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Kept y'all waitin', huh?
@PaulHaynek @AzureKnight @13org @Restalaan @Stern Algorithm

Damn, it's over!? BUMMER!

Seriously though, that sucks but it happens. For what it was worth, I had a blast with you guys. I learned a lot on how to RP, especially when it comes to having drive and updating.

I certainly wouldn't mind going on another adventure with all of you! XD
@PaulHaynek @AzureKnight (NAG) @Restalaan @13org @Stern Algorithm

And yet, the day STILL wasn't done with Kira.

As the flygirl walked through the entrance, she just caught the tail-end of Reed's explanation and just in time to see Bart's reaction.

"Tsk, blasted Ortusian..." Bart turned around to head inside the guild with everyone else. But the remark earned a surprised look from Haley and a more... physical reaction from Reed.

A mailed hand on the shoulder stopped the guild master, courtesy of a ticked off Reed. "Have you a problem with Ortusians, guildmaster Bart?" He said, a tone of tranquil fury.

Bart shook off the hand and faced the Ortusian. "So what if I do? What're you gonna do? Hit me? In front of everyone?" The raised voices and commotion had probably attracted everyone else's attention.

To say Kira was shocked would be an understatement. This was the second time Bart flew off the handle unprofessionally on a guild member, for such a dumb reason. First, it was Neil for his actions against Varjo. Now, it's Reed because of where he was originally from? Where was this even coming from?

Seeing her guild master's ungracious behavior, as well as already being tired and stressed from the raid, all culminated into a Beelzebub that was not only tired and stressed...

.....but now pissed off, as well.

Sir Reed glanced at everyone in the Guild present. "...Mayhaps I have chosen the wrong place and wrong company to find my enlightenment."

"Bart! What in the gods' name do you think you're doing?" Haley yelled in disbelief but could not stop the standoff.

"Reed, your ass is right where you need to be, regardless of what our moron of a leader says.", Kira said brazenly, standing by the Ortusian's side as she glared at Bart.

Nagare promptly stepped between the two men, facing Bart with her arms stretched out. “I’m not sure what’s going on here, but please stop this. Master Bart, if you’ve any doubt as to the integrity of Sir Reed, I’d be more than happy to vouch for him. It was thanks to his planning that our group returned home safely!”

"Not to mention, wasn't it you that held a vote on whether or not Reed was let into the Guild? It was unanimous and we greeted him with open arms after that. So what happened between now and then that lead you to believing that letting him in was something you regret now? Seriously, what the hell is your problem!? First Neil, now Reed! Dude, this is getting fucking ridiculous!"
Aaaaaaaand there. Posted. Sorry for the wait.
@PaulHaynek @Restalaan @13org @Stern Algorithm @AzureKnight

As everyone busied themselves and turned in for the night, Kira took this opportunity to walk outside and check for a scent, at least to confirm that she wasn't hearing things. On the way, she saw Reed and Nagare, appearing to be in a similar state of stress as Ditzy.

"Yikes, looks like you had it rough. Head on inside. The flower twins got dinner ready to serve.", commented the flygirl in passing as she strode out to the main road. Once there, she gave one good sniff...

......and her eyes narrowed.

Ever since Kira first arrived, she had acquired the scent of all of her guildmates, each one unique from the other. Freyr smelt of oak and fresh air, along with a healthy dose of Siren lover. Yang was of spring water and spice. The twins......well, that was obvious. Basically, she knows the scent of everyone in the guild. Hell, Ada might even know everyone by scent as well. However, the smell she was getting....

....was one she didn't recognize, meaning that someone was here.

Unfortunately, the scent was fading so rapidly and so faintly that Kira couldn't describe the smell, meaning if, by chance, they ever encountered their mystery visitor, she wouldn't be able to know them by smell.

And so, with a suspicious glare into the night, the Beelzebub silently turned and walked back into the Guild, where she would finally close the book on this drama of a day.
@PaulHaynek @AzureKnight (NAG) @13org @Stern Algorithm @Restalaan

Standing by Yang's side, Kira's body became a loaded spring, ready to react at any sudden move from whoever came through the front door...

.....but it was all for naught.

"Wha-...Bart!?", Kira exclaimed, caught off guard by the guild master's return......and nothing else, apparently. A quick look to the monk confirmed that Yang was surprised as well. Along with her mamono senses, there was no way there wasn't anyone else out there a few seconds ago. Before she could contemplate any further, another person came through the door...

"Ditzy!? What the hell happened to you!? You look like shit!", the flygirl commented but promptly ignored by the clearly tired male hobgoblin. She couldn't blame him, being of the exact same mindset a couple of minutes earlier. Plus, given his appearance, that must mean some of the others had returned as well.

