Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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@Mistress Dizzy you are more than welcome to jump on and/or use your own Pokémon if you have one. XD At this point, I’m just trying to keep the plot moving forward.

"You don't need to be so formal with my mom and me," explained Darlene as she saw Orianna bowing. "The whole royal thing is just ancestry. At this point, we're as regular people as you. Well... about as regular as you can get when you represent a major fashion chain and your mom is the Overseer." As the kids sent out their Pokemon, Darlene marveled at each one.

"Wow! Your partners are so cute! Let me introduce mine!" Producing a set of Love Balls from within her jacket, Darlene threw them in the air, "Come on out, my attendants!" Each ball opened in mid-air and from each of them appeared a Galarian Rapidash, a Granbull, and a Sylveon.

"These are my friends: Grani, Arthur, and Eris," she pointed at each of the Pokémon respectively. "These three have been with me forever, and they'll be the bulk of my team when I replace my mom as Overseer." Darlene saw Norah giving her an odd look and she playfully threw her hands up, "Of course I'll challenge you for it first!"

As the group discussed getting a tour of the city before heading over to the Kingsley residence, there was a sudden sound of commotion coming from the center of town. Out of nowhere, both Norah and Darlene's DexWatches began ringing. As they opened the communication app, a man's voice could be heard, "Ms. Kingsley, are you there?! There's a robbery in progress at our main store in Hesperus! Officer Jenny is en route, but we could use the Overseer's help!"

Looking to the group, Darlene gave an apologetic look, "You'll have to excuse us I'm afriad. This is something we have to take care of first!" Returning Arthur and Eris to their balls, Darlene hopped on Grani's back, "Grani, ExtremeSpeed!" The Rapidash took off at blinding speed, leaving a trail of light in its wake.


At the Venus Threads store, there was a strange group of individuals currently in the process of gathering... winter clothes? A group of thieves, all dressed in a black paramilitary garb, were moving through the store gathering any items that might be needed for a long trek into a cold climate. Among them were an unusually tall man, and a young boy.

@Crimson Flame@LuckyBlackCat@Mistress Dizzy@Suicharte@King Cosmos@Chev
Really I didn't plan for a "Prince" character to be involved so... *shrugs*?
Bumping because I finally started making the edits.
@LuckyBlackCat it’s a cool concept, but I already had someone interested in the role of Overseer for Zhivegas actually.
@DuthguyI can’t tell if you’re being serious right now and I want to know more about this anti-Weaville law.
@Duthguy I don't see why it wouldn't. Since this rp would operate on anime logic, Pikachu could beat a Raichu, lol.
@Dark Cloud I’m imagining this is in the Kalos/Galar section of the Pokeworld. Idk if I want to do a whole new region or just fuse the two since this is based on a western fantasy rather than an eastern version like Conquest.
Sorry it's a short one this time, but Rory won't have much to do for the time being so it'll be faster if he's not around for a hot minute.

Rory breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the out, "Yes you can, Norah. I actually have some personal business to take care of in the city. I'm sure you already know if the Professor called?" He said that last part with an oddly serious note. Rory gestured for the trainers to exit the car, "Norah will take care of you three for the time being. I'd love to watch the battle, but unfortunately I do have another job to attend to. Call me on the DexWatch if you two need anything alright?" Rory pointed to his DexWatch and pulled off. Norah and Darlene were nice enough to be around, but he'd need to be alone for this next part of the job.

Once there was a decent distance between himself and the group, Rory felt his DexWatch vibrating and accepted the call, putting the caller on speaker as he drove, "Hello? Yes, I arrived in Hesperus. I'm going to the Office now. You're joking right? I already did it once.... ugh fine. It's only six this time right? Alright..."

@Crimson Flame @LuckyBlackCat @Mistress Dizzy
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