Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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@Mistress Dizzy she was up on the wall watching everything. I’m assuming she’s walked down to the car at this point.
Name: Darlene King
Gender: Female
Age: 22

Personality: Being the daughter of the Fairy-Type Overseer, it seemed only natural that Darlene picked up the same bubbly, whimsical nature as her mother. She sometimes has the tendency to get lost in her own personal fairy-tales, but many mistake that daydreaming as airheadedness, which couldn't be further from the truth. Despite her cheery nature, Darlene has a reputation for being a fierce battler, befitting her position as the next Hesperus Overseer, and she carries a fierce temper if anyone harms those she considers 'precious'.

Appearance: Darlene has a striking appearance; bearing the same bright blonde hair and grey eyes as her mother. Thanks to being a model for Venus Threads, Darlene typically dresses in very 'chic' clothes when she's inside Hesperus City. When she's out travelling however, she isn't afraid to dress in more outdoorsy attire and get her hands dirty.

Background: Like her mother, Darlene is descended from an ancient line of kings that once ruled the Kaida region, effectively making her a 'princess'. This has caused her to imagine her life as a literal fairy-tale and dub the people around her with various terms such as "prince" or "noble steed". When Rory Bennett first arrived in Hesperus city, he struggled to defeat Darlene's mother Norah in a battle after which Darlene slipped him a Poison Barb to help even the odds during a rematch. Afterwards, she misinterpreted Rory's thanks as a proposal and has since fallen in love with him. Her 'ace' Pokémon is a Galarian Rapidash she caught as a Ponyta on an overseas trip with her mother in the Galar Region.

Darlene laughed as she spun around, "I'm Darlene Kingsley! Surely Rory has told you about me? Like how he said he'd marry me if I helped him defeat my mom in a Pokémon battle?" Darlene couldn't help but snicker a bit as all eyes in the car turned on Rory. The young man's face had turned a beet red upon the reveal of this particular piece of information.

"Ugh..." Rory tried to pick his words carefully. "Can we continue this conversation inside the city please? It's getting late and we'll need to get checked in at the Pokémon Center for a place to stay tonight."

"No need!" Darlene piped up. "The Professor already called ahead so Mom and I are putting you up at our place tonight! Can't say no now, Rory!" Before Rory could say anything, Darlene hopped into the passenger's seat of the jeep and waved off the 'guards', "You can let us through, these three are guests of the Overseer."

"Of course, your highness," said the guard as he signaled up to the top of the wall. The gates to the city clanked open as Rory pulled the car through. Turning to Orianna and George, Darlene held out a hand, "Nice to meet the both of you! I can't wait to see if you guys and beat my mom. Hopefully you brought more than one Pokémon. Unlike someone." Rory's face only got redder as Darlene cast a sideways glance at him. From outside, an older woman's laugh could be heard; Rory recognizing it as the unmistakable sound of the Hesperus Overseer.

@Crimson Flame @LuckyBlackCat @Mistress Dizzy
@Crimson Flame Thought I might see you here ;)
Had this idea awhile back and just thought I'd put it out and see if anyone bites? For the quick summary, consider this a mashup of Pokémon Conquest, ReBurst, and the Battle Bond from XY.

The Setup-
In the distant past of the Pokémon World, there exists a region where humans and their Pokémon are one and the same, quite literally. In this region, warriors that are able to achieve the greatest of bonds with their Pokémon are blessed with the power of the Unity Phenomenon. With this phenomenon, the trainer and the Pokémon share their power and the trainer is enveloped with a powerful armor in the guise of their respective partner. With this newfound 'armor', the trainer is then capable of fighting alongside their partner in combat for a brief period of time. Those that achieve this strange power are summoned to the kingdom capital and are to be trained as the Pokémon Knights.

However... there are those who seek to use this blessing for their own gain. A dark force has appeared within the kingdom and it threatens to upturn the quiet and usually peaceful lives of the people. In desperation, a team of young knights and their partner Pokémon are sent on an adventure through the region to find and defeat the forces that would threaten the kingdom and it's people.

A little generic to start I know, but I only really started putting this idea to paper recently. The idea of humans fighting with Pokemon has always fascinated me and while ReBurst was... an attempt at this idea, I think I can do it justice and deliver a cool, slightly more adult version of this concept and in a way that keeps the spirit of Pokemon as a core concept.

Also, I got the idea for this rp from this really slick piece of concept art someone made. If anyone who wants to join is an artist, I'd love to come up with more armor concepts and keep fleshing this idea out over time.

EDIT: Hey, finally doing those edits I promised! So... here's our setup.

The name of our setting is the Rallen Region. Located somewhere between Kalos and Galar, the Rallen Region is home to House Aegis, a monarchy that stretches back to time immemorial. The monarchy is ruled by a King and Queen, with a group of Ministers overseeing the various aspects of the region (War, Foreign and Domestic Affairs, Currency, Agriculture, etc.). Outside of the nobility, many people in Rallen lead simple lives as either farmers or artisans. However... if a child is discovered to be capable of the Unity Phenomenon (A trait possessed by less than 5% of the Populus) they are sought out and are offered the chance to become a Knight of House Aegis. By accepting, the children are quickly enrolled into the Knight's Academy where they are paired with a Partner Pokémon (If they haven't created a bond already) and are trained in the military arts to defend and protect both the royals and the people of the Rallen region.

The Unity Phenomenon typically manifests around 10-15 years of age although later cases are occasionally reported. Training at the academy typically takes about five years, and students are expected to perform duties as Knights while still enrolled. While these years are brutal in terms of training, the rewards of Knighthood greatly outweigh the costs and it's considered a mark of status to even have a family member who becomes a Knight.
Sorry. Just spent 2 hours getting home from work. They shut down the fucking highway

Ugh... I know that feeling. Tyt. I know that's frustrating as hell.
In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Is anyone else gonna post or should I keep this rp moving forward??
Doing a bump
Well I made sure to include you in the scene so feel free to jump in!
Had to vanish for a few days due to job ramping up. New post is up.
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