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"Everyone, listen to me! I know that not only some of us are yokai but we also just battled warriors who were your sworn defenders, but please believe us that we are here to help. We were always here to help, only if you'll let us."

The Shizuyama villagers whispered amongst each other but made no direct reply to Ayu's speech. After a few moments of deliberation, they dispersed and returned to their own little corners in the temple grounds.

Ayu let out a tired sigh and turned to the taskforce. "Well, I take it that they don't completely trust us but at least they trust us enough not to freak out at us." She let out another sigh before continuing. "It'll take some time for them to come around. Although, I believe we can help that process. Why don't you all take a look around and see if there's anything you can do for some of the villagers. I'm sure some of them are already on board with us."

"Well, you gotta start building trust somewhere, I guess.", Kerry commented as she watched Gringor wander off into the woods. Part of her wanted to follow him, but thought better of it. The high orc can keep himself in check and not cause trouble.....hopefully.

A Bridge Too Far

"Yokai, the Varjans have taken the bridge leading to Terauchi Pass, the road that connects to here. Many people travel that bridge, especially now. Please, you have to do something."

"Well we can't let that slide now, can we? Leave it to me, I'll make sure that bridge is Varjan-free in no time!"

With that reassurance, Kerry took to the skies and headed toward said bridge.
@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree

Eyyyyyyyyy! Can also vouch for this guy! XD
@PaulHaynek @Enkryption

OOOOOOOOOH! I can vouch for this guy! Trust me!

I told you. I'm gonna have fun with this. XD
@PaulHaynek @Crowvette @AzureKnight (SHI)

"Kerry-san, it seems you were the first one to finish with your mission. Well met, in addition to recapturing our little friend there and assisting with the natives."

"Yeah, Takamori's on board. Just send the word and he'll be there. And who knows what damage that asshole could've done if he got away. Thank the gods I was around.", Kerry replied before turning to the newcomer. "Hmmm......Io, was it? Well, given the aura I'm sensing and how nearby plants wilt from your presence.....and you look too down to earth to be a wight, so you must be a lich. Huh, usually your kind is stationary. You're the first one I've seen out this far. Oh, speaking of our little friend..."

Before she forgets, Kerry quickly ran over to the pig pen to retrieve Kasseros, who was still unconscious and becoming a new pillow for the pigs. Seconds later, she returned to the group, dragging a muddy Varjan behind her.

"It seems things aren't as simple as Lady Kyouko hoped," Io said quietly

"Honey, that's an understatement in all caps.", the Hornet commented before becoming serious and addressing everyone, including Ayu. "I wasn't bullshitting about what I said earlier. Takamori's adopted daughter sided with the Varjans in exchange for giving them information. Shizuyama's hidden routes have been exposed. The locals won't have anywhere to run if this keeps up."

"Nothing but books and useless items around here.", Conner commented as he exited a bedroom, his Berserker meeting up with him as she left the last room on the upper floor. "I couldn't find anything. How was your end?"

"Fruitless as well, I'm afraid. We should head back to the others. I fear Mordred might do...something........"

Fran's statement trailed off as her mind caught up to what was happening, her hand hovering over her mouth and her unseen eyes widening with shock as she looked toward her Master, who wore a similar jaw-dropping expression.

"F-Fran, did you just-"

"Speak......I'm actually speaking! Oh my goodness!", Fran quipped, giggling with elation before a thought came to her. "The tea!"

"Of course! Caster's legend must be in play here!", chimed Conner, smiling as well. His mind racing with the possible boons having a more clear-minded Berserker can bring. "By drinking that tea, Bunbuku must've gifted you with her blessings. How do you feel?"

"Like....a heavy fog has been greatly lifted. Like I'm capable of doing....more, now. But...for how long, though?"

"I don't know, but I say we make the most of these blessings while they last. Come on, let's find the others."

The duo headed back downstairs and, noticing the busted-down doors and fading runes, headed for the backroom, catching the ending half of the conversation.

"I see...William Kidd, also known as Captain William Kidd or simply Captain Kidd. He had been commissioned by the British Crown as a privateer for this expedition, but the political climate of England turned against him in this case. He was executed for his crimes. He is one of the most famous pirates in history. Probably the Rider of this grail war."

"Team A is alive?"

"Maybe, probably not though. Last I saw that assassin was fighting saber, and the rider went to engage berserker. Your caster friend...she's not feeling too good I imagine after what 'our' assassin did to her."

Conner flinched upon noticing the dead man in the corner of the room before giving off a sad sigh and grabbing a wayward blanket to put over the body. As he was doing this, Fran approached Kidd and Mordred, but not before sending Bunbuku a beaming smile of thanks. If it wasn't for her bangs, the Caster would've seen the Berserker give her a wink as well.

"Thank you for not killing him immediately.", Fran said to the blonde knight, turning to the pirate before she could Mordred's reaction to her speaking clearly. "We are here to find Team A, as well as finding out what's going on here. Are there any more of this Grail War's Servants still around? And as for this 'caster friend', did her name happen to be Helena?

So Fran is more clear-minded, can actually speak and is a better fighter? All from drinking Caster's tea?

......Bunbuku is every Berserker's best friend. I'm gonna have fun with this. XD
@vancexentan @The Irish Tree

"Fran’s a bit more delicate looking, but she is a Berserker. …I honestly don’t know if it’ll help her but…hey! We’re mages! We experiment, and all that."

Conner hummed and nodded as he accepted one of Elise's vials. From his analysis back before the team Rayshifted, Fran's Galvanism functioned as energy absorbing performance enhancer, literally taking in any source of power from her surroundings to fuel and empower her combat prowess, as well as mitigating some damage she receives. All in all, a very useful skill to have....

