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When the hell was this here?


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Oh, one more thing. I realized that I forgot to give Brom a cutting board. Can I just slide that in his inventory?
Looks like slime is back on the menu boys!

Genuine question, would Brom know if slimes corrode metal through his various adventures and being a guy that cooks things he probably shouldn't cook?
I was giving Zeroth a chance to post, but I'll get something up soonish.

Edit: Did sprain my wrist so that's why things have been slow on my end by the way.
I'll throw something up soon.
Seems fun. I am definitely interested.

So, uh, how acidic is 'mildly acidic?' Enough to ruin a cast iron pot?
--- Springwood Forest Outskirts ---

Late Morning / Early Midday

Brom turned his head towards the sound of wood clunking together as it was heaved over and was greeted by the flushed cheeks of Akigatsu who had been working up a sweat collecting wood while Brom and Myrr were being idle. It was certainly quite a load too, but the blacksmith was correct in his observation that this amount of fire wood would certainly not last the night. Not only were they going to need firewood to keep warm, but they would need it for chores, cooking, and even just light so they can see their surroundings at night to keep watch for monsters.

The dwarf gave him an apologetic smile for not helping as much as he should. "Of course, that would be fair. Also, again, just Brom is fine." It seemed like the blacksmith was certainly set on calling him sir even though by all accounts, he certainly was not a knight of the kingdom. By comparison, Akigatsu seemed much more knightly than he himself could hope to be with his polite manner of speech and rather noble countenance that betrayed his chosen profession.

"We're probably going to need to go a bit deeper if we want more wood and find more food. While we are back in town we can borrow some tools to make it easier on ourselves." Brom thought about the tools that the carpenter back in town must've had and he was quite a jolly fellow so perhaps he would not be against them borrowing. Still, it did not sit right with him to borrow someone else's tools; they were extensions of themselves so they must be treated with the utmost care. However, given the situation it could not be helped.

Whether or not they moved back to the village, Brom would ask his two companions, "So, just for future reference do you two have any favorite foods or foods you dislike?" Given Akigatsu's manner of dress, Brom could infer that he hailed from the eastern countries. He had very limited experience with working with eastern ingredients and the ones he did manage to procure were always expensive, especially the spices.
Sorry, a lot has been happening. Maybe I can get something up quickly.


They were supposed to be adventures? Basil's brow furrowed as he stewed over the thought for a second before a quick breath of air escaped. He chuckled and said, "You know, I didn't really think of it that way, but I suppose we're both having an adventure." They were called journeys for a reason and they certainly were on one. It was nice to hear about how other trainers' journeys though there was also a point where he did not wish to use their experience for his own gain, such as Earl's offer to divulge information on the gym leader.

"I appreciate the offer I'd rather figure it out myself. It doesn't feel fair otherwise, but thanks though." As much as he understood that any intel could be used to help him on his journey, this was one of those moments where he had to refuse. Perhaps it was a poorly placed sense of pride or some other reason, but when it came to challenges like this then he wanted to conquer them through his own effort and ingenuity, not because he had information prior.

However,there was something they could do together; Basil's eyes glanced back at the shopkeeper and then turned back to Earl with a smile. "How about we do a good deed?" He said before he turned his attention back to the shopkeeper. In an attempt to snap her back to reality, Basil waved his hand and said,"Hello, miss?"

Once Basil got her attention, he said, "You see, I have a lot of berries to spare, more than I know what to do with, if you want to experiment to get some better tasting concoctions. If you can whip something up, we can advertise to get you more customers."
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