Name: Conner Griggs
Nicknames: Con man (Gets annoyed by/rolls his eyes at this.), Grig (What Fran will sometimes call him.), CG Eyes
Age: 18
Master of: Berserker
Command Seal Location: Right Hand
Origin: Perception

Personality: To those who don't know him, Conner would most likely come off as "lone wolf". He's quiet, reserved and mostly keeps to himself most of time. Hell, he'll rarely interact with anyone he doesn't know. And he DOES interact with others, he's polite and professional. However, this side of him is known to strangers and the public, in general. To his family and friends(and, by extension, Servant), he is a kind, friendly and intelligent young man.
He is also known to be quite observant, seeing things people would usually either dismiss or ignore and noticing moments others have when they think no one is looking. This rather nosy quirk of his was often the source of joking and chagrin to those close to him, the phrase "Conner is always watching." was something he often heard from others throughout his life yet he always took it in stride. Not his fault people are careless about what they're doing around other folks. Conner is also known to be reliable and trustworthy, especially when trouble rears it's ugly head. He knows he's not the strongest or the best, but he's not afraid to do the right thing.
History: Conner is the eldest of six in the fourth generation of the Griggs magus family. Hailing from a long line engineers and inventors, upon discovering their aptitude for magecraft, the family quickly became acclimated in a world they didn't even think existed. Utilizing the mechanical know-how from their industrious past, the Griggs garnered a reputation of being of producing various magecraft tools and equipment, one of these being their closely-guarded Armis de Superbia.
When word of a recently established organization in need of new mages reached the family's ears, the opportunity to expand their influence and gain a new consumer base was all too enticing. Being the most promising of his generation, his parents sent Conner off to Chaldea. The evaluations and tests he performed once he got there were some of the hardest he's every taken, but the young man stuck to it and didn't quit. Sure enough, he passed and was assigned to second team. While not the best or strongest, Conner's persistence and observant nature proved that he can be quite the capable mage.
Magecraft Section
School of Magecraft: Earth
Skills/Spell List:
Stone Wall - 5 times
Pitfall - 5 times
Terra Shotgun - 4 times
Rockslide - 3 times
Terra-dome - 4 times
Obsidian Blade - 2 times
Stone Skin - 2 times
Amount of Magecraft Mana: C+
Nicknames: Con man (Gets annoyed by/rolls his eyes at this.), Grig (What Fran will sometimes call him.), CG Eyes
Age: 18
Master of: Berserker
Command Seal Location: Right Hand
Origin: Perception

Personality: To those who don't know him, Conner would most likely come off as "lone wolf". He's quiet, reserved and mostly keeps to himself most of time. Hell, he'll rarely interact with anyone he doesn't know. And he DOES interact with others, he's polite and professional. However, this side of him is known to strangers and the public, in general. To his family and friends(and, by extension, Servant), he is a kind, friendly and intelligent young man.
He is also known to be quite observant, seeing things people would usually either dismiss or ignore and noticing moments others have when they think no one is looking. This rather nosy quirk of his was often the source of joking and chagrin to those close to him, the phrase "Conner is always watching." was something he often heard from others throughout his life yet he always took it in stride. Not his fault people are careless about what they're doing around other folks. Conner is also known to be reliable and trustworthy, especially when trouble rears it's ugly head. He knows he's not the strongest or the best, but he's not afraid to do the right thing.
History: Conner is the eldest of six in the fourth generation of the Griggs magus family. Hailing from a long line engineers and inventors, upon discovering their aptitude for magecraft, the family quickly became acclimated in a world they didn't even think existed. Utilizing the mechanical know-how from their industrious past, the Griggs garnered a reputation of being of producing various magecraft tools and equipment, one of these being their closely-guarded Armis de Superbia.
When word of a recently established organization in need of new mages reached the family's ears, the opportunity to expand their influence and gain a new consumer base was all too enticing. Being the most promising of his generation, his parents sent Conner off to Chaldea. The evaluations and tests he performed once he got there were some of the hardest he's every taken, but the young man stuck to it and didn't quit. Sure enough, he passed and was assigned to second team. While not the best or strongest, Conner's persistence and observant nature proved that he can be quite the capable mage.
Magecraft Section
School of Magecraft: Earth
Skills/Spell List:
Stone Wall - 5 times
Pitfall - 5 times
Terra Shotgun - 4 times
Rockslide - 3 times
Terra-dome - 4 times
Obsidian Blade - 2 times
Stone Skin - 2 times
Amount of Magecraft Mana: C+