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Current Fix your goddamn servers, Bungie.


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@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree (LIL & EUL) @Restalaan (SKAR & GRI) @AzureKnight (SHI, ATS & HIN) @Enkryption (DIN)

"Stand down, you mongrels! Stand down or this little sprite gets it!"


The curse echoed in her mind as Kerry leveled a heated glare at the lone Varjan, Mort held tightly in her hand as she stared her opponent down.

Okay. I can't make a move from here. Even with the wind boosting me, he'll have time to react and kill Lili. So maybe...

The hornet glanced over to Eula, looking the automaton in the eye. A silent exchange being had before the mercenary turned her gaze back to the Iron Grinder.

"Alright, bro. Take it easy. You win.", she began, easing out of her combative stance and even putting a hand up in surrender. Look. I'll even drop my spear."

True to her word, Kerry would move Mort off to her side and, indeed, release her grip on the spear and letting the weapon fall to the ground...

Midway through its descent, however...


With a snap of her fingers, a small pocket of air popped at the blunt end of Mort, jettisoning the spear toward the Iron Grinder's arm at a speed the Varjan couldn't react to in time!

@FujiwaraPhoenix @Izurich @Drifting Pollen


Nieve — Mages' Guild

"At least, that would be the case if we spoke with regards to charity. I do not know of your circumstances with that merchant caravan you claim to have arrived with, but if you would be willing to aid me as assistants I might be able to figure something out."

"Princess, I do believe that is called embezzlement—"

"I'm not embezzling anything! I'd be giving them legitimate tasks and paying them accordingly! Ahem. Well, there you have it, then. Of course, you're free to refuse; I'm not crazy enough to strongarm you into helping, and I won't make you do anything too crazy... Probably. So how about it?"

And there it was, the request for assistants, but really it was free labor. Fran pouted in a huff. She didn't like it, but she understood that this was a necessary evil if were to make any make progress in Nieve.

"Indeed, Her Highness speaks wisdom, Ambassador, fufufu~ Yes, we accept with great honors! Now, shall we depart to the castle at once?"

U-Uh! Ah!, the berserker protested, snapping her head to the little vampire with an, due to her bangs, unseen glare. She can't just make a group decision by herself like that! And did she really think that this was enough to gain an audience with the capital's ruling monarchy!?

"It's a fair offer, though if we're being legitimately hired then I'd prefer an agreement in writing. You're okay with it too, Fran?"

"...Yes.", Fran replied to Anne, sighing with resignation.

Sher didn't like it...but if it means getting things done around here, she can tolerate it.
@FujiwaraPhoenix @Izurich @Drifting Pollen


Nieve — Mages' Guild

"We can certainly stay for however long as you'd like, Your Highness! And all of us are capable warriors in our own right, so it'll certainly be in our mutual best interest if we remain here and ready to act against these assailants."

“Lady Remilia is right, of course. We’ll need to stay here long enough to help deal with the threat we’ve been warning you about. However… I made a promise back in Aventon that we would protect the people there. If we end up in Nieve for some time, I’m worried about what might happen to the town. While of course I won’t abandon the capital either, it would do a lot for my peace of mind if you could see to Aventon’s protection.”

"Uh. Uh!", Fran muttered in agreement, concurring with her companions with a nod of her head.
@FujiwaraPhoenix @Izurich @Drifting Pollen


Nieve — Embassy

"Just stick close to me, alright? I won't let them do anything to hurt you."

Due to Fran's bangs, Anne was unable to see the look of surprise in the berserker's eyes upon hearing those words. Wasn't it the other way around? Still, to hear the futuristic swordsmen, who initially eyed her with suspicion and mistrust, say she now has her back was unexpected...

...but so very welcome.

"Ah!", Fran replied with a genuine smile as the trio made their way their next destination.

Nieve — Mages' Guild

Out of all the possibilities Fran thought of when meeting a member of Nieve's royal court, this was definitely not one. Certainly, not in the form of a red headed woman coming out of a smoking room where there was a recent explosion. A curious introduction, that's for sure.

"It's my utmost pleasure to meet you, Your Highness, I am Lady Remilia of House Scarlet, here from distant lands, one of the people your ambassador spoke of."

"Anne Mayer. I'm a Knight currently in Lady Remilia's service."

"Fran. Body...guard...for...Lady...Remi...lia.", Fran chimed in, following Anne's lead in pretending to be in service to their vampire companion.
[@PKMNB0Y] @Izurich @Drifting Pollen


Nieve — Embassy

"Uuuuuugh...", muttered Fran, now feeling a tad nervous. She...had a history of tests being done on her. Almost all of them were not...pleasant. Still, if it meant having good standing and gaining cooperation from the ruler of Nieve, then the berserker can tolerate some tests being done on her...

