As Captain Gavren met the assembled faces of the newly arrived rangers, the ship around them lightly shuddered, the sensation moving up through their feet on the deck. The Spirit had cleared dock and her engines fired up, moving the ship away from the docking arms of the rotating station. Finally, she had cast off and was underway on her first voyage. The ship glided silently away from the station, picking up speed as her sublight engines flared to life and she made for the nearest safe jump point.
In the hangar, Gavren spoke up as he stood before the Rangers, the cetanui's clear, strong voice commanding their attention as he spoke.
"Welcome, Rangers. If I might have your attention for the moment; I'd like to introduce myself and give a brief overview. I am Captain Ralana Gavren. I'm familiar with your backgrounds; some more than others. But I look forward to working with you all. As a Ranger ship, our missions will vary, and take us all across ConFederation space, and maybe even beyond. But our first operation is to head to the Western Fringe. Heavy raiding activity has been reported along the frontier in that area, and it's more than the colonists can handle alone, so we're going to find out where they're based, and then take them down. Something that - at least on the first account of it - sounds simple and routine."
He eyed them all to gauge their reaction; he didn't expect much - it was a simple, run-of-the-mill mission, nothing big for a Ranger unit, but at the same time; the bread-and-butter of their role. Dealing with problems too big for colonists, but too small for the Navy.
"The location of your quarters has been uploaded to your personal data devices, along with full primers and briefs on the Spirit of Adventure and her facilities and capabilities. We'll be transiting to Hyperspace shortly, but you'll hear the alerts over the system before we jump, so you'll have a chance to prepare. I'm sure we'll all talk more soon enough, but thank you for your attention, and welcome aboard. As you were".
He excused himself, leaving them to go about their business, and the activity around them resumed. Messages sounded over the ships' PA, informing all of the crew of their progress, and the bustle of people at work, securing their mecha went on. Voices shouted to one another as crews communicated needs for parts, tools, and other such things, leaving the newly arrived rangers in the middle of a sea of activity.