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@PaulHaynek @Enkryption @The Irish Tree (EUL)

Kerry closed her eyes and took a calming deep breath as Dinah's story sank in. The hornet was speechless by the end of it. Truly.

Because what do you say to that?

What do you say to a woman, formerly human, and a living weapon that have spent the past five centuries in pursuit of power and revenge? What kind of mindset did one have to take to hold a grudge for that long? What kind of damage, mentally and spiritually, does it do if revenge is your one and only goal in your long life? And naturally.... When you fail, over and over again.... When your losses start outweighing your gains.... When your friends and family become kindling to flames of vengeance.... When you lose everything....

What do you have left? And how do you go on in life?


Enough..., Kerry somberly thought. This....has to stop.

Did she have questions? Yes. Was she upset with Alice over this? Definitely. But that can wait. Her lover needed her right now.

Kerry opened her hazel eyes, a determined resolve burning within them as she looked to Eula. No words were exchanged, yet the message between them was clear as day:

We're all they have left.

After that, Kerry walked over to Alice's side and kneel down to the mad hatter's level.

"You both fucked up. Royally and without a doubt.", the hornet spoke honestly. "Is this the part where I judge you? Where I condemn your foolish dive into self-destruction, take off this ring and vow to have Gwen never see you before I forever cut you out of my life? Well, sorry, but that's not happening. Because what would that solve, Ali? What. Would. That. Solve?"
@PKMNB0Y @DracoLunaris


Aventon - Town Square

As the duo were led toward the eastern gate, Rayne took the time to help Fran get caught up on current events....and it was quite a bit to take in for the berserker. Chief among them being...

“See, yesterday, most of us sorta showed up in this church summoned by a goddess to protect these two children from these jerks called the Raven Heralds, but like I said, we already ran them off. Doesn’t look like that’s all she wants though, as the goddess seems to keep teleporting people here, like you and lady Remilia, so I guess she wants us to do more stuff. I don’t know what though, she’s not exactly said anything since we got here, but I guess whatever they wanted those kids for is still a big deal maybe? We never did find out exactly why the Heralds attacked the town.”

Fran pondered on the knight witch's words. Apparently, no one who got summoned here knew what this goddess wanted them to do and why...

....No one except Fran herself.

Could it be that the voice she heard in the Throne be this goddess? This "Lavielle"? Again, more questions.

For now, she'll shelve these concerns for a later time. There is livestock to round up.

Aventon - The Fields

The young man wasn't kidding when they arrived at the fields. The surrounding grounds were heavily upturned and ruined. And then, there was the main issue:

There were cattle. A lot of cattle. Along with there not being nearly enough hands for the average person to corral them. There wasn't even a fence built up to keep the cows from running off.

"Ah... I figured the situation wouldn't have improved a bit.... Would it be too much to ask if you also had any idea on how to stop anything we got back in from getting out again?"

"Hmmm...", Fran mumbled, thinking for a moment before snapping her fingers. "Ah!"

Then, shocking Rayne, she reached out with her hand and a large battle mace appeared in her grasp before, with Servant-enhanced speed, leapt a great distance toward the edge of the field. Once there, she lifted her weapon toward the sky as verdant electricity sparked and crackled along the surface of the mace's head and branching outward, causing a loud and bright lightshow of lightning. Said lightshow proved to be effective in spooking the cows, causing them to run from her and back toward the farm. However, some of the cows broke off and ran in a different direction, but Fran knew this would happen, so leapt toward the edge of the field they were running to and spooked them again, making them run back toward the farm and only the farm.

As Rayne would soon realize, Fran was, essentially, single-handedly corralling the cows to one area and making sure to turn back any who strayed off.
@PKMNB0Y @DracoLunaris


Aventon - Town Square

Before Rayne could answer her question, a young man stumbled toward them, panting and looking quite near his wit's end.

"S-sorry to bother you, miss! But there's been a bit of a situation out in the fields, and I heard that you might be able to help? A bunch of livestock got loose and with everyone busy trying to help clean the town up, I've been running around like a headless chicken all morning trying to catch them. Some of the people working near the gates said that you were helping clear the rubble out, and I don't want to impose, but it'd be a real help if you could... Well, help."

A curious head tilt was the response Fran gave to the man's plight. Wrangling livestock was definitely below what a Servant is usually capable of, but...Perhaps aiding the man, along with helping the other townsfolk, could give the berserker the lay of the land, as well as any possible information as to what was going on with this strange summoning. Plus, Fran felt that helping was the right thing to do.

"Ah!", announced Fran, raising from her chair while nodding, indicating to all present that she was willing to lend a hand.
@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree @Enkryption

Kerry had just emerged from the temple when-


"WHOA!", she exclaimed, the passing blur leaving windy trails that had the hornet spinning in place. Eula, who had also exited the temple, witnessed the event as well before going after the blur. Luckily for the hornet, her fast eyes managed to catch a glimpse of the being.

It was the pink haired woman again. From when Alice and Carroll accidentally fused.

Shit, does that mean...., Kerry thought with increasing worry as she looked to the woods, where the woman shot off to. Before fear gripped her heart, however, she shook her head to chase away those doubts and took a deep breath. No....No, that's not it. If she appeared again, then that means Alice and Carroll did it on purpose. In the hopes of gaining some form of control over that form, most likely. I....can trust them not to overdo it...

Kerry turned forward, managing to take a few steps before stopping, a deadpanned expression on her face.

Oh, who am I kidding? This is Alice and Carroll we're talking about here.

With an about face, she flew into the forest, following the same path Eula took. A few seconds later and....

"Why am I not surprised?

There was Eula...carrying an exhausted Carroll in the crux of her arm with an knocked-out Alice slung over the automaton's shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"sigh....Here. You're carrying your idiot. Let me take mine.", Kerry said, walking over to Eula to transfer the mad hatter to her own shoulder. "This dumbass just earned herself a few extra bites for this stunt..."

She looked over to Eula, smirking.

".....But they're our dumbasses."
(I changed my mind! Ignore me!)
@PKMNB0Y @DracoLunaris


Aventon - Town Square

“Your… Frankenstein? A… Servant Berserker? Or is that a servant who is also a Berserker?”

Fran nodded her head at the first two questions before shaking her head negatively at the third. A Servant is what she is, not an occupation, though wouldn't fault Rayne for thinking that. It only further confirmed her budding suspicions about the current situation. Then Ranye, in span of a few seconds, set up a table and two chairs for them to carry on their conversation. The berserker smiled and nodded in thanks as she took seat.

“There we go, now I’m sure you have questions, so ask away. We have time and we’re not in any danger. Anymore anyway. We already ran off the people who did this.”

Well, that explained why the town looked the way it did when she first fell down here.

"Hmmm...", Fran pondered, finger on her chin as she asked her first question. "Are....the....re....oth....ers....like....us?"
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