Though, it doesn't hurt to have a little extra help. We need all we can get at this point., he thought to himself as he stashed the vial in the inner pocket of his uniform. Suddenly, an explosion put both Conner and Fran on high alert, the Berserker giving off a weary grunt.

Bunbuku looked up. “Thunder?”

"No clouds. Must have been an explosion," Elise said. "...Which, knowing Scarlett, she definitely caused. …No clue what she’s thinking but…at least we can assume that anything hostile won’t be heading our way for the time being."

“I can hazard a guess or two,” Bunbuku says. “Most like, she’s presenting a clear and present danger - something that we don’t,” she says, “After all, even with Miss Fancy Sword and Lady Big Hammer, we don’t present a large threat. I would classify us more as a potential nuisance to something that can take out the best of us,” she says, “Actually, no. Potential is generous. In the eyes of whatever removed Team A, we’re gnats, while Scarlett’s decided to be a mosquito.”

"Regardless, Scarlett is providing us a handy distraction. So unless we want her and Lancer to get manhandled by whatever scary flyswatter is out there, we better hustle and find this mystery Servant.", Conner commented.

Meanwhile, Fran and Mordred were approached by Bunbuku.

“Miss Fancy Sword. Lady Big Hammer. Might I interest you in a drink,” she held a tea platter with two cups. “And, by interest, I mean, implore. It’s in your best interest, if you want to win.”

Fran tilted head in curiosity at the ring-tailed Caster before gazing at the steaming cup. Accepting the offering, she gave a quick sniff over the liquid.

It smelled of.....fresh lime? She then took a sip, registered the taste....before proceeding to drink the tea all in one go. As she finished, the Berserker felt a sudden surge of rejuvenation, along with....something else. Fran couldn't tell what it was, but something told her that good things were going to happen. She didn't know what it was, but she had a good feeling about it.

"Ah!", chirped Fran at the Caster, smiling and her tone appreciative before turning to Mordred. "Tas...ty......Dr....ink.....up."

"Grail war system, huh?, Conner pondered as he walked, his Berserker trailing closely. "Take this with a grain of salt and I'm the furthest thing from an expert on this kind of topic, but from the way the Director worded it, Heaven's Feel sounds like some kind of failsafe, a contingency plan that would activate should something go wrong. I don't know what it would do, but it would probably involve preventing the situation we are currently trying to rectify from ever happening in the first place. I mean, take a look around us. No birds flying. No flies to pester us. No rats scurrying around. It's not just humans that have disappeared from Fuyuki. It's every living, breathing thing. Excluding the Servants and Team A's mystery status, we're the only living creatures in this city. Again, this is all my best guess, but in this case, the question becomes...

"....who or what interfered with the grail war system and caused Heaven's Feel to not activate.....and why?"
@PaulHaynek @AzureKnight (SHI) @Ice Reaver

"Another one of your yokai allies, I see. No doubt, you have lain with them more times than there are stars in the sky!"

"What the hell, lady!? Don't go running your mouth and spout shit that never even happened! I mean sure, Shizuka is boyishly cute, but I haven't even made a move on him, let alone fucked him!, Kerry indignantly replied to the miko before two samurai began to approach her, swords drawn. "Oh for Lilith's sake..."

Without looking, Kerry tossed up the unconscious Kasseros high enough for her to kick him into a nearby pig pen before drawing Dusk out just in time to block a sword slash from her current opponent.

Huh.....unlike the Varjans back at Fort Nakayama, these guys are actually pretty quick on their feet., she thought, complimenting as she parried and blocked the incoming strikes of the samurai. Kerry was keenly aware of the other samurai circling their bout, no doubt waiting for her to falter.

But that wasn't going to happen.

Blocking another slash as the samurai pushed forward, Kerry quickly shifted her spear to a diagonal angle, using her opponent's momentum against them as the sword slid down the shaft of Dusk and into the ground, to which Kerry immediately planted her boot on the blade to keep it there. Realizing that he couldn't pull his blade back, her opponent looked up in time to receive a hard backfist to the face, releasing his weapon as he stumbled away. Her antennae twitching, Kerry ducked just as a horizontal sword swing passed over her head. She spun low with her leg out, sweeping the other samurai's feet from underneath and sending him on his back. Before he could get back up, Kerry twirled Dusk and stabbed downward, impaling him in the chest and quickly draining him of his spirit energy. Pulling her spear out, the Hornet turned to see her first opponent charging her again, now sporting a bloody nose, a shorter sword and fury in his eyes.

Seeing this, Kerry simply raised her hand toward the man and...

"Wind Art: Squall!"

Just as he was about to reach her, a blast of air hit him with the force of a stampeding bull, sending him flying and crashing through the paper doors of a nearby house, startling the family of refugees within.

With her opponents taken care of, Kerry turned to- who is this blue skinned woman fighting another pair of samurai and why did the air get a bit colder? Before she could even comment on this apparent new arrival, the Hornet sensed spirit energy being deteriorated. Shocked by this, Kerry turned to the source and...

.....No. She....she wouldn't. She couldn't! What would it even accomplish!? Was the miko insane!?

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?", Kerry exclaimed, not wanting to believe what she was seeing. "Are you seriously going to kill yourself just to take out a group that's not even your enemy!? This is absolutely ridiculous! How many times do we have to tell you for it to get through your thick skulls!? We are here to help you! I just got back from helping Takamori and he's on board to help Takeshi Oja! Your island's secret routes have been exposed! We don't have time for this stupid shit! You're gonna waste your life over nothing if you don't stop!
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