Avatar of Rezod92


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9 mos ago
Current Fix your goddamn servers, Bungie.


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@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree (VIV) @AzureKnight (VRA)

"You girls fought pretty hard. You fought to win. I could feel all that in our spar. But what I can't figure out is why? Why fight this hard for an island with no yokai and whose denizens hate you? You three could be out there living... I don't know, peaceful lives literally anywhere else. There are no riches here. Nor is the island strategic, I think. Yokai only come here for men, and I can feel that none of you are particularly looking. And you three do realize that no matter what he says, Takeshi can just stab you in the backs once the Varjans are vanquished. Right? You have to know that. None of you are stupid."

"Well no shit, pretty boy. We definitely don't expect an island of bigots to have the integrity, honor and gratitude to not try and murder the ones who bothered to help them out of the hole they found themselves in.", Zeka retorted, quick as a whip. "My reasons aren't as eloquent as Vivi over here but are far simpler. One reason is the opportunity to steal from those who actually deserve to be stolen from. Varjan artifacts are highly sought after and people would pay a handsome penny to get their hands on them. Wouldn't be much of thief if I turned down such tempting payday offer, huh? And the other reason is...Well..."

The mouse girl put her hands in her pockets and shrugged, looking away in thought.

"...You needed help. Even if you hate our existence, as pointlessly stupid as that is."


Hillside Hamlet

"...Those things were not unlike the Mist. A curse befouling the land itself... I suppose that even in this realm, mortals would seek to defile nature,"

"....Ah.", Fran replied to Maokai's words, in a surprisingly understanding tone. Whether it was in her world or another, magus or otherwise, it didn't matter. There will be those be those who will tamper with forces they do not understand. More often than not, to the detriment of either the world around them...or its denizens.

For Maokai, it led to the desecration and corruption of his home, apparently.

For Fran...it resulted in a doomed existence filled with heartache and sorrow.

The berserker tilted her head down and sighed, feeling dejected.

Yeah...she and the sentient tree definitely have something in common.

ATTN: @PaulHaynek, @Enkryption (Alice/Carroll), & @The Irish Tree (Eula)



Hillside Hamlet

By the time she had finished exterminating the last of the giant slimes, Fran had turned to see the battle had come to a close as the remaining remnants of the slime horde had either retreated or, more likely, been exterminated as well. Sighing in satisfaction, Fran leapt toward the village to meet with the others. She landed just in time for the girl with the giant scissors to introduce herself.

"Thanks for the help! Honestly, your arrival was quite the boon; I think we would've been fine, but I can't say the same about the villagers there. My name's Gwen; this is Maokai. He doesn't... Like people much, though, so it'd probably be better if you let him be."

"Fran.", the berserker simply replied as she gestured to herself. She figured, since she was not in a Grail War, telling people her name would be of no consequence, especially when this world was not her own.


Hillside Hamlet

"I had thought this would be a tough fight, but help is always welcome! But I suppose introductions should wait until after the battle's over."

"Ah!", shouted Fran in agreement. The hulking trent was of the same opinion, though less verbally and more crushing the slimes. The berserker was about to join in when she looked up. Gasping, Fran ran to the trent and used his shoulder as a platform to leap into air and, with a big swing of her sparking mace, intercepted a dark ball of energy that was headed straight toward them. The ball exploded upon contacting the weapon, allowing Fran to pass through harmlessly, but she wasn't about to let the residual energy go to waste as she activated her Galvanism skill, converting the energy into electricity for Fran to absorb, powering her up. With that additional boost, Fran landed with another hammer strike to the ground, green lightning crackling outward and vaporizing swathes of dark slimes. A momentary lull in the fighting, Fran noticed Rayne raining down havoc on the bigger slimes that were responsible for those dark energy balls.

She wouldn't be the only one.

Power surging, Fran blitzed through the battlefield, a literal streaking green spark seen by all as she swatted and bashed any slime that got in her way as she raced toward one of the towering slimes. One of the said creatures noticed her, but by the time it moved to defend itself...


