Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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Ok wow so this thread blew up... Seeing how many people are interested (as well as the level of detail you guys are putting in. Thank you btw!) I'm thinking of moving this into the Advanced RP Page. You guys are adding new ideas and worldbuilding that I hadn't considered when typing up this original concept. So if you want to take part, please keep an eye on the advanced rp section rather than casual!

Annnnnnnnd... It's here! I finally managed to make a (very) rough map of the Kaida Region! Please don't judge me too harshly on the design, I have a very rudimentary knowledge of Inkarnate.
@Mistress Dizzy Get Well Soon and take your time. So long as you post, it doesn't matter when.

@Crimson Flame I've been making them up as I go since many of these Pokémon aren't going to be found in the traditional places you may expect them to be and that changes how you might perceive them. Kinda my whole inspiration for this region was to take the standard Pokémon lore and turn it on it's head. I.e. Dragonite being more of a brute or Salamance 'giving up' its dream.

@LuckyBlackCat That actually sounds like a great idea! The only thing I'd suggest is that - rather than being a form - you could make it a third stage evolution for Arbok. Pretty much the pattern I've been going with is: Two Stage Pokemon -> New Evolution Three Stage Pokémon -> Kaidan Form

Annnnnd... Because I mentioned them in this recent post, here is some art I pulled for what our two newest Kaidan Pokémon! Even without custom art I legit LOVE these concepts. I have wanted an actual thunderbird Pokemon for soooo long...
Hmm... Since I'm imagining Route 1 to be a mix of grassland/foothills region (i.e. Colorado Foothills) I'll grant you this: Rattata, Bidoof, Ekans, Geodude, and Spinarak/Rufflet as Rare Encounters.

Rory adjusted the mirrors on the jeep as they drove down the road. "Hesperus City is one of the tamer places you'll find here in the region," he explained. "Yeah the Overseer is..." Rory trailed off as he recalled his rather disastrous first at challenging Norah. "She's a bit on the eccentric side I'll give her that. If you aren't totally prepared then you'll find yourself in a world of hurt. Fortunately, she does take it easy on newer trainers. You should consider yourselves lucky that you never end up staring down her Kingbull. You'd never think that something as small as a Snubbel could turn into something like THAT. Once you do beat her however, our next stop is going to be the Stelto Forest outside of the city. That route is Norah's territory and with her mark you both should be able to catch Pokémon there. But first..."

Rory slowed down the jeep and brought it to an eventual stop. With a smirk, he stepped out and gestured for the two trainers to do the same. With a gesture to the tall grass in front of them Rory produced a set of ten pokeballs from his bag, handing five to each of them. "You're going to need to gather some new allies here on Route 1. I'm trusting you both understand how to do it so I'll spare you the explanation. Right here is a good area to gather your basic grass, rock, and normal-types. If you're lucky you may come across a poison-type as well which would be effective for the battle. Always remember that just because you specialize in one type that you shouldn't limit yourself on what Pokemon you catch."

As Orianna and George took the balls, Rory let his gaze wander over route one. The foothills outside Mercer Town did have a fair bit of variety in the Pokémon you could see. In fact, it would probably be a good idea to catch a few Pokémon of his own. As if on cue, he spotted a rustling in the grass a good distance from him. Leaving the duo on their own, Rory silently crept up on the disturbance and pulled out a Pokeball of his own. With a single swift motion, Rory launched the ball and it soared through the air right as a small Rufflet sprung from the grass. The ball struck it on the forehead and the little bird was converted into light as it found itself being pulled into the pokeball. With a soft 'click' the latch on the pokeball locked shut and Rory's DexWatch beeped to notify him that Rufflet had been registered to his Pokedex!

Rufflet - The Eaglet Pokémon. While many Flying-Type Pokémon have left the mountainous area of the Kaida Region; Rufflet is one of the few who dreams of fighting the dragons and reclaiming its nesting grounds.

"So you're a fighter huh, little buddy? Well then welcome to the team!" Rory smiled at the pokeball as he picked it up.

@Crimson Flame @LuckyBlackCat @Mistress Dizzy @Chev
@KZOMBI3 I forgot to mention, but the dancer idea sounds really cool as well! I honestly imagined most of the Creds working in office or factory like roles, but I never thought of entertainers or recreation so that would actually work really well! Maybe she could be a back-alley doctor for mod surgery? Just an idea.

