Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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@Mistress Dizzy@Chev Apologies for that. I'm working to streamline the RP so I can get to you guys quicker! I planned this really poorly so I hope you'll bear with me. Also, I was thinking it would be cool to keep you guys more actively involved in the story if you wanted to make trainers for yourselves? I.e. you could be a different group of trainers who are trying to reach the summit for their own reasons, you could play as evil team members/admins, etc. I feel kinda bad keeping you locked to the Overseer roles when they are going to show up and likely won't have a ton of appearances after everyone else moves on...

Rory watched the two trainers with a satisfied smile, "They're good kids," he muttered to himself. Even if they were inexperienced, he could already tell they were going to do well as trainers. Turning to his own pokeball, Rory gave it a toss and out popped Rufflet. The little bird looked around in confusion before it saw Rory kneeling down to offer it some food. Rufflet cawed as it hesitantly accepted the offering.

"There you go, Little Guy," Rory said softly. "Now that you're part of the team, we're going to have to train you up a bit. How a bout you show me what you're made of?" At the prospect of a battle, the little bird suddenly fluffed up its feathers in an attempt to look more menacing. "That's what we like to see! Now... How about?" Rory grabbed Dragonair's ball from his belt and sent it out to face Rufflet. Upon seeing the dragon, a strange look came into Rufflet's eyes.

"Ruff!" The bird shrieked. Suddenly, the feathers on the bird's head all began to stand up on end as electricity flowed between them. Rory watched in awe as Rufflet shot forward, letting off a Spark right into Dragonair's chest. Dragonair let off a surprised grunt as the Rufflet slammed into him. The dragon quickly recoiled and slapped Rufflet with his tail. Rory couldn't help but be amazed at the strength of his new Pokémon.

"I guess the Dex wasn't joking when it said Rufflet's line doesn't like Dragon Pokémon..." Rory muttered as he watched the battle with interest. He called commands to both Pokémon while they trained together, but Rufflet didn't seem to listen. It was solely focused on its assault on Dragonair. Dragonair, in turn, swatted Rufflet's attacks away and attacked when there was an opening. Rory and his Pokémon kept this pattern going while George and Orianna gathered Pokémon and built up their teams. After an hour or so had passed, the sun had begun its descent over the horizon. Rufflet, breathing heavily, collapsed on the ground. Rorry clapped as he walked over and picked it off the ground, "You put up quite a fight, Rufflet! I think you're going to fit in perfectly!" Dragonair meanwhile, slid up to his trainer and nuzzled Rufflet's head, only to receive a peck against one of it's unprotected scales.

"We are going to have to work on the aggression though," said Rory as Dragonair growled. He looked up to see George and Orianna returning from their excursion across the route. "Ready to head to Hesperus?"

@Crimson Flame @LuckyBlackCat @Mistress Dizzy @Chev
In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Auz Ooh! Very nice character. I hadn't considered massive apartment blocks before but it totally makes sense given how the Megacity is structured! Good on you. Also, you reminded me I should probably get a proper map made of all the major naeighborhoods/districts. Anyone know where I can either make/get one made?
In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Whenever y’all are ready, you can start posting in the IC forum
In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@kersel It’s been a considerable length of time. I didn’t give a year at first so I’ll say at least a century to 150 years since 2085 when the wars began.
In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Zim0cron That sounds good to me! They could actually be the cell that built the Sk8teNet (Check Billy's page for context)
Just doing a quick bump to see how people are doing. Hopefully y'all are still interested in this story! Haha! Also, I'm trying to expand the character roster, but the people on the interest board don't seem to want to bite anymore despite bumping it. I know some of you are doing other Pokemon RPs here on the site so if you know anyone who'd be interested in an Overseer or Team Star role, lmk.
In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Sounds good to me. If you’ve been approved, just move your character over into the characters tab when it’s finished/finalized. You are still free to edit information after the fact since I’m still fleshing out Billy’s character bio. I just wanted a basic outline for people to follow at first.
In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
All the characters looks great so far! My one suggestion would be to anyone playing Sk8te members, if you are introducing a new cell into the mix, try to include a short blurb about your character’s cell (I.e. the background, what they are known for, type of people in the cell). I don’t want to flood the forum so this way if people see a cell they like or identify with, they can have their character in that cell instead of making a whole new one.

@Lucky the cloak doesn’t sound like a problem to me. My thoughts there are maybe it’s a work in progress sort of thing? Like, Verse has a basic version at the start of the rp and it advances over the course of the story as it gets more high stakes?
First post is live, people! You can find it here! -> roleplayerguild.com/topics/188481-sk8… Just follow the instructions on the 0th posts and you'll have everything you need to get started. Otherwise, just @ me in the OOC tab if you have questions.
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