Oh, I know. I was actually suggesting it is a real Mystic Eye, but she doesn't actually have control of its activation nor memories of it being active. Her chuuni mindset is legitimately her mind protecting itself from a magic she cannot control.
Just wanna put this out there, even if SSW doesn't accept the suggestion. The fact that Katerina would not only have an actual Mystic Eye, but she also wouldn't be aware of it turning on nor would even have memories of it turning on, thus leading her to the conclusion that she pretends to have a Mystic Eye.....WHEN SHE ACTUALLY DOES HAVE ONE?
As is common knowledge in the Moonlit World, mages seek to hone their magecraft in order to reach the Root and obtain the True Magic. However, the Root is not the only goal of magecraft. Legend tells of the existence of a colossal, mechanized god of almighty power. A divine being existing outside time and space, capable of observing and overseeing countless possibilities and timelines of our world. So powerful is this deity that it has concluded that any interference on its part would cause massive, irreparable harm on our world, regardless of its noble intent. Therefore, it has remained on the sidelines, ever watching our past, present and future play out naturally.
This being is known as Bastion, The Flawless One....and it was the Ullser family that were the first and only mages to have succeeded in reaching this glorious fusion of magic and technology.
Reginald, prefers to be called Reggie, Ullser comes from a relatively old line of secretive mages, the origins of the family dating back to the birth of the Industrial Revolution. As a family that began right as Mystery began to decline, this peculiar group of mages uses modern technology alongside their magecraft, as way to augment and fine-tune their abilities. Unsurprisingly, this earned the family a rather low reputation of not being "real mages" among the more ancient and traditional mage families. The dreams of the Ullser family were mocked and ridiculed, regarded as a "wild goose chase for a thing that doesn't exist."
However, through decades and centuries of research, failures, trials and bloody wars, the Ullsers did reach their goal: Bastion. Upon learning and understanding this enigmatic god, the family made a wise decision. Realizing the catastrophic ruin that would come from Bastion's mere presence in the world, the Ullsers would go into hiding, ensuring the existence of Bastion would never see the light of day. The mage world would go on to assume the Ullsers had reached the end of their magecraft and simply faded into obscurity.
Years later, on rare happenstance, a woman, by the name of Ritsuka Fujimaru, sent a letter of invitation to the Ullsers, offering one of their number to be a member of the Security Organization, Chaldea. Not believing this to be mere coincidence, the family turned to Bastion for guidence.....and were revealed a grim vision:
A dark fate was set to befall on Humanity, in all timelines. One that, if not met and deterred, would require Bastion's interference.
Knowing that such an occurrence would spell disaster, the Ullsers would send their oldest son, Reginald. Kind yet guarded, crude yet wise beyond his years, the 20 year old was the most prospective of his generation, as well as the most talented. Hopefully, his talents and skills, along with the teachings of Bastion, will be of great help in averting this looming crisis.
Magic Circuits Quality: A
Magic Circuits Quantity: B
Magical Affinity: Sky/Ether
Attribute: Manifestation
Minor Magecraft
Bright Bolts: Small projectiles that can be fired from Reggie's hands. Fast, but weak.
Flash: A quick spell where intense light bursts from Reggie's body, blinding those within range.
Bright Beam: A concentrated beam of light. Stronger than Light Bolts, but requires focus.
Bright Cannon: A large projectile using both hands. Slower and more taxing than Light Bolts and Bright Beam, but is stronger than both.
Swords of the Divine: Blade-shaped constructs of light that hover near Reggie. Can be used as projectiles or melee weapons. Up to 5 can appear.
Beacon/Light-port: A tactical spell where Reggie conjures a floating ball of light and puts it down at a location. At any point and as long as he has the mana, Reggie can teleport back to where the ball is placed.
Major Magecraft
Seekers of Bastion: Reggie creates an ephemeral copy of Bastion behind him, which will then unleash an array of streaming light missiles, homing in on any targets. Can only be casted twice per Singularity.
Fist of the Flawless: Reggie reels his fist back, a ghostly image of Bastion's arm doing the same behind him before launching his fist forward. The arm becomes a corporeal construct of light as Bastion's fist strikes its target. Can only be casted three times per Singularity.
