Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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Eventually, the gates of Hesperus City could be seen just over the horizon. Hearing gasps from the backseat reminded Rory this was easily the kids' first time leaving Mercer Town. Hesperus would seem like a whole new world to them. The town had supposedly stood for hundreds of years and had been - at one point - the center of an ancient kingdom that ruled over the region! As a result, the town looked more like a fortress than a town. A large stone wall had been built around the city with massive gates at the north and south entrances. From the battlements, a group of performers could sometimes be seen dressed in costume and mimicking the ancient guardsmen of old. Inside the wall however, the town was actually quite modernized. Due to a limited space, buildings were continually being refurbed and re-built in order to keep them habitable in a modern era. In fact, this anachronistic nature had come to be one of the city's most defining features!

"Here we are," said Rory as the jeep finally pulled up to the gates. A nearby performer dressed in a guard's costume stepped over to the car and sternly asked for the group's 'purpose' within the city. Rory laughed and, after explaining the gimmick to his passengers, was about to answer when a sudden cry from above interrupted them.

"He's here to marry me! Isn't that right, Rory?" From atop the stone wall, the group could see a young girl with a pink varsity jacket draped over her shoulders. Suddenly, she jumped off the wall; the sleeves of the jacket billowing out like wings. Oddly enough, the girl landed on the ground with barely an impact and a big smile spread across her face, "Oh I just KNEW you were going to come back for me, my prince!"

From inside the car, Rory placed a hand over his face, "Hey, Darlene..." He muttered. He should have figured the Professor would call ahead. From up on the wall, the head of Norah, the Hesperus City Overseer, peeked over as well.

@Crimson Flame @LuckyBlackCat @Mistress Dizzy @Chev
In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Tellukka Yeah, I saw it. To anyone who hasn't yet, consider this post a mass-approval. If I didn't comment anything, then I likely already approved it and forgot to actually post about it.
In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@OddApproved I think Klaus overalln fit into the setting. If you want to keep the assassin route, I think that’s a perfectly serviceable idea, but I doubt it’d be his main business.
In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@OddApproved Ok so... the Sk8te member could use a little work. I'm not sure I was super clear about this, but members of Sk8te are not the people to have 'official' businesses. It's literally impossible for them to normally function in Delta City because of their lack of Net Bracers which are required for even the most basic of functions. They aren't connected to the one thing that makes living in the Megacities possible (I.e. The Net). The courier service thing is just something that sort of 'happened' over time. Outside of that, Sk8te members don't have jobs and their universal mantra is living life rather than spending each waking day working a job or being controlled by a computer system.

That being said, the Heir looks great! I could definitely see that character work. Oki could probably use some more sci-fi elements to fit in the cyberpunk world, but outside of that she looks really good.
@Suicharte Hey there! Welcome to RoleplayerGuild! So psyched to see my silly idea was enough to get you invested. If you want to discuss roles, feel free to DM me and I can let you know what spots are open.
@King Cosmos Yes I’m still looking for people to fill some roles. I’ve been dealing with some irl drama so the last day has been me playing catch up with others forums I neglected.
In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Fading Memory I'm not in any rush. Things have been hectic on my end as well. tbf I'm not the most satisfied with my own writing on this one at the start so don't feel too worried. I'm hoping to improve as I go along since this is my first real foray into this world and everyone has their own ideas they want to bring into it as well so I'm trying to strike the happy medium.

Name: Nick Hayes
Age: 32
Outfit: Nick typically wears his DPA uniform which consists of a white button down shirt, flak pants, combat boots, and a bomber jacket

Bio: Nick was never one to stand out in the crowd. As a child he hated drawing attention to himself and would often be the loner of the group. As a result, he grew up without many close friends in his life and burying his nose in books and the like. Eventually, he took up a temp job working in a county courthouse where he had the unfortunate luck to run into a class-3 roaming spirit. In this case, it was the soul of a convict who'd been sentenced to death within the courthouse. Nick was saved at the last minute by a DPA officer who, rather than wipe Nick's memory, saw his potential as a member of the force and recruited him to join the secretive organization. Now, Nick works as one of the main officers for the DPA and is a decorated ghost hunter.

Weapons: Nick's weapon of choice is the S.E.E.K.R. a high-powered revolver that fires specialized soul-killing bullets that eradicate a spirit from both the astral plane as well as our world. In addition, he carries a variety of tools depending on the type of ghost he is dealing with. (I.E. holy water, wooden stakes, sanctified steel, etc.)
"I wouldn't worry too much. This is just gonna be a routine extermination," Nick said with a sigh as the car began to slow to a halt. "I've tangled with Goblins before. The only time they were ever a problem was the Hopkinsville Incident, and the upper brass want to make sure that NEVER happens again." Getting out of the car, Nick proceeded to open the trunk and withdrew some items they'd need for the upcoming extermination. Among them, he grabbed a clip-board and a forged U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service badge. He then turned to approach the house, flipping a signal for Thea to turn invisible. If the people in the house proved uncooperative, standard procedure would have Thea possess them to comb their memory and then wipe it once they had the information they needed.

When he reached the door, Nick gave it a stiff knock that echoed in the darkness of the night. After several moments, a middle aged woman pulled the door open partway. She had a frail build and mousy brown hair pulled back into a bun. Nick smiled as he flashed the badge that he'd tacked to his shirt.

"Good evening, Miss. Sorry to bother you at this late hour, but I'm with the Fish and Wildlife Service. There was an issue involving an oil spill a few miles south of here and it's causing some of the animals in the area to migrate. We're just running a survey to see if you've noticed anything... unusual in the last few days?" Based on her expression, Nick wasn't altogether sure she was buying his story, but he hoped the official-looking nature of the badge and clipboard could make up for his explanation.
In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@StrangerThingsLeena is approved! Welcome to Sk8te
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