Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hello, RPG! Welcome to this crackpot idea I've had for over a year that I finally decided to throw out there! I'll spare you the long answer here and direct you to my original interest check post that has all the basic info about the setup and worldbuilding for this rp. You can find it here! -> https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/188436-sk8te-a-dystopian-cyberpunk-rp/ooc
In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hey everyone. For your character sheet, just copy the basic from the example I posted below. If you aren't doing a member of Sk8te, then simply replace the "Tagsign" and "Cell" parts with your "Status" (Cred or Heir) and respective information.

FOR HEIRS: If doing an Heir, you are free to give a "Corporation" they have control over/their family controlled in the past (preferably fake).

FOR CREDS: If doing a Cred, make sure to include their "Occupation" in place of a cell.

FOR SK8TE: I addressed this in the OOC tab, but if you are doing a Sk8te Member please make sure to check the Characters tab before you make a new Cell. There's going to be overlap if everyone gets to make a new cell so make sure no one has already used your idea first. Also, you are welcome to join other players' cells.
In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Name: Billy Morgans
Tagsign: Blaze
Cell: Afterburn
Age: 29

Bio: Billy had been born into a Cred family and was raised on the streets of Delta City for much of his youth after his parents died in a factory fire. A natural runner, he quickly learned that stealing was a necessary evil in order to survive. Using his gift for speed, Billy would often run through smaller stores and grab items he needed off the shelves before the shop owners would even register anything had been taken. Eventually, Billy was contacted by a Sk8te cell that was impressed with his athletic ability. The cell took Billy in and he became a top courier and thief in a matter of months.

A year after his induction, the cell's hideout was raided by Delta City Police. Despite escaping, Billy decided to go back and save his crew. He fought the cops while the rest of the cell escaped, and was brutally beaten for it. Both Billy's legs and his right arm were left crippled as a result. However, A Sk8te-friendly Ripperdoc managed to replace his destroyed limbs with cybernetics, now granting him a grappling hook in his right arm, and a pair of afterburners in his legs, allowing him even faster movement than before, stronger kicks, and his trademark tagsign: Blaze.

With his former cell in ruins, Billy decided it was time to set out on his own. He ended up creating his own Sk8te cell: Afterburn. Seeking out the fastest runners he could find, Billy swore to ensure that no one could ever slow him or his crew down ever again.

Appearance: Billy has reddish-brown hair, a lean but muscular build, green eyes, and a cybernetic arm and legs. His typical attire consists of a fitted t-shirt, polyraydex pants (a material that is immune to his flames), and running shoes.

Afterburn: Afterburn is one of the more infamous Sk8te cells within Delta City. Members of Afterburn are known for being notoriously fast runners (many of which have mods to accomplish this), which makes them ideal for working as couriers and thieves within Delta City. It’s often said among Creds and a few Heir circles that, if you want something delivered discreetly or stolen quietly, seek out Afterburn. While their main skill is traversal, Afterburn is one of the only cells that employs Sk8teNet, a closed-circuit network that allows users to track safe routes through Delta City, Police Patrols, and even short range hacks to get into more restricted areas of the Megacity.
In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In the year 2085, the Corporate Wars ravaged the planet. Powerful CEOs had turned their fortune 500 companies into their own private armies and sought to gain both economic, political, and martial control of the planet. While their war raged for years, many civilians were left in the crossfire; leading to wide-scale displacement, famine, pandemics, and in extreme cases: total annihilation. When the dust finally settled, the remaining world governments needed to find a way to safely re-build humanity from the ashes. This was the rise of the Megacities.

The Megacities were massive technological marvels that spanned wider tracts of land than most small countries. Survivors of the wars were ushered inside, and offered a new chance at life: Advanced cybernetics, well paying jobs, food on the table every night. Eventually, the Megacities claimed 90% of the world's population. Those who joined the Megacities were implanted with Neural Bracers, allowing them access to the Infranet, or simply called The Net. This new tool allowed for streamlining the communications within the cities and ensured that every citizen could be accounted for at any given time. In spite of this, there were those who rejected this way of life. These were the members of Sk8te.