Bastion's Decree: The spectral depiction of Bastion appears in front of Reggie, charging a very powerful beam of light before firing it in a bright line along the ground, erupting in a tremendous explosion. Can only be used once per Singularity.
Primary Mystic Code
Bastion's Embrace:
The teachings of Bastion, along with the Ullser's technological origins, have resulted in the creation of the family's signature Mystic Code, Bastion's Embrace. Essentially, it is suit of armor, made of material both magical and mechanical. It is exclusively tied to the family's Magic Crest which only activates when invoked by an incantation. When equipped, the wearer's magic circuits become augmented, heightening senses and enhancing physical capabilities. Plus, it also boosts the effectiveness of the wearer's magecraft, in terms of power, mana mangagement and mana output.
Non-Magecraft Abilities/Items
Given the nature of his magecraft, as well as what was to come in Chaldea's mission, it was pretty imperative that Reggie learn how to defend himself against various threats. As such, he has learned various martial arts, both with and without weapons. His favorites are karate and sword fighting.
Class: Rider
True Name: Medusa
Master: Reginald Ullser
Sex: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Attribute: Earth
Medusa and her sisters were born from the wishes of mankind for ideal idols, the embodiment of the yearning hearts of men. As "perfect goddesses", their "divine essence" was to remain the same from the moment of their creation to their destruction. Medusa was an exception who was a failure from birth, growing older over time. Though they should have all been copies, or even as close as clones, resulting from the deification of the same phenomenon, a mistake in her birth or something of deeper significance caused her to be copied imperfectly. While she did not embody "forever young and immortal", she gained abilities in compensation compared to her sisters' inability to even care for themselves. With divine powers, her Mystic Eyes, indispensable in protecting her sisters who could not live in the world on their own, this caused the previously united sisters to become three separate individuals. Although Medusa was different from the start, even the other two showed irregularities, their sadistic nature, from interacting with her.[8]
She was originally considered to be a princess loved by humans, but Athena, jealous of their beauty, cursed Medusa alone, taking away her "faith from each and every person" and exiling her to the Shapeless Isle. Their love for her turned to hatred, and she was banished by those who had adored her. The island had nothing to offer compared to her days of luxury, and she prayed that none of the humans that now frightened her with their unwarranted resentment would tread on the island. Weeping in loneliness, she had no idea as to her sin that forced her to be exiled. Although her sisters were not affected and still greatly loved, they too accompanied her there out of caring for their younger sister. She was happy even on the barren island due to their company, and only had to fear the coming humans.[8]
While they became rumored as monsters, her sisters were still revered by nearby men, while she was feared as a monster. Humans sought to kill that which had been branded as a monster and take away the goddesses, and after they began to also target her sisters, she decided to protect them while taking her revenge on the humans. Although littered with statues that had been warriors, they were harmonious for a time on the island, at one point receiving her Pegasus from Poseidon. Though bullied by her sisters daily, she simply moved about the island on days humans did not appear, hoping for the peace to continue. Repaying them in the same manner as they treated her, she killed many humans, simply hoping to be left alone on the only place she could exist with the company of her sisters.
Though she was protecting them from the foolish humans who sought their own deaths, her sisters warned her not to take pleasure in killing them. Using her eyes that were only a deterrent to sow terror in humans, she began to experiment in ways of killing them more quickly. Deciding to become a trap against those who would take her sisters, even they who had always been full of joy began to fear her after she started drinking their blood instead of simply petrifying them. The humans continued to journey the island no matter the infamy surrounding her, and she eventually became too ashamed of her slowly disfiguring self to appear before her sisters. Leaving them, she once again found herself alone, hungering for new sacrifices to replace her sadness and loneliness.
She grew into the Gorgon each day as her body, heart, and very being decayed, all backed by the thought of becoming stronger for the sake of protecting her sisters. Even that reached a point where her sisters instead became nuisances who were intruding upon her lair. They appeared before her after her full descent into a monster, lamenting that they had not asked for her protection and were just letting her enjoy what had seemed fun to her. Saddened by her state, they sacrificed themselves to the Gorgon because the sister who protected them was no longer there. Consumed by countless snakes without any trace of joy or sadness, they were ground into pulp and absorbed into the beast while still alive. Without leaving a trace, they became its flesh and blood, and it continued to thrive as the Gorgon sisters became monsters of nightmares and legends.