Still....somebody was here earlier, Kira was sure of it. Maybe if she went out and try to pick up a scent, just to be sure...
@PaulHaynek @Restalaan (YNG) @Stern Algorithm @13org (FYR)

The unexpected banquet ended not long after and the Devil Bugs and Giant Mice were satisfied with the meal prepared specifically for them. "Your lasa-- Lasan-- Your cheese food was really good, plant lady! We'll definitely remember it and tell everyone we meet about it!" That... might not bode well for the Guild considering the company these monsters kept. "We'll keep our word and will be going now. Bye bye!"

"Aww man, I really wanted to take at least one man from this place." One Devil Bug complained, which made Haley's brow raise. "I haven't had a man for a long time now."

"It's fine, it's fine!" A Giant Mouse assured her. "Look at that guy." She pointed to Freyr. "He's practically covered by the bird girl's scent. I bet they already had lots and lots of sex." The comment left the Siren a red mess and an annoyed look on her face, but she said nothing.

It's a good thing Kira swallowed her food before she heard that, otherwise chewed up lasagna would've went flying across the table from her laughter.

"Hahahaha! No tact whatsoever! She said that with no filter! Gods, you gotta love that honesty!"

In a matter of moments, the Giant Mice and the Devil Bugs evacuated the Guild HQ. Hopefully never to return. When they were all gone, a still-embarrassed Haley turned to the Liliraune. "Were they also here looking for men?! Thank the gods I've already taken Freyr while Neil, Bart and Reed still aren't here. We would've had a real problem on our hands if that wasn't so! How'd they find this place anyway?"

"Well, our headquarters is located in the middle of the countryside. Not too surprising if a wandering group of mamono stumble upon it. Now, if y'all don't mind, I'm heading off to-"

Before she could finish her statement, noises could be heard from outside.

Horses. Armored boots on gravel.

Oh no...


The flygirl didn't say a word, didn't need to. She promptly got up and followed Yang to the front door, her pervious tiredness forgotten as anxious anticipation ran up her spine.

"Gods, please tell me that shit didn't follow us back here...", Kira hissed, just loud enough for the others to hear.
@PaulHaynek @Restalaan(YNG) @13org(FYR) @Stern Algorithm

By the time the duo reached the doors of their home, Kira was all for grabbing something to eat and then immediately going to bed. Hell, she'll even draw a bath for herself if it means ridding herself of this rotten day, despite how much she loathes baths. But before the two could do any of that, the day still had one more surprise for them, coming in the form of a group of small mamono, mainly Giant Mice and Devil Bugs, being fed dinner by the Altissima twins, along with Freyr and Haley keeping company.

Kira saw all of this......and then promptly zeroed in on the lasagna.

I'm so done with today that I'm not even gonna to pretend to be shocked.

"Oh hey, you two." The Siren appeared as exhausted as the monk and the Beelzebub.

"By the Demon Lord, you two look horrible. Are you two alright?"

"Oh, rough request. Just...rough." Yang said as she plonked the money down before clearing her throat to Freyr.

"Understatement of the friggin' year, but yeah. What she said.", Kira commented as she grabbed a plate and helped herself to a portion of the pasta dish. As soon as she sat down and took her first bite, she let loose a moan that was borderline sensual. "Gods, I needed this. Yang and I have been through a shitty ringer today."

Then her attention went back to the unexpected guests.

"Alright, I'll bite: Why are there rats and roaches in the kitchen?"
@PaulHaynek @Restalaan (YNG)

"I know you monsters do not have the heart for brutality like this." Maria began, aware of Kira's and most monsters' stance on wanton murder. "But we are fighting a war, and one where the deck is stacked against us. We can give no quarter, because our enemies will give us none."

For a solid second, Kira saw red upon hearing that statement. With that logic, when will the fighting end? Will the fighting ever end?
Fire and acid were on the tip of the flygirl's tongue but before she could give her scalding rebuttal, a firm yet calming hand sat upon her shoulder. She turned her gaze to Yang, who gave her a look of such understanding.

"Endure it, endure for now."

"But, Yang! She....They just....", Kira tried to protest, but after looking into the monk's eyes, she held back her retorts. Yang was hurting too and wanted to voice her grief and fury as well, but now was not a good time. Not with the other rebels around. So, the Beelzebub remained silent as Yang and Maria gave their final exchanges before the rebel leader led her forces out of the valley. As Yang busied herself on covering the.....deceased, a rebel came up to Kira carrying heavy-looking sacks.

"The sack. Full of gold. Able to buy castle, maybe."

As the man walked away, Kira scoffed at the two sacks of gold in her chitinous hands. One thought ran through her head.

Blood money.

"Come, let's leave and head home. I do not wish to explain how this gold came to be if possible to Guildmaster Bart." Yang tiredly said.

"I say we never bring this shit up to anyone at all. Also, here, you take'em. I don't wanna carry blood-soaked 'rewards'.", Kira replied, tossing both bags of gold toward Yang as they began their trip back home, the aftermath of this quest leaving the mamamo in a fouler mood than yesterday.
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