Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
11 mos ago
11 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.
"Your first mistake was assuming that Normal types were weak! Let's fly, Striker!"
Full Name: Harry Kleinberg
Age: 17
Favorite Color: Silver
Favorite Subject: History
Favorite Teacher: Ms. Raifort
Appearance: Harry's appearance is pretty basic. When he's not attending classes Harry typically sports a simple t-shirt, jeans, a hoodie, and running shoes. If he's out exploring, he typically wears his 'lucky' Unova Pokémon League hat. Both to keep the sun off his face and to remind him of home. When attending classes, Harry likes to wear a modified version of the Papas Academy Spring uniform; trading out the suspenders for a canvas belt and occasionally switching between sandals and running shoes.
Despite his seemingly lean physique, he has a surprising amount of muscle. This is due to his many years of outdoor activities such as camping, rock climbing, and rafting he did as part of his job as a research fellow. Other items of note are a Tera Orb he keeps stowed in his backpack for when battles crop up, a modified Xtransceiver on his left wrist, and his personal copies of both the Scarlet and Violet books.
Personality: Harry is best characterized as a 'kid who swallowed a textbook'. His biggest passion is studying and learning new things about the world: specifically history. Whenever he finds a situation to share anything he's learned, Harry sometimes can't stop himself from spitting out information like rapid-fire. While you may think Harry is a shut-in bookworm, this can't be further from the truth. Rather than keep himself closed up in a library, Harry loves getting out into the world and seeing all the things he's studied and learned about. He secretly hopes that he'll make a 'great discovery' of his own one day.
While Harry enjoys studying and doesn't mind being on his own, he also hates being alone. Due to an event a few years ago, he's always had a bad habit of pushing away people he finds himself becoming close to. Deep down, he fears being betrayed so he mentally puts up barriers in order to prepare himself for the eventual hurt. He doesn't like this part of himself, but it's something he's come to accept. However, if Harry believes a person can be trusted, he's as loyal to them as 'an Emboar that knew Return' as his dad would say.
Besides this, Harry also has an uncanny talent for adaptability. Much like his type, he has a wide variety of - often unusual - skills and abilities that he has picked up throughout his life. He typically tries to do everything himself if he can manage it, but he knows when he needs to call for help; even if he doesn't like it.
Backstory: Hailing from Nacrene City in the Unova region, Harry's childhood wasn't the happiest. His father passed when he was young and his mother was a Pokémon League official who dreamed of her son becoming champion one day; making him get into battling from a young age. She even went out of her way to procure a Rufflet so that he'd have a powerful Braviary when he grew up. While he enjoyed battling, Harry hated the pressure he was under and often found himself retreating into books for his own escapism. When his mom realized Harry wasn't going to become a top-tier trainer, she essentially abandoned her son and began leaving home to travel for work.
Resenting his mother for leaving him, Harry eventually fell in with a bad crowd. Some delinquents from the Nacrene School peer pressured him into joining their gang. One night, after a failed heist of the local PokeMart, the gang decided to abandon Harry to the police and escape without him. Because of his clean record - and the fact that he technically hadn't committed a crime due to being lookout - the judge let Harry off with a warning and community service in the Nacrene Museum.
This 'punishment' turned out to be a blessing in disguise because it's where Harry got to meet Lenora, the local gym leader. While hesitant to trust her initially, her warm motherly persona won Harry over and the two bonded quickly. Harry enjoyed his time working at the museum and it reignited his old passion for books and learning. Soon after his service was up Lenora hired Harry on as a junior research fellow and he became an official employee of the museum; even getting to assist on expeditions around the Unova region! Lenora became something of a surrogate mother figure to Harry and a trusted friend. In fact, it was Lenora herself that recommended Harry for a spot at Papas Academy!
Shortly after his 17th birthday, Lenora explained there had been at opening at Papas Academy in the Paldea Region. Despite the prestigious nature of the school, Harry was reluctant to leave the Nacrene museum and the friends he made there. That all changed when Lenora revealed she had a cousin in the Paldea region. A master archeologist by the name of Raifort who was even more skilled than her! On the day he was set to leave, the museum had a going away party for Harry where they presented him with copies of the Scarlet and Violet books; documenting the history of the new region he was about to step into.
Now, Harry is eagerly awaiting the announcement of the Treasure Hunt. He'd recently uncovered information regarding an ancient 'legend' of the Paldea region and four super powerful Pokémon that were said to be sealed away in the four corners of the region. Armed with his knowledge and exploration skills, Harry is certain these Pokémon will be the "great treasure" he is looking for!
Pokémon: Rufflet Nickname: Striker Personality: Striker is an incredibly loyal friend to Harry and - much like his trainer - shows an unusual love of studying that is uncommon in his species. Whereas most Rufflet love to battle and prepare to evolve, Striker enjoys taking things at his own pace and learning how to battle effectively rather that just brute force his way through a problem. However, Striker sometimes gets a little too eager and rushes into new plans and tactics without thinking. Ability: Hustle
Pokémon: Teddiursa Nickname: Moony Personality: Moony likes to sleep A LOT. A Pokémon that Harry discovered during a trip to the Entralink, most trainers that meet him observe that Moony is something of an oddity. In fact, Harry doesn't even remember how he caught Moony; just 'an unusual dream' and he was there. Regardless, Moony is quite attached to Harry and enjoys using his trainer as a pillow when not battling. Ability: Pickup
Pokémon: Cyclizar Nickname: Rotor Personality: Rotor is a more temperamental Pokémon than the rest of Harry's team. He rarely listens to his trainer in battle and is more often used by Harry for transport across Paldea. However, even this is problematic as Rotor likes to dash off without regard to where his trainer wants to go. He stays in his ball most of the time... Ability: Shed Skin Add more as you catch them
Quirks: - Harry doesn't like ghost Pokémon. He doesn't even own a Rotom phone. To get around this, he modified his old Xtransceiver to work with current technology. Now it can access the Pokedex and transfer League Points! - The Fairy-type makes no sense to Harry. This is largely due to Unova being 'behind' on more recent developments in Pokémon research, but he refuses to believe that Fairy-types exist. - Harry is secretly fascinated by the Great Crater of Paldea because of its similarities to the Entralink of Unova. He wonders if the two share some sort of connection?
Relationships: What your character thinks about the other characters in the RP. You can leave this section blank for now, and fill it in as you go. You are also welcome to discuss with members out of character as to whether or not your characters know each other prior to the start of the RP.
@Nyahahameha I know it's meant to be thematic, but considering Meloetta is a mythical Pokémon it's not likely something an average trainer would own right at the start (Also, Pirouette form is only seen when Meloetta uses the move Relic Song which you didn't technically list as a known move so...). If you want another music-themed Pokémon to be your partner, you still have a wide variety of options. Technically, Quaxly's line would be a perfect fit since it's water/fighting.
1. The ‘Starter’ in this sense is whatever Pokémon your character first met/partnered with.
2. Yes. In fact please do this. I just forgot to include a space for it because I’m a dunce at writing character sheets and I was seriously exhausted after a long day and forgot to include it.
3. This is totally your choice, but I did include the ‘favorite color’ option if you want to do so. Plus, it’ll help to recognize your dialogue when it appears.