Ok, maybe we can try this again... Anybody?
why'd I make an RP when I knew i'd be busy?
Anyways, I have decided to drop the idea of multiple characters per person and am currently choosing from an unsorted pile of characters to choose for mine.
You guys can go ahead and submit a character sheet for your prisoner, just put it here, I'll review it, and put it in the characters tab when ready. After I get a sheet from everyone who is participating, I will then get to work on the starting post.
Also, @RickyG85, it was partially sincere and partially a joke. I am considering you as Co-GM since I barely know what I'm doing and I think you know a bit more than I do....
Other than that, I think this should go smoothly from now on.
I don’t think forcing people to play two characters is a good idea. Especially for an RP in Free Roleplay section. It’s more for a casual Roleplay.
It’ll spread people to thin and lead to burn out.
<Snipped quote by Little Bird>
Maybe... Didn't think about that, we could go with one guard and one prisoner per person if they so chose to play both