Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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I’m definitely down for some Digimon RP. I will say though if you’re going for Cyber Sleuth vibes, instead of using phones, the game could be what the digivice’s are for in this story.

You could even spice it up like CS and have different FORMS of digivices. Like how the CS protags used goggles for their digivices and the HM protags had a visor.

"Well..." Harry produced his map and gestured to where he'd marked out the tombs. "Our best chance is to start in the South Province. If I did these translations right, finding the tombs is only half the challenge. Once we find them, we'll have to 'break the seals' which I've only found a few vague references to is Ms. Raifort's notes. Something about the 'Black Spikes'." Harry looked up to see Renata looking over the map with a vested interest. She at least seemed genuine about wanting to help which caused Harry's nerves to settle by the slightest bit. He was about to continue when they were interrupted by a shout coming from across the terrace atop Mezagoza. The Normal and Ghost trainers looked up just in time to see a girl fall off a Tropius' neck and crash on top of... Adam.

Harry debated leaving the girl to her fate of being annoyed by the brash trainer when his morality won out. "Hold on," he said before setting down his map and rushing over to Jordan. "I just saw you fall, are you ok? You had a pretty nasty drop from your Tropius." When he finally got a good look, Harry recognized her as a fellow student. "Oh hey. Jordan right? I think we have advanced Pokemon Bio with Professor Jacq?" He caught Adam shooting him an annoyed look since he'd been the one knocked to the ground. "Oh, are you alright too, Adam? Of course, I'm sure it'd take more than that to injure that hard head of yours?" Harry chuckled awkwardly at his joke while Striker buried his face in his wing. Moony meanwhile, had climbed onto his trainer's back and had elected to sleep with his head on Harry's shoulder. At hearing his trainer's voice, the little Teddiursa blearily opened its eyes and looked at the gathered trainers in total confusion, "Ursa...?

Judging by the look in Adam's eyes, Harry could tell he was embarrassed by him suddenly popping in. Deciding to bail before things got anymore awkward, Harry felt a grin spreading across his face, "Well... It seems like everyone is totally fine here so I'll juuuuuuuuuuust get going. Gotta start my Treasure Hunt after all! Good luck with yours!" As Harry was about to turn away, he felt a hand clamp down on his shoulder. It seemed as though he wasn't getting out without a battle...
Sees a Megaman Battle Network Rp… 👀

I’m totally down! I’ve even got Navi ideas! 😁
@Mae Currently traveling this weekend for a wedding and don’t have access to my computer. I’ll try and have my CS copy/pasted if I get a moment, but I should have something proper on Monday at the latest.
@Mae So about the magic. I know I said Rallis can use it, but it’s to a VERY limited extent. It’s not that he’s studied or had any proper training, it’s just something he does like a reflex. I wanted to incorporate it into his stealth as he’d have some sort of camouflage ability, and possible being able to manipulate the flight of his arrows (perhaps wind or just changing trajectory. I’ll leave that up to you)
Where I live changed slightly to squatting in toolshed Wormwood calls woodbox.

Sheesh how many of us are just various stages of hobo? 🤣

Is that not what most fantasy stories are? Adventure hobos?
@TheNoCoKid maybe Rall has come across Wormwood in the woods before and after realizing he is not a threat he come out every do often to check up on the dumb little lizard? Lol

@Dark Cloud Honestly I could see Rallis and Wormwood having some fun interactions. Like, if Wormwood is good at finding things (I.e. arrow materials or tracking his targets), Rallis could “pay” him in food or other stuff to keep him going. It’d be less like a sidekick and more a paid partnership since Rallis could also supply Wormwood with stuff from the Hamlet or possibly give him an alternate residence in his cabin. 😜

So... I think I fused Legolas and Spike Spiegal and this was the result. Lmk if he's approved!
@TheNoCoKid awesome, welcome aboard! What sort of characters are you leaning towards?

I thought it could be fun to do either a ranger or a mage sort of character? Like the ranger would be a village hunter who hunts in the nearby woods, and joins the guild because hunting monsters/criminals would be better pay.

The mage would be more like a classic “Isekai hero” type character who is a farmhand or something and discovers he has latent magical potential. Personally I’m a fan of magic systems where each character is adept at one form of magic. Makes it all more unique.
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