@Ambrathat’s honestly perfect. I’m more than happy to work around it. Cinderace was going to be my second choice for an Ace Pokémon anyway.
I want to say this isnt forgotten. This was a tentative check at how much interest there would be in the setting at all.
In the next few days ill be working on an outline for the first leg of our adventure, the approach to Reverse Mountain. On the way we will visit several islands allowing people to join in the crew and the rp as their own irl schedules allow. If you want an explicit introduction to the crew message me and well fit it in.
I am leaning towards West Blue because of its adjacency to the New World, we could have a bit wilder origins and power scaling. Also plenty of stories to write in the Blue where the Library of Ohara once stood.
Ill also have a working CS template in that same time frame.
I plan on having both a pirate character and a marine character that chases the crew from time to time. I may potentially not even be the captain if someone has a strong enough pitch.
I know my Pirate's goal is as an explorer/scholar/biologist. He wants to see and catalogue life all over the planet and the grandline.