The Gorgon's notoriety continued until Perseus decided to bring back its head for his own fame. Granted five Noble Phantasms, he boldly traveled to the Shapeless Isle without any hesitation, only realizing his folly upon seeing the state of the island. He despaired upon encountering it, having decided that there is no victory to be found against the demon god, with his Noble Phantasms only acting as lifesaving equipment in the best scenario. Avoiding her gaze by focusing on his Mirror shield, he desperately fought to survive. Tired of toying with him, it used Breaker Gorgon, and he used the only possible method of defeating it, using Kibisis to have it encage itself.
Reversing the nightmare of the Bounded Field upon it, it suffered as Medusa as the nightmare reflected upon it instead of Perseus. While it was a "nightmare beyond nightmares", it was not an evil vision that caused excruciating pain, but a pleasant dream of her sisters, paralyzing her with the joy of seeing those she thought she would never again meet. Despairing upon the reflection of itself from when it was still self-aware, this allowed Perseus to have his single counterattack, severing its head with Harpe. The monster, out of its own will, became Medusa again and let itself be struck down. Perseus used Kibisis to hold its head, later going on to become a successful hero.
Strength: B
Agility: A
Endurance: D
Mana: B
Luck: E
Class Skills
Magic Resistance B
Riding A+
Personal Skills
Independent Action C
Mystic Eyes of Petrification A+(To achieve full effect, Medusa must maintain direct, unblinking line of sight of her targets. The effect ends immediately if she blinks or an obstruction blocks her line of sight.)
Monstrous Strength B
Divinity E-
Noble Phantasms
Bellerophon, Bridle of Chivalry
Rank: A+
Quote: "Please allow me to kindly crush you. Bellerophon!"
Target: Anti-Army
Range: Wide AOE
Effect: It is utilized on a beast from the Age of Gods; a physical attack that pulverizes the enemies by means of a super charge. Despite Pegasus displaying overwhelming ability, it is a docile being unfit for combat. It is with this Noble Phantasm that all of Pegasus's abilities are drastically increased by one rank for a limited time. Furthermore, thanks to the Pegasus’s Divine Protection, the armor class is also increased by 100, granting this Noble Phantasm of the highest level in terms of combination of offense and defense.
Breaker Gorgon, Self Seal-Dark Temple
Rank: C-
Target: Anti-Unit/Self
Range: Small
Effect: It can seal the target's consciousness within Medusa's mind, preventing them from activating any of their abilities. Medusa primarily uses this rather weak Noble Phantasm not on others, but on herself to seal her Mystic Eyes of Petrification. While this keeps her blindfolded, she perceives the world through hearing, touch, smell, and magic-detection to have an even more precise outlook than with sight.
Blood Fort Andromeda, Outer-Seal Blood Temple
Rank: B
Target: Anti-Army
Range: Wide AOE
Effect: A counterpart to Breaker Gorgon. It takes the form of magic circles placed as predetermined points and people within the affected area will have their life force lightly sapped. However, in case it is fully activated, regular people without the Magic Resistance skill will be quickly dissolved unless they possess knowledge of thaumaturgy, in which case it will be difficult to affect them. Even Heroic Spirits will have their life force plundered as long as they are inside the barrier. Thus, it is not a Noble Phantasm to be used for combat, but rather a Bounded Field created by Medusa to efficiently gather blood to drink mana.
Also, real quick: @SSW I'm sorry for the post yesterday. It was not my intention to come off as a backseat GM. I was just making sure everyone was still with us and on the same page.
Okay, seeing as how we're about to move to the next step, are we still letting @SSW keep his reserved spot? It's been a week since their last post here and we haven't heard a peep from them.
"More traitors, then." Takeshi remarked. "It appears it is not only the Varjans we have to watch out for. I suppose it is not very unsurprising. Our island has its fair share of the wicked and selfish, thinking of only themselves and never the harm they do upon others. Thank you, Kerry, for seeing Takamori. Although, I worry about his daughter. Hmm, this is the first time I've heard about her..."