It was too late.

A verdant line of lightning shot through the head of the giant slime, the electric explosion destroying the creature as it faded to dust in the wind. It was strange how these slimes die, but it was of no concern to Fran as she landed on her feet.

One down. The rest were next.
@PKMNB0Y @Izurich @Raineh Daze @DracoLunaris @Drifting Pollen @VitaVitaAR @Lugubrious @EchoWolff


On The Road

Next several days would pass by uneventful but peaceful, which gave Fran plenty of time to find and collect various flowers she would find as they traveled. Even so...

This peace would not last.

Sitting within a wagon in the center of the caravan, Fran was in the midst of making a floral crown when said caravan came to a sudden stop. Setting the crown aside, she poked her head out just in time to see Sanae flying toward the front. Curiosity peaked, Fran hopped out and briskly jogged to join those that had gathered, both the mercenaries and her fellow otherworlders. She wouldn't have to wait long to know what the commotion was about as the flying priestess flew up the hill and relayed to the others what she was seeing:

A wave of slimes with glowing yellows eyes, threatening to overrun a nearby town. Along with seeing... a walking tree and a girl with scissors? While the latter was definitely a head scratcher, the former was clearly the most concerning. Even with the strange duo fighting them off, it was only a matter of time before they were overwhelmed by sheer numbers. They, along with the town, needed help...

...and they were going to get it.

"You're welcome to act as you want, so long as you're not endangering the rest of us."

She didn't need to hear the rest. If that wasn't a granted permission, then Fran didn't know what is as she instantly summoned her battle mace before leaping up the hill, leaving a crater from the force she exerted. Once at the top, she ran downward, picking up speed as she rocketed toward the wave of slimes from the flank.

The sentient tree and the scissor-wielding girl would hear a shrill battle cry before hearing a thunderous boom as an explosion of verdant electricity vaporized dozens of slime monsters within the vicinity. Dust settling, they would see a peach-haired girl with strange head ornaments wearing a wedding dress and carrying a huge mace, green lighting sparking off of her body.

The Berserker has been let loose.
@PKMNB0Y @DracoLunaris


On The Road

“We should also find out if our various magic powers are otherworldly or not when we’re asking the merchants stuff? Is healing magic a thing they can do, or is Remilia’s ability to do that really rare? How about Frans super, well, everything, or Lewa’s entire existence?”

Rayne's questions actually made Fran put some thought into it. Looking back on it, her own existence would be considered very much unlike anything this world could've possibly seen. Hell, the fact that she was still here, without having Independent Action or being a Caster to connect oneself to a leyline, without a Master was virtually unheard of back in her world. Yet here, magic and mystery is very abundant, that much was clear from what she can sense. Along with her ability to absorb energy of any kind, Fran could keep herself materialized here indefinitely, so long as she doesn't fall in battle.

Perhaps now was a good time to explain to the others what a Servant is. It would serve to answer Rayne's question about whether or not their entire being is one of a kind.

"Ser...vants...", Fran began, calling everyone's attention as she explained as best as she could. "By...gone....spi...rits...from....life...fiction...myth....Brou...ght....to....life....Super....pow...ered....ghosts.....basic...ally....Is....that....wei...rd....here?"


On The Road

Fran had taken to walking alongside the caravan as well, opting to take in the scenery over sitting in one of the wagons. Back in her world she hailed from, she never really had time to take in and appreciate her surroundings, far too concerned with chasing after her creator...her father so that he may create her male counterpart to complete her. Here, however, she truly slowed down to see greenery of the forests, the rolling hills, the clear blue sky. The serene and peaceful landscape that stretched out before her was something one would stop and just...bask in the atmosphere. Fran definitely wouldn't mind picking flowers that were surely blooming around here.

