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2 yrs ago
Current i dont recommend getting a pinched nerve, especially in your leg
6 yrs ago
Just a few more hours and i get to dissappear for 10 days. The place we are going has some wonderful views.
7 yrs ago
wow talk about nostalgia. Things to do while your bored, look up "the cluefinders."
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
what? its already been a year here? *looks around* well other than loseing a bunch of wieght not much has changed.
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Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.

Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.

Most Recent Posts

Grikgar /Grik/ Seeker

// Unggoy Ultra // Demolitions and Artillery // Location: Planets Surface

Grikgar loaded onto the pelican with the others and watched as the rest of his gear was taken to the mammoth. The rest of the team seemed tense and quiet, at least the same could be said about the former covenant when they were about to drop into combat. The Unggoy was sure he would find many more similarities before his time was finished with the humans. The seats of the pelican were still just as uncomfortable and his straps didn’t work to well with his tank. So he opted to stand within arm’s reach of a seat and behind the Lekgolo as the pelican left the human warship.

The rocky decent down towards the surface was actually calming to him. It had been a little while since he was on a combat drop and it was a welcome change no matter who he was flying with. He was going over the mission plan again in his head when an alert pulled him back to reality. Apparently the ancient’s constructs did not like the human ships just flying around their space. Hearing what was happening, the Unggoy dug his claws into the floor the best he could while holding onto the leg of the Lekgolo and the chair straps then braced. He felt the pelican take the hit, the steep incline and speed of the drop, then the shaking and rumbling of a crash landing.

He didn’t fall or lose his footing, the others around Grikgar seemed ok as well. Performing a quick equipment check and finding everything to be in order. The rest of the team where stacking up and giving out the last bits of advice on their adversary’s. The Lekgolo spoke up about going out and drawing fire, a job normally meant for him in any other circumstance. Grikgar would not let it go out alone. Drawing his dual plasma pistols he stacked up behind the hunter and waited for it to push out, “Grik is right behind you.”
Victor Astorio

“Behind you now are paths laid bare where nothing but life once stood. Take your left and find your home without a backwards glance. Keep your eyes ahead now lest wandering thoughts drag you down.”

Victor listened carefully at Salem’s words, and thought about it for a moment before continuing. “Behind you now are paths laid bare where nothing but life once stood? So the path is clear with hopefully little in the way of obstacles. Take your left and find your home without a backwards glance? The left is the correct path to take from here just don’t look back.” A short pondering of the last few words again, “Keep your eyes ahead now lest wandering thoughts drag you down? Huh sounds easy enough knowing this place there is a catch. O well I feel the temperature dropping slightly from when we started, the sun is coming.”

Staying out too see the sun was not something he was looking forward to. Obviously for him it meant extreme discomfort but for the both of them it was failure. This was not an option. Stepping forward towards the way Salem directed the duo continued on their path through this very interesting mind field.

The next thing to come for him seemed rather disturbing and instantly put him on edge. There was no sound down this path, not even his own footsteps seemed to be muffled in the early morning air. Then the sound of footsteps behind him caught his ear, then breathing and a low growl. Whatever it was seemed bigger than even himself. The stench of rot and death drifted past them on a warm moist wind almost as if it was right behind them.

The count didn’t walk faster or turn even if all of his instincts were telling him to either run or fight, instead he relied on his training and quelled his reflexes with deep breathing then laughed. “You know Salem, we were taught to ignore our instincts at times. In order to stay still at whatever cost to avoid detection. My father had large dogs trained to sniff us out while we were hiding, they would bark and growl at us anything to get us to move or run. You see when dealing with dogs that have a trainer or handler we are taught to trick the man behind the hound and not the hound itself.” Victor was talking rather loudly to drown out the sounds behind them.

“One of the things they taught us to do to control these instincts is to belittle the threat or make it funny. Normally you would imagine it and keep it to yourself but I think I can make an exception.” He thought for a moment before continuing, how could he make fun of this thing that would make both of them feel a little better especially after that last challenge? Victor smiled, “Arron how did you get off your leash? Did your master give you permission?”

