, standing among their pre-evolved forms. How many people in Isson could say they witnessed two wild dragons duking it out over some territory? It was an amazing sight and just this alone would have made a visit to the island worth it under other circumstances, but that was not what he was there for. Still, he took a photo with his Pokedex of the duel for drawing reference later and maybe make it the background of his Pokedex if it had that function.

Eventually he did pull himself away from the dragon-on-dragon turf war and began to walk around the cave again. "Alright Basil stay fo- Whoa!" Basil side stepped out of the way of some low flying Druddigon. "Forget staying focused. Just don't lose your head."

He glanced around as he walked along the cave. Those walls were really covered in gash and claw marks. Again, Basil took pictures though it was the walls. Maybe the professor would have appreciated photographic data of Pokemon behavior? Or he was just wasting space on the Pokedex? Anyway, there was something quite off that Basil noticed when he walked around the cave; all the other tunnels had Pokemon going in and out, except one. They made an active effort of staying as far as possible.

Basil commented to himself, "Weird." His curiosity was simply too strong, despite logic dictating that this was a bad idea. Basil made his way over to the tunnel but was stopped by an Axew. Fear filled its bulbous eyes as it tried to steer him away from whatever was inside. What in the world could be so scary that other dragons are afraid? The young noble thought to himself. He peeked past the corner and well, he found a mother alright. Basil held up his Pokedex and found the entry of the three headed goliath that relaxed in the cavern.

Pokédex Entry #635 – Hydreigon, the Brutal Pokémon. Only the middle head has a brain, but it eats and attacks using all three. It is highly intelligent, yet highly prone to violence. It sees anything that moves as an opponent and attacks, so the solution to surviving a wild encounter is staying very still. People of the past thought of it as evil incarnate

A shiver ran down his spine. He stared at the device's entry silently before he chuckled dryly, "I must be losing my mind. I'm actually considering it." Basil knew that it wasn't foolhardy, it was downright suicidal. The smart thing would have been to walk away, find a different dragon mother, or just leave the island. Every fiber in his being screamed at him to make the smart decision

He smiled and knelt down to pat the Axew on the head gently, if it allowed it. "I appreciate the concern, but I can't turn back. You see, if I walk away then I just prove myself right that I am a coward. Maybe I still am, but I refuse to be ruled by my hesitations. Hesitation is death." He straightened up and looked dead ahead with an icy gaze. "Besides, what's waiting at home scares me more than this thing ever could."

Basil briefly looked down to see if the Axew was going to follow him or not. It probably wasn't because it probably had a better sense of self-preservation than him. Regardless, he would proceed to enter the tunnel. "Hesitation is death," Basil reiterated under his breath. The moment he stepped in the Hydreigon's lair, he most definitely alerted it to his presence.

He would walk as far as the creature would allow him to and looked it directly in the eyes, never taking his attention away from it for a moment. "Hydreigon, I've come to speak to you," said Basil cooly and with conviction. It was all he had. There wasn't a plan. There were no bardic tones or contest of battle prowess. This was just a talk between him and the Brutal Pokemon.

Also, Punished GN being the goat.

Isaiha looked at his phone to find that there was still no new message. She would not have felt hurt by this, would she? Surely, she laughed until she her sides split. He didn't do anything wrong, right? Then why did it feel like he messed up? He stared at his phone awaiting a message from Kaori with a weird intensity until he shoved it back into his pocket. "Why am I getting so worked up over that gremlin?" Isaiha asked himself with suspiciously warm cheeks.

Cinder though stared at his trainer for being the dumbass that he truly was. This trainer was one of the most intelligent people in the region, personally selected by one of the most prestigious university programs in the world, an incredibly competent trainer, and yet somehow the Chimchar watched Isaiha make the greatest fumble that it in its admittedly short life.

The fire ape looked both disappointed and disgusted by the sheer cowardice of Isaiha. "Chim, chim char. Chim chim!" Chastised a very annoyed Cinder.

With hot cheeks Isaiha protested, "I did not wuss out!" He glared at the Chimchar who in turn returned a gaze of absolutely being sick of Isaiha's shit. Isaiha sighed heavily and ruffled his Chimchar's tuft of fur on its head. "We're just friends, that's it. There's no need to make it any more awkward." He smiled softly at the Chimchar as if this was a fact to be accepted and yet, it felt like there was a hand that gripped his shoulder tightly, an anxiety that lurked behind him.

It whispered ever so intrusively in his ear, "Besides, why should she want a loser who ran away from everything?"

Isaiha shook his head as if to shake the unwelcomed thoughts and continued on his way to the main hall. Eventually he would find himself in the main building of the campus. Technically he had no reason to be there yet; his first class would not start for a little bit, but he wanted to get there early enough to be able to make a good impression on the lecturer. Well, it was to be expected to be there on time, but it was still worth the try!