"If I had to wager a guess, I'd say Takemori felt that, at the time, it wasn't important enough to bring up. Add in her being adopted and him being a high-ranking individual in these parts, it'd make sense for him to be quiet about it.", reasoned Kerry, finishing her meal and putting the bowl down before standing up. "Alright, I'm going to bed. Today has been eventful to say the least. I'll pick things back up first thing in the morning. Night, guys."
The Hornet mamono turned and headed towards the temple for some needed shut eye, maybe even a bath to wash the day's grime off.
So, Artoria (Sabre) is going to take a mad chunk of damage, but she won't die outright, with her [Magic Resistance] Rank A, however Medusa (Rider) would be sniped dead with her [Magic Resistence] Rank B.
HEY! ......I mean, you are correct in that analysis, but stop bullying the pretty snake. XD
Might as well put up another example for reference.
Name: Reginald Ullser
Sex: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good
As is common knowledge in the Moonlit World, mages seek to hone their magecraft in order to reach the Root and obtain the True Magic. However, the Root is not the only goal of magecraft. Legend tells of the existence of a colossal, mechanized god of almighty power. A divine being existing outside time and space, capable of observing and overseeing countless possibilities and timelines of our world. So powerful is this deity that it has concluded that any interference on its part would cause massive, irreparable harm on our world, regardless of its noble intent. Therefore, it has remained on the sidelines, ever watching our past, present and future play out naturally.
This being is known as Bastion, The Flawless One....and it was the Ullser family that were the first and only mages to have succeeded in reaching this glorious fusion of magic and technology.
Reginald, prefers to be called Reggie, Ullser comes from a relatively old line of secretive mages, the origins of the family dating back to the birth of the Industrial Revolution. As a family that began right as Mystery began to decline, this peculiar group of mages uses modern technology alongside their magecraft, as way to augment and fine-tune their abilities. Unsurprisingly, this earned the family a rather low reputation of not being "real mages" among the more ancient and traditional mage families. The dreams of the Ullser family were mocked and ridiculed, regarded as a "wild goose chase for a thing that doesn't exist."
However, through decades and centuries of research, failures, trials and bloody wars, the Ullsers did reach their goal: Bastion. Upon learning and understanding this enigmatic god, the family made a wise decision. Realizing the catastrophic ruin that would come from Bastion's mere presence in the world, the Ullsers would go into hiding, ensuring the existence of Bastion would never see the light of day. The mage world would go on to assume the Ullsers had reached the end of their magecraft and simply faded into obscurity.
Years later, on rare happenstance, a woman, by the name of Ritsuka Fujimaru, sent a letter of invitation to the Ullsers, offering one of their number to be a member of the Security Organization, Chaldea. Not believing this to be mere coincidence, the family turned to Bastion for guidence.....and were revealed a grim vision:
A dark fate was set to befall on Humanity, in all timelines. One that, if not met and deterred, would require Bastion's interference.
Knowing that such an occurrence would spell disaster, the Ullsers would send their oldest son, Reginald. Kind yet guarded, crude yet wise beyond his years, the 20 year old was the most prospective of his generation, as well as the most talented. Hopefully, his talents and skills, along with the teachings of Bastion, will be of great help in averting this looming crisis.
Magic Circuits Quality: A
Magic Circuits Quantity: B
Magical Affinity: Sky/Ether
Attribute: Manifestation
Minor Magecraft
Bright Bolts: Small projectiles that can be fired from Reggie's hands. Fast, but weak.
Flash: A quick spell where intense light bursts from Reggie's body, blinding those within range.
Bright Beam: A concentrated beam of light. Stronger than Light Bolts, but requires focus.
Bright Cannon: A large projectile using both hands. Slower and more taxing than Light Bolts and Bright Beam, but is stronger than both.
Swords of the Divine: Blade-shaped constructs of light that hover near Reggie. Can be used as projectiles or melee weapons. Up to 5 can appear.