He was shouting into the forest now, not once looking back. “I doubt you had the balls to sneak off on your own after he neutered you. And what is that stench? I can’t tell if it’s because you have been licking Varis’s boots or chewing on them. That must be why you’re out here then, he left you on the porch again and you decided to run away like a lost puppy. You can’t find the princess so tried coming after my mage huh!?” he was still smiling as he walked, “you can try it too Salem.” He spoke then yelled again, “Well I got news for you pup. Salem here is a whole lot better than you, rode a vampire, faced off against a ghost from my past, and even had the brass balls to run into danger and have the gull to kill a fellow mage. I wouldn’t trade him for a puppet like you any day.” The large vampire was well aware this was a bit out of character for him but frankly he was tired of this as well and just maybe he could get Salem to laugh at the situation or at least feel better with a complement.

Victor Astorio

Being attentive to how Salem reacted to his words. Victor wanted to see how the boy would react, and he was pleasantly surprised. The boy did not seem to be upset by his explanation or horrified. The only thing he saw on Salem’s face was curiosity. Victor did think that forcing a mage down this path for nothing more than to experiment was a bit harsh even for him. Still, being able to use this type of magic or at the very least defend against it was always a good thing to know. The count could only hope that his mage would use this information wisely.

Soon the look of curiosity on Salem’s face turned to pain while he coughed. It did seem that the plant mage had gotten a few spores in his lungs before he finished the fight. The boy soon keeled over in pain from coughing up what looked like small roots. This fight sure was intense and Ryner did not pull any punches in her challenges. Victor was deciding what to do next when the flower on the end of the sword began to glow and then shine, it was so bright he had to avert his gaze.

When he opened his eyes they were in the dark forest once more, the vampire watched as the flower floated around them and landed back onto the pedestal where the lantern began. His sight soon began to fade with the dimming light of the flower. He had just enough time to see it land and pick it up before his sight entirely vanished. Putting the now ruby flower with the cat figurine, the count looked down to where he could hear his mage breathing. Slowly the vampire picked up his mage, this time holding him in his arms like he was a small child. “Where too now Salem?”

Grikgar /Grik/ Seeker

// Unggoy Ultra // Demolitions and Artillery //

Grikgar had learned several new things on human etiquette and was quite fascinated by it. Next time he would remember to eat in an appropriate manner around the other humans. The others did not seem to be too fond of his antics thus far, the Unggoy was aware of this but didn’t let it show. Picking up his helmet and wiping off the rest of his food he followed the Spartan Ben around the ship.

The next stop was the holodeck, a training simulation computer. It wasn’t something he was used too, Grikgar was far more interested in watching some of the other humans in the area do what they were doing while the others trained. Always curious to the stories and lives of the humans, he was not afraid to ask any of them about their life stories. They varied so vividly that it was always interesting to learn more even if it was fake.

The Spartan he had been following earlier came and got him at about the same time a notification for mission start popped up in his helmet. Grik was able to grab the crate with his gear in it on their way to the meeting. Once he arrived and began seeing the images of the construct on several nearby screens as well as the others that had begun to get there gear ready he knew that the mission was about to start. At least he did feel lucky, yet again he found himself starring at another relic.

The Unggoy straightened his posture, with a deep breath he sighed opening the container. He listened as the major spoke while he affixed his weapons to him. The smooth silent way he got his gear together said he was used to it. Plasma pistols checked and placed on his thighs, plasma grenades on one side of his belt and plasma charges with extra ammo on the other. He was very careful and practiced as he checked his gear, the hiss of an extra can of methane to top his main tank off, his cloaking device making him disappear for a moment then come back, and finally a small flash of his energy shield coming online.

Looking up for a moment to see the mammoth as the major gestured to it only for him to quickly return to prepping his gear. The final two things the Unggoy prepped was checking the blade of his ODST combat knife and securing it to his left shoulder. Then picking up the rather large and bulky fuel rod gun, checking it carefully for damage or foul play, then loading a cluster of ammunition into it taking care to keep the safety on.

