Avatar of Remram


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9 yrs ago
Current -Insert bs here-
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10 yrs ago
When the hell was this here?


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This will not end well.
The streets were a party, people flooded the streets like a dam that broke way. Hopefuls that dared to hope to get into the Magic Knights walked around with equal parts of fear and trepidation. Stalls lined up for as far as the eye could see, some filled with snake oil salesman, some that offered trinkets and other doodads, and then there was, well, the questionable. The latter would be where one of those hopeful Magic Knights would be, narrowing his sharp, cat-like yellow eyes cautiously before he looked back to the heavy-set vendor.

"And that would be...?" He asked hesitantly, pointing at a glass case filled with numerous and oddly shaped fried food heated by what was probably some magical device.

"Fried pie on a stick." The man responded gruffly.

Ludo's eyes scanned the glass case before he pointed to a strange oblong object that looked like it naturally had a handle but had a stick coming out of the other end. "And that?"

"Fried turkey leg on a stick." Because yeah, a turkey needed to have a stick in order for it to be eaten.

"Does it really all need to be fried... or on a stick?" Ludo asked, not exactly what kind of road that led a man down to deep fry slices of pie and turkey on a stick, but it must've been horrifying.

The stall owner glared at his very inquisitive customer and said quite frustratedly, "Look kid, it's what I do. Scram if you aren't gonna buy something. You're scaring away my business." There was positively, absolutely, not other customer waiting behind Ludo nor was there ever one before him. Ludo was his first customer of the day and probably will be the only customer of the day unless someone as morbidly curious as the aspiring Magic Knight was. Eventually though he ordered the two items in question and just left this strange, strange stall of fried foods on a stick.

Ludo hung around, munching on a piece of deep-fried pie on a stick. His eyes scanned the surrounding area, watching and waiting. He had been told to go ahead of his master and arrive. It was to prevent themselves from being noticed too much since it would have been a strange sight for a royal to share a carriage with a commoner such as himself. After all, he certainly dressed the part with his white collared shirt sloppily half tucked, his black jacket slung over his shoulder, navy blue pants held up by a loose black belt, and black boots that needed some serious polishing. Well, that's how he was told to dress. Under any circumstance he'd have to be spick and span for that master of his. Just the very thought of him made Ludo's face sour in disgust, or maybe that was the fried pie.

"You know, most people smile at festivities." A very familiar voice called out to him that only made his skin crawl. He turned and saw a very well-dressed young man with long icy blue hair and golden eyes, smiling ever so charmingly at Ludo. Ludo on the other hand wanted nothing more than to smash that damned smile deep into his skull. However, the only thing he could do was politely bow towards him.

"Greetings, young master," he said with a bow and as much courtesy and professionalism that he could muster. It never got easier doing this every single day for over a year, to bow to a man that was so damn disgusting. The very thought that his freedom was being held in his hands made his stomach churn and that certainly was not because of the questionable food he just ate.

The young royal laughed so light heartedly and waved his hand to dismiss the stuffy greet. "Oh, drop the formalities Ludo. We're friends, you can call me by my name," he said as if he was ever good natured about forgetting his status for the sake of friendship.

Ludo held back his glare as much as he could, but he wasn't sure if he succeeded. All he knew that the young master had an amused expression. Ludo sighed and said, "My apologies, Isvelt. Force of habit. I have not forgotten." Right, the plan. They were to pretend to be friends to hide Ludo's unsavory connection to their family, some cliche about being childhood friends since his father was an employee for his family, and more of that sort of nonsense.

Isvelt arched his brow when he realized that Ludo was holding something, "By the way, what are you eating?"

"Fried pie and fried turkey leg on a stick," he replied completely deadpanned and took a big hulking bite out of the fried turkey leg. Isvelt looked completely disgusted, as if he was watching an uncivilized creature rip a piece of meat off the carcass of a dead animal and shoved the entire piece in its mouth. Ludo, however, was unfazed. "I'm not sharing."

"I never asked!" Isvelt said exasperatedly. "Look, let's get registered."

For the first time since he knew him, Ludo actually could agree with him on something. The lines were long, and the wait was ever boring, but at least he had something to snack on and some mild entertainment in watching Isvelt's horror. Other than that, there was nothing else of note or to be more accurate, Ludo just wasn't paying much attention to much else except for the slow pace of the line.

Eventually he heard some faceless, unimportant official call his name. "Ludo Liszt! You're 209!" He received a wooden badge and pinned it to his jacket. He was hanging around some part around the coliseum with Isvelt.

"And now we wait." Once again, Ludo was stuck with Isvelt. "You know, I have to ask. What squad do you want to be accepted by?"

Ludo narrowed his eyes at the royal before exhaling a puff of air. "Why should I tell you. You're just going to give me shit for it," he said with the bluntness of a club to the head.

"If you think if I'm going to give you shit for it, then you're aiming high. So, what is it? Crimson Lion? Silver Eagle? Golden Dawn?" Involuntarily, Ludo twitched when Golden Dawn was brought up. "Oh, I think I have a better idea now." Isvelt wrapped his arm around Ludo's shoulder and whispered in his ear, "Don't dream big. Just be a good boy and become a Magic Knight like father said. You wouldn't want anything to happen to your dad, would you?"

There was murder in Ludo's eyes. The only reason he had not tried to rip Isvelt's arm off his shoulder and then rip it off Isvelt's own body was the self-control to keep him from ruining everything. "Get your god damn arm off me or so help me I will-"

"You'll what?" Isvelt interjected, his supposedly friendly expression suddenly turned colder than ice. Those were the eyes that saw Ludo as something even less than a mongrel, a creature that deserved to be taught a lesson and needed one as to not bite his master.