...So long as they don't mess with her mind. She does not want to go through that again.

At least Remilia had said the first agreeable statement in this entire endeavor.

"However! I won't stand idly by either as after all, evil must not be allowed to fester. These... 'Raven Heralds' and their wicked wings shall be clipped, and we can only accomplish that together."

"We...can...help.", concurred the Servant with a nod of her head.
@PKMNB0Y @Izurich @Drifting Pollen


Nieve — Embassy

"Hmmm...", pondered Fran, think over the minister's words. While the events in Aventon and Sila did paint a pattern of attacks getting closer to the capital, their claims did lack solid proof that an attack was coming. The only thing they had that could even be considered as proof was...

"The...girl..., the berserker spoke to Anne and Remilia. The...one...we...bro...ught...along...Could...she...know?
@PKMNB0Y @Drifting Pollen @Izurich


Nieve — Castle Plaza

Fran silently stood to Anne's side, still carrying Remilia as the cyber knight explained to the minister the events that have happened up to now, sparing no details about the attack on Aventon and the monster slime raid on Sila. As Anne wrapped up her report, Fran would notice the smug look on the vampire's face, no doubt feeling justification over demanding to see the king as soon as they got to the gates.

The Servant would not let that slide.

"Ah.", Fran chided Remilia with a shake, getting her attention. "Be...have...Sho...uted...at...guards...for...no...rea...son...Just...doing...job."
@PKMNB0Y @Izurich @Drifting Pollen


Nieve — Castle Plaza

"Fran, make sure you keep holding her nice and tight. She's our precious Lady Scarlet, after all."

"Ah.", replied Fran with an affirming nod, adjusting her grip so that Remilia was now being held in the crook of her arm, like one would hold a pillow.

"You know, I was wondering why you came along... But it turns out I'm glad to have you with us. Let's wrap things up quickly, and get back to the others in time for dinner."

The berserker's unseen eyes widened in surprise. This was the first time Anne gave a positive statement toward Fran and with smile to boot. With a smile of her own, Fran gave another nod.


After a longer than normal walk that left Anne slightly winded, the trio finally arrived at the embassy and went to the first official they saw.

"Anne Mayer, representing Lady Remilia of House Scarlet. We have a message that needs to be passed up the chain of command."

"It...con...cerns...this...king...dom...and...others.", Fran added, ignoring the stares that were surely being shot her way. It was a strange sight, no doubt, but the trio were here on business, so the Servant didn't care.
@PKMNB0Y @Izurich @Drifting Pollen


Nieve — Castle Plaza

Soon enough, the trio would arrive at the front gates of the castle, their way currently barred by the presence of guards.

"Hmmm.", mumbled Fran with a tilt of her head. Alas, it made sense. Any self-respecting monarch, in any shape or form, wouldn't just have their doors open for anybody, let alone three strangers who were literally not from around here...

"W-w-w-wha-... what is this insolence?! Don't you simpletons know who I am?! I'm Lady Remilia of House Scarlet, you unwashed peas-!!"

...Which Remilia didn't seem to understand, now throwing a fit and causing a scene. Unseen due to her bangs, Fran turned to the outraged vampire, perplexed eyebrow raised. What exactly was she expecting? The berserker was willing to bet her war mace that there was no one in this world that knew of Remilia or her House, so why would they care? Sighing, Fran stepped forward, reached out to brag Remilia by the scruff of her dress before lifting the little vampire with ease.

"Ah.", Fran said to Anne as stepped back from the guards, small aristocrat in tow, in a tone that said, "Please handle this before this brat embarrasses us further."

Though she couldn't explain it, Anne felt like she should definitely be the one to talk to the guards. She had a gut feeling that, if this was up to Fran, they could easily gain entry.....but that would cause problems...

A lot of problems.
@PKMNB0Y @Drifting Pollen @Izurich


The Capital, Nieve

As the motley crew of otherworlders approached the capital, Fran was struck by a brief bout of nostalgia. She recalled being in another castle back in Trifas, where it served as a base of operations for Team Black. The castle here, easily seen high above even the giant walls, was just as grand. She hoped there was a garden or, at the very least, a courtyard where she could find and gather flowers.

Once the caravan stopped and the crew disembarked, Remilia wasted no time in making her way toward the castle, no doubt wanting to speak with the current ruler of Nieve. Anne quickly followed the vampire, leaving Lewa to handle the nameless girl they took with them, who wandered off with his charge, though not without a bit grumbling. Rayne had also decided to check out the rest of the town, after notifying everyone that they should gather at a 'Dancing Donkey' inn as a rendezvous point.

After moment of thinking and with nothing better to do, Fran made the decision to follow Anne and Remilia toward the castle, catching up with them in no time. Between the two of them, negotiations should be smooth, but...

One can never know what might happen.
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