Grikgar closed the crate but kept it close to him he would need to take it with him onto the mammoth just in case. He stood quietly cradling his cannon in his arms it was almost as if his personality changed. Going from a childlike aloof Unggoy to a serious battle hardened elite. He knew what was expected of him and now that their mission was starting it was time to be professional, it was time to show why he had the rank of Ultra. "Grikgar is ready for combat mission Commander."
Unggoy like sea food but technically............... yes
Victor Astorio

Victor quite enjoyed breaking in the door to the cabin but knew he would have to wait to enjoy the moment for another time. Vines and grass were starting to grow up around the sword now and risked cutting off his ability to grab it or destroying it all together. He quickly reached for the blade and began pulling it out of the floor. The vines were quick to constrain him and the blade keeping him pinned for just a moment.

With a scream from outside the grass and vines went limp releasing their grasp on the blade and sending his back into the wall. Standing up Victor quickly moved out the front door to see that Salem was victorious and the other two lay motionless on the ground. He witnessed the lord clap his hands twice before moving off into the forest. With their task done victor began to walk down to Salem making sure to punch out one of the cabin windows on his way down.

“You handled yourself rather well with the mage and his minion. However, next time before jumping into a situation be sure to read the environment first.” Gesturing up towards the cabin, “there was a light up there, vampires don’t need light. The lord himself would not make such an accommodation for any mage or human.” Victor kicked the mage over onto its back picking up the mages wand and attempted for a moment to remove the mask before standing again.

“This one is known as Edmond, it’s not his real name. Like you he is a plant mage. However.” Pointing the sword at the pile of dust that was once a vampire. “This is what happens when an Astorio perverts plant magic, this one uses magic to distract while planting spores in its victims chest while they breathe. Eventually they become puppets like that one.” The count looked over his mage and any injuries he may have obtained then offered the hilt of the blade with the glowing flower to Salem. “Honestly I think those tactics are only useful to spread fear or to be used on a vampire that is otherwise useless because it limits our physical prowess, but does tend to make them more durable.”
Grikgar /Grik/ Seeker

// Unggoy Ultra // Demolitions and Artillery //

Continuing to follow the commanders down the hall at a quick pace. Grikgar was now entirely curious to find out what this mess hall was all about and what kind of ‘food’ these humans had. Where they just nipples and used solely for nutrients or did they have comfort foods? All questions that were answered when they got close to the room. His senses were already being bombarded with different smells. Unggoy where particularly good at following their noses and this room already didn’t disappoint.

There were a lot of people in this large room, rows of tables bordered with what looked almost like tall vending machines adorned with a holographic monitor to dispense food. Grik had grabbed two plates after watching a couple of marines press a few buttons and see their trays fill up with food. This simple aspect of their life was almost a dream to the Unggoy. He was well aware he wouldn’t find anything familiar so he knew there was a lot of guess work to it.

He spent more than the others did flipping through the pages and acquiring what he thought he wanted, even going as far as asking some of the marines what they were getting. Not very many answered him with food items. Soon he found himself carrying two trays loaded down with drinks, various carbs, and more than a few extra helpings of seafood. He seemed very proud of what he had.

Finally setting his things down on the table he awkwardly sat down in the seat given to him. The two fire team leaders seemed very intent on their discussion and he payed them no mind other than having to look around the pile of food to see them. The Unggoy took his helmet off and placed it next to him on the table, a smaller portion of the mask remained over his nose for him to breathe exposing his small but scarred bald head, green eyes, and small sharp teeth.

The little guy seemed intent on sampling everything first before digging in. he was obviously unaware of how to properly eat things, taking a bite out of the side of a banana without peeling it first was a sign of this. These things did not bother him, small bones in the fish? Devoured, Shells on crab legs and claws? Crunched. The grunt also did not use any of the utensils that came with the tray picking up and eating everything with his hands. Until he came to what he was told was a ghost pepper, the marine that told him about was laughing when he said it so it couldn’t be that bad right?

