Avatar of Rhona W


Recent Statuses

3 days ago
Current Goodness. No inspiration or activity for me on here for months (even years!) and now all at once, I have ideas for multiple RPs!
3 days ago
Started a new RP, and I'm excited for it, for the first time in a while. I hope it's a success!
11 mos ago
Man, I can't wait to roleplay as Teak Root Furniture. Sounds wild.
11 mos ago
As Eddie Izzard once said, "Americans say 'Urbs' English people say 'Herbs', because there's a f*cking 'H' in it"
11 mos ago
Gotta love people who comment on your RP just to leave a snarky comment about it. GG, good to see you're using your time well.


I've been roleplaying in one form or another since the late '90's. I've played as many tabletop games as I have online ones, and the quality of both has varied wildly.
I have an active imagination, and I love immersive, descriptive roleplaying. My genres of choice are sci-fi, and modern-day (with a sci-fi twist). I like RP's that mix reality with fiction, and throw an unusual and exciting twist into an otherwise normal setting - something like Stargate SG-1 would be an example, or Battle: Los Angeles. An almost recognizable world, but with some sci-fi twists.
I'm a fan of military and action-based RP's that do this especially, and they are easily my favourite - though I rarely see any that appeal to me enough - all the military RP's are too 'plain', and anything else modern day is usually fantasy or fandom.
I have a lot of fandoms, but I don't really like fandom RP's - or at least, the ones that come up. I often find them a bit lacking in ideas, or too far away from what actually makes the thing I'm a fan of enjoyable.

I don't play in free, as I find the short posts and bad spelling and grammar infuriating.

I'm 43 years old, and live in the UK, so I may not be on all the time.
I also like playing non-human characters, especially anthro ones. I dig giant robots, and I love military aircraft. I'm also a very dedicated and proud Brony and furry.

Most Recent Posts

I've added this to the first post - but FYI, we now also have a space on Letter Bee's Discord server for discussion of the RP, lore, character creation, and other such things. Please feel free to join us there -
Is that better?-@Rhona W

The picture is fine, thank you for changing it. Sometimes google image results are confusing.

In terms of the modifications, I can see you made some changes and they're pretty good, but may I make the following suggestions:

  • Upgraded avionics; modern radar and flight instruments fitted, including integration with modern weaponry
  • Internal weapons bay refitted to accommodate modern missiles along with permanent fit of M61 Vulcan cannon; such as AIM-9 Sidewinders and AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles, guided bombs, and other ordnance.
  • Wing hardpoints refitted to accommodate weapons as well as drop tanks
  • Newer, more modern single-piece canopy fitted for increased view
  • Improved performance via new, modern engine; giving maximum of Mach 3 performance
  • Modernised IRSTS fitted
  • Red-and-black colour scheme

Also while your characters' background and such are fine in content, it is a little difficult to read. Could you please review it for punctuation a little bit and also underline and/or bold the section headings? i.e. "Appearance"

Thank you!
Aircraft: F-106, imgur.com/a/ARneyI3

Aircraft modifications: better engine can go Mach 3 now, red and black design just imagine it, better guns and way way better durability

All mostly fine. Your character himself is just fine, no problems with his background.
Just a couple of small things about your aircraft.
Your picture is of an F-14 Tomcat instead of an F-106 - This is an F-106

The modifications are okay; they're certainly enough to get the point across, but I'd be happy to suggest some more in-depth and detailed ones if you'd like?

Alternatively, if it was the F-14 you had in mind, that's also perfectly fine - it's a very popular plane, and an extremely cool one. Especially because it was in Top Gun xD


Approved! please feel free to post them in the characters tab
Name: Scott Valentine
Callsign/Nickname: Heartbreak
Age: 37
Gender: Male

The only difference to the picture is that Scott has heterochromia, with his left eye being blue, and the right one brown. His hair is also a much more 'sandy blond' colour. He is approximately 5'7" in height.

