Avatar of RickyG85


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2 days ago
Current @RBYDark ummm.... I like roller derby?
3 days ago
Room for another ghostbuster :P
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4 days ago
I'll be posting tomorrow in any threads that are waiting on me
5 days ago
Back in my day, if we wanted to rp but lacked an idea, we either made a list thread or joined someone else's
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6 days ago
Holy jeez, you guys! I'm a little late to the party, but... SOME MANGAIRO APPARENTLY GOT A JOB WITH "WHAT IF ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE BUT CATS" (look up N(ya)ight of the Living Cat if you don't believe me)


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@Sky BlueNot bad! A legit "6th sense", young martial arts enthusiast (totally realistic, actually; I did shaolin wushu in high school, myself). The firearm is a little out there, but, you're liable to draw unwanted attention to yourself if you rely on in too much, and ammunition might be a hurdle as well. Not to mention money, since you're currently living that Bill Bixby lifestyle.

If you can accept all that, I'll give you a green light.

(also, give it another look over; a "Samson" was mentioned while talking about David and Judas??)
oof... I am a very big victim of speed posting.

That being said, I won't have this rp put on indefinite hold by a player simply ceasing to participate, either. If a player hasn't formally left the rp, but has gone 7 days without posting, that player won't be removed, but the rp will move on without them, and they can just try to jump in on a later scene.
Ok, I made some necessary edits to the original OOC, here's the new one: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/194118-night-terrors-a-modern-horror-rp/ooc
In the last year or two (no one really knows, for sure), strange encounters and sightings have radically increased! It started small, like these things always do, with the usual suspects- people who, for one reason or another, experts and society at large could easily shrug off or dismiss. But, ignoring it like a hoax didn't work, anymore...
Not only was it slowly, noticeably, escalating, but a pattern was emerging. Not with the people reporting incidents, themselves- it quickly grew to where there was no pattern, with them- but, it was always at night, and always in an area thick with fog, or myst; regardless of the season, or if the area normally experienced such weather.
Still, nobody began to take it seriously until property was damaged, and animals and people started going missing.
People have stopped going outside, especially after a message began appearing in seemingly random places:

When the fog is thick,
too thick to see,
lock your doors
and don't go out.

If you find yourself
caught in an alien stair,
Run faster than fast,
hope your legs don't give out!

Nobody knows who is responsible for this message, or it's precise meaning- some think it's just a warning, from people working to try and understand what's going on. Others think something is spreading this message to taunt and frighten people.

Whatever is going on, it's not showing any signs of stopping...


I'm interested in running a horror game in a setting where supernatural elements are overlapping with the "normal" world, but, unlike an Urban Fantasy setting, or other horror themed settings, this overlap is recent, and not constant. Thus, it's not necessarily a common knowledge fact that this is happening, but people are aware of it, to some extent or another. Society being the way it is, people are still very reluctant to acknowledge what's going on, but are unconsciously adapting, i.e., people have stopped going out at night, etc. (expect a mix of more traditional monsters like things that could be compared to current mythologies like vampires and werewolves, but also "cryptids"; more "modern" monsters like The Dover Demon, Sasquatch, Chupacabra, and all manner of things that simply haven't been given a name.

Psychics and true magic are rare to this setting, but they are present. No high powered psychic abilities, but, maybe some low level stuff, like sensing emotions or reading surface thoughts, with a lot of concentration, maybe even the ability to consciously sense other minds, subtle things. No magic, just, people working with what skills and resources they have either to investigate what's going on, or just survive, depending on the role a player wants to take on and how the scenario plays out.

Players are encouraged to make use of tropes as a jumping point for building distinct characters, with some obvious caveates; Tropes are not stereo types, per se, I do want to see some actual character. On that note, embrace being someone who's good in particular situations, and maybe average at best in others; avoid the extremes of "Can only do one thing" and "capable of many things but good at precisely none of them". Other than that, give other players a chance, ok? No speed posting.

Submit Character files here, or in a PM, please. Either way, a PM conversation will be had, so, keep that in mind when deciding where to submit it.
I have on oc based off a character that already exists, is that fine?

let's hold off on questions like that until I've posted the OOC and am accepting character applications, please
@Einherjar 906@Sky Blue@hanzo

ok, I'm going to make an OOC. Anybody who's lost interest, feel free to ignore this.
@RickyG85 I would guess, as far as characters go, they can only be human with no powers?

Mmm... solid yes to the human part, I'm iffy about any powers. In a lot of horror media, things like psychic powers or true magic are rare, and don't translate into a clear advantage
Can a character be a monster?

Mmh I want to try this

cool, any question?
It was over 5 years ago the last time I attempted this one, and I feel like trying it again.

Night Terrors is a modern horror setting, in a world very much like our own, but somehow horror movie scenarios or becoming inexplicably real. A fog or mist overtakes the area, and unnatural creatures emerge, to terrorize the locals, often in an escalating manner (missing animals, and such), or even jumping straight to the seige (forcing a group of survivors to hide in a cabin or house or something).

I would ask players to only make 1 character, and I'm thinking this could be what table top calls a "one-shot"; we'd go through a single scenario rather than trying to keep it going indefinitely (like Supernatural; a series that ran for 15 seasons on about 5 seasons worth of content :P)

I suppose I could allow several players, if only for the body count :P

Any questions? Any takers?
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