He didn’t sample this one even if he should have, instead Grik just popped it into his mouth and quickly chewed then swallowed. After a few silent minutes of him to really think about how it made him feel, it soon occurred to him that his mouth was nearly on literal fire. Eyes going wide he sat up straight coughing, he felt like he was choking and began scrambling for something liquid that he had gotten. During his commotion of trying to grab one of the bowls of seafood chowder, one of the two plates fell to the floor spilling the other half of its contents. At the same time, he guzzled down the warm soup to extinguish the fire inside him, clearly making a mess of himself as not all the white chowder made it down his gullet.

The empty bowl fell to the floor, the grunt laid back in his chair exhausted, “why… why does plant hate Grikgar?” Grik slowly sat up and began cleaning himself off. The grunt decided that maybe that was enough food for him and instead opted to take a drink of coffee instead. The taste compared to the pepper was heavenly. “Grik thought you said there were no drugs here?” he said as he kept drinking the coffee. Did these humans possibly create a monster hyped up on coffee? Possibly, only time will tell.
Grikgar /Grik/ Seeker

// Unggoy Ultra // Demolitions and Artillery //

Hearing the good news that it was unlikely that he would have to face off against any of the parasite relived him. Did that mean that he still didn’t have to worry? Not really but at least he could relax a little. It would seem the first phase of their mission would be recon then move into search and destroy with the possibility of all out combat with the brutes. Grikgar could only hope he could get the opportunity to rally the other Unggoy with the brutes to fight against them. Still if they didn’t, he had no problem killing all of them.

The captain and the others seemed rather interested and in a hurry to get off planet. He couldn’t blame them really he was also excited to get back into the thick of it. Boarding the pelican and finding an uncomfortable spot next to the Spartan that called himself Ben. A rather bumpy and quiet ride for the most part, Grikgar was happily bobbing his head from side to side listening to some human music he was sure was loud enough to be heard through his helmet. Grik didn’t care, this whole experience was exciting to him.

It wasn’t too much longer and they had landed, the Spartan Aviza was the first off the pelican but didn’t seem to be in as much of a hurry as the other two humans. He was unsure exactly why they were with them but o well, humans are weird. A simple map of the ship displayed briefly on his visor with a small point that marked where he was and another that marked his room. The design of the ship was strange and the exterior of the ship matched the interior, all these human ships lacked color and design. Every ship in the former covenant was a work of art in shape and color. However, he figured it was a luxury the humans couldn’t afford.

The female Spartan spoke up again, something about a mess hall and food. Food was definitely something he could get behind. He was unsure of the mess hall though, “Why do Spartans eat in a messy hall?” he asked not really speaking to anyone in general. The Unggoy almost happily waddling slowly behind his commander as he followed them out of the pelican and down the corridor towards the messy hall.
Grikgar /Grik/ Seeker

// Unggoy Ultra // Demolitions and Artillery //

Grikgar sat quietly while he listened to the others talk, some of them seemed like they didn’t share his excitement for missions or just didn’t realize that the Unggoy was never taught how to be professional. When your entire military Career is, “these are your orders see you in paradise.” He was never taught how to be appropriate for the most part. Understanding how to act on the battlefield was an entirely different situation than this.

The topic and general mission briefing quickly continued as another human entered the room. By the way the others saluted him he was definitely high ranking, then again most ship masters and captains where. The AI he used wasted little time going through what was happening, Grik honestly didn’t understand a lot of it but he was able to get the overall gist of what was being said. Then came the pictures of the massacre and some of the weapons used.

“Well at least it is easy to see that brutes didn’t do that.” His voice still sounding a little electronic but not as high pitched as a normal grunt. “Computer lady said the brutes where trading for supplies right? Then that means Brutes are hungry.” Pointing towards the pile of human corpses, “Brutes like the taste of other aliens and they really like the flesh of humans. So if this was brutes you would see limbs cut off or gnawed upon.” The grunt didn’t seem too phased by what he was talking about but by the way he was talking about it one could assume he had seen it before.