Nationality: Joint US/UK nationality
Scott is almost the typical fighter pilot. Laid-back in demeanour, confident, and witty. He has a playful character and charm to him that is either endearing or frustrating, depending on who you are. This is countered by a professional seriousness and lethality when he is in the cockpit, and a respectable amount of raw, natural skill and expertise.
His somewhat rebellious and maverick nature has lead to chafing against military authority and limitations in the past, and as such the somewhat more relaxed life of a PMC gives him the same experiences, and makes use of his skills.
He plays as hard as he works, and this shell of easy confidence and casually treating even the most deadly and desperate situations with an air of dismissive humour masks a much deeper fear of his own mortality and of losing those around him, and the need to form bonds to ground himself to something. It is rare he lets the mask slip and the more vulnerable, real side of himself out, often seeking to drown his worries or at least relieve them with the highs of drink and sex, sometimes presenting him as at best a playboy or worst a callous and shallow man, when the opposite is true.
He has a particular relationship in his past that turned sour, and still harbours unrequited and unfulfilled love for his ex, Valerie Glass, who has become a commander in the N/UN forces. They have a cordial, if distant professional and working relationship and both still like one another, even if they are no longer intimately involved.
Scott was a naval fighter pilot before and during the Heavenfall, flying for the US Navy. Becoming a pilot was what he always wanted, ever since he was a kid. He managed to - despite chafing at authority, and being somewhat of a problematic cadet, prone to emotional outbursts and thinking with his fists or heart - make the grade and became a pilot of the F-14 Tomcat, a dream plane for him.
He met Valerie during this time, and they had a very on-again, off-again relationship. It was a lot of fun for them both, and they cared deeply for one another, but often clashed on a lot of things, mainly due to Val's frustration with Scott's hot-headed, impulsive nature and he with her more strait-laced, reserved nature.
Despite caring for one another, their careers constantly had them being apart, and combined with their butting up in personalities, they decided to split and remain friends, before getting so frustrated and angry with one another that that wasn't a possibility.

He didn't see much action prior to the Heavenfall, mostly combat air patrols along with the carrier group he was assigned to, though there were many close calls and intercepts, as well a number of reconnaissance missions, and a little bit of action that showed his talent for ground attacks.
However, this all changed during the Heavenfall. Stationed in the Persian Gulf at the time, the carrier group he suffered massively from the tidal upheavals, and then the following violence, the local powers seeing a perfect opportunity to lash out against the 'infidels from the west'. His unit - the survivors of it - were forced into combat, and Scott's plane was shot down, his RIO killed by being shot in front of him after they were captured by enemy forces.
He managed to escape as rival factions in the region clashed, linking up with other military survivors from the US and other allied forces in the region, and as a rag-tag band, they made their way overland toward hopeful help in Europe.
Eventually, during this slog, he met Katherine Kane - Kat - who joined their band of survivors and refugees, and quickly became a close, trusted friend and they built a strong, loyal relationship with one another.
Scott finally made it back to something resembling civilization, where he found he had been listed as dead, like so many of his comrades. Disgusted with the Navy after the commander who sent them into battle not only survived, but was free of all blame and even promoted, he left.
Civilian life didn't suit him, there was a restlessness within him, and he wanted to get back into action.
He decided to enlist with Shattered Steel, where his skills and experience were welcome.
He was reunited with the F-14 in the shape of the much more advanced and capable ASF-14 Super Tomcat 2010.
Kat was a natural fit as his WSO, having enlisted alongside him, and the two proved as inseprable and reliable in the sky, as they had on the ground.
His experience and skill resulted in him being given a commanding position and rank in Shattered Steel, and he was recently assigned the command position of the Cobalt Haze squadron.

Personal Gear:
  • Colt M1911 MEU/SOC .45 Calibre handgun with mounted tactical light.
  • M110 7.62mm Marksman's rifle with suppressor, bipod, optical scope, vertical foregrip and optional light/laser.
  • Combat/Survival knife - Scott carries the Gerber LMFII ASEK survival knife he had when he originally ejected from his jet after being shot down. It got him through everything after that, and its' kind of a lucky talisman for him by now, as much as a tool and weapon.
  • backup folding knife
  • Flight helmet; has a broken heart painted on the visor cover

Personal Aircraft:
ASF-14 ST2010 aka Advanced Strike Fighter-14 Super Tomcat 2010

Customised with the following:
  • All suggested modifications/upgrades in the linked article above
  • Jolly Rogers-style paint scheme (minus squadron numbers and aircraft carrier markings)

The OOC can be found here - roleplayerguild.com/posts/5555532

Shattered Steel

"I remember the day the stars fell from the sky... and how they broke the world"

The world is broken, shattered by the Heavenfall.

Ten years later, humanity and civilization are starting to rebuild. But this is a new world, a dangerous world at times. New laws, new rules, new challenges and new dangers need new answers and solutions to their problems.
Enter the Neo-UN; the new government formed from a coalition of those surviving powers from the pre-cataclysm world. They have forged some semblance of safety and security for people, and have begun to restore balance and prosperity to as many people as possible.
Legalised and legitimate PMCs subcontracted to them, and equipped with the best technology that can be built, salvaged and scavenged from the world are their tools.