Ludo's eyes averted away from the royal's; his teeth gritted in frustration. Nothing, I will do nothing."

"That's what I thought. You really overreacted to just some casual rib-" With no warning, he got knocked face first to the ground from behind. His face absolutely ate shit against the stone floor. Isvelt gasped for air as he forced himself up to see the one responsible walk away, a massive unit with orange hair and freckles. "Hey, get him back here! I demand retribution!"

"You can't fight your own battles?" Ludo asked with a mocking grin on his face before he rolled his eyes at the pathetic sight before him. There was no getting out of this one. Ludo turned around and with lungs full of air he shouted, Hey you, red rocket. Yeah, I'm talking to you! Get back here and apologize!

I'll try to get a post out tonight.

Oh god, if he sounded like this I would actually mercy kill him myself.
I wish I understood the reference and he'd definitely could pull the dress off.

I'm sorry, this was the first thing I thought of.

Camilla: See something you like?

Ludo: Honey, the only thing I see is backpain.

Whenever you feel is most convenient for you.


For some reason, he felt like the universe was compelling him to plan this berry. Don't know why, just a hunch. Either that or it was the intensity of Heather's desire to see what the mystery berry would grow into. She was definitely more into producing rare berries than actually finding out what it was, but he couldn't exactly disagree. He just wasn't sure if the berry would turn into a world tree or just do nothing. However, he relented and said, "Well, I guess we have nothing to lose. Alright, I'll do it." He tried to say it with conviction, but he was definitely more nervous about what would actually happen.

"I'll take an Amaze Mulch without the surprise effect. I've never gardened before though. Do you have any guidance?" Yeah, being a noble never really gave him a chance to actually get his hands actually get dirty. They had people for that.

Stella called out, but there was no response. Her voice echoed through the rotting manor; her steps loudly rung out against the wooden flooring. It definitely would have felt weird to just call out to an empty space, but considering who she was actually speaking to then maybe it wasn't? Or maybe it was even weirder since, well, she was talking to what she assumed to be a ghost, or whatever was haunting this house.

Now, this was the first time that Stella had a chance to actually look around the house. Before, she followed Mr. Osman through and had no chance to explore, but now that there was no one particularly there to stop her from snooping around if she so chose to, or not. It would've been fair if she had the Heeby jeebies being all by herself in a haunted house and not being able to electrocute a ghost to unconsciousness like she had done so to that graverobber the night before. That and Spoops would've felt agitated; he felt like that there was something watching them, but to reiterate again, they were alone in that space.

She was free to leave, but if she did then there was a chance of not getting the reward that she was promised. Then again, she found Spoops so maybe the real award was the friends that she made along the way? That and the charred electrocuted body of a criminal. If she does stay however, what exactly investigate first? There were many things such as old furniture that smelled mustier than an old folks' home, photographs, paintings, pottery, and so on along with the actual peeling paint on the walls and the floorboards that squeaked beneath her feet. That and the other rooms of the house.

Well, what would she do?


There was a sign of relief when Jason told her about Helga. "I see. I'm glad that she's doing okay. It's just been years since..." She cut herself off, realizing exactly what she was about to say and knew that she had to stop. "Right, you're not from around here. You wouldn't know what happened. It really isn't my place to say." Jacquelyn was definitely a bit shifty on the subject on Helga, but perhaps she could be swayed if Jason asked.

However, there was soon a spark of hope in her eyes when Jason told her that there may have been more locations. "If you do find them, then report back to me. I'll reward you in whatever way I can." If she had any sense of distrust in her body, she would have found him suspicious considering he said that he had not found him much in the shrine before, but now found something that led him to two different locations. However, she had the trust of puppy and rather than press him on this information, she gladly just accepted it completely on face value. Again, for shame Jason, for shame. The narrator was totally not just giving him shit.

What does he do?

@Sanguine Rose

Rosa gave an amused chuckle and said, "Well, he's a bit of a twig. He looks like he doesn't eat enough. I swear, I thought my mother was going to have to shove his dinner down his mouth." Memories of last night dinner of her mother less asking him to eat more and more she kept piling his plate with more and more food without taking a single no for an answer. It must've been a traumatic experience for him. Anyway!

"Yeah, I'm kinda done with rotting buildings," Rosa said with a shrug. She watched Faye pull out her buzzing Pokedex, wondering if speaking of the devil actually summoned him, but apparently not. "Huh, you know, I forgot that all of our numbers were shared among us." Under any circumstance, it would have been creepy to suddenly get a text from somebody that they didn't know to meet up. Then again, if anyone was creepy, they'd have to answer to either Professor Kapoc or Adrianne.

Anyway, she arched her brow at the strange wording Faye had when regarding to traveling with Tristan. "Responsible? It's not like you have to travel with him. Did you make a blood pact with him or something?" Rosa asked, not knowing what exactly Faye actually had planned out with the rich boy. "Sure, let's go, but you better explain to me what you meant by that."

For the actual first time, Faye finally decided to actually look around town. They would walk along the cobblestone streets and pass by the many cafes and street musicians who were bouncing ideas from one another as they played. Flowers were everywhere at every turn, planted in any pot, any plot of earth, and so on. It was quaint little town with an array of color at every turn. Eventually, the sound of music would begin to die down as they approached an area surrounded by a black wrought iron fence with an arch that acted as entrance. Walking through...

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