He walked around looking for the lab or lecture hall that he would need to find for class until he saw two familiar figures down the hall: the ever-messy looking Jason Yew with an uncharacteristically clean lab coat talking to some shortie in a trucker hat. Wait...

Oh shit. That was Kaori.

This was way too awkward for Isaiha. He did not even know what to say to her. What could he even say to her? Yeah, no, he was just going to walk away and hide at school cafeteria until it was time for class. Well, that was what he was going to do, except Cinder instantly leapt off his shoulder and Kaori would soon feel the weight of the Chimchar crawling up from her leg to her shoulder.

"Chim!" It greeted quite happily before shooting a mischievous look at Isaiha.

"Et tu Cinder," thought Isaiha before he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Alola Jason, Riri." God he just wanted to hide.

Meanwhile, Cinder would eventually climb down her and approach Kaori's Pokemon. "Chim, chim chim char?" Roughly translated it went like this, "So, was your trainer a blushing idiot too or was it just mine?"

Bruh, Isaiha is going to make him earn that right to use surfer lingo. I hope Tofu doesn't sink because he's gonna need a board soon.

Thanks, and yeah, them having some shared classes makes sense and I can definitely see them getting along since they are both extroverted, energetic things. It takes a lot to make me uncomfortable so double down all you like though thanks for being considerate.
<Snipped quote by Remram>

Open to interpretation :D

I interpret it to be an amusing one. For us at least.

Makes sense. They'd probably be neutral leaning to positive though that seems to be a bit clearer cut than his relationship with Ginko

Ramos had a pleased smile when Tristan accepted the offer. "Good, good. You catch on quick." The old gardener turned his head towards Louis who definitely did notice the look that Tristan gave the esteemed gentleman. "Louis, would you kindly ref our match?"

"Are you for real? We only have a day left before the guest arrives and you-?" The finely dressed man looked like he was about to go on a tirade though realization came upon his face quickly that this was not going to be negotiable followed by bitter acceptance. With a click of his tongue Louis said, "Fine, I'll do it. The sooner we finish this the sooner we can get back to work." He clapped his hands together loudly and in a pavlovian response the workers stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to their boss who announced "Everyone, take a twenty-minute break."

There was a collective audible sigh of relief from the workers. Yeah, they were definitely a little stressed. Just a tad. Anyway!

Ramos turned to Tristan and said, "Okay, Tristan. Since this is just a test, this will be a three versus three battle. Don't worry, I'm going to only use a few sprouts that I brought along. Are you ready?"

What does Tristan do?

(GM Note: If you feel that you aren't ready, you can challenge Ramos another time.)


Yes, Jason looked at internet forums and Not Discord for answers about strange holes in the sky. Next time, let the GM roll for knowledge.


"Yes, they were. They were Pokemon from another time and place far beyond the reaches of this world. What you fought earlier was a manifestation of a time long past though for simplicity's sake we can call an Echo. I drew upon that time and gave it shape and intention to act as a guardian for my shrines," explained Celebi. It looked concerned"Truthfully speaking, I hope that Night Touched's claim is only that, but I can't even begin to investigate without your help."

Helga gritted her teeth and shouted out at the deity, "And I said that he shouldn't get involved! You know better!" The Houndstone by her side barked in agreement with its partner.

"And you should've known better than to bring him here. I didn't expect you to be so reckless," chastised Celebi, earning the burning gaze of Helga.

The giantess stomped up towards Celebi and angrily jabbed a finger in its chest. "You and I both know that nothing would've happened to him. You don't kill. That's why you have me." She hissed venomously between her teeth while her Houndstone growled with a deep and gravelly voice. It looked like it was ready to pounce though Celebi remained unphased by this woman towering behemoth of a woman or her dog.

Celebi asked not angrily, but curiously, "Why did you bring him here?"

Helga glanced back to Jason before she focused on Celebi. "He needed to be humbled. I would've told him that it was all just a dream, maybe a warning. Anything to get him to stop and think about his actions," said Helga dourly. She looked weirdly tired as if this was not exactly the first time she had dealt with someone like Jason and perhaps he may not be the last. "The kid walks face first into danger because he's young and naive enough to think that he can just tough his way through it with pure determination and selfish and stupid enough to think his consequences are his own. Maybe he can brute force it for a little bit, but there's always a reckoning. We all pay a price, but it is never ours alone. It's a ripple and that ripple turns into a wave that swallows and drags everything else down with it. Hell, we're all standing here today because of the sins of men three thousand years ago."

There was a silence that hung in the air because Celebit knew exactly what she was talking about, Jason could see it on its face. It focused on Jason and asked, "What is it that you want to do?"

Well? What does he want to do?
Oh yeah, I guess I should figure out Isaiha's relationship towards those who aren't first years.
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