As the morning sun rose over Megacity-Delta, or Delta City as it was commonly known, Billy 'Blaze' Morgans breathed a deep sighed as he looked out from his perch. He could never understand why anyone would think living on the bottom floor of Delta City was worthwhile when they missed out on a view like this. It had become a sort of ritual for him to climb the radio tower and watch the sunrise. Billy was the leader of the Sk8te cell 'Afterburn'. Like the rest of the cells across the city, Afterburn sought a refuge living outside of the security provided by the system. Disconnecting themselves from the Net, Sk8te members made their homes in the rooftops, crevices, and otherwise abandoned sections of Delta City where no Heir or Cred would dare to venture.

Adjusting his seating, Billy took one last look at the rising sun before picking up the hoverboard that was his main tool for traversing the skyline of Delta City. The rest of Afterburn would be waking up soon and he'd want to check in with them after last night's 'event'. Elsewhere in the city, there had been reports that a Sk8te courier had been found dead. Couriers always ran a chance of getting arrested for transport of illegal goods, but murder was something not to be taken lightly. Something was amiss.
Hey everyone. It's been lowkey hectic the last few days, but I'm hoping to have the first post go live at some point in the near future (i.e. next 24 hours). To answer a few questions, I'd like to keep things constrained to the three main groups: Sk8te, Heirs, and Creds. That being said, Sk8te is a cabal organization. There are multiple 'factions' of Sk8te within the Megacity, and they each have their own ideologies and principles. They just all refer to themselves as Sk8te like an umbrella term. As for the suggestion of 'Fingers', you can work that into a Cred or a Sk8te member without too much difficultly. I have no problem with more thief-esque characters in any of the main groups, but as stated above, I'm trying to keep things simple for the sake of my own sanity at the moment.

And for the pronunciation question, Sk8te is pronounced just like 'Skate'. The only difference being that I wanted the 8 to be more like a mobius strip, but you can't stylize text on a forum website so... I'm just screwed on that front.
Bumping this tab because I need some more players for upcoming roles (Overseers and 'Evil' Team). Reply and @ me if you are interested.

Rory had been in the middle of talking with Orianna when George interrupted him. Noting the condition that Devastator was in, the older trainer quickly produced a bag from the back of the jeep.

"Lay him on the ground, George!" While the boy complied, Rory searched through the bag until he produced a pink piece of Pokémon food. Moving the food over towards the Bagon's mouth, Devastator sniffed the air and bit down; swallowing the block in one bite. In seconds, the poison marks vanished from Devastator's face and the little dragon was bouncing around as though nothing had happened. With a sigh of relief, Rory fell back against the jeep.

"Pecha Berry laced Pokémon food. Cures the effects of poison just as well as the real thing." Turning to George, Rory gave him a sterner than usual look, "You're going to have to watch out for things like that in the future if you want to make it as a trainer. That goes for you too, Orianna. If I hadn't been here, you'd have had to run back to Mercer..." Taking note of the Pokeballs in the youths' hands, Rory smiled. "But onto something more positive. Congrats to you both on capturing your first partners!

Rory pushed himself upwards and casually tossed Rufflet's pokeball in his hand. "With that out of the way, you're one step closer to becoming full-fledged trainers. If you want to look around the route a bit more, we have a few hours before we have to be in Hesperus City. I want to be there before it starts to get dark and you two still need some battle practice before you can challenge the Overseer." Noting the enthusiasm on their faces, Rory gestured back to the route while he pulled his new partner out of his ball to meet the rest of his team.

Meanwhile in Hesperus City:
A young girl stood by the gates to the city, looking out across the Mercer Foothills that made up Route 1. She had long platinum blonde hair and was dressed in a similar pink getup to what Norah the Overseer typically wore except hers was clearly designed for a younger woman. The sun was just starting to set over the horizon, lighting up Mts. Calagon and Tiamat in brilliant golden hues. Gripping a love ball in her right hand, the girl felt her heart skip a beat as she fantasized about the coming travelers. "I'll be seeing you soon... Rory."

@Crimson Flame @LuckyBlackCat @Mistress Dizzy @Chev
@Fading Memory I imagined it sort of like the image in my original post. Definitely leaning on the noir and neon side of things with the rare cleaner and sleeker buildings which would house the Heirs. Think of it along the lines of actual Cyberpunk 2077 mixed with the parkour/freerunning aesthetics of Mirror's Edge. I hope that makes sense? That's the best idea I can really give at the moment.
Did a quickie update to the map because I screwed up the first time
Go ahead
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