Remilia then suggested that the group should head straight for the head of the ruling party in the capital, Mokou concurring yet Anne warning that they might not be able to gain an audience so quickly and directly, opting to convince them by giving out information about the Herald attack on Aventon.

"Mmmmmmm...", mumbled Fran out loud, expressing her doubts. While Anne's plan was competently sound, the berserker's gut told her that things wouldn't go that smoothly.


Aventon - South Entrance

The Servant tilted her head as Sanae finished her explanation. Was the priestess concerned that the act of summoning such powerful supernatural deities would come off as strange? Because honestly, Fran wasn't surprised. In her world, this happened all the time in the Moon Lit World, especially Grail Wars. All manner of Servants were summoned in such events, from authors and serial killers to dragonslayers and, yes, even gods. However, Sanae being able to summon HER goddess from HER world gave credence to a growing issue:

The barrier between worlds WAS weakening and Lavielle wasn't the only one pulling people here.

Fran grumbled in unease. Even more questions. When they get to the capital, she really hopes they can get their answers soon.


Aventon - South Entrance

As Remilia hopped off Fran's mace to let the Servant go next, her dwarf opponent looked apprehensive. Aside from the strange horn and prongs adorning her head and shouldering a giant mace that, by all means, should've been too heavy for her dainty frame, he was basically fighting a young and pretty girl with peach-colored hair wearing a wedding dress. Was this really okay? Did this girl even know how to fight? He probably should go easy-


The dwarf blinked.


The girl raised her free hand to show three fingers.


He blinked again, processing what she just said before scoffing. She's letting him get free hits in? Was she serious? There's cocky, there's arrogant and then there's this. Regardless, he took the invitation as he rushed in. When he got close, he opted for a slow and telegraphed swing from the right. Maybe once she sees that this is for real, she'll quickly change her tu-


The dwarf, as well as the surrounding spectators, were shocked by what just happened

Fran didn't defend herself and let the attack hit.

Even more shocking than that?

She didn't even react to the hit.

Pulling his weapon back, the dwarf was even more flabbergasted when there was zero evidence of his attack hitting, despite the fact that he DID hit her. No sign of broken bones, no bleeding. Not even a bruise. It was almost as if his hit might as well have never happened.


He flinched and turned his attention to the girl, who still wore a neutral expression. He glared. Alright, so this girl was tougher than she looked. In that case...

The dwarf spun in full circle to his right, building up momentum before swinging her hammer from the left. A louder impact was heard upon the attack connecting. Again, Fran didn't move to defend herself...

....and again, she didn't need to.

The stout hammer wielder was speechless at this point. That attack would've put any other average bloke on their ass with broken bones that would've taken months to recover. Yet here was this little girl, still standing. Unmarked and unphased. It's almost becoming a jo-


"Alright, bitch! That's it!"

Angered and with his pride on the line, the dwarf leapt into the air, quite high for his size. With a loud battle cry and all of his strength, he brought his hammer down in a overhead swing that landed square on Fran's head. The impact of this attack was the loudest one out of the duels so far.

On anybody else, an unguarded hit like this would've resulted in death....

....but for a Servant?

"...Heh. Tic...kles..."

Eyes twitching, the dwarf was sweating buckets as he tired to comprehend the utter nonsense this duel had become.

"T-Tickles!? That was my strongest attack! Just what the hell are yo-"

"Three. My....turn..."

With power he didn't know she had, Fran raised her hand to touch the face of the hammer, a glimpse of green electricity racing up her arm before she clenched. Suddenly, the entire head of the dwarf's weapon exploded, sending him stumbling back as the area was showered in bits of shattered iron.

With speed he didn't know she had, the Servant was instantly behind the dwarf as he was still processing what just happened.

And finally, with strength he didn't know she had, Fran, with restraint, delivered her own overhead open palmed smack on her opponent's head, knocking him out....and burying him up to his neck into the ground.

With a nod and smile, Fran dismissed her weapon, which she didn't even use, and walked off to sit and spectate with the others.

It was as simple as that.
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