Avatar of RickyG85


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3 hrs ago
Current Back in my day, if we wanted to rp but lacked an idea, we either made a list thread or joined someone else's
2 days ago
Holy jeez, you guys! I'm a little late to the party, but... SOME MANGAIRO APPARENTLY GOT A JOB WITH "WHAT IF ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE BUT CATS" (look up N(ya)ight of the Living Cat if you don't believe me)
6 days ago
Uh... Why?
11 days ago
@Zoie Hart I guess that depends on what you think "rage quitting" is, and why/how you're doing it? Generally, the answer is no, don't do that
23 days ago
Well, it's that day again youtu.be/E0LAs7X5ybE?si=Dwb…
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OK, somebody who see's whatever it is I'm missing? You're going to have to point me to whatever is making the hider function not work...
Fixed the last post and also the link here:

I don't recall if I approved this character, so this character is approved!
posted! I know we haven't gotten to the action yet, but I hope everyone is still enjoying the rp?
(@Forsythe sorry for the mix up, but I meant for the ship to still be right-side up, so you can still navigate the ship normally)

The ship didn't indicate any further hull breaches, or if the it was taking on water. Instead, It began scanning for lifeforms in a wide sweep- it didn't take long. "Scans indicate diverse, complex organisms; compiling a list of disguise-to-proto-form compatibility. Be advised; initial scans indicate ecological extremes, and hyper-aggressive wild life, including 'Megafauna'. Crew is encouraged to make their choices, and enter the reformatting chamber. Once reforming is complete, the subject is free to emerge."


The scout shuttle had crashed on an island, somewhere- Someone on the Maximal ship had thought to take shots at them as they fled, and while they weren't exactly blown to smithereens, they were forced to make a crash landing. If he hadn't been on the receiving end, he might have commended the move; WingWraith felt that turned backs were the best targets.

The Predacon rebels all seemed to be largely in tact, and managed to get their systems operating enough to make use of the bio-scans and reformatted. If the Maximals survived their own crash, than taking alternate modes was going to be a good way to hide, and wait for a chance to strike.

Slickback was working through some of the data collected (searching for stasis pods), when he looked over his shoulder and spoke his dial-up chatter to WingWraith.

"What do you mean 'confusing scan results'? Who else could be on this planet??"
you know what? This sounds fun! I'll pop into the discord, thanks for the link btw.
I'm going to give everyone a little more time for a post-crash response, but making Sunday my deadline: Next post will be up before Monday, does that work for everyone?
Looking for feedback:

Hmmm... Could be interesting

Edit: the link for your beast mode doesn't seem to be working? the link works, but the image doesn't actually appear
In the original Beast Wars, the cybertronians had to take beast forms because it protected them from 'energon radiation' or something. Is that going to be what prompts our characters to take on beast forms as well?

Though it's canon-icity is dubious, Beast Machines (the follow up series) did portray/suggest that there was some precedent for Beast Modes- a new character introduced in the first season of that series had been the only survivor of another exploration mission, and fallen into similar circumstance (stranded on a planet and unable to remain in bot mode indefinitely). However, the lifeforms were exclusively plants, even the ones that run around and behave in animal like ways.

So, I guess it's not that hard to imagine, but it wasn't common.
Posting later today
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