Beacon/Light-port: A tactical spell where Reggie conjures a floating ball of light and puts it down at a location. At any point and as long as he has the mana, Reggie can teleport back to where the ball is placed.
Major Magecraft
Seekers of Bastion: Reggie creates an ephemeral copy of Bastion behind him, which will then unleash an array of streaming light missiles, homing in on any targets. Can only be casted twice per Singularity.
Fist of the Flawless: Reggie reels his fist back, a ghostly image of Bastion's arm doing the same behind him before launching his fist forward. The arm becomes a corporeal construct of light as Bastion's fist strikes its target. Can only be casted three times per Singularity.
Bastion's Decree: The spectral depiction of Bastion appears in front of Reggie, charging a very powerful beam of light before firing it in a bright line along the ground, erupting in a tremendous explosion. Can only be used once per Singularity.
Primary Mystic Code
Bastion's Embrace:
The teachings of Bastion, along with the Ullser's technological origins, have resulted in the creation of the family's signature Mystic Code, Bastion's Embrace. Essentially, it is suit of armor, made of material both magical and mechanical. It is exclusively tied to the family's Magic Crest which only activates when invoked by an incantation. When equipped, the wearer's magic circuits become augmented, heightening senses and enhancing physical capabilities. Plus, it also boosts the effectiveness of the wearer's magecraft, in terms of power, mana mangagement and mana output.
Non-Magecraft Abilities/Items
Given the nature of his magecraft, as well as what was to come in Chaldea's mission, it was pretty imperative that Reggie learn how to defend himself against various threats. As such, he has learned various martial arts, both with and without weapons. His favorites are karate and sword fighting.
Class: Rider
True Name: Medusa
Master: Reginald Ullser
Sex: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Attribute: Earth
Medusa and her sisters were born from the wishes of mankind for ideal idols, the embodiment of the yearning hearts of men. As "perfect goddesses", their "divine essence" was to remain the same from the moment of their creation to their destruction. Medusa was an exception who was a failure from birth, growing older over time. Though they should have all been copies, or even as close as clones, resulting from the deification of the same phenomenon, a mistake in her birth or something of deeper significance caused her to be copied imperfectly. While she did not embody "forever young and immortal", she gained abilities in compensation compared to her sisters' inability to even care for themselves. With divine powers, her Mystic Eyes, indispensable in protecting her sisters who could not live in the world on their own, this caused the previously united sisters to become three separate individuals. Although Medusa was different from the start, even the other two showed irregularities, their sadistic nature, from interacting with her.[8]
She was originally considered to be a princess loved by humans, but Athena, jealous of their beauty, cursed Medusa alone, taking away her "faith from each and every person" and exiling her to the Shapeless Isle. Their love for her turned to hatred, and she was banished by those who had adored her. The island had nothing to offer compared to her days of luxury, and she prayed that none of the humans that now frightened her with their unwarranted resentment would tread on the island. Weeping in loneliness, she had no idea as to her sin that forced her to be exiled. Although her sisters were not affected and still greatly loved, they too accompanied her there out of caring for their younger sister. She was happy even on the barren island due to their company, and only had to fear the coming humans.[8]
While they became rumored as monsters, her sisters were still revered by nearby men, while she was feared as a monster. Humans sought to kill that which had been branded as a monster and take away the goddesses, and after they began to also target her sisters, she decided to protect them while taking her revenge on the humans. Although littered with statues that had been warriors, they were harmonious for a time on the island, at one point receiving her Pegasus from Poseidon. Though bullied by her sisters daily, she simply moved about the island on days humans did not appear, hoping for the peace to continue. Repaying them in the same manner as they treated her, she killed many humans, simply hoping to be left alone on the only place she could exist with the company of her sisters.
Though she was protecting them from the foolish humans who sought their own deaths, her sisters warned her not to take pleasure in killing them. Using her eyes that were only a deterrent to sow terror in humans, she began to experiment in ways of killing them more quickly. Deciding to become a trap against those who would take her sisters, even they who had always been full of joy began to fear her after she started drinking their blood instead of simply petrifying them. The humans continued to journey the island no matter the infamy surrounding her, and she eventually became too ashamed of her slowly disfiguring self to appear before her sisters. Leaving them, she once again found herself alone, hungering for new sacrifices to replace her sadness and loneliness.