Soon the AI continued on about the mission and onto where they thought the rebels and brutes where. Vael’s words also made him think about it too, he didn’t know what this ‘Sarcophagus’ was but it sounded large and important, important enough to have a settlement of elites and humans on it with their own warriors and ships. When the AI described it as a forerunner instillation the Unggoy became quiet and seemed to shrink into his seat. Almost as if he was just now grasping the seriousness of the situation.

Once the diagram of the instillation began to expand so too did Grikgar continue to tilt back in his seat to follow the hologram until he inevitably fell back in it crashing to the floor. He stood back up quickly and tried to set the chair back up only to find that the back of it had broken off. Sitting back down in the half broken chair the grunt looked up at Vael with a sort of “oops” shrug. Now it seemed that the Spartan was going to talk next while Grikgar spun in the broken chair looking at the hologram.

The AI and scary human lady continued to talk for a bit longer before seemingly to pause for questions. “Grikgar has question.” Looking to the AI then to the scary lady who he already forgot the name of, “Grikgar was part of fleet that chased you’re…” he paused for a moment both to remember and look to Vael for any indication that what he was saying was a little much. “Demon- err, Spartan 117 to holy ring. There we learned Spartans where not real monsters.” Again pausing trying and failing to gauge visual ques from his commander to not continue, “Will Grikgar have to fight parasite again?” the Unggoy was quiet almost as if he was a little timid for once. Although he hadn’t seen a lot of combat with the flood, being an Unggoy special operative he has seen what they can do and they always seemed to be lurking in forerunner instillations.
Grikgar /Grik/ Seeker

// Unggoy Ultra // Demolitions and Artillery //

Grikgar was caught a little off guard from the ODST’s he expected all of the military to hate and despise them. Yet from a simple gesture and retaliation he would do to any cowardly unggoy was strange to him. In truth he did it because he is well aware of how little Lekgolo respect other life forms. The Ultra has even seen a pair walk right over a group of bickering Kig-Yar killing all 4 of them. The only others in the covenant they respected were the Sangheili. He was trying to prevent a possible issue.

The humans continued with their strange behavior and stranger still the Lekgolo allowed them to ride on it and took care with where it was walking. This behavior was incredibly strange to him. They even offered him a spot on the hunters back, the other Spartans apparently did not enjoy their show. Before he could accept their offer the hunter gently put them down and did another very strange thing. It looked as if it was being submissive towards the Spartan that asked them to stop.

More people converged on the small group of strange people, another Spartan who seemed to the point and serious by the name of Ben? Strange name would be fun to talk to maybe? Another two came in with an air of superiority he could only describe as Jiralhanae when they replaced the Sangheili as honor guard. “Why human so afraid they carry gun in secure area? Human strange.” He spoke in English, his high pitched voice was a little more computerized due to his speaker.

Grikgar watched the commander and another human begin walking away and without hesitation he followed. His walk was a little funny almost how one would see Muppets walking, somewhere between a waddle and a skip. The corridors they continued down where tight and long. Until they eventually found a set of double doors. The human female seemed off compared to her counter parts, not as proud as some, not as stoic as others, somewhere around what he could only guess was anger or annoyance.

With a swipe of something on the wall the double doors opened up and a large room with a large table was inside surrounded by older humans, “Are these humans talking about important matters?” Grik asked curiously grasping the door and peering around it to watch his commander. The humans inside almost held themselves like the proud ones that joined them late until they saw Vael. The reaction they got was one he recognized because he has seen it many times before, Fear.

The gathering quickly cleared and the rest of their gaggle was invited inside to take a seat around the table. It took a minute for him to get comfortable in the chair even falling out of it once before getting to a comfortable spot. He only caught the last bit of what the human female was saying, “We goin on a mission?” sitting up straight for an Unggoy and looking around at the others. “Grikgar make things go boom?” obviously he was excited and asking if the mission was loud or quiet. The other Sangheili seemed more professional and to the point a stark contrast to the Unggoy.
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