@Auz Yeah, I'm imagining most will be Sk8te or Sk8te-affiliated. Some stuff I forgot to add in up top would be Tags and mods. So each member of Sk8te would essentially have a callsign for themselves (kind of light a pilot), but it would also come with a holographic graffiti tag. These tags would seem like nonsense to the uninitiated, but they are used to convey messages to other members within the respective cabals.

Also, body modifications are going to play a part in this rp. These would be how some members within Sk8te are capable of moving from the ground of the Megacity to the top. Some may have grapples, or others could use some sort of wall-running tech. The options are pretty open since this is sci-fi, but I'm open to discuss just about anything.
i would be down for sk8te personally but i could make a cred dancer - someone who works closely with sk8te?

Well the fun part of this is you have total freedom with your character.
Ok, I’m actually blown away by how many replies I got so quickly. If I may ask, are there any particular roles or character ideas that interest you specifically? I.e. would you rather rp as a Sk8te member? A Cred? Or and Heir? What about the idea specifically has your attention? I’m using the replies as a means of building up the rp so let me know what you’d like to do!
So... This is a storyline idea that I've been kicking around in my head for awhile and I just decided I might as well throw it out and see if I can get any bites on it. I got the idea for this story years ago when I played Mirror's Edge (and I low-key hated it at the end don't @ me), but I thought I could take the IDEA of Mirror's Edge and improve upon it. I wanted to tell a Cyberpunk style story about a group of characters that end up WAY over their heads. Ideally, this story would deal with some pretty mature themes so 18+ is a given. Violence, Death, Drug use, etc. Anyway... here's the idea!

Following the Corporate Wars of 2085, human society has been re-structured into the the Megacity System. These new Megacities span across impossibly large tracts of land and house around 15 to 20 million people per city. Every Megacity is filled with towering skyscrapers, immense factories, and technological marvels, but they only appear to be beautiful on the surface. The majority of people within the Megacities are corporate workers who live from credit to credit. In addition, everyone is joined by a central computer system called The Net. Each citizen of the Megacities is programmed with a neural brace at birth which allows them to tap into The Net for their day-to-day activities. By using the Net, individuals can access information, contact their peers, and essentially use it as a tool for everyday life.

The Megacities themselves are ruled by the Heirs, descendants of the original corporate CEOs who used their immense wealth and influence to place themselves securely within the Megacity infrastructure. The Heirs largely operate above the law and, in many cases, they dictate policy from the top. Some Heirs are thought to be more decent than others, while there are still some who view the rest of the Megacity crowd as beneath them and they seek to accrue more status and power than their associates.

Next there is the working class. Dubbed, the Creds by members of Sk8te, these are the regular workers who live day by day, going into work and tapping into the Net in order to receive their next credit-check for the week. There's nothing bad about this lifestyle, but it's thought to be incredibly boring doing the same thing day in and day out with no difference.

Finally, there are the members of Sk8te. Sk8te is a cabal organization that operates within the Megacities. While it's origins are a mystery, Sk8te is comprised of individuals who choose to live apart from the regulated and controlled life of the Megacity system. By having their neural braces removed, Sk8te members live apart from society, choosing personal freedom over the security provided by the system. While there is no organized leadership for Sk8te, each district of the Megacity has its own group of Sk8te members and a tenuous peace runs between them. Sk8te members are known for their freerunning skills and they are also quite capable on standard transportation such as hoverboards, bikes, and scooters.

The only interaction most people have with the Sk8te organization is through their courier service. Sk8te members have a reputation for traversing the Megacities unseen - whether by ground or across the skyline - which makes them a perfect service for transporting illegal items or contraband across the city. If you have enough credits it's not too hard to hire a Sk8te member to transport your goods across the city. If you are caught meeting with a Sk8te member however, it's considered a crime by the Megacity as dictated by the Heirs.

So that's the basic setup. The story I have in mind would be a sort of Pulp Fiction sort of thing where a standard courier assignment gets botched and the members of the cabal have to band together and recover the item that was taken only for it to be revealed as much more important than they initially thought and it leads them on a path to expose a major member of the upper class of the Megacity. Reply below or DM me if you're interested in this idea!
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