She grew into the Gorgon each day as her body, heart, and very being decayed, all backed by the thought of becoming stronger for the sake of protecting her sisters. Even that reached a point where her sisters instead became nuisances who were intruding upon her lair. They appeared before her after her full descent into a monster, lamenting that they had not asked for her protection and were just letting her enjoy what had seemed fun to her. Saddened by her state, they sacrificed themselves to the Gorgon because the sister who protected them was no longer there. Consumed by countless snakes without any trace of joy or sadness, they were ground into pulp and absorbed into the beast while still alive. Without leaving a trace, they became its flesh and blood, and it continued to thrive as the Gorgon sisters became monsters of nightmares and legends.
The Gorgon's notoriety continued until Perseus decided to bring back its head for his own fame. Granted five Noble Phantasms, he boldly traveled to the Shapeless Isle without any hesitation, only realizing his folly upon seeing the state of the island. He despaired upon encountering it, having decided that there is no victory to be found against the demon god, with his Noble Phantasms only acting as lifesaving equipment in the best scenario. Avoiding her gaze by focusing on his Mirror shield, he desperately fought to survive. Tired of toying with him, it used Breaker Gorgon, and he used the only possible method of defeating it, using Kibisis to have it encage itself.
Reversing the nightmare of the Bounded Field upon it, it suffered as Medusa as the nightmare reflected upon it instead of Perseus. While it was a "nightmare beyond nightmares", it was not an evil vision that caused excruciating pain, but a pleasant dream of her sisters, paralyzing her with the joy of seeing those she thought she would never again meet. Despairing upon the reflection of itself from when it was still self-aware, this allowed Perseus to have his single counterattack, severing its head with Harpe. The monster, out of its own will, became Medusa again and let itself be struck down. Perseus used Kibisis to hold its head, later going on to become a successful hero.
Strength: B
Agility: A
Endurance: D
Mana: B
Luck: E
Class Skills
Magic Resistance B
Riding A+
Personal Skills
Independent Action C
Mystic Eyes of Petrification A+(To achieve full effect, Medusa must maintain direct, unblinking line of sight of her targets. The effect ends immediately if she blinks or an obstruction blocks her line of sight.)
Monstrous Strength B
Divinity E-
Noble Phantasms
Bellerophon, Bridle of Chivalry
Rank: A+
Quote: "Please allow me to kindly crush you. Bellerophon!"
Target: Anti-Army
Range: Wide AOE
Effect: It is utilized on a beast from the Age of Gods; a physical attack that pulverizes the enemies by means of a super charge. Despite Pegasus displaying overwhelming ability, it is a docile being unfit for combat. It is with this Noble Phantasm that all of Pegasus's abilities are drastically increased by one rank for a limited time. Furthermore, thanks to the Pegasus’s Divine Protection, the armor class is also increased by 100, granting this Noble Phantasm of the highest level in terms of combination of offense and defense.
Breaker Gorgon, Self Seal-Dark Temple
Rank: C-
Target: Anti-Unit/Self
Range: Small
Effect: It can seal the target's consciousness within Medusa's mind, preventing them from activating any of their abilities. Medusa primarily uses this rather weak Noble Phantasm not on others, but on herself to seal her Mystic Eyes of Petrification. While this keeps her blindfolded, she perceives the world through hearing, touch, smell, and magic-detection to have an even more precise outlook than with sight.
Blood Fort Andromeda, Outer-Seal Blood Temple
Rank: B
Target: Anti-Army
Range: Wide AOE
Effect: A counterpart to Breaker Gorgon. It takes the form of magic circles placed as predetermined points and people within the affected area will have their life force lightly sapped. However, in case it is fully activated, regular people without the Magic Resistance skill will be quickly dissolved unless they possess knowledge of thaumaturgy, in which case it will be difficult to affect them. Even Heroic Spirits will have their life force plundered as long as they are inside the barrier. Thus, it is not a Noble Phantasm to be used for combat, but rather a Bounded Field created by Medusa to efficiently gather blood to drink mana.