Opposing them, however, are those that seized power during the chaos, took opportunities to enforce their own selfish will and vision on whatever corner of the world they could bend to their will. Private armies, Criminal Cartels, extremist cults or ideological factions, and more all seek to hold onto the ground or the people they have held under their sway, often raiding and pillaging other territories and groups, stealing resources, trying to expand their own territory and influence.
In the middle of this, corporate interests trade with every side, and anyone who will take their money, exerting their own influence and claiming their own sovereign interests and rights, clashing with both sides as they follow their own whims and ideals.

And deep in the shadows and dark places of the ruined world, tirelessly, constantly, plotting minds and shadowy powers reach from the pre-fall world, having bided their time, to turn events to their own gain, to fulfil their ultimate plans for the human race and Earth as a whole, their presence barely even suspected; nothing more than ghostly whispers and rumours, far-fetched tales the only evidence of their actions... or is it?

We have a discord group on Letter Bee's Discord server for discussion of the game, it's background, and other such information and interaction - discord.gg/MCt4F6r79m
Thank you all for the interest. That's certainly enough people to get an OOC up.
I've got a few things I need to take care of today, but I'll get something up as soon as possible within the next couple of days, and as soon as that's done I'll post the link in here.
So, it's been a long, long while since I've run anything on here, or joined in anything either.
I'm a little dubious, as the guild seems to be deathly quiet compared to how it used to be, and there's not a lot that tickles my fancy these days.
But I've got the urge and the desire for a modern aircraft based RP, and no-one else is advertising anything like that. So I guess it's down to me to step up and suggest something.

I've got the beginnings of an idea inspired by Ace Combat, my favourite game franchise, with elements of the plot and setting adapted from or inspired by various other sources.

The premise as I have it in mind at the moment, is that the RP's setting is an alternate Earth. One where the Cold War extended into the 90s, and as such, many aircraft and weapons that were prototypes or otherwise never came to fruition were completed and saw service.
However, a cataclysmic event occured in the early years of the 21st century, after an asteroid struck the planet, and shattered civilization. By necessity, the state of Cold War ended, and civilization has picked itself up after the impact.
The UN is the de-facto world government, with a handful of other countering powers and alliances, as well as other independent powers of various alignments based in various regions of the world. Some places are completely devastated due to the results of the impact, and are functional 'dead zones'. Various corporate interests have also risen to prominence, leveraging their resources and aid to buy their way into positions of power in former countries, essentially becoming the government.

Mercenaries and PMC's have become commonplace, equipped with modern advanced technology. Some of them operate under contract and agreement with the UN as peacekeepers, abiding by particular rules and with observers to enforce law and aid people, as the UN military is too small and overstretched to be everywhere at once. Others are less scrupulous and more greedy, and work for whoever will pay them.

There are also rumours and evidence of other things afoot; abandoned technologies being bought back into the light, strange sightings and incidents, and so on and so forth.

In other words, it's a setting with a lot of options for adventure. The PC's would be part of a UN-aligned PMC squadron, and would be following up on various missions, flying around the world to deal with them, and slowly would start to piece together a plot that links the things they deal with together. Various sci-fi elements and more fantastical, hi-tech things would also start to be in evidence, leading eventually to a much greater scope of threat. A sort of slowly building arc-plot, formed and shaped by the players' influence and actions.
Recurring antagonists and rivals would also be a thing, as would friendly recurring NPCs, locations, etc.

Some knowledge of modern military aircraft would be necessary, but not an extensive amount. Enough to get by, more than anything. Equally a similar understanding of how military life 'works'. As even though you'd be playing PMCs, you'd still have support staff, infrastructure, etc.
Though, it would be 'military-lite', in order to make it more interesting and less restrictive, and enable your characters to have a bit more freedom in their actions, especially privately, than they might otherwise. This also allows for a variety of aircraft within the squadron, rather than everyone having to fly the same planes.

There would be plot and action outside of the cockpit on occasions, but players would be absolutely pilots, as the emphasis is around that idea, rather than ground crew, mechanics, etc etc.

I ran a play-by-email game with a similar concept many years ago that lasted the better part of a decade, and I've always wanted to revisit a similar setting and concept, and hopefully this will be popular in a similar way.

I've tagged it as 'casual' for now, as 'Advanced' scares people, but I always put a lot of detail into backgrounds and settings, so please keep that in mind.

I'm not looking for loads of people, just a small handful to have enough interaction between characters to keep it interesting.
I've had a lot of flakey people in RPs previously that have ended up with them dying before they've even got anywhere, so looking for people who are in it for the long haul as well.
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