Name: Root
Race: Poison Dusk Lizardfolk
Appearance: Root stands 3’4 and has a long tail. His scales can change color and his claws are excellent for climbing. Likes to climb onto tall things or others and sit on their shoulders for better views.

Temperament: Playful unless threatened or hunting.
Role: Scout – Ranged with a bit of magic but doesn’t know how to use it.
Biography: Root was part of a small Lizardfolk tribe that lived alongside a tribe of black scale. The relationship the two tribes had was mutual. They would track and help the lumbering giants hunt and ambush while the big guys helped protect them. One day however, he returned to his village destroyed along with the black scale.
The adventurers that had come were still attacking the lizard men left standing so Rook joined in on the fighting. The paralytic poison he uses on his arrows brought down a two of the adventurers just in time for the black scale known as Karn to utterly obliterate them. Root did what he could to help heal the beast’s wounds with what local plants that he could find.
Now he rides on the giant's shoulder ever alert as they find their way to their new home. at least the dark depths of this new place has plenty of critters to munch on.
- Short bow and arrows.
- poison making kit
- Bolo
- Small knife
- A small shiny ring with a green stone on it that he took from one of the adventurer’s.